the Author/Artist:
Jennifer Field.<-- name fails at life
Pen Name:
March 27th, 1984.
Lives in:
Reading, scaring passerbys, my LJ, public mischief. Sometimes I
get up and do stuff, and that makes me sad.
A bit about
yourself: I vary between being more withdrawn than a deaf mute
and acting like I am on speed. I tend to be a lurker, underachiever,
all-round lazy bugger, and any other number of things I am not motivated
enough to mention. I enjoy going out and drinking from a brown paper
bag like a hobo. I am quite morbid and prone to long strings of
crazy babble that maketh no sense and contains less existing words
than made-up quasi-words. I enjoy losing arguments with inanimate
objects. My internal organs have their own soap opera. Life smells
like my refrigerator. I'm prone to fits of restlessness.
fanfic writer/fan artist at this site: Sapphire and lady Venom,
though at this point I haven't even read half the authors here O.o
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker,
Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. Bwint.net is copyrighted to
the bwint.net team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters,
plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe
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