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Unread post by starshadow »

I need help for my latest oc name! It's a fembot. She has a style of a rockstar, punk or emo I don't know. Alt mode is a black and orange chopper bike with orange tribal and realistic fire paint job and she's a dcon.

What comes to your mind when you think of the color orange?

I have a some names but try to think of different ones :
FlameRider (inspired from ghostrider/kamen rider :P)
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What's her character like?

Is she regal? Is she rough around the edges? Is she "one of the guys"? A girly girl? An average trooper?

What's her history? Is she fresh to the fight? A grizzled veteran? Is she arrogant enough to claim a name or was she given one by her team mates?

Personally I'd strike out Amaterasu right out. Far too regal from what I can see, doesn't suit the look. A bot named Amatarasu is someone that strikes me as a more 'bot or Maximal with a white and red colour scheme.

Ignitra? No.

Flamerider? Hell no.

Blazefire? Nope.

Drought? No.

Burnout: Works better for a manbot rather than a fembot.

Burnatrix: Terrible.

Flamewheel: No.

Other things to consider:

What's her fighting style? Is she fast? Is she slow? Is she a brawler? Does she have some slaggin' swords? Does she prefer the more Dakka approach? Laser guns? Sniper? Does she prefer to designate targets and cover the entire region with artillery fire? Does she prefer nuking the site from orbit?

Does she take 'bots apart piece by piece? Does she play mind games with them? Does she engage in witty repartee or is she silent? Does she like collecting trophies? Does she mark her kills with notches? Is she a professional soldier? Or was she self taught? Did she have to fight to survive? Or did she choose to fight in the war of her own volition?

Personally, with an Orange and Black paintjob combo, I'd drop the flame decals. They're superfluous and wouldn't look too good in my opinion since Orange and Black is already a good combination.

I'll let the creative juices flow for a bit. If you can supply more info about who she is I'm sure we can hammer out a name in no time :)
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Unread post by starshadow »


1. She's a tomboy.
2. She's experienced.
3. Nobody gave her a name except her parents. :P
4. She's fast.
5. She's a "any gun" user (but wishes to nuke sites :P)
6. She was trained.
7. She's hyperactive in battle.
8. She fights and steal stuffs not for Megs but for her commander, Thanatos(OC) because she wanted some action.
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Unread post by Razor One »

Preliminary Name Based on 5 Minutes of Thinking: Flashburn

Tomboy: Any kind of name works.
Experienced: Has no bearing on the name given that it's a given name.
Fast: It fits.
Any Gun User: It works. Especially since she wants to use nukes :D
Hyperactive in Battle: Also works.

Keeps in line with the fire theme you wanted from the start. It conveys the speed with which she fights with and the pain she no doubt doles out.

Bonus Points: The term Flash Burn is both a type of eye injury AND part of the effect of a severe nuclear explosion, the damage done by the light and thermal radiation as opposed to the actual blast wave and radioactive fallout.

Double Bonus Points: Let's say she loves nuclear power. A lot. She should have Radiation decals set in her shoulders. It's bad enough to have a Decepticon blasting at you, but knowing that have a thing for Nuclear Powered Weapons just makes things worse.
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Betty. :)
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