Beast Wars
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New Faces, New Places


- Sinead and Dinobot were a match made in heaven, or so it seemed. Rattrap, however, had long ago given up upon finding the "Perfect Girl." That is, until he met . . . her . . .


Hold On

At a glance, you would think that Rattrap was as messy as his room seemed to portray. That he had no tact whatsoever. But, if you looked upon his desk, you would see that he was a deeper person than you would have first thought.



- "Smile, smile little chatterbox/Quiet your mind/Words cannot describe love . . ." -Translation of "Ikiru Ashita (Living Tomorrow)," original song written by the author. And it's true. Within silence you can understand love more than if you try to capture it with words.



Fear means to be scared of something, usually something that you don't understand. Death is high of many people's lists of fears, Rattrap's included. 
Although when a fear is shared with someone who you can rely upon, that could alleviate it somewhat.



Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

 - Tripping, stumbling, falling towards a fate where heartache is inevitable, Sapphire grieves for Rattrap. And yet . . . he always would be there to catch her just in time.




- The mind has a tendency to drift over memories that you hardly wish to think about. But then again . . . to be with one who understand those memories, and who can help you though them, well . . .it's something to enjoy.


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