Beast Wars
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Fan Fiction Awards: Nominations:



Best Romance:

Death shall never part us, by Zucca

Terrorsaur in love, by Blackdino

Last Days, by Skyfire

Most Frightening:

Tortured Sanctuary, by Sapphire & Lady Venom

Walking in my Shoes, by Lady Venom

Countdown, by Sapphire

Most Thought-Provoking:

Rain, by Landray Depth Charge

The Killing Kind, by Sapphire

Narration, by Lady Dementia

Best Tear-Jerker:

Death shall never part us, by Zucca

Nightmare, by Landray Depth Charge & Omicron the Ice Queen

I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love, by Sinead

Best Battle Sequence:

Deep Within, by Joshin Yasha

Connection: Part 3, by Starath


Funniest Comedy:

Ask Jazz, by Omicron the Ice Queen

Beast Warriors' Day Out: The Funfair, by Sapphire

Don't Call Me Queen!, by Lynx Traveller

I'll Make a Man Out of You, by Amber

The Block, by Sapphire

Most Loved Character:

Myst, from the "Losing Face" series, by Sapphire

Starath, from the "Connection" series, by Starath

Mercy, from the "Merciless" series, by Miss Special

Hinge, from "Pawn", by Miss Special

Misery, from "Epoch: Ascension", by Joshin Yasha

Silliest and Sweetest:

Judgement Day, by Landray Depth Charge and Sapphire

Beast Warriors' Day Out: The Funfair, by Sapphire

Please Leave a Message, by Lady Dementia

The Block, by Sapphire

Most Gripping Suspense-Thriller:

Mr. Crowley, by Vampyerba

The "Losing Face" series, by Sapphire

Into the West, by Skidplate

Most Creative Plot Idea:

Human Bot, by Kidcat and Maria Sunderland

Epoch Ascension series by Joshin Yasha

Judgement Day, by Landray Depth Charge and Sapphire

The Connection Series, by Starath

Survivors, by Miss Special

Most Like a Beast Wars Episode:

Beast Wars: The Abyss, by Timothy Carter

The True Difference, by Lord Skyfire

Innocence, Past and Present, by Skyfire

The Beginning or the End, by Landray Depth Charge

Best Co-written Fic:

Trust Me Partner, by Kidcat and Maria Sunderland

Nightmare, by Landray Depth Charge & Omicron the Ice Queen

Best Beast Wars Poem:

Fighting with dinobot chrome, by Zucca

X, Forevermore, by Outtsyder

Enter Silverbolt, Maximal Knight, by Master Solo

A Fool, by Vampyerba

There is only silence here, by Dragonsflayme

Best Series:

Epoch Acension, by Joshin Yasha

Prophecy series, by Zucca

Plays of Shadow, by Amber Dawn

The Connection series, by Starath

The Celestial Skies series, by Lady Dementia

The Guardian series, by Landray Depth Charge

The Losing Face series, by Sapphire

Best Overall Fanfic:

The Killing Kind, by Sapphire

Into the Pit, by Omicron the Ice Queen

Alien Saga, by Beastbot

Letter to a Masterpiece, by Nefertarihime

Site Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker, Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. Bwint.net is copyrighted to the bwint.net team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the Bwint.net team and visitors claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template designed by
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