Finally back...

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Finally back...

Unread post by Wintersong »

Hey guys, been...well been a few months I'll admit. Lost track of how long really but been pretty busy and I just been hit by a phase of loosing my muse for a while and eventually couldn't really come on here anymore. But I am kinda hoping to make a comeback, just may have some catching up to do as it seems we're hitting episode 2 already. So hopefully you'll start seeing me around again like before. :D :D

Now to clarify with New Moon not being here, some things been going on for family matters and more then likely she may not be returning but it's a big question mark there. Unless I hear something it's highly unlikely, thought I'd at least clear that up.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

It's really good to see you back, Wintersong! I really thought we had lost you, and New Moon, Wildfire and Big Convoy. Speaking of New Moon, though, I certainly hope everything will be all right. I've been through my own family drama and it was awful and crazy. I just wish her the best. Thank you for letting us know.

As for Wildfire and Big Convoy, I never heard from either of them and have no idea where they have gone. Makes me sad. They had awesome characters to play in the game. I hope they're okay.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Thanks OOP! :) And yes things have gotten quite...dramatic, to say the least. It's been hectic really so at the moment there is not likely chances New Moon will be returning since it seems pretty serious right now. But wishful thinking can work sometimes right?

And yea it's sad to not see them around anymore, I just wonder if Wildfire might still be having a busy time like she's mentioned in the past few times she disappeared. Might be the same for Big Convoy, but really just a guess for both.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Welcome back, Wintersong!

I'm sorry to hear about New Moon's family matters, too. Do you two know each other?
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

[img][/img] [img][/img]
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Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

Thanks Blazemane! ^^ And yes, New Moon is actually my cousin I invited here during the first two years or so we were doing season 1.
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