Beast Wars
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Fan Fiction by:


Last Hope: Prologue

 - "An ordinary day for the young Pred girl Duel - that is, until 'The Termination' changes her world forever." 


Last Hope: Chapter One

 - "Megs' is out of prison in time to get caught up the nightmare dubbed "The Termination". Now, his race's last hope for survival is it's last survivor."


Last Hope: Chapter 2 - Ratted Out

- The LAST 'bot on Cybertron Duel wanted help from - and he's in HER cave!



KAOS Kitty Sisters Series




Mother's Day at the Darkside


Tigress of the Kaos


Kaos Kitty Halloween Part Special 2002


'Twas the Night Before Christmas - A BW re-telling

- Nominated for Silly and Sweet '04



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