Beast Wars
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Memories from the Future Series:

Could Have

- Something or someone causes Rampage and DC to go back to the time when Omicron was alive. It's once again up to the Guardian to save the colony. First in the Memories from the Future series.


Should Have

- Colony Omicron is alive but that's hardly enough when people's lives are still being ruined. Time travel might have been a chance to make things right but, if you ask Starlet, everything is wrong with the world right now. Second in the Memories from the Future series. 


Would Have

- What happened to Rampage when he was left once again at the mercy of the scientists and what will happen when someone returns for him? Third in the Memories from the Future series.



Of Mice and Preds, Co-written with Syntia

- It's interesting how one night in a bar can turn your life- and maybe a whole war- around. Entry for the Romance Fan Fiction Challenge.


Growing Up

- On the way home towards Cybertron a young bot reflects on friends, enemies and innocence, all lost in the course of war.

In A Different World

Problems writing BW fan fiction and how to solve them

Part One || Part Two


A Day of Madness

- Entry for the Comedy Fan Fiction Challenge '06; CONTEST WINNER


Every Day

- A story about Ginger who comes to the BW unnoticed by anyone and makes some decisions that lead to the least likely romance of all. And a story about the Predacons as a group. Yes, they know the meaning of the word.


The Stupidest Easter Story Ever
- I must have been on crack...


Curse the World and Mean It

- Finally! The long awaited full-fledged Rampage/Depth Charge non-comedy romance! You know you WANT to read it! Unless you really detest slash which this story obviously is. *shrug* (PG-13)


To a monster

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