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Beast Warrior:


Faction: Predacon

Gender: Male

Variant: Transmetal

Role in Beast Wars: Slave warrior to Megatron

Animal: King crab

Transformations: 3 modes: beast, tank and robot.

Backstory: Rampage was the bane of Depth Charge's existence. He was the result of an experiment in which they tried to clone Starscream's indestructible spark and put it in a Maximal.  As those of you who have seen Rampage will know, it didn't result the way the scientists had hoped.  Dubbed Protoform X, he broke out of the facility on colony Omicron and proceeded to kill all on it, save for Depth Charge.  He continued his destructive path for 4 stellar cycles until Depth Charge caught him.  He was thrown to the mercy of the High Council, who decided not to find a way to destroy his supposedly indestructible spark, but instead hand him over to Optimus Primal to dump somewhere in space.  (Depth Charge objected to this decision and took it into his own hands to make sure Rampage received the punishment he deserved.)  When Primal's ship began its crash-decent to prehistoric Earth, he ejected all the stasis pods, including one which held Rampage.  Rampage awoke during an energon storm on Earth in the second season of Beast Wars.  

Events of the Beast Wars: When the Maximals found his pod, they originally thought he was dead, but they were blown away by the energon storm and those who weren't went back to base.  Rampage emerged with his newly acquired beast form of a crab, dismantled Tarantulas and tried to eat Silverbolt (who was swept off in the storm with Blackarachnia).  Blackarachnia tried to stop him, he shot her, and was about to finish what he had started with the fuzor when Optimus and Cheetor arrived and pushed him down a cliff.  That was not the last of him, of course.  Megatron found him, unconscious, and cut out the core of his spark, put it in a little spark cage and threatened to squeeze the spark (causing the crab much pain) if Rampage didn't do as he commanded.  Unhappily, Rampage was forced to join Megatron's side.  He was by no means a very obedient slave, though, earning himself much pain.

In the third season, Depth Charge finally located Rampage's spark, but was sucked in by the same portal as the Maximals and ended up crash-landing on prehistoric Earth. The first thing he did after acquiring his aquatic beast mode was go looking for Rampage.  Rampage found him first.  They tussled, Depth Charge almost won but Quickstrike intervened and stopped the mantabot.  Rampage got away, but the feud continued throughout the third season  Whenever they met, they fought.  An interesting dynamic to Rampage was that he could sense emotions.  He was acutely aware of pain and fear, and of Depth Chare's anger.  The crabbot sensed Depth Charge's coming before he even landed on Earth. It also made him a fearsome psychopath, as Rampage got pleasure out of the fear and agony of his victims before death.

  Rampage met his end after many aggressive fights when Depth Charge stabbed him in the spark with a sharp piece of raw energon.  This killed them both.  Rampage ended not only with a bang, but an interesting one, as he let go of the blade Depth Charge had held over his spark. Perhaps the crab was ready to die after a life of pain and torment.  It's an aspect of his character that intrigues fan fiction writers to this day.


"Is that fear you're feeling, Maximal?  My spark, it feeds on terror.  Let it grow.  Let it consume your circuitry."

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