Updates of 2004:
23 December 2004
Hello all! This is just a little
message from the team here at There is no update
today as there wasn't enough stuff, and there won't be one on Christmas
day either, as the team are off to celebrate. So we're saying
this now: On behalf of everyone who helps run this site, we wish
you a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year! We hope
you have enjoyed the site over the past year and we look forward
to another successful year of Beast Wars goodness in 2005.
Thank you all for visiting and have a blessed Christmas.
'Blaze sent in a whole bunch of Christmas
Chibis! -Miss Special
Here's an image sent in by Skyfire:

Caption: Ho ho ho! Come
sit on Santa's lap, yessss!
The next proper update will take place early in
January. See you then! ;)
18 December 2004
First update
in England. Things are a bit of a mess, computer-wise, but
hopefully my Uncle and I will be able to sort them out soon.
I won't be updating over Christmas, just warning you, but I will
be having a mid-week update next week, for anyone who wants to send
something in for Christmas, like art of a fic etc.
I want to
apologize for not mentioning Pacerpaw last week in the credits for
the dreamwave comic news. Pacer did mention it months before,
but I forgot. So, thank you too, Pacer!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Two captions for Pictures
and Captions competition. Please submit more, everyone!
Flyby Stardancer has sent in two images of the Maximal
and Predacon alphabet, with translation to the English alphabet.
Linked at the BW Express page.
TM Ian submitted a long and very in-depth toy review
for the Ravage toy. Check out the toy
reviews page.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
'Which of the Characters in BW do you think would be labelled
the most evil?'
1st: Tarantulas - 54%
2nd: Rampage - 29%
3rd: Megatron - 8%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Two more fics have been submitted by Sinead
to her award-winning series.
A new writer! Check out Flyby
Stardancer's new fic!
Just a heads-up: I'm revamping the BWA section.
With help from Flyby, I've attained some more BWA fics that will
be added soon.
11 December 2004
Last update
I do while in South Africa. *sniffle*
Not sure
when I'll next be able to update. Hopefully before Christmas,
if my Uncle allows me to use his Internet.
Wars News:
Thanks to
Jammer for this news! Check out a new Beast Wars comic that
is coming out early next year!
Click here to read about it.

New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Please send in some captions
Pictures and Captions competition!!!
Check out Landray Depth Charge's 'About
the Author' page.
Flyby Stardancer has sent in some translations of
the Maximal text seen in the show! Check out the BW
Bloops and Animations Odds page.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
'Which of the Characters in BW do you think would be labelled
the most evil?'
1st: Tarantulas - 54%
2nd: Rampage - 29%
3rd: Megatron - 8%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
A prologue and part two have been added to Commander
Destrik's fic 'Shards'.
has sent in the first exciting chapter to his brand new series!
Five more fics have been added to Mark
Harriss's series.
kindly submitted an English translation to her Spanish fic 'The
27 November 2004
Second to last update before I leave South Africa.
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Please send in some captions
Pictures and Captions competition.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
out of the Beast Wars Characters don't you want to hear
sing? (Optimus isn't a choice because it's too late for him
1st: Tarantulas - 27%
2nd: Silverbolt - 18%
3rd: DinoBot/Quickstrike - 14%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Three more fics by Joshin
Three more fics have been added to Mark Harriss's
Kacheetah sent in a fic.
Two fics have been added by Omicron
the Ice Queen.
A standalone by Lone Maximal has been added to her
I've got 6 fics currently backlogged, so expect
to see them next update.
20 November 2004
Congratulations to all the winners of this year's
Fan Fiction Awards!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Check out the next Pictures
and Captions competition!
Click here
to see the page of nominees, runner-ups and winners for the 2004
Fan Fiction Awards.
Wicked Woman submitted some BW
bloops and oddities.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
We've seen Rattrap play certain videogames on Rhinox's computer
that have been altered a little bit. What games would you
have just loved to see Rattrap play?'
Final Fantasy (all of them)/ Resident Evil - 31%
SSX Tricky (Snowboarding Game) - 12%
Road Rash (Motorcycle game)/ Mortal Combat (If it was Street
Fighter RT was playing in Proving Grounds)/ Street Fighter
(If it was Mortal Combat RT was playing in Proving Grounds)
- 8%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
No fics this update. I have 13 to put up,
but because of the enormous amount I had to upload today, I didn't
want to upload anymore. It's simply too much, with all the
FF Awards. So normal updates will take place from next week
13 November 2004
HUGE update today. There were so many fics,
I had to halve the update. There are 11 fics on hold....
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Sorry, a storm hit so I didn't get time to put up
the next Pictures and Captions competition. It'll be up next
You've only got 'til the 17th of November!
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
all know Beast Machines was not the best TF series out there,
but what plot do you think should've happened in a Sequel for
1st: Tarantulas should've been brought back and be the main
enemy - 33%
2nd: More insight on the characters would be nice - 22%
3rd: All the characters that were dead should've come back to
life by the Vok - 17%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Three fics by a new writer: Mark
Yasha has joined bwint, and two of five of her fics are up.
the Ice Queen submitted a fic!
A fic of two parts has been added by Juditangelo.
The next chapter in LoneMaximal's
seris is up.
6 November 2004
The feature to replace Character
of the Month with is Featured Art Piece of the Month. It will
start next update.
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Just a reminder to keep the votes coming!
You can vote now here.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
Maximal do you expect has an evil twin?'
1st: Optimus, Rhinox and Silverbolt - 23%
2nd: Depth Charge - 14%
3rd: Rattrap - 9%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
has sent in the third and final part to his Nemesis Rewrite.
Two more chapters have been added to LoneMaximal's
Three fics by a fantastic
new writer to the site! Click
here for Landray Depth Charge's section.
Mini Update:
1 November 2004
You can now vote for the Fan
Fiction Awards! PLEASE do so as soon as you can.
I don't want to drag this out, like I had to with the nominating.
I spent hours making the vote caster, seeing as Bravenet would only
allow up to 10 categories, which was no good. the casting
system is an easy do-it-once system.

Note: Do
NOT follow the results page as the true results, as I cast a set
of MOCK votes to test the caster. Only I have the real results.
I ask that, to keep voting fair, you read all the
fics that have been nominated. It isn't fair to vote for a
fic when you haven't given the opposition a chance. Obviously,
I can't enforce this, but I do request it.
30 October 2004
Happy Halloween Everyone!
Well, we have run out of Characters of the Month,
so it's time to vote on what to replace it with!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Lotsa noms,
although we could do with a couple more on a few categories.
You have until the 1st November.
Four images have been added to the gallries.
Three to the Maximals and
1 to the Predacons.
Check out the three new Halloween pics that have
been added to Lady Scale's about the Author' page here.
Congratulations to crab for winning the Pictures
and Captions competition!
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll
for previous polls:
character who died in Beast Wars (and stayed dead so Optimus
doesn't count) can you see coming back to life if Hasbro and
Mainframe Productions created a Post Beast Machines series?'
1st: Depth Charge - 28%
2nd: Tigerhawk - 21%
3rd: DinoBot/Rampage - 17%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Lady Venom submitted
an original writing piece.
The first fic in a series by a new writer:
Click here for LoneMaximal's

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
19 October 2004
Just to let you know I've extended the nominating
period for another two weeks. Please nominate. We almost
have enough to make this work, but of course, the more noms the
October 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
:::nags::: Please buy a t-shirt! Or
send in a donation. The site needs money to survive!
:::end nag::::
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Some more more nominations
were added. I'm going to extend the deadline, because we still
need more nominations.
I was sent one caption for the competition,
but I'm gonna add it next week, as the pics also up at bwtf's message
board (thanks to Starath's help) so we're gonna have a combination
of captions next week, for which you can vote. So if you want
to submit anything, submit before next Saturday.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
the Tripedicus Council were introduced more in the BW series,
would there have been a good enough reason to extend the show?'
1st: If I had been there with Inferno's gun they would've. 35%
2nd: No! Hasbro and Mainframe Productions are a bunch of...
I'm just gonna leave it at that. 25%
3rd: Perhaps if we made a petition and sent it to Hasbro. 20%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
A new writer, Juditangelo,
has sent in a fic. It's in Spanish, which is really awesome,
because it makes our site really International! :D
Miss Special submitted
the first fic in her new series. It's *such* a good concept!
A total must-read!
Darkshadow15 submitted
the first fic in a series she is writing.
Sapphire submitted a piece of original writing in
her original writing
9 October 2004
Aaaaaah!! The site's about to go poof!
I didn't expect lonex (the site's host) to demand the money so soon!
If we don't pay up by the end of the month, the site goes bye-bye
on the 7th of November...(smack-ban in the middle of my exams, just
to boot). I plead all those who offered to buy a shirt or
donate money to do so right away, or we might not make it...
And that'd be sad. ;_;
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
No nominations this week. Bear in mind there
are 9 days left, everyone in which to nominate.
You can check out Darkshadow15's 'About the Author'
page here.
If no caps are sent in for the pics
and caps competition, I'm going to change the image. I'll
take it as a hint no one could think of anything for it.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
out of the Maximals would make the best chibi BW character?'
1st: Depth Charge (This surprised me too.) - 23%
2nd: Cheetor/DinoBot/Air Razor - 15%
3rd: Rattrap - 12%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Sapphire has added the final two fics of her Shades
of Green series.
Peppermintwind submitted an uber-long fic, which
can be seen in her new section
Lady Scale has sent
in the final chapters to her VR fic.
2 October 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
That's more like it! Lots of nominations this
week. Keep up the good work! :)
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There is a new Character
of the Month for October.
Nurannoniel submitted 1 episode
review of 'Equal Measures'.
Four more screenshots have been added to the Screenshots
page, by yours truly.
Check out the list of nominations
for this week here.
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
out of the Predacons, would make the best chibi BW character?'
1st: Waspinator with 29%
2nd: Rampage with 21%
3rd: Megatron with 14%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Special submitted the final fic, or rather the epilogue, of
her series 'The Chronicles of the Doomcat'.
Scale has sent in yet another great part to her VR fic.
25 September 2004
Finally my 1 week holiday has arrived. I'm
so glad for it. In other news, this week we got a whopping
0 nominations for the FF
Awards. (Except for 1 nomination from a stranger that
didn't count, because he nominated an author not listed on this
site.) I don't want to moan and beg for you guys to send in
noms like I did last year, so I'll just let that amazing number
sink in. Maybe I'm expecting too much for the first week.
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
New and very naughty pic up for the Pictures
and Captions page, sent in by Hacker. Don't send in any
caps that are, hectic, people!
Wicked Woman submitted 4 episode
reviews. Thanks, WW! I've also fixed the link to
two eps, so they work now. :)
Darkfire sent in an updated photo of herself, which
you can see at her 'About the Author'
Wicked Woman sent in an animation oddity, which
you can check out at the BW Bloops and Animation
Oddities page.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
Alternate universe would you like to see for Beast Wars?"
Place: 'The BW characters were humans (just not beginning
in season 2 like Wayward's fic)' and 'The BW characters were
opposite genders to what they are in the show'.
Place: 'The BW characters were part of the Matrix Trilogy'
Place: 'The BW characters were all teenagers.'
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Four fan fics have been added by a new author.
Click here for Silver Spider's
Sinead's sent in the
fourth fic in her 'Three Protoforms' series.
I asked Lady Dementia ages ago if I could add her
fics to this site, and I've finally started adding some. Click
here to see.
Dannn and Darkshadow15
co-wrote a fic which you can see in their sections.
18 September 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
All my written exams are finished. Thank.
Heavens! Anyway, a storm was brewing so I had to rush this
update. So if there are broken links and mistakes, please
email me and let me know! As I write this I hear thunder...
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Eeee! Everybody jump up and down then hop
from one foot to the other! Ok, you don't *really* have to
do that, but I'm excited...for the Fan Fiction Awards!
Lookie, cool pic:
Click the pretty pic above to see the main FF Awards
page, and start nominating!
Congratulations to Domie for winning the Pictures
and Captions competition! I already have another pic lined
up for next week, sent in by Hacker. Mind you, it's very naughty...
<_< >_>
More screenshots
for y'all! Of course I don't add a nasty little ''
at the bottom of each pic. Don't you just hate those?
They infringe on the image and make using the pics for graphics
an extra pain because you gotta somehow remove the text. Oops,
did I just say that? ;)
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
do you think should've been improved in the Beast Wars series?"
A long season 4 won, and tied for 2nd were all the other
options except for "More pro-longed battle scenes (some
at least)", "More protoforms being found would be
nice", "More insite on the aliens (ie: how they created
Prehistoric Earth)", "Nothing should be changed"
which got 0 votes.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Important Note: There was a huge storm
brewing so I really, really had to rush this update.
This meant I had no time to edit the fics or reformat them to the
usual bwint fic format. So all these fics will be properly
edited by next update. As a little disclaimer, because I had
no time to read the fics submitted this update, I don't know what's
in them. So if there's anything offensive in them (which I
am sure there isn't) don't blame me. Disclaimer's over.
Scale has sent in two more parts to her fantastic VR fic, as
well as another fic in the FV series.
A new author has submitted a fic. Welcome
Commander Destrik! Check out his section here.
Another new author! Plenty of ficcies from
Omicron the Ice Queen!
Hacker's sent in the first part to her *awesome*
DC ficcie! Go see!
has submitted a rewrite of Nemesis, which kinda qualifies as a fic
because it's his own ideas on how the episode should have gone.
So, he's got a 'fic section' although I'm still debating on whether
to categorize it as a fic. Must think on it. But give
it a read! It's really good!
Apologies to Dannn, Darkshadow and Megatron Wannabe.
I didn't have time to get your fics up this update, but I shall
next update! :::waves fist at storm::::

Isn't he cute when he's angry? Sorry, just
*had* to include this pic this update! :::gloats:::
Took it myself! ; )
11 September 2004
*does the relief dance* Only two more exams
to go and then I'm freeee...for a second, anyway. ;)
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
It's nearly that time of year again... time
for the Fan Fiction Awards!
Nominating will commence next weekend and you'll have a month to
do so, after which voting will commence. I've worked it out
and, taking my Final exams into consideration and the time I'll
need to run these awards, now's the best time to get started.
I just wanted to warn you, so that if you have any fics in progress,
you might want to finish them soon. Not that a fic that appears
during the next month doesn't qualify: it does, it's just something
to bear in mind, is all.
Go vote for the Pictures
and Captions competition! Go vote, I say!
I finally took some *good* quality screenshots
from the cool DVD Nurann sent me. Just 6 for now, from 'Chain
of Command' but I got heaps more I'm gonna add each update.
Viva DVDs, big computer screens and a digi camera!
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
do you think of the episode Transmutate?"
say Great
25% say OK
4% say So-So
4% say Didn't Like it
4% say Never Saw it
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Two fics by Sinead.
One's a standalone, the other the first fic in the next long-anticipated
'Reflections of Life' series. Enter: Miss Special.
The first fic in a 4-part mini series by
Sapphire is up.
4 September 2004
Happy birthday, Wicked Woman and Rakshash!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Lady Scale submitted another animation odd for the
Beast Wars Bloops and Animation Odds page,
and Roxy sent one in too!
There are some great caps for the latest Pictures
and Captions competition! Next week I add the voting booth
for that.
Two adoptions this
weekend! Darkshadow14 adopted Quickstrike and Omicron the
Ice Queen adopted Ironhide.
You can now read Hacker's
OTFCC 2004 Report, as well as see some photos she took of the
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
Predacon do you want to be immune to the Alien Virus? (We decided
to place our Movie Script in Season 2)'
wins with 29%
is second with 23%
is third with 19%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Four new writers! Wooooot!
There's a new standalone fic from Lady Venom in
her section. She also submitted a
poem to go with the fic.
With the submission of "Megatron's Nightmare"
come sections dedicated to those who co-wrote it:
Domie, Rakshash
and Erik the Viking (Erik's also
submitted some poetry)
Wicked Woman also partook in this fic so it's linked
at her section too.
Three fantastic fics from a great writer, Darkwatch,
have been added.
Lady Scale has sent
in yet another part to her fic: The VR's Most Hilarious Quest
28 August 2004
I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard
of.... 0_o Whoops, did I just publish that on
an international website....? ;p
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Ah, fooey. I can't update this site again
on the 1st September, so I'm chancing the Character
of the Month early. September's character is up.
There's a great new pic to be captioned for the
latest Pictures and Captions competition!
Go see!
Lady Scale has added a 6th Screencap
gallery to her section.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
Maximal do you want to be immune to the Alien Virus? (We decided
to place our Movie Script in Season 2)'
Results are:
Rattrap with 59%
DinoBot with 20%
Cheetor with 11%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Sinead has sent in
another fic to her "Three Protoforms" series.
Lady Scale and sent
in a seventh part to her VR fic!
21 August 2004
Good news: My drama is finally over.
Bad news: My examinations have started!! :::sob:::
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Roxy sent in a pic/cap
that she and Starath worked on together.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
Ravage have had a bigger role in Beast Wars?"
say Probably not and Yes!
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Ooh, lotsa ficcies this update!
Sinead has sent in
another, and supposedly the last chapter to her Stolen Virtue fic.
I finished a standalone fanfic in just two days.
That's really fast, by my standards. Check out Sapphire's
Lady Scale and sent
in five hilarious new parts to her VR fic!
Two fics by a new writer! Go check out Darkshadow's
Fadeway (Fadura)
has submitted two fanfics that are part of her Tempus series.
7 August 2004
My drama ends Tuesday night. Thank. Primus.
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Hacker has sent in some goodies for her upcoming
OTFCC 2004 Report! Go check it out.
She wants to apologize for not having a report and photos yet, but
she has been very busy. Expect a full report soon.
Congratulations to Dannn whose caption won the Pictures
and Captions competition! Your caption is now the official
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
is the funniest Beast Wars idea you've ever heard?"
Wars Funniest home videos' won with 54%, 'The Making Rhinox
Angry Show' came 2nd with 25% (second time this topic
has made second place), 'The Rattrap and DinoBot Show (formally
known as Beast Wars Jerry Springer) 'came 3rd with 8% and 'Beast
Wars To The Future' came 4th with 4%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Sinead has sent in
one standalone and two parts to a new, short series she's writing.
1 August 2004
Yay! I finally finished my 'uber' standalone
fic! Hooray for me! 148 pages y'all, woo! ;P
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a cool new feature that's been added to
the site. Go and 'pin yourself' on your location in the world,
using the nifty new Guest Map.
(Can be located at the Guest Book page
Roxy has sent in
another of her personalized pics 'n caps!
There has been one addition to the competition at
the "Pictures and Captions"
page! The competition is now closed and the polls for that
is open. Go there and vote for your favourite!
There's a new 'Character
of the Month' for August!
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
Beast Wars Character's face can you picture over Uncle Sam's face
on the poster while he's saying 'We Need YOU!'?"
Rattrap won with 26%, second was a tie between Optimus and Silverbolt
with 21% and third is Megatron with 16%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Sapphire's enormous standalone
fic, in dedication to the members if, is finally up.
Titled: "A Special Touch".
24 July 2004
So busy with drama and such, but I did still manage
to update. Go me! lol! ;p
New Goodies:
Wicked Woman has submitted a toy
review of her Blackarachnia toy.
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Wicked Woman sent in an episode
review of 'Changing of the Guard'.
There have been three additions to the competition
at the "Pictures
and Captions" page! Send in your entries soon because
the competition closes next weekend!
Wicked Woman sent in some oddities for 'Before the
Storm', 'Coming of the Fuzors: part 2' (which has a hang of a lot
of them!) and 'Changing of the Guard', at the Beast
Wars Mistakes and Animation Odds page.
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
is the worst idea for Beast Wars you've ever heard?"
63% say Beast Wars Porn, 21% say The Making Rhinox Angry Show
and 17% say Beast Wars Pop Songs
New Fics 'n Stuff:
The ninth fic in Sapphire's Shades
of Green series is up.
Special has sent in the next addition to the 'Chronicles
of the Doomcat'.
17 July 2004
And so my holidays come to a close. ;_;
On plus side, Miss Special is back and so there is a lotta art this
New Goodies:
There are some new photos of many of the beast wars
toys thanks to my new digital camera, and Greg's transforming my
toys which have remained in the same poses for years. The
photos came out really well, and you can see them here.
Wicked Woman has also submitted a review of her Scorponok toy.
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
One BW adoption: Rakshash
has adopted Blackarachnia.
Oh, I've been neglecting the beloved "Pictures
and Captions" page! The winner of the last competition
was Miss Special! Congrats, Miss S! And now there's
a new competition you can enter for! Check it out (and don't
let me forget about it again!). Wicked Woman has sent in her
own pic and cap, as well.
I've added a new bloop along with a photo (taken
by yours truly) to the Beast Wars Bloops
and Animation Odds page. It's under "Coming of the
Fuzors: Part 2"
Finally, there are some new additions to Sapphire's
Screenshots page. Just two this update, but there'll hopefully
be more in the future.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
should've happened to make Beast Machines better?"
say that Nothing can be changed, just chuck out the series and
hunt down the writers, 9% say that Optimus should've stayed
the way he was at the end of Beast Wars and 6% say Forget the
plantlife, they should've gone back to Earth.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
The eighth fic in Sapphire's Shades
of Green series is up.
Starath has sent in
another fanfic, more Beast Wars Adventures!
Oh and here's a little pic I made as a treat for
y'all, and because I got creative. :)

10 July 2004
Decent update. Expect a ton of art next week,
as Miss Special will be back to update. Oh and, by the
way, we've passed the 300 mark with 303 fics archived at this site
as of the tenth of July! :)
New Goodies:
There's an episode review of Code
of Hero, by Blaze Raptor.
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a new bloop for
the Agenda part 2, added by Wicked Woman.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
Dark Glass have been part of the Beast Wars series instead of
Go With The Flow?"
results are in and it's Yes, Definitely with 75%, Not Really with
5% and Not Really sure, they both seem important with 20%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Five fics by Nurannoniel
have been added to her section this update! :)
A revised version of 'Blaze's
fic "Behold the Power" has been put up.
3 July 2004
A small update. Gee, just when a I have a
ton of time on my hands, the updates get small. Murphy's Law...
New Goodies:
There are a ton of new bloops
or pictures for ones previously without, all thanks to Lady Scale.
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a new hilarious personalized pic/cap by
the amazing Roxy!
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
than DinoBot, which Beast Wars character should've also been
won 31%, there was a tie for 2nd place between Waspinator, Optimus
Primal and Depth Charge and there was another tie for 3rd place
between Rampage, Megatron and Tarantulas.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Two cute little fics have
been added by Starath.
Both are standalones and one is a BW/Energon crossover.
27 June 2004
Another tiny, artless update.
New Goodies:
I've updated, slightly in advance, the next Character
of the Month for July.
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous polls:
Beast Wars Toy should have had a role in the series?
Council (including their agents) won with 54%. Second was a
three way tie with Manterror, Polar Claw and Sky Shadow with
13% and third was Onyx Primal and Wolfang with 4%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
One fic has been sent in by
Lady Scale.
12 June 2004
Enormous update! What a contrast to last week!
Lots of art, too! Just as well I'm nearly finished with my
exams.... 0_o
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
there was a movie about Rampage, what would it be called?"
Mystery of X won with 44%, second was The X Chapter with 33% and
third was a tie between Death Match and Prisoner of Colony Omicron
with 11%
are three new hilarious caps by Roxy.
Woman sent in some more written animation
an updated photo of Darkfire in her "About
the Authoress" section.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Eight fics in a series by
Wayward have been added.
There's a new fic in Lady
Venom's series.
has had a standalone fic added to her section.
The last fic in Stormcloud's
series is up as well.
5 June 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Tiny update. So small, in fact, there's no
art update either.
Oh, and a happy belated birthday goes out to Sinead!
It was her B-day on the 4th.
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls: "Which
Beast Wars Season should've been longer?" A tie for first is
Seasons 2 and 3 with 48%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
The final fic in the "Dying
Past, Living Future" series, by Sinead,
is up.
The next in Stormcloud's
series is up as well.
29 May 2004
Lots of stuff this update, so I've coloured coded
the various sections on this page, to make it easier to decipher
it all!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There are 2 new additions to Roxy's Custom
Pic and Cap section.
There's a new Character
of the Month updated early for June.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous polls:
you think that Depth Charge should've died in Nemisis pt 1?"
60% say Yes while 40% say No.
The week before last's Results:
"What should've happened in the episode Dark Designs?"
Rhinox should've moved out of the way of the blast and Waspinator
should've gotten smarter won with 26%. Second was Rattrap should've
been reprogrammed and Starscream should've returned was second with
16% and Optimus should've been reprogrammed was third with 11%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Four new chapters of Sinead's
"Learning to Walk Again" fic have been sent in.
Sinead's also sent in the next in the "Dying Future, Living
Past" series.
A new standalone fic by Varyn
is up this week!
Chapter 10 in Lady
Venom's "Tests, Quizzes, Robot Killers Oh My!" has
been added.
There are two new poems
by Sapphire (moi!)
The next in Stormcloud's
series is up as well.

22 May 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
1 week until exams!! ::bites nails:::
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a new addition's to Roxy's Custom
Pic and Cap section.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "If
Beast Wars had a horrifying situation (outside or inside the series)
what would it be?" All the DinoBot fan girls kidnapped DinoBot
won with 26% In second was Barbie took over the show with 21% And
third place was a three-way tie between Starcream returned, Megatron's
rubber ducky was stolen and Care Bears took over the show with 11%
New Fics 'n Stuff:
The next in Sinead's
series about Hacker is up.
There's a lovely standalone by Miss
Special up in her section.
The next part in Darkfire's
"Memories Concealed" fic is up.
The next in Stormcloud's
series is up too.
8 May 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Congratulations to the winners of the Fan Art Awards!!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a new addition's to Roxy's Custom
Pic and Cap section.
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous poll: "If
BWINT created a Mother's Day fic, which BW character's mother would
be featured in it?" The winner is Rattrap's Mother with 33%.
Second was a tie between Megatron's Mother and Rampage's Mother
with 19%, and third was DinoBot's mother with 15%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Five fanfics in a new series by Wicked
Woman have been added.
A superb standalone by Varyn is up in her
The next in Stormcloud's
series is up too.
4 May 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Last week to vote for the Fan Art Awards!
Winners will be announced next week so make sure you're on either
YIM, AIM or MSN next Saturday to hear the results! If you're
not able to make it results will be put up on a special page.
If you haven't voted, I suggest you do so a.s.a.p!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a new 'About the Author' page, for Lady
There's a new Character
of the Month for May!
There's a new pic and
cap by Starath, as well as three new addition's to Roxy's Custom
Pic and Cap section.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "Which BWINT regular is exactly (or
almost exactly) like Air Razor" Winner is Sapphire with 67%,
second goes to Nurann with 33% and third is Varyn with 0%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
There's a new standalone by Sinead
up this update which features some of the site visitors.
The next in Stormcloud's
series is up too.
24 April 2004
Small update.
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a new 'About the Author' page, for Darkfire75.
Wicked Woman added 2 new Character-audience ackonwledgments,
and there's also a new bloops, spotted by Nurannoniel.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "Which
Beast Wars Character would win BW SURVIVOR (based on SURVIVOR for
those who didn't know)" Winner was Rattrap by 39%, Blackarachnia
was doing a great job in the lead but then ended in second with
17%, Megatron and Rhinox tied in third with 11% and Tarantulas,
Dinobot, Waspinator (for pity) and Cheetor (for ironic Twist) came
in fourth with 6%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
The next part in Lady Venom's
'Tests, Quizzes, Robot Killers Oh My!' fanfic is up.
The next in Stormcloud's
series is up too.
17 April 2004
Fan Art Awards!!! Miss Special and I have
spent hours behind the scenes to give you a nice, easy to use, all-in-one-go
voting caster, so you can vote once for all the categories and get
it over with. The Fan Art Awards
are up and running now and you can vote for the next 2 weeks.
Unfortunately one can see the results page afterwards, which kinda
kills the surprise. Naturally, we cannot stop you from looking,
but in the interest of keeping the Fan Art Awards results a surprise,
we ask that you close this results page as soon as it opens.
It'll just make things cooler, that way. Vote! Voooooo-oooote!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Roxy has sent in three more funny pics for her Custom
Pic and Cap section.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "Which
Beast Wars/Beast Machines character SHOULD be on Transformers: Universe
?" BW DinoBot won with 39%. Second is a tie between
Rattrap and TM2 DinoBot with 22%. Third is Waspinator with 11% and
Rampage is in fourth with 6%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Well! Lots of fics this update, in stark contrast
to the previous update.
The next fic in Miss Special's super cool The
Chronicles of the Doomcat is up!
Two fanfics have been added to Fadeaway's
'The Tempus' series.
Two fanfics by Lady Venom
are up.
The next in Stormcloud's
series is up too.
10 April 2004
:::jumps up and down in frustration:::
Curse this faulty Internet connection! Why won't it behave?!
:::sigh:: I apologize for the late update. Better late
than never, though...right?
Oh, and: Happy
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Roxy has sent in three funny pics for her Custom
Pic and Cap section. One is
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "Which
Beast Wars Character would be most likely targeted for April Fool's
Day pranks?"
Waspinator won with 45%, DinoBot was
a close second with 36%, Megatron and Depth Charge tied for third
with 18% and Silverbolt and Optimus Primal tied for fourth
place with 9%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
The seventh fanfic in Sapphire's
'Shades of Green' series is up.
Two fics by Stormcloud
have been added.
I got sent in two other fics, but there were complications
with both so I guess they'll be up next weekend. Enjoy the
update, small though it may be.
4 April 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Just wanted to yell it from the rooftops
that the Fan Art Awards are open
again! Send Miss Special your nominations. I've changed
all the pages so that her email address is on then, the current
list of nominations are up and instructions on how to send a nomination
are up too, along with an FAQ. There are plenty of new artists
and lots of art to choose from, so don't be lazy. All ya gotta
do is look, like, and send in the artist and artworks' names.
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Lots of new captions! Roxy has sent in three
more of her personalized captioned pics,
and Wicked Woman has sent in three images and captioned them.
They can be seen on page 2 of the
Pictures and Captions page.
Miss Special sent in a spiffty new entrance pic
to her section.
A photo of me is finally up on my 'About
the Author' section.
Woot! A new character
of the month! Sorry about not making polls for this anymore,
guys. I just haven't had the time. I picked Airazor
for April...since she's a bird...And a symbol of Easter (other than
a bunny) is a enough...
Loads of new bloops and animation odds have been
pointed out, thanks to Wicked Woman! Check
them out.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "If Quickstrike was a human adult,
what job do you think he'd have?"
53% voted Texas Ranger, 20% voted Bull
Fighter,13% voted Burger Flipper at McDonalds and the last 13% voted
Bar Tender.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
I really messed up with Wicked Woman's AU series.
So now all the fics and respective blurbs are in order. I've
added three more fics to her AU series. Have a looksee.
Sinead sent in a fic which can be seen in her
The link to Stormcloud's fic of last week is working,
plus I've added the next in her BW
27 March 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Just one week left 'til I start my
short but desperately needed Easter holidays...
New Goodies:
Two 'About the Author' pages this update!
One for Miss Special
and one for Blackarachnia.
The winner for the Pictures and Captions competition
is... Miss Special! The votes were very very close, with Lady
Scale only one vote behind! Please note that from now on the
winners of the Pictures and Captions competition will be featured
on page 2.
Roxy has sent in three pictures and captions of
her own which can be seen here.
An animation
odd in 'Go with the Flow' has been pointed out by NightShadow.
More bloops and animation oddities are to be added next update,
thanks to Wicked Woman. I'd do it today, only I've had a ton
of computer problems and transferring update files has been a nightmare
to virtually impossible...
out the latest poll at the Newest
Poll page.
for previous poll: "Which Beast Wars character (or guest-star
on Beast Wars) would make a great guest appearance in Beast Machines?"
Dinobot won with 44%, Starscream was second with 25%, Tarantulas
was third with 19% and Rampage was fourth with 13%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Three more fics have been added to Wicked
Woman's "AU Series".
The next fic in Sinead's
"Dying Past, Living Future" series has been added.
There's a new YGO-BW crossover fanfic by Darkfire75.
The next part in the Evil Eye series by Miss
Special has been put up.
Oh! Would you look at that! Sapphire
wrote another Cuddly Fanfic... ;P
The next fic in Stormcloud's
"Beast Wars Chronicles" has been added.
13 March 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Happy belated birthday to Pacerpaw
and Lady Venom!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Two new entries for the Pictures
and Captions competition. This is the last week for captions,
so if you have any, send soon!
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "What should the name for Megatron's
rubber ducky be?" 'Squeaky'
won with 29%, 'Quackamus' and 'Quackers' tied for 2nd place with
18%, 3rd place was tied between 'Mr. Quack' and 'Squeeze Me I Squeak'
with 12% and 'Mr. Quackaty Quack' and 'Wonder Duckie' tied with
6% each for fourth place.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
The next two parts of 'The Arrival' by Fadura
Shy. U have been added.
One fic by Lynx Traveller
has been added to his section.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
"Beast Wars Chronicles" has been added.
6 March 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
So tired...
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
There's a new toy review
by Greg (he reviewed Tarantulas).
So far I've received one entry for the new Pictures
and Captions competition.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "Which Predacon had the coolest
design (season 2 & 3)?" TM
Megatron won with 40% of the votes, TM2 Dinobot was s2nd with 27%,
TM Tarantulas was 3rd with 20% and fourth was Rampage with 13%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
A new fanfic by Lady Venom
and the next part in
'Tests, Quiz’s, Robots and Killers Oh My!' has
been added.
One fic by Lynx Traveller
has been added to his section.
The first fic in Wicked
Woman's "AU Series" has been added.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
"Beast Wars Chronicles" has been added.
28 February 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Drama rehearsal took up6 hours of
my Saturday and I'm annoyed. Phew. Just had to shout
that to the world. :)
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Sorry, once again I never got around to putting
up a poll for the next Character of the
Month. We've had a string of Maximals lately, so I decided
to make it a Predacon for March. Namely Quickstrike.
There's a new Pictures
and Captions competition! Go and check it out!
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "Which Maximal had the coolest
design (season 2 & 3)?" Depth
Charge won with 41%, second was Dinobot and TM Blackarachnia with
18%, third was TM Optimus with 12% and fourth was TM Rattrap and
TM Cheetor.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Ahh! I finished it! The next fic in
the 'Shades of Green' series has been added by Sapphire.
Part 12 in the Chronicles of the Doomcat by Miss
Special has been added.
Two fics by Lynx Traveller
are up in his section.
A very thought-provoking fanfic by Nefertarihime
has been out up in her section.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
"Beast Wars Chronicles" has been added.
21 February 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'.
Wicked Woman sent in some pics and caps. I've
finally added a page two to the
Pictures and Captions section.
That was long overdue.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: "How many Beast Wars toys do you have?"
50% said 'more than 5', 25%
said none, 13% said 2, 6% said 5 and the remaining 6% of voters
had 1 toy.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Dannn sent in a fic which has been added to
his section.
Wicked Woman sent
in another BW comedy.
Varyn sent in a piece
of writing.
An Airazor fic (very unusual) has been added to
Lynx Traveller's section.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
"Beast Wars Chronicles" has been added.
February 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Happy Valentine's day, everyone!
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured
Fanfic of the Week'! *
Congratulations goes to Varyn for winning the
Pictures and Captions competition. The next competition
will open next update. Also, a new pic and cap has been added
by Wicked Woman.
Lynx Traveller
pointed out one of my favourite animation odds that I'd forgotten
to add! Check it out (listed under
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: 'Which Predacon *other* than Megatron
would have made the next best leader?" Blackarachnia
won by 1 vote getting 44%, Tarantulas was 2nd with 38% and Rampage,
Terrorsaur and Waspinator shared third place with 6% each.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Lady Venom has sent in
part 7 of
'Tests, Quiz’s, Robots and Killers Oh My!'
Scale sent in a gentle, sweet romance fic just in time for Valentine's
Three more fics by
Lynx Traveller have been added.
Another fic by
Neferharitime has been added to her section.
Woman sent in a delightful comedy fic!
The first fic in a series by a new
writer: Fadura Shy. U, has been
put up in her new section.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
series has been added.
Solar Blaze (Blaze Raptor) sent in
a very cute little Valentine's Day comic, added to the
Comics section.

- Happy Valentine's day, everybody.
7 February 2004
All I can say is: 0_o
New Goodies:
I updated the 'Featured Fanfic of the Week'!
Many new adoptions!
Wicked Woman adopted Tarantulas and Karen adopted Ultra Magnus.
Lynx Traveller adopted Shockwave and Unicron, Albedo adopted Ratchet
and Cheetor and Skins Thunderbomb adopted G1 Megatron. Send in your
adoption requests to
Three captions have been added to the
Pictures and Captions competition. The competition is
now closed for entries and you can vote.
One episode review
of 'Coming of the Fuzors: Part 2' by Lord Skyfire, is up.
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: 'Who was your favourite BW voice actor?'
Scott Mcniel won with 41% of the votes, 2nd was David Kaye with
24%, third was Gary Chalk with 12%, 6% went to David Sobolov, Alec
Willows, Pauline Newstone and Richard Newman.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Sinead has submitted
the next fic in the 'Dying Past, Living Future' series.
Sapphire's added the next fic in the 'Shades
of Green' series.
Lady Venom has sent in
a cool new fanfic, plus the next part in her Robot Killers fic.
Three new writers! Three fics by Lynx
Traveller and three fics by Nefertarihime
and one by Wicked Woman.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
BW Chronicles has been added.
There's a new comic by Miss Special in the
Comics section. It's SO cute! Well worth a look!
31 January 2004
HUGE update! 0_o
New Goodies:
I kinda forgot to put up a poll for the next Character
of the Month...sorry. Simply too many things for Sapph
to remember now school has started! But, since February is the shortest
month and Cheetor isn't anyone's favourite character, he's character
of the month. ;)
I updated the 'Featured Fanfic of the Week'!
From June onwards, it'll change to 'Featured Fan Art piece of the
Week', just to let you know. :)
Four new adoptions!
Dannn adopted Terrorsaur, Nurannoniel adopted Optimus Primal, Skyfire
adopted Silverbolt and Miss Special adopted Inferno. Send in your
adoption requests to
Two captions have been added to the
Pictures and Captions competition. Starath also sent in
her own independent picture and cap for the page.
Pacerpaw submitted a BW
blooper along with an image. Wicked Woman also pointed
out an animation oddity in 'The Low Road'. Ohh! Wicked
Woman also gave me the name of the voice actor who played Ravage
in the Agenda eps, so you can see that addition on the
cast page. Thanks Wicked Woman!
Skyfire submitted an
episode review for 'Coming of the Fuzors Part One'. Speaking
ogf which, Amber kindly sent me a whole lotta season 1 BW eps, so
I'll be writing some reviews on them soon! Thank you Amber!!
Check out
the latest poll at the Newest Poll page.
for previous poll: 'Who was the best non-transmetal character
in BW?' Dinobot won with 43% of the
votes, Waspinator came second with 29%, Rhinox came third with 14%
and Airazor and Inferno tied for fourth with 7%.
New Fics 'n Stuff:
Sinead has added five
parts to her 'Learning to Walk Again' story, which also happens
to be the 'Fanfic of the Week'. She also sent in a new fic,
which I've yet to read, but it apparently features some of us authors/artists,
so I bet it's worth a look! Go to the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
Sapphire's finally finished the next fic in her
'Shades of Green' series. Working
on some art for that too!
Miss Special has
sent in the eleventh fic in the Chronicles of the Doomcat.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
BW Chronicles has been added.
A comic by Ragedaisy has been added to the Comics
24 January 2004
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
New Stuff:
Starath and Sapphire have finally finished the next
fic in the Beast Wars Knights Series!
Go check it out!
Sinead has sent in
three fics! Go to the Latest Fan Fiction page to see.
Miss Special has
sent in the sixth story of the 'Evil Eye' series.
The next fic in Stormcloud's
BW Chronicles has been added.
Heh...yeah...I finally remembered to change the
'Fanfic of the Week'. Go to the BW
Express page to see.
There's a new Pictures
and Captions competition. Send in your caps to
I'll be holding the competitions, as Hacker's decided rather to
just remain the site treasurer.
Check out
the latest poll, by Amber, at the Newest Poll
for previous poll: 'Besides Ravage, which other G1 characters
should have had speaking guest appearances in BW?' The
Dinobots won with 25%, tied for 2nd place with 13% were Jazz, Arcee,
Bumblebee, Soundwave and the Insecticons. 6% went both to
Hot Rod and Rumble.
Lotsa adoption stuff.
Hacker adopted Depth Charge, courtesy of Wicked Woman. Starath
adopted BW Megatron and Starscream. Kacheetah adopted Hot Rod and
Amber gave up Silverbolt (so he's up for grabs) in favour of Wheeljack..
Send in your adoption requests to
17 January 2004
New Stuff:
One episode review
of' 'Gorilla Warfare' by Wicked Woman and a review of 'The
Spark' by Pacerpaw is up.
Wicked Woman has also spotted two BW Bloopers, which
I've added to the Beast Wars Mistakes And
Animation Odds page.
Sinead has sent in
the next fic in the 'Living in Death' series.
Three chapters have been added to Varyn's
'Savior in the Dark' series.
For reasons mentioned in the BWA
update, I'm slowly adding Stormcloud's series to the site.
The first fic has been added.
A new poem by Sapphire (amazing! I wrote!)
has been added to the Poetry page.
Check out
the latest poll, by Amber, at the Newest Poll
for previous poll: 'Who had the best/closest friendship in Beast
Wars?' Rattrap & Dinobot
won with 35% of the votes, 2nd was Rattrap & Rhinox with 20%,
Optimus Primal& Rhinox got 15%, Optimus Primal& Cheetor
got 15%, Terrorsaur & Waspinator got 10%, Megatron &
Inferno got 5%.
Two adoptions this update!
Wicked Woman has adopted both Rampage and Depth Charge. Send
in your adoption requests to
10 January 2004
New Stuff:
Two episode reviews
of 'Spider's Game' and 'Chain of Command' are up, courtesy of Miss
Special and Lord Skyfire.
Sinead has sent in
redone versions of two of her fics from the Awn'nead Chronicles.
She has also sent in a new standalone as well as the next in the
'Living in Death' series.
Check out the latest poll, by Amber, at the Newest
Poll page.
Three adoptions this
update! Sinead has adopted Dinobot, Lady Scale has adopted
TM2 Dinobot and Pacerpaw has adopted Rhinox. Send in your
adoption requests to
3rd January 2004
Wow...where to begin. Firstly, I want to say
a BIG thank you to all who helped with this website! Everyone
clap for the following people: Hacker, for handling finances, Amber
for her adoption pics, Skyfire for his art contribution to the adoption
page, Solar Blaze, Pacerpaw, Miss Special and Hacker for the money
they sent. You guys rock! Special thanks goes to Miss
Special, who has made it her job (and a big job it is) to handle
all the site's artwork from now on. So, attention artists!!
Send your art to
!! She will update as regularly as she can, hopefully at the
same time I do so updates coincide. From now on, this page
will be the general update page, with links to the newest fics and
to Miss Special's art update.
Well, the layout's new for a start! The Character
of the Month is linked in text on the navigation bar, and linked
as a picture on the Beast Wars Express page.
Beast Wars Express page
- this will be the central place for additions to the site!
There are now Transformer Adoption
Pages up for you to look at and choose from, including all the Beast
Warriors and Generation One characters. There's also now a
'Comic' section, so if you want to submit any comics, send them
to me and I'll add them.
The Beast Warriors pages
have changed considerably. Now there are text links to individual
pages on each Beast Warrior.
About the Author/Artist pages are up for Lady
Scale, Solar Blaze, Hacker
and Sinead. Send your own in
if you want.
I've decided to take up on Miss Special's suggestion
to give polls their own page. Amber
will be handling the polls from next week on and the polls will
be linked on the navigation bar and on the Beast Wars Express page.
If you want to learn who to contact for what, go
to the new Contact Us page.
If you want to link to the new site, there are three link-to-us
pics to choose from here.
New Stuff:
I've added another toy review to the Toy
Reviews page, complete with pictures of Quickstrike taken with
my new digital camera.
Episode reviews of
the first two eps of Season One, by Lord Skyfire, are now up.
A fanfic by Lord Skyfire
is up too.
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker,
Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. is copyrighted to
the team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters,
plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe
Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the team and visitors
claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template
designed by
Web Templates