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Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:08 am
by starshadow
Starshadow put Glowstick's right arm around her shoulder and flew up, lifting him off the ground. While both of them were flying, Starshadow asked a question.
"Umm...Glowstick, do you know how to separate a spark another spark?" she slowed down while gazing at the stars.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:19 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick blinked Uh.. well in the rare case that happens, usually if they don't separate on their own, a risky medical procedure is involved using a energon knife. Often it's so dangerous that they'd rather just leave the two sparks fused together rather then risk the death of them.. I'm not exactly a Spark expert though.. he followed almost dragged along really.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:31 am
by starshadow
Starshadow sighed.
"That's just great...We've reached our destination but it looks like no one's home." she pointed to the entrance.
"So...We find him or go to the beach or anywhere and do star gazing?" she asked.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:35 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick turned his head to the side We could call him on the radio. Or just steal a ship for a bit and send you back to the future.. wait wasn't that a movie title? Hahaha!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:59 am
by starshadow
"Oooh...You're such a meanie." Starshadow said like sweet poison. She landed on a nearby shore, putting Glowstick down.
"Try to contact him from here. My shoulders are aching." Stretching her arms, she sat down on the soft sand and looked up at the starry moonlit night.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:24 am
by NaitoKage
He would of commented about the sore shoulders, but decided it was too easy. He turned on his radio Good day' mate, Glowstick here. StarShadow wants you to show up to throw some shrimp on the barby if you get my drift. Wink wink nudge nudge.. So get your chrome skid plate over.

Glowstick then sat down He'll probably be here soon.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:45 am
by starshadow
The current Starshadow who was with Sonar was shocked when she heard her name through his com links. She pulled Sonar away from Saber and track Glowstick.

TM2 Starshadow was still looking up at the night sky.
"Star gazing is breath taking isn't it?" she felt a cool breeze blew on her face. She took a deep breath and closed her optics.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:00 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick looked at her sleeping, then pulled out his camera attempting to repair the thing. Hm.. replace the cmos chip, put on the spare lens and I'll be back in business.. he then made a low laugh.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:07 am
by starshadow
((All we have to do is to wait for N-H to post Sonar))

The original Starshadow found Glowstick. She put Sonar down and rushed to Glowstick.
"What the-" she noticed a femme who looked alittle bit like herself.
"You have a girlfriend? It's amazing you have one..." she lifted an optic ridge while she snickered. Trying not to laugh, she took a deep breath while smiling, clenching her fist, trying to resist the temptation to laugh.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:28 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick suddenly got up as his tentacles wrapped around past Starshadow and moved her towards his spot quickly unwrapping from her. He then took a picture of the two together Always wanted to try a Decade style shot.. Girlfriend.. uh no.Can't you tell from the wardrobe? Thats you from the future,cute no? Transwarp technology is fun. he then took a few more shots as the chaos began.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:45 am
by starshadow
TM2 Starshadow woke up. She looked at original Starshadow. Original Starshadow screamed.
"DO I LOOK LIKE THAT IN THE FUTURE?! TELL ME WHICH STARSHADOW LOOKS BETTER!!" her optics widened while she pulled Glowstick infront of her.
Future Starshadow sighed and slapped her forehead. She thought of a devious idea.
"Since you love taking pictures of us, why don't you join us?" she pulled Glowstick to her side. Starshadow1 hated the idea and tried to escape from both of the bots. Starshadow 2 pulled her tail back.
"You're not going any where missy. You'll stay here with lil' me and the squid." she pulled Starshadow1's tail to her side.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:57 am
by NaitoKage
One of Glowstick's tentacles held the camera out as he took some shots Works for me, very hard to find twins on cybertron.. he then cackled. As for which looks better.. uh.. what point is in that? Your the same person.. more or less. Don't you think your being rude towards yourself?

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:13 am
by starshadow
"JUST CHOOSE!!! I'M NOT GOING TO LOOK LIKE AN UGLY KITTY IN THE FUTURE SO I NEED COMMENTS ABOUT MY CURRENT LOOKS AND FUTURE LOOKS!!!" Starshadow1 gritted her fangs. Starshadow2 was slapped her forehead again, embarassed about her past personality.
"STOP MAKING ME LIKE I AM AN IMBECILE BEFORE OR I'M GOING TO DO SOMETHING TO YOUR FUTURE BODY!!! SOME THING YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT AT ALL!!!" Starshadow2 was pissed off about Starshadow1's complains and screaming.
"OH YEAH?! LIKE WHAT?!" Starshadow1 challenged her future self.
"LIKE THIS!!!" Starshadow2 licked Glowstick's cheek.
"WHAT THE SLAG?! STOP DOING THAT!!!" Starshadow1 felt like punching the TM2 demon panther.
"No I won't!!" Starshadow2 smiled evily.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:32 am
by NaitoKage
(So much for waiting.. heh.. heh..)

Glowstick blinked being licked, a nervous shiver running along the side of his head Okay easy there.. no need to taste the H'orderve here.. he laughed a bit nervously. He then hugged them both Now now.. you two shouldn't be fighting. Besides being the same person, arn't you supposed to be impressed with your future self? I'm sure I would be.. that or my future self is dead in a lavapit with a scorpion and flying dinosaur, but thats not like it's a bad thing! Hm.. I'm still drunk I think..

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:53 am
by starshadow
Starshadow1 was still having hatred of her future self.
"That would be a bad thing if he fell into the lava pit. Right Shadow?" Starshadow2 purred and grinned evily at Starshadow1.
Starshadow1 growled.
"I hate my future personality..." she glared at the TM2 demon panther.
Starshadow2 purred loudly at the side of Glowstick's face, trying to get into SS1's nerves.
Annoyed, SS1 walked to Sonar's side.
"Somebody give me a vomit bag..." she commented while acting like she was about to puke.
SS2 stood up.
"Who wants to have a drink in the lounge? I'm tired of looking at the stars..."