to Silverbolt:
I would like to celebrate
How you were always there
You protect your fellow Maximals
Especially BlackArachnia
You're always true to your heart And never let anyone down
You proved to Optimus that you earned his trust
In the beginning you were a Predacon
But you knew that evil is wrong
So you quit the evil side and joining the Maximals
There you fell in love
Even though your love was an enemy
You managed to bring her around
When she was going transmetal
And you thought she was gone
You vowed to avenge her
Then she saved you from Rampage
And you forever became her champion
When you went back to Cybertron
She was heartbroken without you
She risked her life to find you again
And in the end she succeeded
You told her how Megatron freed you from your code of honor
You didn't know who you were anymore
But she showed you the light
When Megatron was vanquished
You were free to forget the war
And you two lived Happily Even After
By: Dollia Cortez
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