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By: Sinead

Author’s Note: Don’t own the song, don’t own the singer, don’t own Beast Wars, don’t own Sapphire . . . but I own me. Meh. I like that. Too bad that I don’t own Dinobot . . . eh . . . he wouldn’t like that, anyway . . . =^_^=

Give me release 

Witness me

It had been an especially rough day. Her sibling had been acting up again, and, as a result, both were grounded after the argument had been broken up by their parents. Luckily, Sapphire’s computer hadn’t been a part of the punishment. She was able to write, and write she did, with furious motions.


I am outside 

Give me peace

Rattrap heard the keys on the laptop being pounded at, and stopped what he had been working upon, to look over at the teenaged girl. Her face was flushed with anger, and a determined look was upon her face.

After a moment, he went back to fixing the bug he was planning upon planting on one of the Predacons, in a "chance" meeting, to find out what Megatron was planning next. The Transmetal knew better than to interrupt someone’s anger. He had nearly been killed one too many times by Dinobot, and had broken that habit quickly.


Heaven holds a sense of wonder 

And I wanted to believe

Five minutes later, a new sound was heard. Rattrap looked back through the mirror, and saw her. He knew that now was the time to go to her. Timing was everything. After silently going through the mirror, he brushed his hand over her hair, and asked quietly, "C’mon, a pretty girl like you, cryin’ like dis? It ain’t happenin’. The world should end for putting ’ya through misery."

Despite herself, Sapphire smiled, and latched onto his waist.


That I'd get caught up 

When the rage in me subsides

Rattrap smiled, and tried not to get his hands tangled in her hair, as he played with a strand. "It’s been a while since I’ve had a dame cryin’ on me."

"Don’t let it get to your head."

Rattrap chuckled at the muffled words, and moved so that he could sit against the desk. Sapphire immediately placed herself in his lap, surprising him, but causing him to smile, nonetheless. She rested her head on his shoulder, giving Rattrap the feeling that he should keep quiet, and just comfort her.


In this white wave I am sinking 

In this silence

Slowly, she began trusting him, telling him about the day, and the challenges in it, that had defeated her. He sighed. "Kid, nuthin’ will defeat ’ya. Not when you have me around."

"But you’re not always here."

He smiled, chuckled, and hugged her playfully. "’Ya know dat all ’ya gotta do is come through da mirror. If I ain’t dere, den leave a note or sumthin’. I’ll come ta ’ya as soon as I can. Dat, or tell one of da Maximals dat you were dere. Pop Ops knows dat you’ve been around, anyhow."

"Why would you do something like that for me?"

Rattrap blinked down at her. "Why wouldn’t I?"


In this white wave

In this silence I believe

She couldn’t look at him. "Well . . ."

"Sapph, c’mon, look at me. Why wouldn’t I keep my door open for you? Well . . . y’know what I mean, right?" He sighed, and rested his cheek against her forehead, and said, "Scale-face wouldn’t have accepted that, either."

"I never said no."

"Well, he woulda said somethin’ like what you said."


Passion chokes the flower 

'Till she cries no more

Sapphire looked at the bot again, and wrapped her arms around his neck. He sighed, and she whispered, "What was he like? I don’t really know how he really was, since Sinead’s gentled him."

"He was simply da most neurotic, idiotic, obsessive warrior I’ve ever met in a long while." Rattrap paused, then tapped his chin, thinking. "Or dat could be da reasons we got along so well."


Possessing all the beauty 

Hungry still for more

"But what was he like? You know, before . . ."

"Da valley? Sullen, withdrawn . . . but thoughtful. ’E wasn’t at peace with ’imself. I think dat da only times dat da Choppuhface was really peaceful, was when that human girl came to him, talked with him, ’ya know? Rhinox knew about her, but he kept her a secret from everyone. I don’t blame him. I woulda gone and tried to find out who she was, what she was doin’ around my pal and why."


I can't help this longing 

Comfort me

Sapphire said nothing, but instead stayed where she was, taking comfort from his gentle hold on her. She looked at him. "Rattrap, if you were able to stay here, would you?"

"Stay? Stay how? ’Ya mean leave da Wars?"

"Well, if something happened like what happened to Dinobot, would you stay with me?"


I can't hold it all in 

If you won't let me

Rattrap smiled, and nodded. "Yeah. I’d do dat in an instant. Primus knows dat I have too many girls on my tail back on Cybertron."

"Should I really believe that?"


Sapphire laughed, and Rattrap smiled wider, and started to stand. Sapphire stood with him, and watched, as he walked towards the mirror. There was a knock upon her door, and it started to open. Quickly, without thinking, the human shoved the robot into her closet, shut the door after him, and looked to her bookshelf next to the closet door.


In this white wave 

I am sinking In this silence

"Are you alone in here?" her mother asked.

She looked over her shoulder, and shook her head, then went back to looking over her books. The door closed. Sapph walked silently over to the crack between the floor and the bottom of the door, and heard, "Girls! We’re leaving for a half hour!"

"Okay," Sapphire replied, hearing her sister say the same.

She went back to the closet, and opened it, seeing Rattrap holding a small toy in his hands, chuckling. "I like dis."

"Yeah, figured as much."


In this white wave

In this silence I believe

"Where’d ’ya get it?"

"Toy store, duh."

Rattrap handed the Rattrap toy back to her. "I’ll ask more ’bout it later. But what about dat? Who was dat?"

"My mother."



I have seen you

In this white wave 

You are silent

He grinned, then ruffled her hair, this time, getting his hand caught up in it. "Aw, slag."

Sapphire growled, led him over to the mirror, and gently pulled her hair away from his hand. Finally when all that was done, he squeezed her hand once, and said, "Sorry ’bout that."

Sapphire smiled, and replied, "It’s okay."

She leaned against him slightly, causing him to embrace her. "Look, remember what I said, Sapph. Any time you need me, you just come, ’kay?"


"And could you tell dose two lovebirds dat I say hi?"

"Yeah, when I get a chance."


You are breathing 

In this white wave I am free


As he walked through the mirror, she smiled, and said softly, "And I’ll tell them what you called them, too. They’ll get a good laugh out of that."