Maximal...or Predacon?

Where we talk about nothing other than that. :)

Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One

Given the choice, would you be a Maximal or a Predacon?

Other (Explain)
Total votes: 46

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Unread post by artemis-lady-warrior »

I thought "other" meant like what tarantulas was. The spawn of unicron or something. XD How's that even possible?
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Unread post by VelociBerg »

Its Unicron, silly! In the original TF movie, the song wasn't about Hot Rod, it MUST have been about Unicron!



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Unread post by Nyx »

Ummm.... Well I'm not sure who I like more, I mean The Predecons are pretty cool But then I think about the Maximals and how much I am like a maximal... Heh I can't choose!!!!!

But If I had to choose a side, I'd have to pick either the Maximals or Other.
One, Bacause if I joined the Predecons, I think Megatron would kick me out for being too much of a goody-two-shoes and that I don't like hurting or killing anything.

Plus as Lady Warrior pointed out, the Maximals have Dinobot and Silverbolt! :D
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Unread post by Daughter of Darkness »

Maximal through and through for me, though I'm a sucker for Preds -_-;

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Unread post by Beastly »

other coz i dont conform 8)
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Unread post by 7Knight-Wolf »

I would be Maximal because they have the better sense of morality.
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Unread post by 7Knight-Wolf »

VelociBerg wrote:Its Unicron, silly! In the original TF movie, the song wasn't about Hot Rod, it MUST have been about Unicron!



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WHAT?! Unicron is the bad guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Unread post by VelociBerg »

Yes, he was. It was a slightly below-average joke on my part by referring him to the original movie theme song in conjunction with Tarantulas being the spawn of Unicron. Since technically, Galvatron could also be considered the spawn of Unicron.
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Unread post by Rainshade »

maximal for meh, i'd so rather be going for their cause. that, and as funneh as they sound, i can't put up with "yesss" every 2 cycles.
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Unread post by Wistwin »

Nyah...I'm a Predacon through and through, no matter how it clashes with my view. (Hey, that rhymed!)

Explanation...? Well, I can NEVER side myself completely with the...protagonists (I'd rather not call them the..."good" guys), because I know there is some darkness in them (Hello??? Protoform X project!), I mean, everyone has darkness in him in reality, so why shouldn't that fact cross into the BW world?

For the Preds...well, the characters are a major factor as to why I prefer them...Megatron = <3 There's also how they don't let trivial things bother them...well, maybe not Terrorsaur or Waspy's case, but still...They just blast the trivial things out of their way. I can't help but love that trait...

And, like as everyone has darkness, everyone has good...urk, I can't believe I said that, but still. I mean, if you REALLY think about it, Megs wouldn't be able to like, much less OWN a rubber duck if he really was all evil. Then there's Waspy. He's a Predacon, yet he's too good to be one, and he's also too slagging cool for the Maximals. Then Blackarachnia. BA's really a Maximal, but she DID fight for the Preds willingly, and even when she reverted...she still retained some of her Predacon ways.

A lot of my other reasons have been explained by my fellow Predacons already.

:3 Predacons FOREVER.

VelociBerg wrote:It was a slightly below-average joke on my part by referring him to the original movie theme song in conjunction with Tarantulas being the spawn of Unicron. Since technically, Galvatron could also be considered the spawn of Unicron.
But what if Tarantulas is somehow related to Galvy? 8)
Blazemane wrote:It probably looked like that because they won every episode.
Actually...there WERE some Predacon victories...
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Unread post by Scourge »

I voted Predacon. I would be like a cross between Inferno and Dinobot. Like Inferno I would be a homicidal, sadistic, pyromaniac but, like Dinobot I would have a sense of honor and I would not be blindly loyal to Megatron, I would probably be as loyal as Quickstrike.

I voted for the Predacons because I like their characters more and unlike most villains the Predacons come very close to beating the maxamals many times. And as far as villainy goes Megatron is hardcore and so are Inferno, Rampage, both Dinobots, and Tarantulas, heck even Waspinator could be evil when he needed to be. Also the Predacons were generally more powerful then the Maximals.
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Unread post by Yozuki »

I would be a Maximal, but a non-conventional type like Depth Charge. He could very easily qualify for a Predacon if it wasn't for his morals.
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Unread post by Cinder-claw »

Definitely....without a questions asked....I'm a Predacon. My favourite beast warrior is a Pred, so I'm gonna be one, too. Maximals just seem to want peace all the time. THAT'S NOT HOW THE WORLD WORKS, PEOPLE! Plus the fact that the world would be pretty boring if we were ALWAYS friendly with each other.
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