There's a brand new Beast Wars themed text roleplaying game(MUSH) on the market.
Based on the TV series up to an including the two-parter Coming of the Fuzors, the entire cast of the show is available to be played, as wel las a selection of great toy characters. As usual with this type of game, you're also free to create your own original Maximals or Predacons! Feel free to visit, and don't be afraid to ask us lots of questions
To connect via telnet, go to telnet://
Could you be more specific? Are you getting any kinds of error message? What exactly are you typing, and are you trying to telnet in, or use a client? I'm sure the admin would like to know if there's an issue stopping guests from logging in.
Hey guys. The director of that there Beast Wars MUSH here (known on the MUSH as Gul Dukat).
It sounds like you're using Telnet without local echo (i.e. it won't let you see what you're typing). You don't click anything in the game; it's all about text input, like old Interactive Fiction things or whatever.
Are you guys familiar with a telnet client? It doesn't display the text you input unless you turn on the local_echo. Try clicking on the telnet link, then type 'connect guest' and hit enter, it'll put you through, even though you don't see the letters you type come up. Then type '+gu Hello!' to say hello to the folks on the game.
While the game runs on a telnet protcol, it's best to use a client program such as SimpleMU or MUSHClient, which gives you lots of features and stuff to use while playing(like, you will be able to see what you're typing) as well as save logs of your roleplay. Go download simplemu, it's great
once you have it downloaded, go to new connection wizard: enter the site name and then the port number 1996 and you're on your way to playing on the Beast Wars MUSH