Character interactions you'd like to see the most?

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Character interactions you'd like to see the most?

Depth Charge and Blackarachnia
Tigerhawk and Blackarachnia
No votes
Tarantulas and Terrorsaur
No votes
Scorponok and Inferno
Rampage and Tarantulas
Silverbolt and Dinobot
Tarantulas and Depth Charge
Quickstrike and Scorponok
No votes
Tigatron and Silverbolt
Total votes: 26

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Character interactions you'd like to see the most?

Unread post by EverBlue »

What the poll says. Characters that never really interacted much(or at all) during the show that you'd like to see get together and be chummy/murderous with each other.

Me personally? I think it would be interesting to see Depth Charge interacting with Blackarachnia. I don't think they'd get along too well, especially considering how she stole the TMII driver from right under his nose. If he found out that she stole the device just to gain power for herself, I think that whatever trust he had for her to begin with(probably not much) would fly out the window. The reason he tried to destroy the device in the first place was to prevent anyone else from using its destructive powers as indicated by his line, "Never again, Megatron!"

Depth Charge isn't the type to forgive or forget things like these and I think that if he found out Blackarachnia used the TMII device on herself to gain more power, he'd most likely add her to his hit list, making her second in line after Rampage. That's probably the most realistic interaction I can see happening between the two... the two of them at each other's throats. It would definitely be interesting to see but unfortunately, the writers decided to gloss over this potential sub-plot. :(

That's my speculation on how the two would interact. Any specific character interactions you guys would like to see?
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Unread post by Taz-bot »

Terrorsaur and Quickstrike.
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

Y'know something, E-Blue... your comment about Depth Charge and Blackarachnia over the stolen Transmetal driver gave me a thought in a story script that I hadn't mulled over before. Granted, their scene in this script is really short, so there wouldn't have been much of a chance to really elaborate on it. But perhaps, with your suggestion over the driver; hmmm....

Anyway, I'd be interested in seeing a personality contrast between Dinobot and Silverbolt, and not because they're voiced by the same actor. What we have here are two characters so entrenched in a sense of honor... but because of their opposing heritages, their personal honors are vastly different. Silverbolt is, of course, the good and noble "white knight" character, the kind of person you can at elast rely on to keep his word and do the right thing to the best of his ability. But you'll notice at the end of "Maximal, No More", when Silverbolt is stunned by Dinobot's honor, DInobot notes that it "is NOT Maximal honor. It is Predacon honor. I am Predacon." What we have here are two characters devoted to a strong sense of honor; the difference is that their backgrounds are so opposite, you've got to wonder what sort of honor debates could go on between these two.

Another choice would be Scorponok and Inferno. Think about Scorponok having long served as Megatron's second-in-command, then Inferno arrives like gangbusters, immediately grabbing Megatron's attention with his power and berserker attitude. Scorponok could easily feel his position being threatened by this new guy.

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Unread post by Tigerhawk »

I think all though not a choice Tigerhawk and Rampage, those 2 would have been at each others throats because of their pride LMAO!

But Scorponok and Inferno would be the funniest!

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Unread post by bloody_kimono2004 »

I really have to agree with Outtsyder with DB and SB. That would be something interesting to see. :)

I also would've loved to have seen some interaction with AirRazor and DB too. Since we really haven't seen DB's views on warrior females.
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Unread post by Superpup »

I gotta say... out of all those (and it was hard to pick) Inferno and Scorponok...

Because I love sibling rivalry! And fighting over Megan would just make it so much sweeter! Plus I really liked both of them... of course my money would be on Inferno all the way! ^^
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Unread post by Tigerhawk »

Yeah Inferno had to much firepower for Scorponok.

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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

I would like to see Tarantulas and DC interact... mainly because Tarry's insane and DC would probably hate certain scientists considering some of them did create Rampage...

... also Tarry would probably find DC's rage intriging(sp?) to science (while Rampage finds it oh so much fun).

Yeah, I'd laugh if I saw a scene with Scorpinok and Inferno in it (depending on what the writters had in mind).

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Unread post by Tigerhawk »

A scene with Ravage and Waspinator when he was carrying Starscream's Spark.

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Unread post by Pacerwolf »

I voted for DC and Blackarachnia interaction. Rampage and Tarantulas, Dinobot and Silverbolt interaction would also have been nice to see.
But you know what? Rampage and just about ANYONE he didn't speak directly to would do just fine. Scott Kampa once wrote an interesting fanfic where Rampage and Rhinox talked, and i for one would liked to have seen it in the BW series.
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Unread post by Tigerhawk »

I think Scorponok and Quickstrike would have been hilarious!!

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Unread post by Amber Dawn »

Interesting question. It came to a toss-up between Tarantulas/Rampage and Dinobot/Silverbolt. Tarantulas/Rampage finally won. Just think of all the dastardly things those two could get up to together! :D
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Unread post by Starath »

I picked Rampage and Tarantulas, because of the definate tension there. Rampage would hate the spider since he's a scientist (and past experiences have taught him ALL about scientists!) and Tarantulas would be terrified of the crab, yet, in his twisted mind, he'd want to somehow control him. I don't think the two bots even saw each other in the BW.

There is one pairing not listed that I'd like to point out-- Dinobot and Depth Charge. The tension between those two would be IMMENSE. Both of them have their sense of honor but Dinobot would see DC's as twisted and warped, while DC would see Dinobot as a ramrod-stiff do-gooder. They'd be at each other's throats continuosly because of the personality/honor clash.

I'm not thinking straight atm though lol, so I probly didn't explain that very well. If anyone else understands what I'm saying, by all means elaborate all you want, and I'd be interested to hear you guy's thoughts on this. :mrgreen:

EDIT: After some thought and an "Oh crap", I correct myself in saying Rampage and Tarantulas had never met. I completely forgot about "Bad Spark" ^^; Oops
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Unread post by Tigerhawk »

Rhinox and Tarantulas would be hilarious hearing them argue over what to do.

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Unread post by Kamikaze »

Tigerhawk wrote:A scene with Ravage and Waspinator when he was carrying Starscream's Spark.
Now that would be interesting.
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