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Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:22 am
by Phoenix
ooc: *decides to get a post in here before the entire page is filled up by two people*


Moonshine sat perched on the branch of a tree, her head tilted as she had been watching the sisters and their multi-legged sea friend for a while now.

She didn't quite understand what was going on, although the scene that had played out had somehow reminded her of a past long forgotten. A sensation of guilt had started overwhelming her, almost gnawing at her and trying to force its way into her consciousness. Moonshine managed to force it back, however, like she had done so many times after being brought to life in that pod.

The female finally pulled her gaze away from the scene that had nearly transfixed her for a while and spotted what appeared to be a wounded animal in the distance. Without a word she took to the air, heading towards what could potentially be a client in need.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:54 pm
by Night-Hunter
Sonar was feeling a lot better but he was still a little jumpy, worried that Saber or Rampage would find him. He sat on the roof of Starshadow's house looking in every direction every small sound made him nervous and jumpy.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:55 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick slowed down as it became ovious that his systems couldn't keep up with the machines, as he was designed to function underwater, not on top of it. His eyes shifted watching a bird fly overhead Hm? It couldn't be.. he said to himself.

He moved towards the beach transforming to robot mode, then sat down with his camera watching the two girls set up to play Vollyball.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:05 am
by starshadow
Minutes later during the game....
"GOAL!!!" Starshade screamed and ran in circles.
"Yo Shade, this is not soccer and that's the 7th time you said that." Starshadow then turned to Glowstick then to Starshade.
"It's pretty dry here...How about we go diving?" Starshadow was concerned about Glowstick as his beast form could not stay out of the water for too long.
"You bet sis...Let's use the morphing device." the sisters pressed a button of their device and transformed into sea creatures. Starshade was a eel while Starshadow was a vampire squid.
"Why the colour schemes are in black and pink? And I look like I have a cape." Starshadow flicked her tentacles. Starshade dived to the water. Starshadow waited at the shore to see if the squid wanted to tag along.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:01 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick blinked taking some pictures of the two While I do enjoy wet kitties, this is more then expected! he then laughed following them into the water. Color scheme shouldn't matter too much for a squid, even that kind can change colors at will.

He floated along following the two continuing to take snapshots, rather glad his camera had good batteries and a huge memory card.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:38 am
by starshadow
As the aquatic transformers dived down to the sea, Starshade was happily singing "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming~" Starshadow smacked her sister's head with her tentacles.
"So this is how it feels like being in the sea...Better than flying in the air." Starshadow commented.
"Who wants to go deeper? Let's play hide-and-seek in the dark." Starshade dived deeper into the depths.
"Shade, you're one hyper eel..." Starshadow sighed and tailed the eel.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:50 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick transformed to squid mode swimming ahead of Starshadow rather easily, he laughed a bit hearing the hide and seek comment You sure you want to play hide and seek with two bioluminescent deep sea squids? Seems a bit unfair to me "silm". Though I'm sure if Shadow here wanted to cheat she could just mark you with her glowing slime.

Glowstick speeds up performing a loop in the water, then lands on Starshade's back hitching a ride.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:00 am
by starshadow
"We kitties- AHEM!! I mean..We sea creatures don't cheat. We just want to scare the slag out of each other, seeing how we react and laugh out loud and get nightmares." Starshadow grinned evily.
As Starshadow swam downwards, everything she saw was pitch black.
"Hellooooooooooooo..............." Starshade's voice echoed.
"Wow...So dark...." Starshadow turned off her 'lights' incase she got spotted by anyone.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:10 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick let go of Starshade floating up above the two, his photophores under his body lighting up causing him to blend in with the surface light becoming almost invisible to the two.

His large squid eyes looking below him, being lucky to have some of the best vision in the cephalopod kingdom.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:28 am
by starshadow
While Starshadow was swimming, she saw a little 'lightbulb' floating towards her.
"Pretty..." as she go closer to the light, a fierce angler fish showed it's jaws infront of her. Frightened by it's sharp teeth. Starshadow screamed and blast a cloud of black ink and swim upwards to the bright area. She stopped for a second and turned to the dark area.
"WHAT THE SLAG WAS THAT?!" she shouted.
Starshade was wandering around, singing 'just keep swimming'.
While she was gliding around, she bumped onto something sharp.
As she squinted her optics on the sharp object, it was a viperfish. She screamed and swam to the top, hiding behind Starshadow's back.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:44 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick's entire body glowed brightly as he floated down near the two There are all sorts of scary or unique creatures down here. I don't recommend going down much further really. In worse case scenario you two could get lost.

Glowstick then moved to the side a bit as a glowing jellyfish moved by him, he pointed with a tentacle Or get stung by that..

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:14 am
by starshadow
"You could bring us to a deep sea tour since your body is flashy. We'll just stay close to you. Jeez...It's better than a haunted house in a theme park." Starshade was shivering slightly.
"Thrill is our secondary interest." Starshadow winked at Glowstick, swimming near to him.
"Starshade will cling onto me while I will just cling onto you." Starshadow wrapped her tentacles around Glowstick's waist.
"Just don't get us lost. You don't want to see us screaming like lost little girls."

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:30 am
by NaitoKage
In compliance with the requests and complaints, all posts beyond this point are moot. Continue on in events of only playing pool,consuming milkshakes,conservative dancing, and adoring the Fonz. That is all.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:54 am
by starshadow
((Hmm...I could ditch SS forever and start on my decepticon Vampire Nightstar since our OCs are not allowed to leave the lounge. Probably you've heard about her during my previous post but this is a decepticon version since I can't think of a better name so i used SS pre BW name.))

A mysterious black and pink femme came in to the lounge. Her name was Nightstar, a cybertronian jet. Her armor was as black as night with shining silver linings, skin as white as snow, optics and were milk pink, her mouth was covered with a mouth plate and carries an evil looking gun. She cat-walked to the counter and leaned over the table.
"White Russian, extra ice, no vodka and hold the kahlua..." she said to the bartender while looking for a place to sit after getting her drink.
As she got her drink and paid for it, she settle down on a place with less bots, looking around to see if she recognize anybody.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:41 pm
by Phoenix
ooc: Oh dear.. No no, guys, please continue on with the story. It was never intended that you weren't supposed to continue. :) Have fun, kids, there's no point in stopping now.