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Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:22 am
by starshadow
Starshadow wanted to take off to the skies. As she came out of the house, she saw Sonar on the ground and rushed to him.
"HEY!!! Are you alright?" she carried him to her room, pulling the blanket off carefully placing him on her bed.
"Knocked out?" she thought. The femme prepared a wet towel, placing it on his head and covered him with her blanket.
"Guess I'll have to skip my own free time..." Starshadow caressed Sonar's face. She went out to her room's balcony, sitting on the edge.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:31 am
by Night-Hunter
When Sonar woke he found himself in a room and in bed and with a wet towel on his head, he slowly sat up his body stiff from flying into the side of the house.
He winced a little when he moved his arm it was still sore from when Saber sank her claws into his arm.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:39 am
by starshadow
Starshadow turned back and found the bat awake and walked towards him.
"Ah...You're awake. You must get some rest...I don't know how you landed in my house. Stay here...I'll go get some energon and...How did you get that injury? I'll be right back." she went to the kitchen to get energon and first aid supplies and came back to her room, bandaging his wound while feeding him with energon.
"Weird...I feel like a maid and a medic of this house." the femme giggled.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:48 am
by Night-Hunter
"Ah...You're awake. You must get some rest...I don't know how you landed in my house. Stay here...I'll go get some energon and...How did you get that injury? I'll be right back." "Weird...I feel like a maid and a medic of this house."
Sonar smiled at her and allowed her to feed and bandage his wound. "I got this injury from a very Saber-Fang, i guess you could say i pissed off the wrong femme and her bond mate." Wincing a little as she tightend the bandaged on his wound.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:35 am
by NaitoKage
Wandering back to his apartment, Glowstick raised his silver eyelid looking at a pile of scrap on the street. He then looked closer noticing handlebars sticking up. Reaching in he started to drag a hover bike out of the pile.

Geez.. the things maximals throw away..So wasteful. he says to himself looking it over, then pulls a lever causing three small wheels pop out of it as he rolls it along back to his apartment and into the building.

Inside his room he sets it up in the living room and sits down looking it over, then starts to take it apart examining and repairing it. Hm.. get this fixed will make transporting things alot easier then flying around carrying it.. he says to himself, his tentacles grabbing a toolbox from under the couch as well as a bottle of high grade to drink while working.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:10 am
by starshadow
Starshadow just felt like spending her time outside.
"You get some rest...You'll be safe in here but all you have to do is stay here. Saber and Rampage would be able to track you. Now get some sleep...Call me if you need help or anything." she pecked his cheek, sprayed some perfume around her house to cover Sonar's scent, closed the curtains and went to her garage.

In the Garage, there were various kinds of vehicles. Starshadow opened her storage filled with well designed disks. She pulled out a large black disk and pressed the middle of it and it transformed to her favourite anti-gravity Lilith Cycle.
"Fast and thrilling..." she walked into the changing room, changing her armor to a black catsuit. Putting on her black chrome lipstick and her smoky cat eye makeup and her black motorbike helmet. Hopping on to her customized bike she quoted afew words.
"Feels like the old days...Now it's time to blaze some track..." she accelerated the Lilith Cycle by puting her hands into the glowing holes. Inside of it has a handle. Starshadow sped off to the skies then to the road, challenging herself and the traffic. With her feline senses, she can never crash onto any other vehicles.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:33 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick rested his head on the side of the airbike as the sun rose in the sky, his optics flicker half awake. He leaned up from the partially repaired machine covered in oil and grime. He then stretched Going to be a long day.. he then said to himself.

Walking out of the main room he wandered into his bathroom and shower to get the grime off his mostly transparent frame.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:50 am
by starshadow
Starshadow came back to her home, shrinking her bike to the original state and re-charged it's energy from the garage. She went up to her room to check on Sonar.
"He's fine...Probably asleep." she thought to herself and closed the door and went to her other personal room.Stretching herself, she jumped on her hammock and went to sleep.
4 mega cycles later, Starshade jumped on Starshadow, causing the both of them to fell over it.
"OUCH!! Shade...I'll give you all of my plushies but please...I'm trying to sleep..." Starshadow grabbed her pillow and put it on her head.
"HURRAYS!!! But umm...around afternoon, could we have a beach party?" Starshade asked.
"Fine...Fine...Just leave me...I'm sleepy..."
"Mmm...KAY!!! I'm going to make breakfast!!" Starshade ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:11 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick wandered out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, though not entirely sure why he just assumed it was like Donald duck wrapping a towel around his waist when he doesn't even wear pants..

Walking over to his mini fridge he pulled a blue glowing bottle out popping the top off and downing it Ah Energon.. breakfast of champions!

Removing the towel he then picked up his tools and lifted a large bag as he started to head out of the apartment and to the beach.

time passes as he soon arrives, the sun casting over the water as he walks in Time to get to work.. Few more relay transmitters and the predacon radio wave network will be flawless! Until some maximals trash them like pricks.. he then said to himself sinking into the depths.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:33 am
by starshadow
It was afternoon then, Starshade and Starshadow brought their things and headed to the garage. Starshadow tossed her black disk in mid air and it transformed to her Lilith Cycle while Starshade threw her pink disk on the floor and transformed into her own anti gravity bike. Putting their things at the back of the vehicle, Starshadow turned on the heavy security system of her house.
"Let's fly!!" the sisters roared their engines and flew to the blue cloudy skies.
They landed at the beach. Putting everything in place under a shady area, the sisters turned their vehicles into disk and kept it with them. They changed into their swimsuits but the demon panther was not happy about her suit.
"Shade, did you changed my own swimsuit into this black revealing-with no-straps suit?""It's looks sexy on you. Are you going to change it again with your back-up suits?" Starshade raised an optic ridge.
"Of course..." As Starshadow opened her bag, her 'back up' swim suit was the same as what she was wearing.
"SHADE!!!" she screamed while her sister was laughing out loud.
She chased Starshade to the shore, splashing water at her sister's face, growling.
"WE. HOT. KITTENS. LOVE. WATER!!!" Starshade called out to Starshadow with a volley ball.
"Let's play volley ball. Who ever loses would be....." Starshadow was thinking of an idea on how to get her 'revenge' on Starshade.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:45 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick reaching a mile from the shore pulled out a strange object from his bag putting it down on a rock, he tapped a button as it fired a grapple line into the rock and then the rest of the device floated towards the surface.

He then floated up slightly with his duct fan moving through the water towards his next relay transmitter point, while cautiously looking at the bottom of the ocean. Considering how violent some aquatic transformers could be he wouldn't be surprised if he was attacked while on the job.

Hm.. Speaking of aquatic transformers... I wonder who that weird chick with Sonar was.. Guess I need to go to some sorta.. ocean side meeting or something.. he said to himself landing on a rock, then set up another transmitter.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:02 am
by starshadow
Serpenteria was bored.
"Hmm...Maybe it's time for me to move out. Get another peaceful place like the ocean..."
She swam to the water leading to the sea. Then, she saw Starshadow and Starshade.
"Hmm...Nightstar...My old enemy from Cybertron..." She shot out a stream of water at the sisters, making them seperated. Starshadow saw the aquatic cobra and growled at her.
"Sirena...I thought you would be still working at Cybertron with your ancient music and blah blah blah... Ahem!! Should we say you're jelous of my voice?" Starshadow smirked at the snake.
"Enough talk...Although you are good at singing like a sea siren but you're not the best singer in the world." Serpenteria's spines got sharper. Starshadow's claws were out.
"So the battle begins between the naga and the succubus..." Starshade sighed.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:10 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick set up the final relay transmitter, when he heard a strange loud noise coming from the shore. He blinked confused floating towards the surface, his head popping up looking at the shore Hm.. Hey.. it's that chick.. and the cat girls are in swimsuits. Time to collect some cheese cake he said to himself as he moved towards some rocks climbing them.

He then pulled out his camera zooming in to take shots of the girls.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:19 am
by starshadow
"YO SHADOW!! CATCH!!" Starshade tossed a device to Starshadow. The demon panther pressed the button and morphed into a naga siren.
"Let's play in the sea..." Starshadow dived in to the water, swimming into the depths.
"YOU WON'T ESCAPE FROM ME!!!" Serpenteria dived too, tailing the black and pink naga. Serpenteria pulled out her harp, so does Starshadow.
"Hmph!! Seems you downloaded my weaponry and armor. Interesting..." she smiled evily.
"Let's just say...Naga Siren versus Naga Siren." Both of the aquatic transformers strummed their strings, releasing purple laser blade like beams. Their attacks hit together, causing an explosion.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:29 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick would of frowned if he could watching them then go into the water. He took a few photos of Starshade as he activated his comlink Aw.. why'd you ruin my photoshoot so soon kitten? Or maybe you wanted a 1 on 1.. Glowstick then cackled similarly to tarantulus dropping into the water.

He swiftly swam closer swimming around the two as they fought taking pictures Thats pretend your a pouty flounder! Good!