Updates: 2009
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21 November 2009
Fan Fiction || Fan Art
Firstly, my humble apologies for the long wait for an update.
I'm in my final year of University and it is keeping me unbelievably busy and I
simply have not had time to work on the site. This will hopefully change
after I complete finals in May next year! This month sees the first half
of a mega-update, the second half of which will be in December. If you
were expecting stuff to go up this update, please feel free to email me to make
sure I have it stored for December. I hope everyone enjoys what's here
this month!
New Stuff:
We only have one caption submission for the Pictures
and Captions Competition so please send in your best efforts so we can have
a poll up next update.
The Creative
Team page now has an accompanying page of interviews with the directors and
writers. There is a chance for you to ask people who worked on the show
your questions every week if you check Bwint's forums.
The results are then posted up here
in this section. These interviews will provide entertaining insight
into the makings of our beloved show!
There is also a fantastic interview
with voice actor David Sobolov, who played Depth Charge. GO SEE IT
The Episode
List page has had some much-needed work and season 1 reviews now feature
airdates and other factual information. There is also an episode review
for Other Voices Part 2. (Only a handful of episodes need
synopses/reviews, so if you're up for it, do email
it to the site!)
The character galleries of Airazor,
Blackaracnhia, Cheetor
and Quickstrike have
had some extra images added to them.
Remember 'Adopt a Beast Warrior'? Well now you can adopt
a Transformers Animated
character! Thanks to Nurann for sending in some additional characters!
There's a new general
poll now to vote at. If you have an idea for a poll, let Sapphire
now by sending off an email.
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'If you could learn the
true history of any one Maximal, who would it be?'
1st: Cheetor (29%)
Lots of art including 3 new artists. Check out the Fan
Art Update. Check the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see all the fanfics up this month!
Many thanks to Tronprogram for all this help with new content for this
20 July 2009
Fan Fiction || Fan Art Update
This is the second half of June's enormous
update. There's a cheerfully large amount of content up this
month, so I hope everyone has a fun time going through it. If
you submitted anything to the site that ISN'T displayed in this
update, please contact me and tell me who you are and what it is you
sent and I'll be sure to upload it next time.
New Stuff:
There is now a new Pictures
and Captions Competition ! Congratulations to Julia for
winning the last one.
The Botcon 2009 Report is now complete, with
photos! Click
here to read all about it.
The Episode List
page has had some much-needed work and there are now several more
reviews and synopses for such episodes as Transmutate
and Fallen Comrades,
amongst others.
There is now a Fanclub
for the character Transmetal Two Dinobot, which can be viewed here.
There are some more avatars to choose from for the
Bwint forum. Click here to see the
creations by Darkshadow.
Remember 'Adopt a Beast Warrior'? Well now
you can adopt a Transformers Animated
character! Thanks to DinoTor for these!
There's a new general poll now
to vote at. If you have an idea for a poll, let Wicked
Woman know by email or at the suggestion thread at the forum!
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'Which Beast Warrior would you like to
pitted in a fight against the Terminator?'
1st: TM2 Dinobot (46%)
3rd: Dinobot &
Depth Charge (12%)
Lots of art including 1 new artist. Check out the Fan Art Update.
Check the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see the fanfics up this month!

30 June 2009
Fan Fiction || Fan Art Update
This is a half-update, meaning that only half of
the content that I have archived for updates has been uploaded on
this occasion. If you sent me something and it's not here, do
not despair! It will be up next month in the second half of
the update. For the meantime, enjoy this June edition.
New Stuff:
You can now vote in the Pictures
and Captions Competition !
There's the first installment of a combined Botcon
2009 Report up, with photos coming next update. Click
SilverfromOZ has sent in his film review of
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. You can see
it here!
Several members have joined several Fanclubs, including
the Dinobot and Rampage. As I don't always have time to email new members links
to the respective banners, I have uploaded them here.
There's a new general poll now
to vote at. If you have an idea for a poll, let Wicked
Woman know by email or at the suggestion thread at the forum!
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'Which Beast Warrior would you like to see interviewed on Larry King Live?'
1st: Depth Charge (23%)
2nd: Optimus Primal
Loads of art including 1 new artist. Check out the Fan Art Update.
Check the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see the load of fanfics up this month!

30 March 2009
Fan Fiction || Fan Art Update
Well, I cut it fine, but for the first time in
quite a while, the update has been done a month after the last
one. O_o Didn't think I'd have the time to pull that
off, but here ya go! Hope everyone has a good Easter period,
whether you celebrate it or not.
New Stuff:
There are some entries to the current Pictures
and Captions Competition but we still need more, so send in
your funnies!
There is now a winner for the Mystery
Fiction Challenge . Big congrats to the person who earned the
golden star prize! Click the link to find out who it is...
Several members have joined several Fanclubs, including
the Dinobot and Ravage. As I don't always have time to email new members links
to the respective banners, I have uploaded them here.
Also, Transformersvoice now has his
own voice impressions page, linked on the Dinobot and Megatron
Thanks to the fantastic enthusiasm and hard work
of Tor and the contributors, the BWINT Newsletter has been
restarted! You can view it here:

There's a new general poll now
to vote at. If you have an idea for a poll, let Wicked
Woman know by email or at the suggestion thread at the forum!
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'If 1 Beast Warrior were to appear in the new TF film, who would you like to see'
1st: Cheetor - 47%
2nd: Dinobot - 19%
3rd: Waspinator AND Rampage - 8%
But-but-but....Rampage would have been so
kick-a$$! Oh well. :p
Loads of art including 2 new artists. Check out the Fan Art Update.
Check the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see what's new there.

8 February 2009
Fan Fiction || Fan Art Update
Yay another update! It's a miracle! Whoop whoop!
Happy tremendously belated new year, everyone, and an early happy
Valentines day. Many, many thanks to all those who donated to the
site. We've recovered the cost of renewing the webhost for another
year. All donations go solely into keeping the site running, I make
no profit, so any money donated from now on goes into BWINT's little
bank account to squirrel away for future renewals. :)
New Stuff:
Congratulations to Pavel for winning the Pictures
and Captions Competition ! There's now a new one you can enter
so check out the new pic.
There are now enough entries for the Mystery Fan
Fiction Challenge . Before the next update sometime in mid-March
the judges will review and decide on a winner. IF you have a fic
in the works for this competition, finish it up a.s.a.p and send
it in. If it gets to us before mid-March we can include it.
Several members have joined several Fanclubs, including
the Silverbolt Fanclub and Optimus
Fanclub. As I don't always have time to email new members links
to the respective banners, I have uploaded them here.
If you are a member of a particular fanclub, you can use the banner
of that club in your sig at forums or anywhere else you fancy. :)
Remember, you can use these clubs for any fun BW-related
stuff, like showcasing your character-centred art piece or fics,
or you can start friendly competitions between characters/clubs.
If you wanna get something going, post on the Forums and rally up
support for your idea!
The Transformers
Conventions page has been updated with dates and venues for
this years cons.
Sadly, the BWINT Newsletter has proven too much
for me to cope with, so I am going to discontinue it. However, if
anyone feels like they have the time and creative energy to run
it and do the work on it, then I will happily reinstate it. If you
are interested in taking on this role, email me and we can make
a plan.
There's a new general poll now
to vote at. If you have an idea for a poll, let Wicked
Woman know by email or at the suggestion thread at the forum!
Here are the results for the previous polls:
'Which Beast Warrior would make the best president?'
1st: Optimus - 38%
2nd: Tigatron - 13%
3rd: Rhinox - 11%
I'm surprised that even 4% of you voted Inferno!!!
Loads of fics including 2 new writers and a slew
of fics from Omie. Check the Latest
Fan Fiction page to see what's new. There's also a little Fan
Art to see. Check out the Fan Art Update.
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker,
Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. is copyrighted to
the team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters,
plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe
Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the team and visitors
claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original
template designed by
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