Beast Wars
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Fan Fiction by:



Series: A Perfect Life

A Perfect Life

- What happens when a teenage girl named Natalie has a perfect life? Well at least until she meets the Predacons.



Hard Times

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The Flashbacks

Stalking Shadows
- A mysterious visitor enters the beast wars. Will she join one beast warrior, and betray the other(s)?

A Bullet Piercing Time
- Darkshadow was banned from both sides, knowing that something incredibly horrible was about to happen. Her, being the only one who knows about this, holding important information that might be crucial. Nothing with aliens or Maximals, but with the environment.

Co-written fics:

Conversation Fic

 - Dannn and Darkshadow15 have started a new trend in fic writing.  Presenting the first conversation fic!  A fic co-written on Instant Messenger and kept in that format, so you can see the actual workshopping process of the fic.  An often entertaining and interesting view. Blurb: What would happen if Tarry and Rampage scheme against Megs?


Trouble with the Preds

- Co-written with Blaze Raptor


Plant Psycho

 - Co-written with Megatron Wannabe


April Fools Day at the Beast Wars

- Entry for the Comedy Fan Fiction challenge. Co-written with Greth the Air Dragon.




Dark Afternoon


Rampage thoughts

Email Darkshadow15 your comments!


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