Beast Wars
Latest Update

Fan Fiction by:


The After Earth Series

- The Beast Warriors hitch an early ride home, and try to restart their lives on Cybertron. (Completed)



The Uprising Series

- The follow-up series to 'After Earth'. (Completed)

- Winner of Best Series and Most Loved Character (Joe) '03



Shades of Green Series

- A series that revolves around three tight-knit characters and their struggles in a war where trust is everything. (Completed)

- Winner of Best Series and Most Loved Character (Emerald) '04


Losing Face

- We all put up a front when mixing with others.  How much would you hide to secure someone's trust? (Completed)

- Winner of "Best Series", "Most Gripping Suspense-Thriller" and "Most Loved Character (Myst)" 2005



Series in Progress:


Beast Wars Knights Series

 - A mixture of medieval warfare and Beast Wars.  All your favourite characters as knights, archers or pikemen!


A Trip Down Memory Junction

- A mini-series focusing on the pasts of three Maximals and one ex-Predacon.



Stand Alones

- click here to view Sapphire's stand-alone fan fics

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Sapphire's Vault

Sapphire's Transformer Biology Theories

Email any comments to malachite157@yahoo.com


Site Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker, Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. Bwint.net is copyrighted to the bwint.net team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the Bwint.net team and visitors claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template designed by
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