Scream : Part 2
by Texan Temptress
All is quiet at the Maximal base where Cheetor sleeps in his quarters.
Optimus Primal quietly checks up on him before heading to the main
control room where Rattrap is on monitoring duty.
Rattrap reports all is calm and asks how Cheetor is doing. Optimus
explains he's resting, but that Cheetor's refusal to use a CR Chamber
confuses him. Rattrap offers the possibility that Cheetor may be
trying to "prove something". Optimus Primal isn't sure
that's the case, but will not say what it is he is thinking. As
Optimus leaves Rattrap to his duties, Rattrap quickly steals a nap.
Cheetor's sleep does not go well. He tosses about on his bed as
he dreams that he is a ugly creature and all his friends are
laughing at him. He wakes up realizing it's a dream. Until a
large tail suddenly bursts out of his chest and clouds form around
it! At the end of the tail is a CR Chamber, which opens up, inviting
him in. Rhinox, Blackarachnia, Silverbolt and Rattrap are all there,
backing him into the chamber slowly. He doesn't want to go in, but
the trap him inside and "zap" him until he becomes a mutated
monstrosity. Silverbolt vows to protect Blackarachnia from the "hideous
monster" and Cheetor continues to thrash about, mutated until
suddenly he wakes up, scared and shaken. At first, he relaxes, but
suddenly, a green light shoots out of his chest and moves over to
his damaged arm. Slowly, he begins to mutate as the green glow quickly
overtakes him...
In the command center, Rattrap wakes up, startled by a loud ferocious
roar. He goes down to Cheetor's chambers to investigate. Suddenly,
a wild beast jumps out of Cheetor's chambers, knocking Rattrap down
flat before running out of the base. Optimus shows up on the scene
but too late, the creature is gone.
At the Predacon base, the sound of the ferocious Cyber-beast's roar
echoes loud enough to let the Predacons hear it. Megatron knows
the roar from the last time he encountered the creature, and he
has the scratches to prove it! He dispatches Waspinator and Dinobot
to track the creature down. But Waspinator is not very enthusiastic
about working with the new Dinobot.
Meanwhile, the Cyber-beast is prowling around a cave in a jungle
region. He seems to be searching for something until suddenly a
small chamber opens up on its leg revealing a spark! Then the creature
speaks, and the identity of the beast is revealed: Cheetor! Suddenly,
the same green glow that transformed him before begins to overtake
his body once again, and he is helpless to stop it.
When Cheetor awakens, he is fully repaired and back in his Transmetal
form from before. Suddenly, he has several flashbacks to the events
of the night before and they scare and confuse him all at once.
Elsewhere, Silverbolt returns to the Maximal base from his search
for Cheetor to find Blackarachnia returning from her own search
mission. She asks if he has turned anything up, but he hasn't. In
addition, he is slightly annoyed at her concern for Cheetor, although
Silverbolt tries to hide it. Instead he say it gives her credit. As
they enter the base, Rhinox is surprised to hear that they found
nothing. Rattrap is sure Cheetor is dead. Optimus is quite sure
that Cheetor is fine however, but sends everyone off to rest. As
he inspects security camera footage of the creature, Depth Charge
shows up.
Optimus questions him as to the events of the battle where Cheetor
came in contact with the Transmetal 2 driver. Depth Charge is stubborn
at first, but Primal doesn't stand for it and manages to get Depth
Charge to talk. He finally explains what happened, and Optimus begins
to figure out what has happened.
Meanwhile, Dinobot and Waspinator track Cheetor's trail from the
night before. They wind up at the cave where he slept, but before
they can go in, Dinobot disables Waspinator, wanting the kill for
himself! He moves in to find nothing, but he swears he will find
the new Cheetor eventually!
Back at Maximal base, Optimus is about to dispatch Silverbolt and
Rattrap on another search mission when Cheetor shows up. Optimus
Primal asks him where he's been, and he claims to have been out
hunting the Cyber-beast. Optimus is skeptical and asks Cheetor to
lead him to the Cyber-creatures' remains.
The two Maximals wind up in the jungle where Cheetor had been the
night before. As the two stroll along, Cheetor gets upset, asking
Optimus if he trusts him. Optimus says he does, but that he feels
Cheetor is hiding something. Reluctantly, Cheetor begins to explain,
but too late! Optimus jumps in Cheetor's way just as Dinobot blasts
him! With Optimus down, Cheetor is left to face Dinobot alone! As
Cheetor tries to run over to Optimus, his body suddenly starts to
change. Claws begin growing out of his hands and armor falls to
pieces everywhere!
Waspinator is thrilled and moves in to claim Cheetor. Optimus sees
Waspinator coming up behind Cheetor, but in his new form, he is
quite aware of his surroundings. Cheetor's back mounted cannon quickly
detaches and falls into his hands."Cheetor Watch out-"
"You mean him?" He fires behind him without
even looking and blasts Waspinator away.
Dinobot appears from behind some trees and Cheetor challenges him.
Dinobot makes the first strike with a blast from his laser sight,
but Cheetor is fast enough to dodge the blast. The two transform
into beast mode and begin to struggle. As they do so, Optimus radios
for help. "Rattrap we need back up." Sees Cheetor kicking
Dinobots butt. "I think."
Cheetor fights furiously, and manages to keep Dinobot at a stand
off. Suddenly, Rattrap and Silverbolt come onto the scene. Dinobot
knows a lost battle when he sees one, and quickly runs for it. Silverbolt
and Rattrap are concerned at first, but Optimus quickly explains
to them what has happened. He picks up Cheetor happily, but Cheetor
is embarrassed and gives Rattrap an attitude. Rattrap then comments
on "cyber-puberty".
Back at the Maximal base, Cheetor is looking over his new look.
Blackarachnia finds him admiring himself and comments on how good
Transmetal 2 technology makes one look."I like it to. I really
do." She sly smiles walking out the door as she looks
at the Transmetal 2 driver, and contemplates the future. While Cheetor
thinks he has a chance with her. Yeah..Right.
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