17 December 2005
This is probably the last update until the Fan Fiction
Awards on the 8th January, as I'm taking Christmas and New Year's
off. You're welcome to submit stuff during this time but it'll probably
only get put up on the site early next year. So! I'll take this
opportunity to wish everyone in the Fic Awards good luck, and to
wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Merry Christmas on behalf of the
team of!
New Stuff:
Congratulations to Caleb for winning the Pictures
and Captions competition!
Keep those votes coming in for the Fan
Fiction Awards!
There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
would look best as Santa Claus THIS year?'
1st: Optimus - 20%
2nd: Inferno - 16%
3rd: Rampage - 13%
Just a small fic update this week. Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
10 December 2005
In light of the fact that I'd forgotten the closing date of the
Fan Fiction Comedy Writing Challenge was today, I'm keeping it open
open for another month. This will also allow those interested more
time to start or finish a fic. Please participate - we actually
really need another entry or two for it to work properly.
New Stuff:
There are some more caption entries for the Pictures
and Captions competition, which is now open for voting.
Keep those votes coming in for the Fan
Fiction Awards!
There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
do you think would look best in a pair of reindeer antlers and a
red nose?'
1st: Rattrap
- 23%
2nd: Rhinox - 17%
3rd: Megatron - 10%
Yet another large fic update, including two new authors and a Vault
section for Skyfire. Click here
for the latest fan fiction.
3 December 2005
Thank you to all who submitted nominations! We had a really good
turn out this year. I'll use this opportunity to let those of you
who're wondering why a few of your nominations weren't accepted
that some I received were for fics that did not fit the category
they were nominated for, or the fic/series was too old to be eligible
for 2005's nominations.
About the Awards:
The nominating period is officially closed. You can view the list
of nominations here. The
polls for voting are now open. You can find the voting link
at the bottom of the nominations page and on the main Fan
Fiction Awards page. I urge everyone who wishes to partake in
this penultimate stage of the Awards to please try your best to
read everything nominated in the category you're casting a vote
for. It is only fair to give the competition a chance. I know in
the case of Best Series, this is a big request, but I'd prefer that
anyone who is going to make a decision when voting makes an informed
one. That way the Awards will carry more meaning. Thanks for listening.
Please make sure you follow the simple rules for voting, which
are do not vote for a category more than once and please try not
to be biased - vote for which fic you honestly believe is best in
the category it was nominated for.
New Stuff:
Master Solo has submitted an episode
review for Double Dinobot.
Lolo GS submitted some additional bloopers
and animation odds.
There are some caption entries for the current Pictures
and Captions competition. It's open for just one more week,
so if you'd like to submit a caption, do so before next Saturday.
There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
Beast Wars episode do you think could have been done without? (A.K.A:
Which episode didn't you want in the series?)'
1st: Go with the Flow - 35%
2nd: Proving Grounds - 28%
3rd: Transmutate - 24%
4th: Law of the Jungle - 13%
Ooh, large fanfic update today, including a new writer! Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
26 November 2005
I hope everyone who celebrated it had a happy thanks giving. :)
Less than a month til Christmas! XD
New Stuff:
There is just one more week left for nominating!
I urge every fic reader to send in nominations,
particularly for the categories that are lacking (such as "Best
Battle Sequence", which has one!) Thank you to all who have
submitted so far!
There's a new Pictures
and Captions competition. Check it out and try your wit!
There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
do you think would be a funny little comic strip that Cheetor would
make? (not saying he did, but then again...)'
1st: Super-Optimus - 27%
2nd: Rattrap VS DinoBot - 25%
3rd: Nothing... - 24%
There's a nice, big fic update, today. Check it out! Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
19 November 2005
Oh joy, my Internet held out long enough for me to update!
New Stuff:
Introducing a new section to
As many of you will know, 2 new waves of Beast Wars toys are being
released early next year. Wave 1 is already available for pre-order
at Entertainment Earth online store. Well, if you go to the Shop
page and click the link there that takes you to where you can purchase
the toys, a certain percentage of the sale will go towards BWInt.
All profts will go into keeping the site running. This system will
hopefully work better than requestion donations every year, provided
enough people pitch in and go through the site to buy the new BW
toys. If you purchase *any* Transformer toys through the links provided,
it will benefit the site. Go to the Shop
page to find out more. Your support is much appreciated!
A very handy section has been added to the episode
reviews section. Have you ever repeatedly misheard a line in
an episode, or wanted to find a reference for a quote? The Beast
Wars scripts are no longer available online, but the next best thing
to it now is. Thanks to Syntia, there are now text files of subtitles
for each and every episode of Beast Wars. Click here
to find out more.
Congratulations to Outtsyder for winning the Pictures
and Captions competition. A new competition will be started
in the next week or so.
There's a new form mailer you can use to submit
fanfic nominations, for the
2005 Fan Fiction Awards. Hopefully this one will work properly.
More info on it here.
There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
was your first reaction to the end of season 1?'
1st: I was shocked - 73%
2nd: I thought it was cancelled - 17%
3rd: I cried.../could've been done better/wasn't surprised - 3%
A very nice fic update, today. There are quite a few fics, including
some by a new author! Click here
for the latest fan fiction.
12 November 2005
Updates might be a bit higgledy-piggledy due to the recent fickle
nature of my Internet connection. Hopefully next month I'll be with
a more reliable ISP.
New Stuff:
You can now vote for the best caption for the Pictures
and Captions competition.
Two more nominations
have been sent in. Please keep sending them in!
There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
'When did you first start watching Beast Wars?'
1st: I was hooked the very first episode! - 59%
2nd: Started watching half way through season 1 - 30%
3rd: Got interested when Transmetals came along - 6%
There's only a small fic update today.Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
7 November 2005
Apologies for the delay. My Internet wasn't working, as Miss Special
informed. It's still not functioning 100%, but if you're seeing
this page, it means it lasted long enough for me to upload saturday's
update. Anyway, be sure to check out the Fan Art update this week,
because it's nifty!
New Stuff:
Announcement: While
I'm pleased with the amount of nominations the Awards have received
in the first week, I'm worried I didn't get all of them. It turns
out the nominations form is being fickle. Sometimes it works, and
sometimes it doesn't (and I cant', for the life of me, figure out
WHY). So, until I sort out getting a new form emailer, please send
nominations to me directly at
Also, everyone who has submitted nominations using that form, I
ask you to please check the Nominated
Fics page to check if your nominations are listed. If they aren't,
I did not receive them. If this is the case, please, please resend
them. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. *grumbles at faulty
Check out the latest Pictures
and Captions competition and try your wit and humour!
Another blooper has been added to page
2 of the Beast Wars Mistakes and Animation Oddities section.
An episode review
for "The Trigger: Part 2" has kindly been submitted by
Jammer. Texan Temptress has also typed up a script for "The
Agenda: Part 1" which can be found at the bottom of the review
for that episode.
A link to the fansite "Legends of Cybertron"
has been added to the links page.
There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
'Are you going to buy the 10 year anniversary Beast Wars toys
when they come out next year?'
1st: Yes! - 41%
2nd: I'm gonna try - 29%
3rd: maybe - 12%
There's a large fanfic update, including a new writer. Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
29 October 2005
Fan Fiction || Fan Art Update
Happy Halloween, everyone. :)

New Stuff:
Congratulations to Wicked Woman for winning the
latest Pictures and Captions competition.
A new competition will start up next week.
This weekend marks the start of Beast Wars International's
annual Fan Fiction Awards! Everybody dance! There's a new category
this year, and there have been a few small changes to the nominating
guidelines as well, so be sure to check that out. I urge every fanfic
writer and reader to bear these awards in mind when reading fics
and take the time and effort to submit nominations, so that we can
make these awards a success. To make it easier for everyone this
year, there's a Nominations Form, linked on the
Fan Fiction Awards page,
which is on the Beast Wars, Fan Fiction and Current Events pages.
The form makes sending nominations very quick and easy, although
if you want to do it the traditional way (emailing them to me directly)
you can still do that. Dates and guidelines are all on the Fan Fiction
Awards page.

There's a new general poll
now to vote at.
Here are the results for the previous poll:
'Since most of us pictured Megatron in a silly halloween costume,
which halloween costume would be the funniest to see him wear?'
1. A fairy costume - 53%
2. Optimus Primal - 21%
3. A clown costume- 13%
Just a small fic update, today. Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
22 October 2005
I don't have anything of note to say this update, so I'll say something
completely irrelevant and biased: Rattrap is da bomb.
New Stuff:
You can now vote for a winner for the current Pictures
and Captions competition. The poll will be open til next update.
There's a new general poll now to vote at, too.
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'What do you think the Predacons would do for Halloween?'
1. *pictures Megaton in a silly halloween costume*
*giggles* - 38%
2. Are you kidding? They'd attack the Maximals!!! - 34%
3. Megatron would be the scrooge of Halloween - 13%
There are three fics and two new writers, plus an update on the
BWA Archives update page. Click here for the latest fan fiction.
15 October 2005
Just a heads up to everyone that the annual Fan Fiction Awards is
approaching... Get excited!
New Stuff:
There are some entries for the current Pictures
and Captions competition. The competition will be open one more
week, so send in your captions if you want to try out!
There's a new poll now to
vote at.
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'Do you think we should have seen Megatron create more clones
through out the series? (not just of DinoBot)'
1. Maybe one more...MAYBE - 44%
2. Nope, twice was enough - 37%
3. Absolutely!!! - 11%
Medium fic update this week, with four fics and
one prologue to a new series. Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
8 October 2005
I work full time now so if I'm slow to respond to emails, you know
why. >_>
New Stuff: has officially linked to the DeviantART
Beast Wars fanclub. A link to the club can be found on the links
page. Check it out, it's worth a look!
The BWA Archives
has been updated. Now you can find fics by the author's first name.
You'd *better* enjoy the section, because I spent hours on it!
Wicked Woman kindly submitted an episode
review for "The Web". Again, any more episode review
submissions are very appreciated.
There's a new Pictures
and Captions competition! Scroll down to the bottom of page
1 and try your wit. :D
Outtsyder's report has been added to the Botcon
reports page.
A pretty nifty picture has been added to the Maximals:
Group Shots image gallery.
One more generation one Transformers were adopted
this week. There aren't many remaining, so if you'd like to adopt
one, you'd better hurry up!
A few more of my funky avatars have been added to
the Avatars page, seeing as most of the
original batch have been snapped up.
There's a new poll now to
vote at. (Note: Wicked Woman does the polls, and because
of the time difference she sometimes changes them later than I update,
so for that reason there may be a delay each update for when the
new poll shows.)
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'Which Beast Wars Character would you have wanted to see more
of in the series?'
1. Depth Charge - 35%
2. Starscream-possessed Waspinator - 16%
3. Ravage - 14%
Another small fic update this week, with two fics
and one poem by a new writer to Bwint. Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
1 October 2005
Hopefully now updates will be back to normal, as in every saturday.
New Stuff:
Texan Temptress was kind enough to submit an episode
review for Feral Scream, part 2. Season three episode
reviews are now (finally!) complete. Any more episode review
submissions are *more* than welcome.
Some of the Botcon reports and
pics are up this week. More should be up next week.
There's a new poll now to
vote at.
The genre for the next Fan Fiction challenge has
been voted on. The winning genre was comedy. More details on the
challenge can be found here.
Two more generation one Transformers were adopted
this week. There aren't many remaining, so if you'd like to adopt
one, you'd better hurry!
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'Which would be the best way to celebrate Beast Wars 10th anniversary
next year?'
1. Beast Wars Marathon - 30%
2. Writing a script of episodes that could've happened - 24%
& Another Bwint Gathering
3. Making silly comic strips about your favourite characters
Week before:
'Which Beast Wars Character has the cutest beast
1st: Cheetor - 42%
2nd: Silverbolt - 25%
3rd: Waspinator - 17%
There's just a small fic update this week, with
one fic and one poem. Hopefully next week the BWA Archive database
will be complete for accessing fics by author names. Click
here for the latest fan fiction.
19 September 2005
Ta da! Doesn't it look groovy? Do you know how insanely ridiculously
ludicrously hard I have been working this past week to redo a few
thousands files?! *faints* *recovers* Well there it is. There's
a ton of new stuff, which I shall list below:
New Stuff:
Everything Beast Wars related is now on the 'Beast Wars' page. That
included the Fan Archives, as in art and fics. Interactive is the
poll, forum and guest book/map.
Many sections have been revamped and added to. The image galleries
have just had a large influx of images, from both Omicron the Ice
Queen and myself (thanks Omie!). There are now galleries for Ravage,
the Vok, the Tripredicus Council and Transmutate.
All the character biographies have been edited or redone completely,
and there are now bios on The Tripredicus Council and the Vok.
There's additional information on BW, including an "About
the Show" section and "The Creative Team" which lists
the crew who worked on BW. The links page has been updated with
link to the voice actors' websites and fanclubs.
There's now a "Current Events" section linked on the
main page. That will tell you what big or small events are happening
at Bwint, from fic competitions to the annual Awards.
The special surprise addition at the site is the recently recovered
"Beast Wars Anonymous" archives. Joshin Yasha found a
web archive site that still had BWA cached on its system, and she
painstakingly downloaded a few hundred fics, which I painstakingly
coded into html and archived here for your viewing pleasure. I did
a few years' fic work in a few days, so I'm a little tired. O_O
Thanks to Beastbot and Miss Special, the toy reviews archive is
now complete. There are reviews and photos on all the show characters.
There are a few more episode reviews. Hopefully over the next month,
the episode reviews archive will be completed.
A poll is up for the next Fan Fiction challenge. Check out the
"Current Events" page to find out more.
There's been lots of little changes here and there, and some big
ones, but I can't list them all here, so please explore the site!
If you see any pages still with the old layout, please, please email
me and let me know! The same goes for any broken links/errors etc.
Otherwise, enjoy Bwint in it's shiny new layout glory!
There's a new poll now to vote at.
Here are the results for the last poll:
'Which Beast Warrior had the most fearsome beast mode?'
1st Megatron (dragon) - 46%
2nd: Rampage - 35%
3rd: Dinobot - 11%
No Fanfic update today, soley because I've uploaded
a few hundred BWA fics! There's just one poem by Darkshadow. Regular
updates will continue not next weekend, but the weekend after.
10 September 2005
Time to announce the layout winner. With over 50% of the votes,
"Beast Wars Buttons" has been elected as the new site
design for Bwint. The site's re-launch with its new look will be
either next update, or the Monday or Tuesday after, depending on
how long it takes to implement the changes. Please note that updates
are going to be a bit haphazard for the next 2 weeks because of
this and because of busy weekends.
New Stuff:
I've updated the Featured Fanfic of the Week, which can be seen
on the BW Express page.
There's a new poll now to vote at.
Here are the results for this week's poll:
'Which BW character can you see imitating the role of loony toons
cartoon character, Bugs Bunny?'
1.) Rattrap - 82%
2.) Cheetor, Waspinator & Tarantulas - 6%
Tiny fanfic update this week. Check out the "Latest
Fan Fiction" page.
3 September 2005
Miss Special and I have been very busy lately working on something
for all of you, and now it's complete! Presenting the Layout
Choices for Beast Wars International 05/06!
Yes, you read correctly, the site is having a makeover! With
the site renewal, the art pieces hitting over 600 and certain archives
heading for a massive increase in the near future, we both felt
it was time we celebrated Bwint's successes with a new site design.
We also decided it wasn't fair just to make one and apply it to
the site without asking YOU, the visitor, for your input.
So please head over to the Layout Choices
page to find out more and have your say. On a side
note, it's likely that the next update will be next week Sunday,
not Saturday.
New Stuff:
Congratulations to Outtsyder for
winning the Pictures and Captions
competition. The image and caption is displayed on page 2.
Master Solo sent in three images
and captions, which have been displayed on the new page 3 of the
Pictures and Captions section.
I've updated the Featured Fanfic
of the Week, which can be seen on the BW
Express page.
Here are the results for this
week's poll:
much BW Fan Fiction do you read?'
Just the occasional fic when the mood strikes me - 40%
A fair amount - 24%
Tons. I'm a fic-o-holic. - 20%
Quite a lot. I'm pretty well-read. - 16%
Very small
fanfic update this week. Check out the "Latest
Fan Fiction" page.
28 August 2005
Updates are back to normal now, hopefully.
New Stuff:
*sigh* Silly me. It seems I
missed adding a caption for last week's Pictures
and Captions competition. To be fair to the person whose
caption I forgot, the poll is now between this week's leading caption
and the new addition. Those who voted before, please re-vote.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Polls are open 1 more week.
The Featured Fic of the Week is staying
the same since it's only been up for a few days.
Here are the results for this
week's poll:
'Which kind of BW
Transformer type do you prefer?'
1st: Transmetal - 53%
2nd: Original/Fuzors - 18%
3rd: Transmetal 2 - 12%
Last update's
fanfic submissions are still displayed on the "Latest
Fan Fiction" page as they've only been up a few days.
There are also 2 new fanfics for this update and 1 Vault submission.
24 August 2005
So far just
three people have donated to keeping BWInt going (excluding myself
and Miss Special). Please help keep the site going by donating
at the "Donations" page, which
is linked at the BW Express page. On another note, there will
be an update this coming weekend, only it will be on Sunday.
New Stuff:
There are
more entries for the latest Pictures and
Captions competition, which is now open for voting. So,
erm, go vote!
Reports on
the Bwint Gathering can be found in the Transformer Convention
Reports section, linked at the BW Express page.
Wicked Woman
noticed something in Feral Scream part 2, which has been added to
page 2 of the BW Bloopers and Animation
Oddities section.
I've updated the Featured
Fanfic on the BW Express
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
would win in this fight?'
1: Rubber Ducky - 43%
2: Rampage - 29%
3: Optimus and Depth Charge - 11%
4: Rattrap and Megatron - 3%
Nice-sized fanfic update today,
including a fic by a new writer! Go to the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
August 2005
I'm officially
back! Many thanks goes to Miss Special for updating these past few
weeks. Things will be returning to normal now, except that
next week's update will be post-phoned until the 23rd or 24th of
New Stuff:
There are
jus two entries for the latest Pictures
and Captions competition. Hopefully there'll be more by next
update *hint hint*
Master Solo sent in her own pic and caption, added to page
Time to announce
the winner for BWInt's first Fan Fiction
Challenge! Click here
to find out who won.
There are
two episode reviews this week, thanks
to Wicked Woman. Check out the reviews for "The Low Road"
and "Before the Storm".
I've updated the Featured
Fanfic on the BW Express
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
which season do *most* of your favourite episodes come?'
1st place: 39% went to both season 2 and season 3
season 1, 23%
It's a small fic update, with
just 3 BW fics. Go to the Latest
Fan Fiction page.

- Please
donate some money to help make the $120 goal to keep running!
6 August 2005

- Please
donate some money to help make the $120 goal to keep running
another year.
Notes: I'm back! Well, semi-back. I'm back
officially for submitting stuff and I'll be updating as normal next
weekend. But this weekend Miss Spesh is helping me out again.
Anyway, send me your stuff as normal from now on and send all art
to Miss Spesh.
Special's Notes: Yes! Sapphire has returned! No more silly polls!
New Stuff:
Outtsyder sent in his Interview with Scott McNeil!
Read it at the Interviews
There is a
new Pictures and
Captions competition. Send me your funnies. :p Also,
Wicked Woman sent in her own pic and caption, added to page
Wicked Woman
also submitted something to the Beast
Wars Bloopers and Animation Odds page, for The Agenda 2.
The Fan
Fiction Challenge is now officially closed. The four
entries will be judged throughout the week and the winner announced
next update.
has joined the Optimus
Primal fanclub and submitted her reasons, and the same can be
said for Skyfire and his joining the Rhinox
Current and
new members might be interested in checking out the Avatars
page that I (Sapphire) have made. It's a small selection of
BW avatars to use for the message board. It'll be linked on
the message board
I've updated the Featured
Fanfic on the BW Express
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
is Optimus Primal having for lunch?'
1.) bananas - 72%
2.) oil - 8%
3.) a salad, cheese doodles, chicken, cookies & pasta
- 4%
A fair-sized update this week.
Two fics and a poem. You can see them at the
Latest Fan Fiction
July 2005
will be handling the poll, fanclub memberships, and pics and caps.
Miss Special will be in charge of everything else for one last week.
In other
news, sorry for the silliness of the poll. I couldn't think of anything.
fic archive has passed 500!

- Please
donate some money to help make the $120 goal to keep running
another year.
New Stuff:
I've updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
would win in a beauty contest?
Waspinator - 28%
TM2 Cheetor - 19%
Inferno - 13%
TM2 Dinobot - 9%
Another medium-sized fic update. Look at at the
Latest Fan Fiction
23 July 2005
Sapphire's still on a break, so it's Miss Spesh's
turn again! I'm not sure if she'll be back next week, but send submissions
to me, and if Sapph's back, I'll forward 'em to her. Submissions
go to
Today's update took four sticky notes!

- Please
donate some money to help make the $120 goal to keep running
another year.
New Stuff:
A link to The Adventures
of Megatron has been added to the Comics
I've updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Predacon had the Coolest Beast Mode?
Rampage - 50%
Megatron (dragon) - 17%
TM2 Dinobot - 13%
Blackarachnia & Tarantulas (tie) - 8%
There's a decent-sized fic update-- to the Latest
Fan Fiction page!
16 July 2005
Sapphire's taking some time off, so Miss Special
(me) is taking over for the duration. Until she's back, please send
anything site-related to me at
Also, entries for the Fan
Fiction Challenge need to be submitted by Tuesday, July 19.
Only one entry has been submitted so far.

- Please
donate some money to help make the $120 goal to keep running
another year.
New Stuff:
Voting for
the Pictures and
Captions is closed. Congratulations to the anonymous winner!
sent in an addition to the Pics
and Caps Gallery.
I've updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Maximal had the Coolest Beast Mode?
Depth Charge - 31%
Silverbolt's combination - 28%
Cheetor - 14%
Optimus - 10%
'Tis a small update this week. Check it out at the
Latest Fan Fiction
9 July 2005

- Please
donate some money to help make the $120 goal to keep running
another year.
New Stuff:
There are
some captions for the current Pictures
and Captions competition. It's open for voting now, so
go vote!
I'm pleased
to announce that David Kaye, voice actor of Megatron, has been kind
enough to give an interview. You can read the Q&As
on the new Interviews
page (to be listed at the BW Express page).
I've updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
you more of a Predacon or a Maximal fan?'
Maximal - 34%
I like them both equally - 28%
Predacon - 25%
I'm indifferent - 13%
It's a small update on the writing front.
Just one fanfic, a poem and an original story. Go to the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
2 July 2005
It's that time of year, all. As
approaches it's hosting package renewal date, money is needed to
keep the site up and running. Every year we have relied on
donations because it's too expensive for me to pay single0handedly.
So far, you've all pulled through and Bwint's been going strong
for nearly 2 years. Please help keep it running another year!
To find out how, go to the Donations
New Stuff:
There are
some captions for the current Pictures
and Captions competition. It's open for one more week,
so send in your caps if you want to enter!
has officially adopted Scorponok from the Adopt-a-Beast Warrior
section, which now means every Beast Warrior has been adopted.
I've updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Predacon do you regard as the most dangerous?'
Rampage - 47%
Tarantulas - 31%
TM2 Dinobot - 11%
Megatron - 8%
A Starscream-possessed Waspinator - 3%
Just three fics and an original story this update.
Go see the Latest Fan Fiction page.

Many thanks to Skyfire for drawing this picture!
25 June 2005
Miss Special's back, so there's an art update this
week! YAY!
New Stuff:
Announcement: By popular demand, I've decided
to extend the deadline of the Bwint
Fan Fiction challenge for an extra 2 weeks. I'm not going
to make a trend of this, so I urge those entering to get into gear
and have their fics sent to me by the 19th July.
There's a
new image to caption for the Pictures
and Captions competition. Go check it out.
I've updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
you going to Botcon this year?'
No - 69%
Yes - 19%
Still thinking about it... - 8%
Just three fics and a poem this update. Go
see the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
18 June 2005
There's no art this update, as Miss Special is away
on holiday.
New Stuff:
I'm leaving the link
up to those interested helping me with the 'surprise' for Bwint
for another week, in the hopes that more will join the project.
The more the merrier. :)
Reminder: Just two and a half weeks left
until the deadline of the Bwint Fan Fiction
challenge! I know a few of you are writing a fic for it,
so this is just a reminder. For those thinking about entering,
better get into gear soon!
goes to Outtsyder for winning the Pictures
and Captions competition! And on the same note, a new Bwinter
has submitted her own image and caption to the section.
As usual, I've updated the Featured Fanfic on the
BW Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
kind of Beast Wars fan are you?'
An all-rounder. The show, fics, art, toys - everything
I love! - 48%
I enjoyed the show very much and like to write/read fics
- 35%
I enjoyed the show and create BW fics and art - 13%
I enjoyed the show and like to draw fanart - 4%
A slightly less enormous update as far as fics go,
today. There are five fics, an original story and a poem.
Go see the Latest Fan Fiction page.
11 June 2005
I wrote earlier I'd forgotten who sent me a caption
for the pics and caps competition. Well, I know who it is
now, so that's fixed! Sorry Hacker!
New Stuff:
Announcement: Some of you might be aware
I've been planning a 'surprise' new addition for Bwint (no, the
Vault wasn't it). Well, it's a big addition and it will be
a monthly updated thing. However, I can't make it all by myself.
So I'm calling on a special few individuals to help out with it.
It's an exciting addition which could really take off, but those
wishing to work on it with need to have certain skills. You
can learn a bit more about that here.
This website is a huge thing to run, but new projects like this
is what keeps it constantly alive and hopefully worth revisiting.
So, in short, help would be greatly appreciated. Look at the
You can now
vote for the Pictures and Captions
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
do you think of the BW opening music?'
It totally rocks - 35%
I like it. - 50%
It's ok... - 15%
Another fictacular update. I didn't have time
to get them all up, so it's been split again. The rest is going
up next weekend. Go see the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
4 June 2005
Whoa...this update took me hours! You'd BETTER
enjoy it! *waves fist*
New Stuff:
There's a brand spanking new addition to Bwint,
everybody! Presenting: The
Vault. A place to view and store unfinished fics,
fics-in-progress, cut scenes and more! Go check it out!
There are
some entries for the Pictures and Captions
competition! It's open for captions for one more week, so
send 'em in!
Landray Depth
Charge has adopted G1 Ravage and BW
Tigerhawk. Congrats, LDC!
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
many Transformer toys do you own?'
Quite a few. (5-15) 31.25%
Between fifteen and thirty 15.62%
At least forty. 9.38%
Over 100. 9.38%
*sniffle* 9.38%
Just a couple. 9.38%
4.) One. 6.25%
Over 200! 6.25%
5.) Only of my favourite characters. 3.12%
Good gawd, there are a lotta fics! I had to
split them, so some are only going up next weekend. Go see
the Latest Fan Fiction page!!
28 May 2005
Apologies for the lack of update last week.
I wasn't feeling well.
New Stuff:
There's a
brand new Pictures
and Captions competition! Go check it out!
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Results: 21 May
you could, what ability of a Beast Warrior would you have?'
Blackarachnia's martial arts - 25.00%
Rampage's self-healing ability - 20.83%
Dinobot's swordsmanship- 16.67%
Results: 28 May
Predacon has the coolest laugh?'
1.) Tarantulas - 50%
2.) Megatron & Inferno - 16.67%
3.) Rampage & Blackarachnia - 8.33%
Just a couple of fics today, and an original writing
piece. Go see the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
14 May 2005
I ask that if you have stuff to send for the update,
try send it early in the week. By the end of the week I'm
swamped and dealing with last minute submissions is...difficult.
New Stuff:
goes to Zucca for winning the Pictures
and Captions competition!
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
of the accented bots, whose accent do you like most?'
Rattrap - 50.00%
Ravage - 35.00%
Quickstrike - 15.00%
5 fics and 4 poems. Go see the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
7 May 2005
Smallish update today. Last week I forgot
to ask what character fanclub was wanted next, so if you're a fan
of a fanclubless character, start a thread for your fave at the
BW section of the message
New Stuff:
I've extended the deadline for the Fan
Fiction Challenge. You now have 'til July 5th.
You can now
vote for the Pictures and Captions
has changed her penname to VampyerBA, so
it's listed as such on the Fan Fiction page.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
a Beast Warrior could be the next 007, who'd you vote for?'
Rattrap - 44.00%
Ravage - 24.00%
Silverbolt - 12.00%
Small fic update, but there are 2 poems! Go
see the Latest Fan Fiction page.
30 April 2005
9 hours of work + 5 hours of update = tiring.
New Stuff:
Blackarachnia finally gets her fanclub! Click
here to see.
Presenting... Bwint's first Fan
Fiction Challenge! Suspense-thriller won at the polls,
meaning that's the genre the challenge is set for. Go to the
Fic Challenge page (linked at the Fan Fiction and BW Express pages)
to find out more.
There are
some captions for the Pictures and Captions
competition. It'll remain open one more week.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Maximal would you like to see leading in a musical?'
Optimus & Dinobot - 23.08%
Rattrap - 19.23%
Silverbolt & Cheetor - 11.54%
Tiny fic update today. Go see the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
23 April 2005
I'm working now, so I just thought I'd make an announcement
stating that, so if updates are a bit late and if I don't reply
to submissions as fast as I usually do, you know why.
New Stuff:
I know I was supposed to put up two fanclubs this
weekend, but confirmation for both came late, so time was too short
for both. The Optimus Fanclub
is up this weekend, and Blackarachnia's shall be up next weekend.
There's a
new (I think hilarious) pic to caption for the latest Pictures
and Captions competition.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Predacon would you like to see leading in a musical?"
Megatron - 56.25%
Rampage - 12.50%
Waspinator, Inferno, Terrorsaur, Tarantulas, Quickstrike - 6.25%
Another medium fic update today. Go see the
Latest Fan Fiction page.
16 April 2005
Yay, I got a job! Now I'm gonna be even more
busy. O_o
New Stuff:
Check out the Waspinator
Fanclub!! Yay!
Check out Hacker's interview with Gary Chalk at
the bottom of her Transformercon
2005 report!
to Wicked Woman for winning the pictures
and captions competition.
updated his 'About
the Author' page with two photos, including one of his meeting
with Amber Dawn.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Predacon would you like to win a date with?'
Rampage - 36.84%
Waspinator & Blackarachnia - 15.79%
Terrorsaur & Megatron - 10.53%
Medium fic update today. Go see the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
10 April: I'm aware that the poll was
not updated on the ninth. My apologies. There is now
a new poll active.
9 April 2005
Gah! I thought today was Friday up until 5:15pm.
Thanks for telling me, Joshin! Sorry all, as a result this
update is very rushed...
New Stuff:
Yay! There's a Megatron
Fanclub now. Go see it!
Hacker has submitted her Transformercon
2005 report, complete with photos! It's up at the BW Express
page, for future reference.
One new entry
to pictures and captions
competition. The competition is now closed and you can
Roxy sent
in one of her personalized pic/caps. Go check
it out.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Beast Wars Character would you like to win a date with out of
the Maximals?'
Charge- 42%
Silverbolt- 19%
Airazor- 15%
Just a small fic update today, mainly my fault because
I didn't have time to get to a few others. Sorry to those
whose fics aren't up! They will be next week. Go see
the Latest Fan
Fiction page.
2 April 2005
That's the last time I take on two Fanclubs for
one update and do it the night before... o_o
New Stuff:
Presenting: The Rhinox
Fanclub, and the Silverbolt
Fanclub. And you'd better enjoy them, darnit! lol
There are
a few entries for the pictures and captions
competition. I'll leave it up one more week in case anyone
else wants to add.
About the Author page has a new, more recent pic of her.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
many episodes of Beast Wars do you want the series to have?'
1st: '98, just like the Generation One series' (64%)
'75' (27%)
Tied: '52 is good' & '60' (5%)
Another fictacular update! Go see the Latest
Fan Fiction page!
26 March 2005
Happy Easter!

New Stuff:
It's Inferno's turn for a fanclub, now! Go
check it out!
Thanks to
the kindness and photography skills of Omicron the Ice Queen, there
are now FOURTEEN
new images of Rampage, on his images
page. Plus, there are several images of him as Protoform
X on a separate page.
Dinobot and
Tarantulas also have some new images.
Try out your
humour and wit for the new pictures and
captions competition.
There's a
new animation oddity added to the BW: Bloops
and Animation Odds page.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Beast Wars character would you love to see as the leprechaun for
St. Patrick's Day?'
1st: Rattrap - 33%
2nd: Waspinator/Tarantulas - 17%
3rd: Megatron - 8%
Yet another HUGE fanfic update. I had to split
it...there were too many fics for me to read and edit this update.
So some have been backlogged for next update. Anyway, go and
check out the Latest Fan Fiction page!
19 March 2005
Yay! I'm back! *does the happy dance*
New Stuff:
Viva la Rampage! Go check out the new Rampage
fanclub. :D
Speaking of
Rampage, I've replaced two of the images on his images
page with ones taken by me (so that transformersforever doesn't
get angry at my using their pictures... o_o).
Roxy's back
with one of her personalised pic/captions. Have a look at
her page!
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
do you think should've happened in Beast Wars instead of Nemisis
pt 1 and 2?'
More insight on DC and Rampage - 42%
Tied: Waspinator quitting was good. Let's keep that; The Aliens
try to get Tigerhawk back on their side; Rhinox should ACTUALLY
leave the base for the first time in Season 3; Terrorsaur and
Scorpinok should be brought back. - 12%
Nemisis pt 1 and 2 are just fine. - 8%
Whoa! What a big fanfic update! Go and
check out the Latest Fan Fiction page!
12 March 2005
Yay, Sapph's back! That means this is the last time
I'll be doing the entire update, so I'll see you at the Art Update
page. Well, I won't actually see you, I'll just be updating there.
New Stuff:
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Which Musical score
in the whole Beast Wars series did you like the most? (Inspired
by Skyclad's post at the forum)
1st: Code of Hero (DinoBot's theme) - 25%
2nd: The Western Music in Coming of the Fuzors pt 1 and 2- 21%
3rd: Silverbolt's theme - 17%
A couple of fics and several songfilks, plus a new
author! Go to Latest
5 March 2005
...Is it summer yet?
Oh yeah, Sapph says it'll probably be another week or thereabouts
before she gets back online. (I probably should've mentioned this
is Miss Special again.)
New Stuff:
.Skyfire sent in an episode
review for Feral
Scream part 1.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
Which Predacon do
you think is the opposite of what he/she was when they were 9
Earth years old?
1st: DinoBot - 47%
2nd: Waspinator - 18%
3rd: Megatron/Tarantulas - 12%
There're a lot of new fics this week! Go to Latest
Fics to see 'em!.
26 February 2005
Howdy! Miss Special here, fillin' in for Sapph.
Sapph usually uses this space to say something informative or interesting
or both or neither. So, here goes:
I ate cake for breakfast. :)
New Stuff:
Voting for the Pictures
and Captions competition is over, and the winner is: Outtsyder!
Congratulations! See the winning entry here.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
'Which Maximal has the Coolest Weapon?'
Not much in the way of fics this week. Check
out the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
And please, if I forgot something, tell me! The
length of my memory is inversely proportional to my level of education.
19 February 2005
Important Announcement:
Next week I move into my new house. It's empty
and my family have a lot of things to set up before we can even
think about getting Internet. So I will be unable to update
for an undetermined amount of time, hopefully just a week or two.
However, Miss Special is taking over management of the site until
I get back. She won't be putting up new content like fanclubs,
but she will be adding fics and art and any episode or toy reviews
sent her way. If you have any other stuff to send, send
it to me in the meantime. I'll deal with it all when I
get back. It's a big site to run, which is why Miss Special
will only be handling reviews, fics and art. But in short,
updates will continue, to the best of her ability and time she can
make for them. Email her fics etc. to
New Stuff:
More fanclubs coming soon. I have a list of
names for some more clubs, but I still need to confirm a few people
before I can make 'em. In other club news, there are more
members to the Rattrap
and Depth
Charge clubs, and Sinead's sent in her reasons why she loves
Dinobot! And
Amber Dawn sent in her reasons for loving Cheetor.
There was a tremendous response (for Bwint, anyway)
for the Pictures
and Captions competition. So much so that I'm closing
it this week and opening the polls! Go vote for your fave
caption now! :D
Blaze Raptor submitted an episode
review for 'Maximal No More', complete with images!
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
'Which Maximal do you think is the opposite
of what he/she was when they were 16 earth years old?'
Some fics, some original stories and an essay this
update. Check out the Latest
Fan Fiction page.
12 February 2005
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
Insert intelligent side-note here: *crickets
chirp* Yeah...
New Stuff:
Yay! More fanclubs!
There's a fanclub page for Depth
Charge, Cheetor
and Dinobot
this week.
There's a great new pic to caption for the new Pictures
and Captions competition. *snickers*
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
'Which Predacon had the coolest weapon?'
1st: Inferno - 60%
2nd: Blackarachnia - 20%
3rd: Megatron/Tarantulas/Terrorsaur - 7%
Just a couple of ficcies this week. Check
out the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see what's new.
5 February 2005
Yay! February! I'm moving to my new
house this month! Just some useless information, for you...
New Stuff:
Tigerhawk is finally getting his glory of being
Character of the Month.
More fanclubs! There's a fanclub page for
Tarantulas and Airazor!
Depth Charge and Cheetor will be up next update. :D
An episode review
for 'Other Visits: Part 2' has been added.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll has been added.
Here are the results to the previous polls:
'How many stasis pods do you think
were on the axalon before it crashed?'
1st: 50 - 36%
2nd: 37 - 23%
3rd: 15 - 18%
Large fanfic update this week. Check out the
Latest Fan Fiction page to see what's
new there.
29 January 2005
The Fanart Awards have been called off. Simply
not enough response.
New Stuff:
Many more images have been added to
the Character Galleries. Cheetor,
Optimus, Blackarachnia and Depth Charge all have new images in their
galleries, thanks to the screen photography of Omicron the Ice Queen!
The images are really good quality for screen captures, so
New addition to the site (linked in the Beast Wars
Express page) are the Character Fanclubs!
There's currently only one for Rattrap,
but if you'd like to see more for other characters, check out the
requirements on the Fanclub main page.
Several Beast Wars animation oddities have been
added to the BW Bloops and Animation Oddities
page, all of them on the new page 2.
Episode reviews for
'Crossing the Rubicon' (thanks to Blackarachnia) and 'Call of the
Wild' (thanks to Steelmare) have been added. Images have been
added to the 'Chain of Command' episode review and there are images
for 'Crossing the Rubicon', too.
Heh, I won the Pictures
and Captions competition. *blushes*. Only by one
vote, though.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll has been added.
Here are the results to the previous polls:
Beast Wars really had to have a crossover series, which series would
you like it to have?'
1st: Justice League - 41%
2nd: Reboot - 22%
3rd: Wouldn't watch it if it was a crossover - 11%
BIG fanfic update this week. Check out the
Latest Fan Fiction page to see what's
new there.
22 January 2005
This is a request for all members and regular visitors
of to please send in some nominations for the Fan Art
Awards. So far we have hardly gotten anything in, and the
closing date is the 5th February. It's not hard. All
you have to do is look at the categories, browse over some of the
art and send in nominations of what you feel the best artwork in
each category is. Email them to Miss
Special, or post them at the Fanart Awards thread at the message
board. Please submit something. Miss Special and
I have worked hard to do this for YOU. Some interest in them
would be appreciated. Check out the Fan
Art Update for more details.
Special thanks to
(More Than Meets the for mentioning the FA Awards in
their update.
New Stuff:
Plenty of new links
have been added, and is now listed on's
Topsites. Please vote for us by going to the very bottom of
the links page and clicking the little seibertron logo.
Wicked Woman has sent in a an episode
review for Possession.
You can now vote for the Pictures
and Captions competition!
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll
has been added. Here are the results to the previous polls:
the Beast Warriors were transmetalized, who do you think came out
looking the worst?
1st: TM2 Cheetor - 35%
2nd: TM Cheetor - 25%
3rd: TM Optimus - 20%
Check out the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see what's new there.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -

January 2005
I've been working for two weeks on this update,
so it's nice 'n big! I've also done some general maintenance
on some pages, so you'll notice a few changed graphics and headers.
Also in the Fan Art section, the Fan Art Awards have begun this
week, so be sure to see check out the Fan
Art Update for more details.
New Stuff:
This is what took up the bulk of my time.
I've painstakingly created an image gallery for every Beast
Warrior, while trying to use only the best images around for each
character. If you go to the Media
page, you'll see a link to Character Galleries.
That's the image index page with a link to each individual Beast
Warrior's image gallery. I'll be adding to these galleries
as I find and get sent in more high-quality images. You'll
find the Dinobot and Rattrap galleries particularly impressive,
with Megatron, Tarantulas and Cheetor's galleries also looking good.
Thanks goes to Flyby Stardancer and Landray Depth Charge for their
A Beast Wars animation oddity has been added to
the BW Bloops and Animation Oddities
Three high-quality images have been added to the
Code of Hero review. A
review for Tangled Web has
also been added, complete with images thanks to Miss Special!
A toy review on TM2
Cheetor has been added, complete with images. An image of
the TM Tarantulas toy in robot mode has been added as well.
I seem to have forgotten poor Tigerhawk! He
never featured as Character of the Month, so he will feature next
month. In the meantime, a character bio on the Beast Warrior
has been added to the Maximal list in the Beast
Warriors section.
A new '' banner has been added
to the Link to Us page.
Grimloq and Amber
Dawn both have 'About the Author' sections, and I've updated
Please send in some more caption entries for the
Pictures and Captions competition!
Otherwise it'll just be between two people next week.
I updated the Featured Fanfic on the BW
Express page.
A new poll has been added.
Here are the results to the previous polls:
Predacon do you think is the eldest?'
1st: Megatron
- 28%
2nd: Tarantulas/Rampage
- 17%
3rd: Waspinator
the most recent poll:
you think that a new race of Cybertronians should've been created
while the Axalon and the Darkside were in the Beast Wars?'
Interesting, but not by much - 31%
What? How would that work?/Maybe, that could be cool -23%
Yeah! That could be interesting - 15%
Check out the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see what's new there.
10 January 2005
Fan Fiction || Fan
Art Update
I apologize for the
lack of update on the 9th. My Internet lines were down
and have been very unstable for three days. To make it up
to you, there will be a really big update next weekend, with brand
new image galleries being added to the media section. I've
purchased a new laptop which means I can now work a lot faster and,
as it plays DVDs, add many more screenshots (free of branding) to
the site's image database. So! I'll see you all next weekend,
if all goes well and if the Internet's back in working order.
If anyone has anything
to send, please feel free.
* *
In respect for the victims
of the terrible tsunami disaster in Asia, below are some links to
Aid organizations, where, for those of you who have some money to
spare, you can give a donation.'s
Tsunami Relief page
Past Updates of 2004
|| Past Updates of 2003 || Past
Updates of 2002
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker,
Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. is copyrighted to
the team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters,
plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe
Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the team and visitors
claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template
designed by
Web Templates