Beast Wars
Latest Update

Fan Fiction by:

Wicked Woman:

 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 


- Another stasis pod is found. Both Maximals and Predacons move out to obtain a new comrade... but is it worth it?


Mother of All Mayhem

- The Predacons find a stasis pod near their territory. Who could be in it... why it's Megatron's Mother of course!

Tied winner of Best Overall Fanfic and runner-up for Most Like a Beast Wars episode '04


Beast Wars Parent Teacher Interviews

- The Maximals and Predacons take their WACKY parents to Parent/Teacher interviews!


Megatron's Nightmare

Part One || Part Two

- Crazed idiots interfere with Meg Lomania. He better duck.

Runner-up for Best Co-written Fic '04




The AU Series

Optimus was left behind on Earth with the Predacons while the Axalon went back to Cybertron. Weeks later, four stasis pods were found and out emerged four new Maximals in a new series of battle against Megatron. Will the Maximals be able to with the Beast Wars? Read and you will find out.

Nominated for Best Series '04




- This is the alternative ending to the episode Victory which starts out the AU series.


Adapting to the Situation

- With Megatron searching for them, the new Maximals must choose a leader for the group.


Changing Ways

- Caterina gets trapped with Terrorsaur and Waspinator; Mantor causes big problems for the other Maximals.


Wolf Fang

- Taurus and Bone Crusher find another stasis pod... and a few Predacons.



- During a scouting mission, Wolf Fang runs into a few Predacons... and a surprise that will help with their secret mission.


Base Infiltration

Taurus finds his hands and weak security grid full when the Predacons attempt to infiltrate the base.


A Snake in the Fold

- Claw Jaw is ordered to go after two stasis pods in the Delta Quadrant; Mantorr begins to question Megatron's leadership.



Beast Wars Kindergarten Series

- Cybertron Elementary has a few trouble makers in the Kindergarten class... they're the Maximals and Predacons and they're all nick-named BEAST WARS KINDEGARTENERS! Based on the story Beast Wars: Parent/Teacher Interviews and Crazomatic's Transformer Babies series.


Beast Wars Kindergarten

- This is just the beginning of the Series, TeacherBot leaves the Maximals and Predacons alone...BIG mistake.

Tied for Runner up for Best Comedy and nominated for Silly and Sweet '04


Beast Wars: Where's Optimus?

- Will the Maximals realize that Optimus has gone missing? Chapter 2 of Beast Wars: Kindergarten.


Beast Wars: Will the Author Stop Torturing Us?

 - Rhinox, DinoBot and Depth Charge are strolling down the hall, alone. And Megatron is having difficulties controlling his comrades. Chapter 3 of Beast Wars: Kindergarten.


Beast Wars: There She Is!

- TeacherBot is found, but is it too late to fix the damages! Chapter 4 of Beast Wars: Kindergarten.


Beast Wars: Recess (Note: Not to be referred to Disney's Recess)

- Even at recess the Maximals and Predacons causes trouble. Chapter 5 of Beast Wars: Kindergarten.



Send Wicked Woman your comments!


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