Past Fanart Updates
30 June 2009
Four 3D artworks by new artist Wishmaster
Two pieces by Jagna in her
Numerous adorable Beast Wars emotes by Blaze
Raptor! Click
A few new pieces of BW art goodness by OOP.
30 March 2009
Four artworks by new artist SBert
Three pieces by Zargata in her new
Three new pieces by OOP
8 February 2009
New art by Scorponis
Three pieces by Tor in her new
Five new pieces by OOP
5 November 2008
I will be doing the art update in a few days, so if you have any
artwork to submit, please do so soon.
In the meantime, here's a new piece by Optimal Optimus Primal:
Octopus Primal, by OOP
13 June, 2008
Three new pics from a new artist: Scorponis
5 May, 2008
Lots of art this update. Yay!
There is a new pic from Jagna this update. See it
here: gallery
Lady Scale has sent in several new art pieces and
a graphic.
Shockbox has sent in some more graphics.
15 March, 2008
Wow, we passed the 800 mark with fan art this month!
There are several new pictures from Jagna this update.
See the new page to her gallery here.
14 December, 2007
All art should be sent to
There are several new art pieces from Jagna this
update. See her gallery here.
15 September, 2007
Please note, due to the changes expressed in detail here,
Fan Art updates will now be handled by Sapphire. All art should
be sent to
There are several new art pieces from Dragonsflayme this week.
See her gallery here.
September 8, 2007
I'd make an observation about the current time of year, but I
did that last week. Oh. Hm.
I've added some of Wayward's art in her forum thread to her gallery.
August 25, 2007
As it turns out, I am able to update this week, albeit a little
late because I forgot what day it was. Oops. :P
Kind of a moot point, though, as there's no new art. Ah, well.
August 18, 2007
In case you missed it last week, there may or may not be an update
on the 25th. I won't know until that day either.
Now new art this week.
August 11, 2007
There might not be an update on August 25. But then again, there
might. I don't know. :O
In any case, Nurannoniel has submitted a painting for this week's
August 4, 2007
My hand is sore from playing Mario Party. :D
No new art this week. D:
July 28, 2007
It doesn't have anything to do with fanart, but,
as most of you probably know, I maintain the forum in addition
to running the fanart portion of the site, and so I would like
to point out that I have made a forum
tutorial. Even if you already know the ins and outs of the
forum, suggestions are welcome. :)
Anyways, Artemis-Lady-Warrior
has submitted some art for this week's update.
July 21, 2007
Art updates are continuing to be consistent (obviously),
but there's no new art this week, so that doesn't give me much
to do.
'Til next week.
July 12, 2007
I think I am going to eat some cake soon. I am hungry,
you see, and cake would not only remedy this, but taste good as
There's a new artist this week, Artemis-Lady-Warrior,
and the deviantART Directory
has been updated.
July 8, 2007
I now return to the regular update schedule. No,
really. I mean it. Barring any unforseen ISP explosions, computer
deaths, and whatever else fate might think of to stop me, updates
should be back to their regular-ish weekend... update... ness.
In any case, send in the art!
I didn't receive any art submissions while abroad,
but I still have a couple things anyways:
I've updated Wayward's
art gallery,
as well as added a submission
to my own.
June 2, 2007
Wow, I just re-read the notes from the last update.
Especially the part about the "if updates are postponed,
I'll post a message." Yeah, sorry about that. Between papers,
finals, and end-of-semester activities (none of which were particularly
fun), it slipped my mind.
Anyways, I have some business to address:
First, I'm going to England with Sapph for a few
weeks starting next week. I have no idea what that's going to
do to updates, but I'll see what I can do. After England is Botcon,
and I won't be able to update then. (That would be the very end
of June into the beginning of July.
The second bit of business is something I should
have said long ago. I don't know why I haven't, except that I
was hoping the disclaimer at the bottom of just about every page
on this site would cover things. However, due to a couple recent
incidents, I guess I do need to go over them.
Art fraud is bad. Really bad. Don't take someone else's
art-- drawings, graphics, whatever-- and claim it as your own.
Similarly, altering a screenshot or someone else's art and saying
you drew it is also bad. It's one thing to manipulate a
screenshot and submit it as a graphic or send it in with a caption,
it's a completely different matter when you say you actually took
the time to sit down and painstakingly redraw it.
Dishonesty like this is grounds for removal of all your content
from the site, as well as banned from the forum. (It should be
known, however, that this kind of action will not be undertaken
without sufficient proof, as well as a discussion with the perpetrator--
your stuff will not be randomly removed without your knowing about
Similarly, linking stolen or otherwise ripped art from another
site to the forum will likely result in a ban.
Also, it is completely not okay to take original
content from this site and use it on yours without asking. Screenshots
are one thing, graphics and art are another. They are the property
of the person who made them, and you absolutely must get their
consent prior to posting it on your site.
If you believe there is something of yours on this
site that someone submitted, saying it was theirs, please contact
me. I unfortunately lack omnipotnece, and so it's impossible to
know if something belongs to someone else. I do the best I can,
but something may slip through. All you have to do is drop me
and email so the situation can be resolved.
(It should be noted that this sort of thing hasn't happened yet,
but there's always the possibility.)
I've updated the art
submission rules page to reflect this.
On to the actual art update!
Blaze Raptor has sent in some new Mini
a new artist, Waspimus
Prime, has submitted a collage,
and another new artist, Connor
Behan, has sent in a painting.
May 5, 2007
School ends in the next few weeks, and so I'm starting
to feel that end-of-semester crunch. As a result, updates might
be postponed. If this happens, I'll post a message here.
New art this week from:
and the deviantART directory
has been updated.
April 28, 2007
Sorry about the long delay between updates! Stuff
just comes up sometimes, but at least there's a good amount of
art to show for it, specifically:
some art and a comic
from Lady Scale,
some art from Master
more art from Wayward,
a pic from a new artist, Distephano,
and the deviantART directory
has been updated.
March 31, 2007
There's some new art this week from
Master Solo
and Wayward.
March 24, 2007
The deviantART directory
has been updated.
March 11, 2007
No new art this week.
March 3, 2007
No new art this week.
February 17, 2007
And again, the art update is bigger than the fic
update. Is this a trend or something?
Unlikely, since all the new art this week is by
February 10, 2007
The art update is larger than the fic update! Take
that, fics! Think you're so great now?
...anyways, if I've forgotten anyone, feel free
to smack me upside the head with a blunt object (try not to make
a mess, though) and remind me.
There's several pieces from Araneae,
and an addition to Lady
Scale's gallery.
December 9, 2006
This is the last art update until January. Next
week, I will be dealing with finals (even on a Saturday) and thereafter
I'm taking a break. Art updates will continue once the new year
This week, there's one graphic from Master
December 2, 2006
There will most likely not be an art update the
weekend of the 16th. Finals begin the day before, and I actually
have a final on the 16th, which kind of sucks, since it's
a Saturday, but the alternative would be to have it on the 20th.
The sooner winter break starts, the better, so I'll sacrifice
a Saturday for that.
In any case, there is no new art this week.
November 25, 2006
No new art this week.
November 18, 2006
Sorry if this week's update looks a little funny
(and if it does, please tell me)-- I'm updating on a different
computer with a different resolution.
This week, there's a pic from a new artist, Chichan,
and a pic from Blaze
November 11, 2006
New art two weeks in a row! How about that?
Here's some new art from Landray
Depth Charge,
and some from myself.
November 4, 2006
I don't know about any of you people, but lately,
about 75% of the stuff that makes it into my inbox is spam. To
avoid having your message being passed off as spam, please put
some sort of Beast Wars International-related thing in your subject
(most of you do this already). You could also add, "DON'T
DELETE THIS, YOU IDIOT," however that is not required.
And, hey! We have art this week!
One pic from NightFire.
October 28, 2006
No art update this week.
October 21, 2006
I'm still not sure exactly what's happening next
Saturday, but in all likelihood, the update will continue as normal.
Some art this week (Art! Gasp!) from Skyfire,
and I've updated the deviantART
Directory, which I should've done weeks ago but forgot.
October 14, 2006
Nothing new this week, and nothing really to report
except that there is a possibility that the update on the 28th
of this month may come early, late, or not at all.
October 7, 2006
Back from Botcon! It was a blast-- you can read
all about it in my convention report, which is probably linked
on the main update page.
If any of you are visiting here for the first time,
hi, and welcome to the site!
This week, there are a couple new drawings from
Miss Special, who is coincidentally
September 23, 2006
Ha! You came all the way here just to find out there's
See you in a couple weeks. :D
September 9, 2006
This is the third week straight without any art
I warned you.
September 2, 2006
Again with the no-arty ness! If this keeps up, I'll
have to draw a stick figure in MSpaint just to say there's something
to update with! D:
August 25, 2006
Like I said, the art update this week is early.
Yes, folks, you get a whole lot of nothing one day
Not that I'm complaining. I need all the time I
can get today.
August 19, 2006
Just a remider: Next week's art update will be early.
I'd suggest mailing any submissions before Thursday if you want
to make the update in time. The update itself will take place
Thursday or (ideally) Friday. It definitely won't be on Saturday.
As for art this week:
there're a couple new pics from Landray
Depth Charge,
and a drawing from Outtsyder.
August 12, 2006
Just to warn everyone, the update that would normally
happen on August 26th will probably be early, either the Friday
or Thursday before, so don't expect late submissions to make it
in time.
I've typed up some scanning
tips, in case you're interested.
This week, there's some art from Monarch,
a drawing from Master
and a couple of graphics from Sapphire, found here
and here.
August 5, 2006
It's August now, which means school starts in a
few weeks. Well, for me, anyways. For some people, it might be
sooner, probably later for others, and then there are some people
who don't get really long breaks from school.
I'm not sure how things are going to be in the future as far as
spare time goes, but I'm hoping my load will lighten a bit.
Anyways, this week, there's some art from a new
person known as Monarch,
I got off my lazy rear and posted some stuff in
Beast Wars and non-BW
and the deviantART Directory
has been updated.
July 30, 2006
Why an update on Sunday and not Saturday? I had
to work yesterday and Sunday mornings are notoriously boring.
Anyways, this week there's a whole bunch of art
from Alpha Prime.
July 22, 2006
Another week, another non-art update. I'd say more,
but, um, what else is there to say?
July 15, 2006
No art update this week. The only pictures I was
emailed this week were of my neice, and while she's cute, she
doesn't have anything to do with Beast Wars.
July 8, 2006
Well, after a longer than expected hiatus, I have
Anyways, I've posted all the backlogged art I've
been sent:
A graphic from Master
and some art from a new artist, EmarylleSkye.
June 10, 2006
Go read the latest update page if you haven't already.
June 3, 2006
An update for the deviantART
and a bunch of art from Alpha
May 27, 2006
No new art, but the deviantART
Directory has been updated.
May 20, 2006
Actually, the art update's bigger than the fic update. Go figure.
Lots of new art from Araneae,
as well as several from Alpha Prime.
May 13, 2006
Well, school's not blown to pieces, but it's out,
at least. :) One less thing to distract me from the important
There's a new art piece from Femme-bot
this week.
May 6, 2006
I don't really have anything to say this update...
so... on with the art!
This week, there's some more art from Alpha
April 30, 2006
Apologies for the late update, yesterday was a pretty
busy day for me.
This week, there's some art from a new person, Alpha
Prime. Welcome to the site!
April 22, 2006
Another week, another opportunity to say something
deeply profound.
...In the words of my sister, "I like chocolate."
New stuff from Syntia in her
April 15, 2006
I, um, don't really have anything to say this week.
Not that I have anything to say most of the rest of the time.
*dances for your entertainment*
This week, there's some new art from Blaze Raptor,
found here and here,
some new stuff from Master
and an addition to Araneae's
April 8, 2006
Spring break has arrived! Hurrah!
Also, it seems like my spam filters have gotten a
little overzealous. I think I rescued everything that needed it,
but if you sent something and I haven't posted it, that's probably
why. If you think this might've happened, send it again with "Art
for bwint-- this is not spam, you dork!" or something like
that as the subject. That should make it easier to spot.
This week, there is a pic from Syntia!
April 1, 2006
There's no art update this week.
...April Fools!
...Wait, there really is no new art.
(I'm a bad person.)
March 25, 2006
Hey, April's coming up! That means Spring Break's
just around the corner. *dances*
This week, there's an art piece from AcidWing,
a couple pics from Wayward,
and a whole lot of graphics from Outtsyder.
March 18, 2006
Wow, there's a really big art update this week!
(Yay for saying deep, thoughtful things.)
There's lots of stuff from Omicron
the Ice Queen, including a couple comics,
some art from Blaze
and some from a new artist, ChibiJaime.
March 11, 2006
And thus the 2006 Fanart Awards come to a close. Thanks
goes to all artists, everyone who nominated, and everyone who voted.
Without participation, the FA Awards wouldn't work, so they couldn't
exist without you. :)
I've created a list of all nominations and all winners
(including runners up), which will be linked to the Fanart
Awards page after the awards ceremony. I've also made a gallery
of all the art that won, which will be linked to the nominees/winners
As far as new art goes, there's a new addition to
Landray Depth Charge's gallery.
March 4, 2006
So, how 'bout that weather? Almost 70 degrees (21C)
last week, and this week there's snow and sixteen-hour power outages,
none of which I'd mind so much if it didn't kill the internet
connection in my room. Yes, I'm updating from clear on the other
end of the house. How exciting for you, I'm sure.
Anyways, voting for the Fanart Awards is officially
over! Thanks to all who participated, especially during the last
week. The awards ceremony will be held on AIM (sn: Miss Special9912)
next Saturday, March 11 at 3 pm EST. I'll also be on MSN by request
(meaning, email me and I'll be on MSN).
This week, Araneae
has some new art up for display,
and the deviantART Directory's
been updated.
February 26, 2006
This is the last week you can vote for the Fanart Awards! If
you haven't yet, please do so!
The awards ceremony is still TBA, as I'm not sure what my schedule's
going to be like.
One new art piece this week, from Syntia.
February 18, 2006
Keep castin' those votes! As some guy once said, "Vote
early, vote often." Well, don't vote more than once, because
that's cheating and cheating may work for the Preds (and some Maximals),
but it kind of defies the purpose of the whole Fanart Awards thing.
And, see, there's no new art this week, so you can
spend your art-viewing time on the Fanart Awards.
(Teehee, I'm so subtle.)
February 11, 2006
Voting for the Fanart Awards is officially open! You
have until March 4 to cast your votes. Once you've looked over all
the nominated pieces, go
here and let Mister Poll handle things! There will be an option
to see the results, but even if you use it, it won't mean anything,
because I have skewed the results! That's right, only I know the
real outcome! Ha HA!
I haven't decided on a date for the FA Awards Ceremony.
I can tell you it will be held possibly on a Saturday, and it will
be held in an AIM chat and maybe MSN, depending on if there are
any requests for it.
There's a small art update this week, with an updated
deviantART Directory,
a pic from Femme-bot,
and one from Nightfire.
February 4, 2006
Nominations for the Fanart Awards are officially closed!
Voting will begin next week. I'm not sure exactly how it's going
to work-- most voting forms I'm familiar with allow only ten choices
per category, and several categories have well exceeded ten nominations.
I'll have something worked out by next week. In the meantime, go
through the nominations list and
figure out who you're going to vote for. :)
This week, there's some art from:
Rainynight, who now
has her own art section,
A graphic and an animated
gif from Sapphire,
and a couple art pieces from Landray
Depth Charge.
January 28, 2006
The Fanart Awards are going very well, but there are
a few categories that could still use some nominations! :)
Here's the updated list
of nominations.
New art this week includes:
Some art from Skyfire,
some from Syntia,
and a non-BW pic
from me.
January 21, 2006
Remember, the nominations period for the Fanart Awards
ends February 4th! If you want to nominate, get them sent in before
I've got the current
list of nominations up so you can see who's been nominated.
I've also updated the deviantART
added some art to Darkfire75's non-BW
and Skyfire's got an addition to the Comics
January 14, 2006
Yes, I have returned from my vacation!
It was mostly good. I learned that driving 850 miles with one's
slightly younger sister is easier than one would think.
Anyways, since it's the start of a new year (well,
not the exact beginning, but close enough), it's time to kick off
the Fanart Awards! Participation
is encouraged! I've got a pretty extensive (I hope) FAQ,
and once you've got your nominations together, you can send them
in using the form I've provided or send me an email (check the FAQ
page for more). You have until February 4 to nominate.
Also, at the risk of sounding threatening, if there is a lack of
participation like last year, the awards are gone for good. This
year, I'm not going to extend the dates or beg for nominations.
If there isn't enough by Feb. 4 then they're canceled.
There's a bit of new art this week:
A graphic from Master
a newcomer, Syntia, has her own loverly
and I've got a new piece in my
December 17, 2005
I leave on vacation tomorrow. Please
don't submit any art until I get back. I won't have decent internet
and I won't be able to do anything with submissions. The next art
update will be January 14, and I'll be back on the 8th, so you can
flood me with all the art you'd like then.
This week,
there're a couple graphics from Sapphire, found here
and here,
and some art from Darkfire.
My brother and I did this. We might
have gone a bit overboard, but we had fun:

December 10, 2005
Next week is the last week there will be an art
update until January, so if you've got something you're wanting
to send in soon... um... send it in soon.
No art update this week, which is probably for the
better considering I've got a lot of schoolwork to get done, but
the deviantART Directory has been
December 3, 2005
Hooray for December! Truth be told, I still think
it's just a tad too early to get into the holiday spirit, but the
radio stations seem to disagree. But December also means the end
of the semester! That's right, two weeks to go! No more thirteen
hour schooldays for me!
There's a small art update this week, with one art
piece from Starath,
and one from Miss
November 26, 2005
'Tis the season for Miss Spesh to announce her Christmas
plans. See, a large chunk of MS's family lives on the other side
of the country, and she generally goes to spend Christmas with them.
Last year was an anomaly in that she actually stayed home.
Anyways, continuing to refer to herself in third person, Miss Special
is leaving for Michigan on December 18 and will return on January
8. (Or seventh, but she thinks the airline called and said the date
was changed.) During her time in the east, she will be unable to
update, and will be without decent means of internet communication
for some time.
Therefore, if one has art to submit, one should do it before she
leaves if one does not want to wait for ahwile. The final update
of the year will take place on December 17, so that's the day to
get things in before.
This week, there's some art from Maria
and a graphic from Sapphire.
(Note 12/3/05- Maria's art has been moved to the
Comics section.)
November 19, 2005
Thanksgiving (for the US) is next Thursday, and
I know I'm traveling for it, but I don't know how long I'm going
to be gone. The art update might be a little late, but I should
be able to get it up even if I'm not around at the usual updating
time. Then again, I might be updating on schedule. I kinda really
wish I knew.
Anyways, this week's art update includes:
a new pic from Starath,
and several from Araneae.
November 12, 2005
Another good update! Hooray!
Some more pics from Markatron,
another from Maria Sunderland,
and one from Landray
Depth Charge.
November 5, 2005
Wow, there's a lot for art for this update!!
First, an update for the deviantART
some art from Sinead,
and two great new artists,
Maria Sunderland
and Markatron!
October 29, 2005
Today's update's quite nice-sized, compared to some
of the updates we've had!
The deviantART directory's
been updated,
some new art from Blaze
Raptor, including a new chibi,
a festive graphic from Lady
and an addition to Araneae's
October 22, 2005
I'm on the phone with my sister at the moment, so
just imagine something witty and/or thoughtful here.
got her own spiffity gallery, so go see!
October 15, 2005
Wow, October's half over already!
There's a new art piece in VampyerBA's
and the deviantART Directory's
been updated.
October 8, 2005
Two new pics this week, both in AcidWing's
art section.
October 1, 2005
Yes! It is the first day of October! I see crunchy
leaves in my future!
Anyways, BotCon was a blast. I'm working on a writeup
of it, and I've got some pictures. There'll also be a fun new feature
as a result of an extremely cool BotCon-related windfall-- I should
have it ready next week.
So how about that new layout, huh? ;)
This week, there's some new art from Araneae,
and an update for the deviantART
September 19, 2005
Look! Look! Do you see? Do you see the new layout?
Yes! For the past week-and-then-some, Sapph and
I have been diligently going through EVERY PAGE (or just about,
at least) to apply the pretty new things. Go ahead, play with the
buttons. You know you want to.
There are obviously a few new or different things,
and some things you should know:
Firstly, go and read the
new rules and such, even if you've been here forever and a day.
The rules have changed a bit-- nothing drastic, just things to keep
me from pulling out my hair. Because that would make a big mess,
and I can't see me wanting to clean up a big mess of hair after
I've just pulled it all out.
(I've been working all day, can you tell?)
Some will notice that their art sections have been
shifted around a bit and/or expanded. My eternal gratitide goes
to the person who not only accepted a reduction in her art section,
but was an extremely good sport about it. I've tried to reduce
loading times, but it didn't always work. To those with dial-up,
I share your pain. In a world of connections where things can download
in the blink of an eye, I chug along at a snail's pace of 40K.
Second, go through as much of the site as you can.
For those with art sections, it's your job to go through yours and
tell me the things I missed*. I guarantee you I've missed something;
I'm already compiling a list. I'll get to it when I'm less prone
to writing extended metaphors or typing out the lyrics of the song
I'm listening to. You don't want that, trust me.
Finally, there won't be an art update this weekend.
I'm goin' to BotCon! Wish me luck, 'cuz I sure hope I don't meet
anyone named Rita while I'm there! (If you catch my drift.) I'll
be gone from Wednesday to late Sunday, so don't expect to hear from
*When you tell me things I've missed and/or botched,
please, for the love of all things holy, use a little tact. Be nice.
Something like, "Here's all mistakes you made. Geez, I've seen
a panda do better work," isn't going to get you on my good
side. Bad vibes will be sent your way.
September 10, 2005
Okay, the update this week is on time, but the update
for next week is shaky, and the week after that is BotCon, so there
won't be an update that weekend. Then things will return to normal
and stay that way. Really. I mean it this time.
Lots of pics this week from a new artist, AcidWing.
September 3, 2005
>_> <_< The update next week will be late.
They will go back to normal and stay that way, eventually. Really!
Also, the school's started again, and I'm really busy this
semester, so sorry if I don't get back to you promptly.
This week's art update is biiig! And the art archive
now sits at 603 pics! Joy!
Eight (count 'em!) new pics from Joshin
and one pic by Starath
in her shiny new non-BW section.
August 28, 2005
Updates should return to their normal day at their
normal time (Saturdays) next weekend.
But soon, the art archives will pass 600 pieces! Woo!
This weekend, Zucca's got
an art section,
and Sapph's got a
August 24, 2005
There wasn't an update this weekend because of the
Gathering, so here's a mid-week update! This weekend's update will
probably be late, but there will be an update this weekend.
There's a new pic in my art
and some additions to the Comics
August 13, 2005
There's no art this week! Oh noes! D:
August 6 2005
There's a new artist this week! Check out VampyerBA's
And there's some new art from Landray
Depth Charge, as well.
July 30, 2005
A small art update today, one pic added to Lynxia's
and the deviantART Directory's
been updated.
July 23, 2005
...hey, summer's almost over! Man!
Two new artists this week!
A couple of pics by Araneae,
one by Femme-bot,
and the deviantART Directory's
been updated.
July 16, 2005
Kinda figures that there's no art to update when I'm
taking care of the whole site.
July 9, 2005
Did you know that the only reason I know what day
it is, is because I have a calendar sitting next to me? Wouldn't
surprise me if that goes for some of you, too. It is summer
in the northern hemisphere, after all.
Anyways, it's another small art update.
A pic from Landray Depth
and one from Skyfire.
July 2, 2005
Happy belated Canada Day, and happy early Fourth
of July!
Today's update is very small, but that's okay, because
the last two were huge. The art archives is closing in on
600 pics!
There's a new pic from
Lady Scale,
and the deviantART directory
has been updated.
June 25, 2005
Yes, I'm back from my vacation! It wasn't restful
in the slightest, but it was pretty good overall.
Anyways, we have several more new artists!
Firstly, Master Solo
has an art section,
as does Greth the Air Dragon,
and Optimal Optimus Primal (OOP),
and Skyfire's not new,
but he's sent some art, too. ;)
The deviantART directory's
been updated, as well.
June 11, 2005
Maaaaan, there are a lot of new artists this
I won't be here next weekend, but you can still send
in art. If there's enough before I leave, I'll do a mid-week update.
There's a new pic from Juditangelo,
a graphic from Sinead,
Michael now has his own
art gallery,
as well as NightFire,
not to mention Omicron the Ice
and please welcome Knight!
June 4, 2005
Wow! Two really nice updates in a row, and not only
because I held art over from the last update!
There's more art from Fadura
Shy. U,
and one from Wayward,
and one from Landray
Depth Charge.
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker, Blaze
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