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Tally Ho!

Unread post by Lyxwal »

BEHOLD! Transformers fan #2.37 billion!

Call me Lyxwal! I also happen to be a fan of Kingdom Hearts 2, so I get my name from there, well, at leas thats how I made this name anyway!

I shall bring a river of insanity the likes of which everyone has ever seen! Or is it nobody and never? I cannae remember.

P.S: I love Transmutate. If you think about it, it was a filler episode. And if you think about it at ALL, it was the best filler episode of any series I can think of to date. but maybe its just me.

P.P.S: I like to talk with an Irish accent.
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Unread post by Jagna »

greetings and welcome to the newcomer!

we shall accept ur love 4 dear little transmutate *pokes mutey and she flies away* hmmm...

insanity? yesssssswe have a lot of tht here indeed

new branch of it? hmmmm....i doubt we here have not covered all levels you could possibly reach but im sure there are more than 4 parallels we could explore. o wait....42!! AHAAAAAA!

*ducks as that stupid penguin gwiffo throw caramel-coated waffle at head. it is still frozan and very sticky* ouch

ah well as i have said welcome! im sure u really will enjoy it here! *dances with raptor* they should make a movie out of tht lol

now excuse me while i go conqor my hat...my poltergeist seems to think it is a petri dish...
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Unread post by Starath »

Greetings Lyxwal! Nice to see a new member that isn't a spambot! :lol:

Ah yes, Transmutate. It 's a good episode with a great message. I once wrote a college paper about it. >_>

And any insanity will fit in right here! Welcome aboard!

--Starath :mrgreen:
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Welcome to BW Int, Lyxwal, yesss. :wink: It's nice to meet you!

Transmutate was cool and she had a great episode. It's a shame it didn't go further.

I still haven't played KH2 yet. :? I have the first one but my younger sister bought the second and I just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I hardly play video games at all anymore unless it's DDR or Super Smash Brothers, and if I do, I desperately try to get through as much as I can with Crash Tag Team Racing. *sighs* Crash just isn't the way it used to be. I like the older ones more. Oh well. How is KH2, anyway? I haven't heard much about it ever since it came out.
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Unread post by Nurann »

Welcome to BWInt, Lyxwal! It's good to see a Transmutate fan every once in a while. Just because she was a filler, doesn't mean she can't deserve a few followers!

;) *hums to her MP3 copy of "Passion" aka "Sanctuary"*
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Unread post by VelociBerg »

Welcome Lyxwal! *insert witty comment here*
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Unread post by Lady Ocelot »

Hello Lyxwal! Welcome to Bwint :D

-fills VB's witty comment space with custard pudding-

Insanity and randomness is indeed rife here ^^

-huggles Transmutate plushie- Yey Transmutate! I'm also a fan of hers. I do wish that there'd been more episodes including her, but I guess the message wouldn't have come across if she'd stuck around. Not only was it the best filler episode of the Transformers series (I'm not too sure about other shows) it was perhaps the only one that wasn't full of, er, it :wink:
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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »

Avast!! Savvy!! and Whatnot!!

From the title of the thread I'm going to bet that you're half-pirate, half-crazy, half-TF fan... blast!!! TOO MANY HALVES!! Well two halves make a whole and two wrongs make a right and two rights make a left and so on.

As you can tell the partial instabilities which are inhereit within this matrix of eccentricity is directly proportional to the size of fish in the morning and don't worry if you don't understand what I'm rambling about because I really have no idea myself.

So in closing. Welcome to the beginning of the crazy and this will be the day you will always remember as the day you almost... #Silver gets bonked on the head before finishing the Jack Sparrow quote#
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

Yes dear...
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