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A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by starshadow »

"Okay...That's bad...My master, father and mother probably wants to fix a date for me...Moonfang, Shadowtrix, come back to me." Nightstar groaned.
"One problem here, Trix and I are stuck with two other minicons...Could yah fetch us?"
"Ugh...NightShadow, you can get me out off here..."

Meanwhile, the 3 bots gathered together.
"She probably went out..."
"Let's go home then...She'll come back home"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

NightShadow stretched Sure, easy enough. As he said that his body turned black and semi transparent with a strange dark aura around it as he walked through the bathroom wall outside. He shifted out of Shadow mode in the back ally of the bar, then his cockpit canopy opened releasing her Minicons, his torso then opened as he lowered her out to the ground.

With his torso and canopy closing, he held up his arm as Flashback jumped up transforming to his gold Delorean vehicle mode attaching to NS's right arm. So is there anywhere you want to go? On the house ofcourse.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"Anywhere you prefer...I'm bored to death at the bar..." Moonfang turned into her black cat mode and jumped on Nightstar's head while Shadowtrix popped out behind her shoulder.
"Anywhere!! You name it, we follow!!"
Last edited by starshadow on Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Warkill spoke up suddenly There should be a city near by, why not send them there?

NS shrugged Hm.. Okay. See ya ladies. he then snapped his fingers, a purple flash appeared at the feet of the three females as they suddenly fell into a Es window hole, appearing above the sky in the local city.

NightShadow transformed to space jet mode Hm.. She was a jet I think.. she'll probably be alright. he then took off into the night sky.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Nightstar activated her thrusters, so as Shadowtrix.
"Where's Moonfang?" Shadowtrix scratched her helmet.
"AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Moonfang was falling down from the skies.
"MOONFANG!!" Nightstar glided down, turning her thrusters to full power.
Cats don't land on their feet in that height. she thought. Nightstar's thrusters were running out of energy. At this momment, the boosters are not going to make it in time.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Redline looked up from the city street as he heard a scream What the?..Damn it I told them to put better railings on those buildings.. Redline Maximize! he shouted jumping up onto the side of a building transforming to his tiger beetle mode, then suddenly accelerated up the side of the building like a red streak.

He stopped looking up, then blurred up again going off the building and transforming to robot mode in mid air as he launched up from momentum towards Moonfang grabbing her with both arms Hey there kitten, come here often? he said in a jovial manner while the force of the grab caused them to flip.

Falling downward he adjusted the fall with his extra insect legs, skidding along the side of the building wall, then swung out his left arm as a set of large pincher like mandibles gripped into the building causing a sudden stop.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Nightstar's thrusters overheared and stopped working.
"Uh oh..." Nightstar fell to the ground and slide behind her back. Sparks came out of the thrusters.
"Oww..." she fainted.
"Moonfang!! Glad you're okay!! The lady is injured!!" Shadowtrix flew down to the black cat, pointing to Nightstar who was on the ground.
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Redline looked down at the fallen jet Slag! Hang on lady, I'm coming. Just stay still.. He then released the wall sliding down it to the ground.

Once hitting the ground he set Moonfang down walking towards Nightstar examining the injuries while pulling out his medical kit. Now try not too move around too much.. Oh, your unconscious. Never mind then! This is why I prefer to keep my feet on the ground when I can. He then started to administer treatment.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Moonfang and Shadowtrix went to see their 'fallen' master, watching how Redline administer his medical treatment.
"She's just unconcious. Only her thrusters are damaged. There are afew methods to wake her up. Since she's unconcious, method 1 would be wasted."
"Let me handle this..." ."
Shadowtrix pulled out a shock stick and zapped Nightstar. The femme woke up.
"Oww...My aching back..." Nightstar sat up straight, rubbing her back.
Moonfang sighed with relief.
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Redline finished up repairing some digs and the thruster damage to Nightstar. Right, well it's good to see your okay. If you feel sickly you should stop by a medical station.

Redline then walked off into the city crowd.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Nightstar helped herself up.
"So...What shall we do next?" Moonfang jumped on her shoulder.
"Beats me...No fun company...Nothing. Let's fly to the skies and DON'T DROP!! We're going sight-seeing."
"That's nice!! With the bright full moon and the twinkling stars. Very nice..." Shadowtrix commented.
All of the 3 femmes took off to the skies.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

After a few days of being missing, Glowstick walked into the lounge sitting down on a bar stool. What a week.. er.. One high grade oil, preferably with a bit of radium.
He then leaned on the counter, his headphones around his neck playing a rather upbeat tune.
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Unread post by starshadow »

A TM2 black femme with devil wings who sounds like Starshadow came in.
"Time travel is really a pain in the circuits." she looked around.
"Looks like a lounge." she walked to the bar counter.
"White Russian. No ice, no vodka, hold the kahlua..." she said to the bar tender while she was leaning on the table, looking around.
10 seconds later,
"Free, straight up." the bartender handed her the glass of White Russian. The black femme gulped her drink.
"Ahh..Top it up please." she licked her black lips.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick received his order, he put the payment down as his optics noticed the strange female, getting up from his barstool he then walked across the room to one of the booths sitting once again.

He pulled out a map while drinking overlooking areas to deploy radio equipment, while wondering if some sort of alien monster had entered cybertron.
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Unread post by starshadow »

The black femme noticed a mech with glowing photophores.
"Is that Glowstick?" she thought to herself. Her drink was served. She took it and went to him.
"Excuse me sir, are you communication officer Glowstick?" she asked the squid.
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