Extensive FAQ:
Why is there no category
for BW-crossover fics this year? There just weren't
enough new fics for that category this year.
For 'Best Series' does the series
have to be finished? No, but that series must contain a minimum
of 3 fics.
For 'Most Loved Character' can it
be a Beast Warrior like Dinobot or Optimus? No.
It must be an original character created by the writer.
Can I nominate an original story?
Not this year, there weren't enough submissions.
Do 'lists' count as a fic?
No. It must be a proper fan fic/story to qualify.
Can the 'Most Loved Character' be
a human? Yes.
If the fic/series takes place 'After/Before
Beast Wars' but is still BW-related, can it still be nominated?
How many fics can I nominate?
As many as you like although not more than 2 fics in the same category.
If a fic/story falls under more than
one category, and it is nominated for one of these categories, can
I still nominate it for another category? Yes!
period is from October 28th 2006 - November 25th 2006
25th - December 31st 2006
Dates are subject to change.
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker,
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Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters,
plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe
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