Beast Wars
Latest Update

Latest Update

Special Update: May 6th 2016

I have added Beastbot's 2016 Botcon Report and Photos to the Botcon Reports section of the website. 

I will no longer be updating Bwint.net (except for special occasions) due to poor health. I hope that you are able to enjoy the content of this website and celebrate in the memory of the Beast Wars series and all the joy it brought us.

Best wishes,




16 December 2010

Latest Fan Fiction || Fan Art Update

Good news everybody!  The site's not dead!  I know it's been over a year since the last update, but trust me, BWINT's not going anywhere, at least for another year.  The site's web hosting was recently renewed thanks to donations from members and the forums are still very active.  As for the lack of updates, I'm afraid it was unavoidable; I was busy with my final year of university and have suffered very poor health throughout 2010.  At time of writing I am still struggling with chronic spinal pain, but my ambition is to manage the pain so that I can get back to doing the things I love, like writing and running the site.  I thank you all for your patience and continued support of the site over this time.  Many thanks also to my fantastic team of admins and mods who've kept the forum community running smoothly.

A Note on the Forums: For those who don't already know, the forums had an upgrade this year.  There have been a couple of issues with the software, some of which we have ironed out   If you have any trouble activating your account, changing settings or getting notifications, please let one of the admins know about this, preferably by email.  The more info we have on the technical problems, the better equipped we are to deal with them.

Future Updates: due to the condition of my health I cannot promise anything, but my intention is to update the site by the end of January 2011 with content.  If you have any art, fan fiction, news, media etc. to send in, please do so before the 15th January.  If you sent stuff to my email account over the past year, please re-send it to ensure it goes up.

And let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy festive period, whether you celebrate Christmas or not.  :)

New Stuff:

There is now a poll to vote for the winner of the  Pictures and Captions Competition so please check it out and cast your vote.

The Episode List page needs only a handful of episodes need synopses/reviews to be complete, so if you're up for it, do email it to the site!)

Remember 'Adopt a Beast Warrior'?  Well now you can adopt a Transformers Animated character!  Some character adoptions have been added.  (If yours was not, please resend your application!)

There's a new general poll now to vote at. If you have an idea for a poll, let Sapphire now by sending off an email.

Here are the results for the previous poll:

'If Beast Wars was going to be made into a film, what style would you like?'
1st: Pixar Animation (47%)

2nd: Live Action (45%)

3rd: 2D Cartoon (6%)


Fan Fiction & Fan Art: Please send in your art and fan fiction for January's update.

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Site Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker, Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. Bwint.net is copyrighted to the bwint.net team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the Bwint.net team and visitors claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template designed by
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