Ironclaw & Arachnitron

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Ironclaw & Arachnitron

Unread post by NaitoKage »

So.. here's some attemps lately.. honestly, not too sure how I like either. for Ironclaw, that's been redrawn so many times that I dunno.. part of the problem with art is you have to see the image in your head, if you can't.. you have a heck of a time drawing it. Which is why some characters don't have art yet. In his case, bulky and badger in the scale he wanted was really hard for me to I don't think I'm the artist cut out for his designs.


Arachnitron on the otherhand.. I tried to make different from Blackarachnia, and use some things from Arachnitron's original art she did at a younger age but changed slightly, like the addition of a "hair" like accessory made from her thorax and changed placement of spider legs, etc.

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Unread post by JazZeke »

Interesting designs! Ironclaw emanates "big bruiser" and his face design is awesome. That was one of my favorite things about the Beast Wars designs; they often deviated from the old "human faces in helmets" design from G1. And I like how the abdomen forms the spider-femme's "hair."

Y'know, I'm running an art contest over on devART. Would you be interested in participating?
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Ironclaw is supposed to be a descendent of Ironhide, but his player was going for the Michael Bay movie version of Ironhide rather then G1. (Though I guess as long as he doesn't look like farm accident Ironhide we should all be happy.)

Ah, no. I'm not really much the contest type and I don't really use Deviantart for much of anything. But thanks anyway.
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Unread post by WorpeX »

Very cool! I like them both. Ironclaw is exactly how I pictured him and I love the innovation you put into Arachnitrons design! Well done as always. :D
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

Hey thanks!!!

That's really neat!! I was definitely going for something that would look similar to Blackarachnia, but wouldn't look like an exact copy! I like how you did the hair. I always thought Blackarachnia looked like she had hair so I had tried to pull off a similar effect with Arachnitron.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Yeah, Blackarachnia's head was designed kinda like hair. Same with Arcee having the princess Leia look. I've noticed most girls tend to like having their character have a hair style or hair of some form, as well as more humanoid appeal with their characters. That is why some of the art I've done includes traits to try to replicate that when possible, like Aurora's hair and tail, Whitegrazer's mohawk/mane and so on.

In case of Arachnitron, I took some inspiration from ... obel_c.gif the Noble Gundam, who has plates of hair which expand apart in her berserker state. At first the idea was to use the spider legs, but decided to use the abdomen of the spider instead.
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Unread post by Mystrea »

I never noticed that you had posted these before. That is exactly how I picture him aswell and now it can give everyone a reference. I'm very impressed.
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