
The Vok were only officially introduced by that
name in the third-to-last episode of Beast Wars, "Other Victories".
However, their presence became known right at the beginning of the
show, in "Beast Wars Part 2". It was in that episode that
Rhinox noted a stone henge formation or rocks which were clearly
not built by any of the native creatures on the planet at that time.
The Vok, or Aliens as they were known for most of the show, remained
a mysterious force until near the end of season 3, making appearances
in various strange ways. They sent down a golden egg-like probe
in the episode "Chain of Command" which captured Optimus
Primal and scanned him for information, before releasing him and
disappearing. The next sign of the Aliens was the floating island
in "The Trigger". The island, sheathed in a thick layer
of clouds, floated in on the air in the snowy north when Tigatron
discovered it inadvertently. The island was a lush paradise, but
a dangerous one as there were various traps, marked by strange symbols,
designed to 'test' the intelligence of whatever beings found it
(or at least that was the assumption). It had a central control
tower that Blackarachnia got into and she commandeered the island
towards the Maximal base which she planned to destroy. Fortunately
Tigatron grounded and destroyed the island, but it still managed
to send a signal into space that bounced off one of the 'moons'.
It was in "The Trigger: part 2" that Rhinox noticed that
the mass of the second moon was such that it had to have been hollow.
The Aliens made more direct contact with the Beast Warriors in
"Before the Storm". In this episode Inferno finds the
second golden disk wedged into a spinning rock. He takes it to Megatron
(the disk will prove very valuable). In the same episode Airazor
and Rattrap come across a circular area of land with field generators.
Airazor is caught in a blast as the generators build up and eventually
form a strange dome over the area. Inside, she is scanned by the
Aliens. Later Optimus and Rattrap come inside to rescue her. Rattrap
and Airazor leave but Optimus stays to reason with the Aliens. They
take him and scan him. One takes a form of Unicron and tells him
that he and his species have 'contaminated the project' (interfered
with the planet) and so now they will sterilize it by destroying
all on it. From this point on a frantic struggle ensues for all
of the Transformers to survive, but it is Optimus who saves the
planet by destroying the Aliens' weapon - the other moon! The moon
opened out and prepared to destroy the planet completely, but when
Optimus and the pod he was flying detonated inside it, it was blown
to pieces. The transwarp wave explosion reached the planet in "Aftermath"
and affected several Beast Warriors by transforming their superstructures
into transmetals.
The Aliens appear again in "Other Visits" when Tigatron
and Airazor trigger an alien trap/signal. A plant they were nearby
beamed them up into space and then an organic dome was created in
the area they had been studying. Megatron used the golden disk Inferno
had found as a key into this dome. The disk allowed him to take
control of it. He used it as a weapon against the Maximals while
he prepared to take it to Cybertron. Fortunately Rattrap and Optimus
put a stop to his plans and all inside it escaped before it beamed
into space and blew up.
The final appearance of the Vok is in "Other Victories".
The viewers finally see them. They have the appearance of floating
semi-transparent skulls, with glowing eyes and tentacle-like tendrils
of hair. Two of these aliens discussed how the Transformers continued
to damage the time flow. They merged the bodies of Tigatron and
Airazor together and entered the newly formed Transformer and sent
him down to Earth to deal with Megatron. He was called Tigerhawk
and he introduced himself to Megatron as an emissary of the Vok.
Tigerhawk destroyed the Predacon base and defeated all the Predacons
except for Tarantulas, who put him into stasis lock by means of
arachnoids shorting him out. Tarantulas then used a device on Tigerhawk
to 'destroy' the alien influence within him. He in fact drew them
out and they infested him as a new host, but in his attempt to fend
them off he shot the device around so that it wasaiming at him.
Being knocked into to large pillars of power, Tarantulas was blown
to pieces and the aliens within him died as well. This wass the
last we ever saw of the Aliens.
The Vok were a presence throughout the Beast Wars
and a formidable enemy of both sides.
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker,
Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. is copyrighted to
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