Beast Wars
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The First Bwint Fan Fiction Challenge!

The challenge:  Write a 


The challenge is to write a compelling, gripping suspense-thriller.  The fic should be dark, keep readers on the edge of their seats and shock and scare them.  It can be set in any season in Beast Wars provided that the original casts are utilised.  Self-created characters (characters the author makes up) can be used, but the fic should be based primarily around the original Beast Warriors.  There is no limited length, but it should be in as few parts as possible.  A fic with many parts can be daunting and difficult to get through.  

It's to be a standalone and not a series.  The highest rating allowed is PG-13.  The judges will not be editors. 

Submissions to be sent to: sapphire@bwint.net

The judges for the challenge are Sapphire and Miss Special.

Competition Closed

Winners gets their fic as Featured Fic of the Week at the BW Express page, a special award sticker on their fic and a promotional link on the Fan Fiction page for a time.


Mind Games
By: Dannn Sanew



- It's well known that killers are sometimes allowed to walk free. How do they manage to live day-to-day without getting caught? They disguise themselves.

By: Sinead


Into the Pit

By: Omicron the Ice Queen


Mr. Crowley

- A new Maximal enters the beast wars, arriving with strange powers. But, how did he get them and what is he hiding from his past? Stand Alone. Written for the BWINT Thriller contest.

By VampyerBA


Click here to find out who won


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Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the Bwint.net team and visitors claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template designed by
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