Words about the Newsletter and a BW Webcomic!

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Words about the Newsletter and a BW Webcomic!

Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Hello everyone! <3

I've been pretty busy lately, especially with art and pre-start-of-term stuff, but I am still here! n.n

I made this topic to announce a couple things.

The Newsletter

First of all, the Newsletter - I love the Newsletter a lot. I think it's awesome. But I've had trouble in the past getting material to put into it from more than a couple people and then while I was gone earlier this year no one else took it up or contacted me about it. Overall, I'm just not the right person to take on the Newsletter project all on my own as I was trying to do before and then I just never got around to trying it again when I returned, especially since the lack of response was kinda depressing. I'm not whining about it, btw, just stating acts - I know others have lives and are busy and stuff (I am too) but my BW obsession is still in full swing and that energy needs to go somewhere and I'm kinda stuck on my fanfiction right now.

Therefore I'm leaving the Newsletter alone right now (I'd be more than happy to do the art/putting stuff into an image file and making it spiffy, but I just don't and will not have the time or the tenacity to go about bothering people for stuff to put into the thing. If someone or two can take up that responsibility, that'd be awesome, we can work together as a team) and working on my own thing that won't require participation or anything and also benefit me as an artist and storyteller. It'll also give me something to do in class... >_> ... Shhh...


The Webcomic

If there is anything from the Newsletter that I really really like, it's the Bother a Beast Warrior section. While wondering what to do about the Newsletter an idea occured to me that I really like and that draws inspiration from that feature. This is the project I'll be working on as my contribution to BWInt and honoring fellow fans of the series as well as the number of awesome characters we all know and love.

A webcomic.

...So it's not exactly a pyramid sized Beast Wars monument, give me break. n_n'

I'm calling it:


and it's a webcomic that follows a young reporterbot who joined the Maximal crew to document their exploration efforts once they landed on whatever-planet. He was put into stasis for the voyage (much to his chagrin) and wakes up alone on ancient earth with his crew of 6 floating cameras. The bot is sort of a mix of

TFA Swindle's almost unfaltering charm
+ BM Jetstorm's voice and mannerisms (minus the biting sarcasm and homicidal tendencies)
+ TFA Blurr's dedication to/engrossment in duty

I have no name for him yet, but his Beast Mode's a Tufted Titmouse. <3 His design is inspired by the sleeker bots of TF continuity and a business suit, but I pretty much made everything up myself this time. xD

About the Comic

The comic takes place mostly in later Season 1, but might bend into other seasons in order to include all characters. <3 The setting is, of course, ancient Earth but for simplicity's sake, the characters won't know that yet. Except maybe Megatron. >_> So some things in the show have happened and other things haven't despite messing with the timeline to include all charries. It'd be set in an AU, in other words, and exist in some place between/above all episodes. However, the AUness of it might not be apparent for some time.

The basic premise about the plot is this: A stasis pod crashes to the planet's surface and opens up to reveal a fairly young but experienced newsbot and his trusty camera. He was hired into the Axalon's mission with the purpose to document the growth of a new colony. He's a bit highstrung, hyperactive, and has a thirst for dangerous situations as well as an obsession with recording every little thing. He proceeds to jump into the Beast Wars with the intent to record everything he can and interview his fellow Maximals about the war as well as the Predacons about their discontent. Because of his personality, he's a bit out of touch with reality and sees everything as more of a movie he's getting on film than an actual war. This more serious aspect of the story might be touched upon at a later time.

The comic would be from the Reporterbot's cameras' POV and be presented as a series of short video footage of his exploits, occasionally breaking into 3rd person for storytelling purposes. The Canon characters are kept mostly IC but may be pushed to the brink occasionally because the Reporter's a wee bit spacey. I might also exaggerate from time to time for comedic purposes, but IC is what I'm aiming for, as usual.

A big part of the plotline will be incorporating interviews with the characters. If anyone would be interested, I'll include something like Bother a Beast Warrior topics occasionally so people on the forum can ask questions they want Reporterbot to ask their fave charries. <3 (Results may vary, though.)

The story may also follow the BWiors without the Reporter OC even being around as the Cameras are programmed to follow whoever he wants them to. So expect strips that focus on the canons as much as ones that follow Mr Reporter. Also, Reporterbot's nutty enough to infiltrate Pred base to have an interview with Megatron...or any Predacon, really. (Let's just say he'll have to be rescued a few times during the comic...) So they'll feature prominently in it too, not just Maximals.

I think those are all the official notes I made on it for now...

Any ideas on who you'd like interviewed first and what questions to ask would be great, btw. <3

As well as any suggestions you'd like to see come to life visually during the story or as a single strip or something. n_n I can't guarantee i'd actually do it, but it's possible. <3

...Can't wait til we interview Rampage. n.n

With all that said...

I suppose it's time to give you the first page then, huh? :'


lol I can see a couple problems I can't stand already - the tiny FX text and the border needs to be darker, imo, but otherwise, I really like it. <3 I hope you do, too. :'D Reporterbot won't be seen until next page. Name suggestions would be love. <333
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Looks good, I think the only thing I'd worry about is the pace. I used to do a webcomic for a site, and it would drain me having to do it weekly or biweekly and it wasn't even that detailed. Otherwise the webcomic thing sounds fine. Heh, a reporter robot in a business suit. Surprised he doesn't have a hat with a Press card sticking out of it. :P
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »


I haven't set a goal for pace yet, as I dunno what the school year this time's gonna be like and stuff. This here took like 10 hours altogether to do as I figured stuff out and fiddled with settings and drew the tiger and stuff. I also have other projects to do, too. However, this is one of my favored pet projects and I look forward to working on it. I think, rather than color everything, I might find a happy place between detailed and simple. I've already planned out some nondetailed versions of the characters and a couple chibi forms for Reporterbot.

...lol Reporterbot...
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Wow, that first page looks awesome! I don't get drawing people and the way they draw...

As for the name of the reporter, I've come up with a few, but I don't really like any of them. Uh... Ledemouse (especially since a "lede" is only for written reports), Archivix, Tuftatron... I don't know.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Thank you so much!

Yay! Names!! Oooh, I didn't think of the word Archive. Archivix... I like that! *adds to list* I like that a lot, actually... >_>' It's sounds like him more than Featherfix or Camwing. I'm thinking something that sounds sharp and focused, but his beast mode is small and round. Hm...
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

AWESOME, Dal!!!!! I absolutely love it! What a fab idea. Why can't I think of these things? :lol: Your web-comic drawing is fantastic!
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »



Thank you! <333

Ah haz page 2 in the works. <3

(( :D Hiiii Optimus and Rattrap! Aww, they look good on this background. That's good to know. ))
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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »

As I have been busy fighting alongside the top secret forces of ########## to prevent the invasion of earth by ########### whilst flying around in a ######### #### ########### I have only just recently come across this when Sapph happily displayed it for me. Dalgaroth, I completely agree with all the sentiment here saying that this is definitely an excellent work of art and I hope you keep it up. You've also got the thumbs up from another brilliant artist (OOP, blast! I still need to find frames to hang up your Primal and Megs pictures on my wall! :D) which is definitely a good sign as well. Awesome work! :D
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

Yes dear...
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