Beast Wars
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The Third Bwint Fan Fiction Challenge!

The Challenge:

A special thank you goes out to Rakshash, Rainynight, Syntia, Blackbolt, Sinead, Snakecharmer, Omicron the Ice Queen, Razor One, Ashana, Texan Temptress and Master Solo for entering this competition.  Thanks to your participation, BWInt was able to have yet another successful second Fan Fiction challenge. In fact, this was the most successful challenge to date, with a whopping 11 entries!  Miss Special and I would like to thank you all for putting in the time and effort to meet this challenge. We honestly mean it when we say we were impressed with what we saw and the final decision was extremely difficult.


Spiders in Love

- He is an evil, manipulative Predacon. She is sweet, young, and naive. Nothing good can come of this... Can it?

By Syntia

Congratulations to Syntia!  Her fic merits this star and a special link on the Fan Fiction page for a time.

Miss Special and I are looking forward to the next fan fiction challenge! Keep checking back for updates!

Site Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker, Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. Bwint.net is copyrighted to the bwint.net team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the Bwint.net team and visitors claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template designed by
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