Registration night! Starting to get

The awesome TF fist holding the counter
to the 2007 movie!

A marching band playing the Transformers
theme song welcomes Botcon attendees into the dealer room

Scott gets in the middle of two bots...ok,
two crazed fans pretending to be bots. =D

A clearer shot of the two in costume.

The famous dinner. Meet the Bwint
Gang and friends (and VAs, too!)

In case you don't know who is who, here's
everyone labelled!

A display!

Some of the art contest entries.

An awesome, fan-built model and winner
of an art category: Devastator

Casino night. See if you can spot
the crab! He's looking startled and has blonde
hair. :p

VampyerBA shows off all the cool Bwint merchandise
she is wearing!
Crab sandwiched between Miss Special (left)
and VampyerBA (right)
Thw Bwint Gang with good friend Ben Yee
from bwtf.com!
Sinead attracts fellow Bwinters with her
interesting hat.
The talented Dragonsflayme paints her
friends' faces to match their fave characters! Dragonsflayme
= Depth Charge, Sinead = Dinobot, Tigran = Silverbolt,
V = Waspinator, Hacker = Rattrap.
Richard Newman and Blu Mankuma show their
Dragonsflayme's awesome RT&DB toy.
RT moves by means of a remote controlled car beneath him.
Ingenious! ^_^
The comedy panel at the MSTF
The first BW VA panel of the
convention. Blu, Pauline, Richard and Scott are left
to right.

The line for Peter Cullen's (Optimus Prime)
autograph lengthens!

The man himself. VA of Optimus Prime.

The dealer room. 200 tables of
Transformer goodness!

It's Silverbolt and Rattrap...erm, yeah!

It's Dinobot and Rattrap!

Beastbot makes a statement while Baron
smiles for the camera.

Three pics of Richard and fans. 1st:
Hacker, 2nd: Miss Special and 3rd: Sapphire.
Beastbot reacts to being glomped by Sapphire
while Miss Special and VampyerBA smile on.
Scott McNeil and Monarch
Scott and Sydney.
Charade shares a cuddle with Starscream
Sinead shares a cuddle with Rhinox...erm,
Richard Newman.
The beautiful Botcon 2006 Exclusive box
set of BW figures.
Scott holds toy Dinobot and Rattrap and
Crab's Botcon Photos here!
Miss Special's Botcon Photos here!
See Sinead's Photos here: Friday,
Tigran's Botcon Photos here!
If you were part of the Bwint Group, or
met them, please feel free to send your photos, or a link
to them, to Sapphire at sapphire@bwint.net
(Photos shown here taken by Sapphire,
Crab, Tigran, Charade and Sydney.)