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Unread post by NaitoKage »


Character I threw together awhile back. Mimic is a Maximal "Mimic Octopus" with the special skill of active camouflage, enhanced by cybertronian technology this skill allows her to twist and contort her body to take the appearance as a disguise. Observation of the target she impersonates allows her to copy their voice and even mannerisms. Part of a Special ops group, she dreams of one day quitting the force and becoming cybertron's greatest actress, able to play any part possible.

You may notice she only has six tentacles viable, two are used for her weapons the "Torpedo blasters" which the tentacles attached to the weapons can be used as a melee weapon in a pinch, or used to disguise the weapon to look like the copied target's weapon.

The particular image depicts Mimic being caught by possible foes.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Awesome! You have quite a talent, NS.
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Unread post by Alak »

Looks awesome! Would she be Glowstick's rival or something like that?
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Sweet as always.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »


His Rival? Probably not. Not really sure who Glowstick's rival would be since he isn't really well suited for combat,he's more of a wide spread support unit.(Medic,Communications,Engineer,Scout) I've always kinda seen him as a sort of Soundwave. Mimic would probably be more a genuine spy, like Punch/Counter punch or even Rattrap. She just happens to be even sneakier then them.

Heck, even her beast mode would probably be tougher then Glowstick's since Firefly squids arn't exactly a robust animal like say.. a Humboldt Squid would be.. Which I assume is what Clawjaw transforms into.
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