From left to right, my younger brother,
my mom, and I, waiting in line Thursday night for Botcon!

The hilarious script reading panel on
Friday afternoon, featuring-- from left to right-- Frank
Todaro (fill-in VA for Dinobot); Gregg Berger (G1 Grimlock);
David Kaye (BW Megatron); Venus Terzo (Blackarachnia); and
Judd Nelson (Hot Rod/Rodimus)."
Aaron Archer at his panel on Saturday
afternoon. He told quite a few interesting stories about
his time at the head of the Transformers brand over the
2000s. And yes, he's grown his hair and beard out quite a
bit since he was officially part of the brand in the

The person who quickly became known as "The Bearded
Guy" throughout the fandom for turning the last
Botcon panel into a laugh riot with his improv.
All of the Botcon 2016 exclusives, after
I had gotten home and thoroughly transformed them. A good
sendoff from Fun Pub! (I haven't yet painted my Custom
Class Ratchet yet.)

and Fractyl, coming as part of the fifth
"Transformers Subscription Service" later this
year to finish up the original Beast Wars cast in pre-BW
toy forms. (Photo credit: Seibertron.com.) 
7 of the people who have attended all 22 Botcons, in their
new jerseys. What a way to end the last panel! 
incredible custom "Masterpiece Transmetal 2 Dinobot"
that rightfully won the kitbash contest. What a beaut!
(Photo credit: Ben Yee of bwtf.com). 
left to right-- my older brother Matt, me, and my younger
brother Nick at the concert Friday night. We've all got
"The Touch", how 'bout you?
This statue was outside the Galt Hotel,
right next to the entrance. For a split second I thought
it was actual jockey on a horse. Louisville culture in one
picture if ever there was one!

after I got my toys, busy checking everything to make sure
nothing was misassembled or missing-- always a good idea
when you're spending triple-digit figures on toys!
A photo of "Robots in
Disguise" warrior class Bisk, the lobster-car
Transformer that for me was the reveal of the convention.
At the edges of the photo you can see Scatterspike and
Scorponok, other unique beast-formers in the new line.
(Photo Credit: Ben Yee of bwtf.com)
The Stan Bush & Vince DiCola concert
on Friday night. Loud and cold, but fun!
A photo of the dealer room, after the
initial surge of people. Lots of great deals to be had
there this year!
Judd Nelson at his panel late Saturday
afternoon. As you can see he seems to have covered his
face as much as possible-- I don't think he wanted to be
recognized outside of the convention.
Also shown as part of the
"Transformers Subscription Service", Pretender
Optimus Prime. That's right-- Trukk AND Munky! Fun
Publications is going out with a bang! (Photo credit: The
Transformers Collectors' Club.)