No Rest For The Wicked

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Super Poster!
Posts: 3247
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
Location: Pennsylvania

Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

“Honestly Rattrap, you should make it a habit to read our reports more.”
Well, Airazor wasn't wrong. And her calling him out on it almost made him turn red. Instead, as he had caught her insincere glare, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth in return. There was no doubt about it; Rattrap had some great friends here. Had he met them back on Cybertron under completely different circumstances, and as a different Maximal than he was now, he probably wouldn't have anything to do with them. He had to admit that he was glad these guys and gals were in his life despite the way they were trying to survive against Megatron and his goons.
“You try having a secondary being taking over your being, see how you feel.”
Good feelings gone. Wintersong had single-handedly dampened his mood with the remark under her breath. He didn't understand what she was going through because he hadn't experienced the Vok like she and Optimus had. He didn't mean to upset her, but let's be honest, most things that came out of Rattrap's mouth were insulting and offensive. He did care, though, he just didn't know the right way to show it other than stating the obvious and making blunt remarks about her actions. Rattrap frowned at her and her progressively changing body. Optimus had noticed it too, right? Was he doing anything about it? Couldn't he help her? After her lashing out in a very feral-like manner a couple weeks ago, nearly thrashing him after his electrocution before turning her attention to Spineback, he didn't feel entirely safe around her. And the way she was acting now continued to reinforce his concerns.
“And I didn’t want to wake anyone up so late.”
All Rattrap was hearing were excuses and denials. Maybe she wasn't letting Optimus help her. Or maybe he couldn't. Whatever was going on with her though - possession by an alien race and such as she just described - it needed to be addressed or else she was going to compromise this mission or the next one or the one after, and possibly get herself or someone seriously injured. It wasn't his place to say so at that moment, but he was going to have to express his concerns to their fearless leader soon. This wasn't something that could wait much longer or resolve itself, at least not without doing something to Wintersong. She was probably frightened too. No one would blame the tigress. But they couldn't ignore what was happening to her. It was clearly affecting her.

"I would be more than happy to,"
Granted, it was difficult to accept this "new" Zodiac so casually. After everything it was hard to imagine that this was the same bot who had tried to kill pretty much everyone, including Optimus. But Rhinox had to give his friend credit since what they were doing with the shape shifter seemed to be working. ...As long as he couldn't remember who he really was. That would be the ultimate test in the end. Once he could recall everything, would he back to who he was forged to be? Or will have all of their efforts to influence him more positively stick?
"Uhm.. I don't suppose you can deactivate these?," "Thanks.."
"Sorry," the rhinoceros apologized after he removed the bracelets. Truth be told, Rhinox was surprised that Zodiac hadn't even bothered to tamper with them. He didn't even ask questions about them even though he was clearly the only one who were such devices among the crew. The engineer then went about his business while entrusting Zodiac to do his work. Having not heard anything from their new comrade out in the field, he could only assume that his transmission wasn't reaching him. As he tried making adjustments and waited for the calibrations to render, he pulled up the data he had recorded from Primal's spark and started studying it on a separate monitor. The Maximals would have reached their destination by now, so all Rhinox could do was wait to hear anything from them or until they returned to the Axalon.
"Self diagnostics are running. We should have a comprehensive report ready within a few minutes. The shields and auto guns will be operational again in a moment as well,"
"Good job, Zodiac," he commended him without looking at him or even double-checking his work through the computer system. "Thank you."
"What's this?,"
It took a moment for Rhinox to pull his attention away from his data analysis before finally looking over at what Zodiac was talking about. He gave a frown since the others probably should have taken that weapon with them to use against Nemesis if they needed to. On the other hand, if anything happened with Zodiac who might have attacked Rhinox, at least he had it available to him to defend himself with. But he really didn't think he needed it. He watched Zodiac quietly and curiously as his crimson optics studied his intensity toward the weapon. He almost prepared himself to stand up and be on the defensive while he witnessed the dragon's hand beginning to glow as his fingertips touched the rifle. Zodiac didn't seem to understand what was happening given his panicked appearance and quick withdrawal, but the larger Maximal knew exactly what was going on, and his optic sensors enlarged slightly as the scene unfolded. His nanobots were starting to activate now.
"I'm sorry, I..,"
"It's alright," Rhinox remained calm as he stood up from his chair and walked over to him. How was he going to explain this to him? How much had Optimus told him already, and what hasn't he told him yet? The Chief Medical officer found himself in quite a predicament, but at least Zodiac seemed genuinely distraught or terrified by what had just happened, so he still didn't remember everything. It must have been quite an odd experience then.
"I think there's something wrong with me..,"
As their optics met each other, Zodiac's pleading now more than ever, Rhinox played it cool to avoid anymore panic and potential accidents. "There's nothing wrong with you, Zodiac," he told him truthfully as his voice and serenity suggested that he knew what had just occurred there. They obviously couldn't hide this from him forever, so Rhinox thought it would be better to make it a positive experience instead of a fearful or negative one that might make matters more confusing for the shape shifter or worse for the Maximals in the long run if they kept hiding and denying everything. With everyone else out of the base, and no distractions while they waited for the others to return from their mission, it seemed like a good time to work with him about his nanotech. "You have a gift. We weren't sure if and when it might've surfaced again, but it seems to have reawakened now. Go ahead and touch the rifle again. Slowly," he encouraged him softly in his deep voice while he stood beside him as influential support. "Tell me what you see and what you're feeling. Take your time, and just let go of it if it becomes overwhelming." This could be an opportune time for him to gain more knowledge about how the nanobots worked. Of course, this was one step closer to Zodiac finding out about his other "gift"; shape-shifting and disguising himself as others. But... one step at a time.

“I can see why Rattrap complained so much about this flying thing, it feels...unnerving to be so high.”
“This is a piece of oil cake compared to riding with the rodent, none of that bumpy riding slag that throws off my aim.”
The Maximal leader overheard Tigatron and Dinobot's conversation and made mental notes without offering a comment. Primal had been in aviation for almost as long as he could remember, so flying and heights had never bothered him. It was interesting to hear others' perspectives on it from those who seldom or never flew. Well, it wouldn't be long now until they reached their destination, so hopefully Tigatron would hang in there.
“Thought this arrival was a little too quiet."
Optimus had spared a glance toward the flying cheetah and his comment. He had hoped they would have arrived much sooner than the Predacons, but that was not the case. And Cheetor seemed a little too eager to face their enemy again. Fortunately, there were plenty of other Maximals to watch his back even though Primal couldn't help but wonder if the younger Maximal would remain focused or let his anger and aggression get the better of him. He wasn't entirely sure if Cheetor knew what he was asking for if he was going to start giving the Predacons more trouble. Their retaliation might be more than he can chew, and that was one thing the Maximal leader was afraid of. Dinobot may be able to handle himself because of his experience and knowledge as a soldier. Cheetor wasn't helpless, but he was still young and unprepared, as far as Optimus was concerned. He still had a lot to learn.
“Then again, maybe not.”
“Be safe.”
Primal had nodded to them both before their carriers began breaking away from the group.
“See you soon.”
The youngest cat of their outfit had flown off too quickly for Optimus to reply just as he was about to split away from his team of fliers as well. Watch your back, Cheetor, he thought in a serious tone.
“Always have a welcome committee ready don’t they.”
"In that case, let's give them a parting gift, and show them the way out," Primal sent a grin across his shiny, blue face to Airazor. Confident, but not cocky, he was ready to rumble while he relied on his Maximals to take care of the new arrival and the other Predacons that were showing up judging by the gun fire that was erupting far below them toward the stasis pod's location. What Nexus had disclosed in his journal for Optimus was still fresh in his mind as well, and he kept those meaningful words close to his spark as encouragement. His mentor had faith in him, his Maximals have faith in him, and he wasn't going to let any of them down. It was a driving force for him. For a moment, he wondered if Aurora was going to appear at this battle. Was she alright? He hadn't felt anything return from his spark's prior escapade, but maybe he just didn't do it right. It was discouraging, but he was far from losing hope. She had to be alive, that much he was certain. Although if Tarantulas had done anything to her, death might have been a far better welcoming rather than suffering through whatever torment he might have been inflicting upon her and her innocent soul. He really didn't want to think about that... She was okay. She was alive.

After the last battles they had with the Predacons, and then losing Aurora for such an extended time, moral was a little low among his ranks, so, it was vital that they pulled through this confrontation together, in one piece, as the victors with their new comrade and their confidence restored in their abilities to defeat their foes. Optimus knew this, and it was that determination that he was going to use to maintain his endurance and opportunistic nature.
“We’re just here to soften you Maximals up! I hear roasted falcon and charbroiled gorilla are quite tasty!”
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Inferno laughed over Terrorsaur as they flew straight at their enemy and fired more shots at both of them.

"You better be willing to work for this meal, Predacons, because we aren't serving ourselves up on a silver platter," the flying ape threw back at them. He tilted his body on his board to dodge Terrorsaur's laser blasts and then swung one of his clubs to ricochet Inferno's fiery blast right back in his direction.

Narrowing his red optics, Inferno strafed his own ammunition and dropped several feet in the air before coming to a hover and looking up at Optimus and Airazor with pure hatred. How he loathed them, all of the Maximals, but particularly their commanding officer, which wasn't uncommon for any Predacon. Except for the traitors Dinobot, Frilla and Blackarachnia. As Primal drew closer to him, he adjusted his large weapon's gunfire to the flamethrower and suddenly lifted the barrel upward to spray the Maximal with its intense fire. "Charbroiled gorilla sounds good to me!" he jeered in agreement to Terrorsaur's menu announcement since he was so certain that he was burning the leader to a crisp now. "I prefer mine well-done!"

Optimus had no intention of stopping because of the fire in front of him. Instead, he used it to his advantage since the widely splayed flames pouring out of the large barrel were blocking most of Inferno's view, and he flew straight through it. For a moment, it hurt. It definitely singed his armor a little as he crossed his thick forearms with his clubs in front of him to block it from damaging his chest and face and collided into the hovering ant's chest with the front of his hover board.

The red Predacon gasped just as he saw the ape's figure appear through his flames. An exasperation of pain escaped his mouth when the front of his board plowed into him and knocked him backwards at a downward angle. The whiplash caused him to disengage his engine while his internal computer desperately tried to keep him conscious.

It wouldn't have mattered, however, now that Optimus was controlling their destination. Keeping his thrust on full and spotting a small clearing in the trees, he drove Inferno into the ground, cutting his engine just before he could injure himself which allowed Inferno to fall the rest of the way on his own and Optimus automatically maximizing to his robot mode landing on his feet. "I think it's safe to say that he lost his appetite," he nearly smirked to himself while he had exchanged his clubs for his plasma blaster from his hip. He targeted Inferno just in case he wasn't quite down. After all, he had pretty tough armor considering his beast mode.

The pyro laid there in a heap on the ground, twitching a little as his processor struggled to awaken him. He wouldn't be down for good, but it would buy Primal and his Maximals some time with one less Predacon buzzing around.

Primal performed a quick survey from his position with what he could observe visually and on his sensors. No Megatron yet as far as he could tell. Interesting. Rampage was there as his internal scanner picked up the hostility with his weapon in his vehicle mode. And Spineback, although he was unaware of her TransMetal upgrade since she was disguised in the trees of the rich and humid rain forest. Quickstrike, Waspinator, and the new Predacon. Tigerhawk was injured, and as much as Optimus wanted to help him, he couldn't leave Airazor alone with Terrorsaur. Not that she wasn't capable of handling herself, but now that he was a TransMetal, his firepower and armor were much stronger and more durable than hers. She still may have been faster than him though. But since that had yet to be determined, he'd rather be safe and offer her some assistance. "Tigerhawk, do you copy?" he tried hailing the large Fuzor.

"Tigatron," Primal then relayed to him over his comm. link, "see to Tigerhawk," without realizing that the new Maximal was already on hand to assist. Tigerhawk, who was not just an advantage to their team with his flight, was also a heavy hitter with gunfire, and they needed his help, especially with Rampage and the new Predacon just arriving.

"Cheetor, status report on the protoform," Optimus asked over radio transmission and then added, "We'll try drawing the Predacons away," he implied about himself and Airazor. Maneuverability for flight in his robot mode was limited, but it retained his most powerful ammunition, so he returned his attention to the sky once more toward Airazor and Terrorsaur. ...And Nemesis, it would seem. Optimus saw her arrive and fire at Airazor's mini missiles who was now outnumbered in the air. The Decepticon-turned-Predacon had survived Megatron's wrath after all, assuming she had been punished for any wrong doing, but he had hoped his nanogel sample would have been enough to ease the tyrant's rage. She probably wanted to avoid Primal. The feeling was mutual at this point, but it might make Rattrap uneasy if he saw her. Regardless, he'd have to intervene and even out these odds. Lifting his backpack over his head and shoulders, it rested in front of him and he aimed his mini plasma turrets upward at Nemesis first. He fired several shots to distract her as the kickback of their force almost made his stable footing slide backwards before making Waspinator his next target and firing several more in his direction in order to get him off of the Maximals he was firing at.

Meanwhile, Wintersong had kept up with Rattrap and his reptile passenger, but she had been very quiet during their journey. Too quiet. In fact, it was an eerie silence. When he slowed down and crawled to a stop, that was when she suddenly took off to help the others who had landed just up ahead to reach their new comrade before the Predacons could.
“Apparently not.”
The dragster rat frowned a little and turned his head to look back at Frilla as she got off of him and readied herself for battle while he lifted his wheels in order to drop his silver paws on to the ground and feel the earth underneath them.
“Might as well drop a surprise on them. Our size in a forest this thick...we’re in our element.”
The contagious deviousness in her grin made Rattrap offer a toothy smile that bared his sharp teeth which couldn't really be helped in his TransMetal beast mode. Frilla was right in that they should use the terrain to their advantage, and it didn't take her long to act on her ambition. By now, he had no concerns of her switching sides and returning to the Predacons, much like Dinobot. She had made her notions and feelings quite clear about her former comrades. The courageous and fearless way that she and Chopper Face often engaged their old "friends" was actually quite admirable to watch. He didn't think he could do that if he was in their shoes. Snap outta it, RT, he told himself, we got Preds ta fend off.
“I’ll go high, you take low.”
Watching her leap effortlessly into the thick canopy and quickly climb up the trees, the Spy maximized to his robot mode and wielded his trusty gun. While waiting for her observational report, he kept an eye on their surroundings as well as he could considering all of the brush and foliage. Luckily, if there had been anyone approaching them, the Preds were too cumbersome and careless to be stealthy, and their footsteps alone would alert his audio sensors. There were a couple voices in another direction just outside of the forest's perimeter that soon caught his attention though with his sensitive hearing, and he looked toward them, but they were too far away to notice him standing there.
“Hopefully we’re not too late for the excitement.”
“Never too late to slag some yellow-bellied Maximals.”
He recognized Quickstrike's voice, but the other one must have belonged to the new guy Optimus had told them about. Rattrap's grip on his gun tightened but he remained still and silent while he watched the Fuzor's green venom light up through the trees as he fired it off in his typically loud fashion of arrival to a fight. There was more rustling through the forest around them, and he thought he spotted some chimpanzees and birds scampering away through the trees probably frightened and feeling threatened by the commotion that was interrupting their previously peaceful habitat.
“Rattrap I spotted Rampage hidden on the perimeter, I’m going in to distract him.”
Lifting his head to look up at Frilla above him, he whispered up to her, "I think yer own toxic spit is gettin' to ya, Frillz. If he doesn't wanna fight, don't encourage 'im!" he suggested somewhat jokingly... but not really. He didn't want to make them his targets considering how unstoppable the crab was. Then again, they couldn't just leave him there to ambush one of their own with his artillery. Frilla leaped off through the treetops anyway and started to engage Rampage with her scrambler weapon. Hopefully it would be effective on him.

Rattrap started to follow her from the ground with quiet footsteps as he used the other animals' noises during their rush to evacuate the area to disguise his own movements until he spotted the vehicle that the new Pred and Quickstrike had arrived in. He crouched down and surveyed the immediate area before he sneaked closer to it with extreme caution and stealth. Opening his forearm compartment on the arm that wasn't holding his gun, one of his demo charges was revealed and his flicked his elbow to pop it out and catch it in that same hand. Activating the timer on the explosive, he stayed low as he jogged to the vehicle and magnetically slapped the charge on to it before retreating back toward the forest. "Dis oughtta stir things up," he said quietly to himself hoping to alleviate some of the pressure that his Maximal friends were probably feeling at the pod's location several yards away.

Three... two... one... KABOOM!

A fiery explosion could be seen from the air with a small plume of smoke rising, metal shrapnel and burnt, disfigured chunks of the Predacon transport scattered everywhere.

"Maximals, report!" Optimus immediately sent over all of his crew's frequencies after the explosion erupted and shook the forest floor.

"Dat was me. Everythin's under control, fearless leader," Rattrap was quick to reply over everyone's comm. links so the ape wouldn't worry. "De Preds are gonna have ta Uber themselves back to their base once we kick their skid-plates outta here."

Primal raised a brow at his demolition expert's words that seemed to suggest that he was fairing pretty well during this confrontation, all things considered. Or he was just putting on a show to keep everyone else from worrying about him. Whatever Rattrap was talking about, he could only assume that he had destroyed one of the Predacons' transportation vehicles, either for fun or for a distraction, but probably the latter given the rodent's current emotional state over recent circumstances.

“Envy? Bah! The dragon would have done us all a favor if he had succeeded tearing you to pieces.” “But seeming as he’s otherwise obsolete I guess I will have to finish the job one day myself.”
So close. Megatron was so very close to wielding the other half of his spark and squeezing it so tightly to watch him drown in his own pain just to remind him who he was talking to. But Rampage drifted away and headed for the battle that was yonder in the rain forest, to which he didn't want to slow him down so they could stop the Maximals and steal the protoform. So blatant with his threats, he mused darkly with some aggravation since Rampage didn't even bother to disguise his distaste and eagerness to kill him. Mind your words, Rampage, or you shall suffer greatly for as long as I so choose. The bitterness smothered his thoughts that fulfilled his mind along with a scowl. Perhaps he would pay him that reminder after all during the most opportune time to humiliate him in front of the Maximals.

Aurora's demeanor seemed to offend Megatron who was clearly failing at intimidating her. This was not the same Maximal he remembered, which was quite peculiar to him. Seeing her shrug and fold her arms, he felt slightly less threatened but narrowed his optics anyway. And while he lowered his tail cannon from targeting her, it remained charged with that soft, purple glow and low hum.
"Please don't bore me to sleep with any lectures," "I know who you are, I simply don't care. Try to hurt me if you like, but I assure you it will be a decision you'll come to regret."
My, my, he thought toward her careless and cocky attitude. He held back a scoff that would have been intended to mock her size and strength compared to his since he wasn't dumb enough to test this "new Aurora" and underestimate her abilities. Of course he could crush her to a pulp; he didn't need to prove that to anyone. He did, however, need proof that she wasn't a Maximal spy before he could depart his base and leave it open to sabotage.
And there it was. Tarantulas. How typical of him to be crawling around on the ceilings of the Darksyde. Ever sneaking and prying, the sniveling worm. As much as the spider was hardly welcomed at Predacon HQ these days, Megatron hadn't taken any measures to deliberately keep him out. The tyrant's most valuable possessions were always on his person now, tucked away in his subspace. Not to mention that Tarantulas was probably more than capable of averting any precautions the Predacons might have used to keep him out, so what was the point? Well, maybe Terrabite could change that, but for the time being it wasn't as important to Megatron.
"I see you've met my new assistant,"
"Assistant, or pet?" the dictator tried taunting the tarantula with the correction who was now standing in robot mode after having dropped from the ceiling the way spiders always tended to do directly on people or dangling right in front of their faces. It almost made him shudder, but arachnids were not something worth fearing in his optics. Tarantulas was creepy and psychotic... in a dangerous way. In any case, he was clearly proud of his new project, and Megatron couldn't help but wonder what her purpose was. Why go to the trouble? What was her value to him? And how did he manage to acquire her? When did he acquire her? Was he aware of the enormous target that he had put on his back by abducting one of the Maximals' own kind? Maybe that could actually work in Megatron's favor. There were so many questions that he would have liked answered if only for his own benefit and curiosity, but they would have to wait. Plus, he didn't want to come off as desperate or concerned with the likes of Tarantulas. Should Megatron really care what he was up to? Yes, but he couldn't linger on it now. He had a stasis pod to retrieve with his troops. "It would seem you haven't learned from Terrorsaur's incompetent mistake with his 'lieutenant'," he referred to the time when Rattrap had joined their ranks only to recover the Maximal decoder that they had been using to their advantage all because he had duped Terrorsaur into thinking he was a "free agent", "nor my misfortune with Rhinox," he added, which was probably a better comparison considering Aurora was acting a lot like the engineer had when he had been reprogrammed as a Predacon. He finally deactivated his weapon when he felt safe enough to do so and to ease the tension between the three of them. After all, he couldn't afford to be wounded before he ventured out to face the Maximals. "Then again, you must possess the calculative intellect and skills to create a much more successful subject," he merely presumed and continued to deliberately refer to the former Maximal Fuzor as an object instead of a Cybertronian while underhandedly offering a fake compliment to the spider to purposely arouse his ego in an attempt to distract him since he would no doubt rebuttal with an insulting comeback of his own. "I trust you are aware of the recent stasis pod activation. Why not tag along with your 'assistant' and put her to good use?" Megatron asked Tarantulas rhetorically with a slightly mischievous grin to entice him. Would she remain loyal when she'd see and interact with her former faction? Judging by the way she was acting as soon as Tarantulas arrived, it was like she was under his spell or absolute control. If only he could make all of his Predacons respond to him in such a manner. Total devotion and no betrayals.

Transforming to his beast mode, the purple and copper t-rex excused himself with, "I must be on my way," and turned around before activating his twin turbine engines flying his way through the base toward one of the exits with haste. He had been delayed long enough which put him in a sour mood, along with the revelation Tarantulas had just given him about Aurora with the both of them snooping around his stolen and broken vessel that was partially consumed by lava.
"Well, that's just prime!"
Ultra Poster!
Ultra Poster!
Posts: 938
Joined: Sat May 09, 2009 11:46 pm
RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

Maybe.” Unfortunately, Tigerhawk had no further words beyond that. Truth be told he didn’t really know what to say. The crew more than had a right to be furious with the young dragon, to treat him as the outcast that he was to their team. But, at the same time, they shouldn’t have dismissed the opportunity that was presented to them either, a chance to take their string of horrible luck and turn it into an advantage.

Zodiac was notorious for his manipulations and lies, but in those two weeks he had been among them the fuzor was convinced this was no such ruse. Even someone as skilled as the dragon would have eventually slipped up with so many eyes on him, watching his every move closer than a hawk.

But the young dragon’s quiet askance made the older mech hesitate to answer, well aware he could not linger long. It was a difficult request to fulfill and the last thing he should do was tell Zodiac the truth, not if that brought a security risk to them all. But, maybe it might give Zodiac perspective and understanding why he was treated so. With but a few moments the spare Tigerhawk relented and nodded, “I can tell you the basics Zodiac, but not everything. Even I do not know all the details, but I will give you what insight I can to shed some light on the situation.” Tigerhawk promised quietly before he joined the others to head to the pod.


For once it appeared him and Inferno were on the same wavelength. Then again, Terrorsaur could trust the fact that at times the insanely loyal fire ant loathed the Maximals more than he loathed the pterodactyl at times. During this sort of confrontation, it took some of the literal heat off his back and towards their true enemies, something the transmetal flier was relieved for once in a while.

But per the norm, Optimus and Airazor were proving to be a pain in the afterburner, Terrorsaur growling as he dodged some of Airazor’s missiles and having to take some damage from the rest. Thankfully, his transmetal plating could take some punishment, flying forward towards her as Optimus went for his attack with Inferno, “You’re mine this time feathers!” He squawked, aiming his swords to swing at her a few times.

Airazor had managed to share Optimus’ enthusiastic grin, “Least your dry humor hasn’t left you, Optimus.” She mused before the two confronted the two Predacons, forcing them to dodge around the attacks and counter back with their own. Unfortunately since the surge, Airazor’s weaponry wasn’t nearly as effective on some of the Predacons as they once had been. Their transmetal bodies were amazingly resilient and often forced her to have to lay on the heat more than usual.

Alas, Terrorsaur charging for her with mostly singed armor proved such a point, causing her green optics to narrow. The ‘dactyl went on for a close combat approach, forcing the falcon to move back and forth or duck to avoid his blades, gritting her teeth as one of the blades grazed her shoulder and knocked a few feathers loose as a result. Seeing the sight of a few falling feathers, Terrorsaur gave a twisted grin, “Getting slow in your old age Airazor?” “In your dreams maybe.” Airazor retorted, using the brief loss of focus to kicked the mech back with both feet colliding with his chest plate before flipping back with the momentum to fire another volley of mini-missiles.

Growling at being knocked back, Terrorsaur was quick to recover from the counterattack before his optics widened, expecting to be blown out of the sky since he had little time to maneuver out of the way. Surprisingly, Nemesis was the one to stop the missiles, causing the red flier to glance in her direction briefly and Airazor to shoot her a look in response. She was going to be surrounded if she didn’t do something, which was exactly what Terrorsaur didn’t mind. “Now you’re out of luck feathers.” He growled as he lunged for her but just missing the falcon femme as she flipped to the side, a faint smirk showing on her face, “Not unless you can keep up.” She told them, making a dive for the tree canopy and drawing Terrorsaur to give chase.

On the ground, Cheetor had turned his full attention towards Spineback, the soldier-turned-medic quickly drawing his ire already. “You’ll pay for that Predacon, and for everything else!” He growled, raising his head gun to fire a few shots towards the spinosaur, causing her to raise her shield arm to block his attacks. But the feline’s anger was already settling in, the young cheetah beginning to step forward to try and draw her attention. Hopefully one of the others could take that opportunity and get the Predacon from behind.

Though he was briefly distracted by the arrival of Waspinator, forcing him to move to one knee and cover his head as bits of ground and burnt wood came raining down. Before long, shots from the transmetal ape’s plasma turrets followed suggesting that Optimus was now on the ground along with them, causing the young Maximal to lift his head to scan around and spotting Chen tending to Tigerhawk, “Looks like he’s tending to Tigerhawk Optimus, the protoform is a Maximal confirmed.” Cheetor reported before letting out a surprise yell as a blast from Spineback’s weapon landed just a few inches off, knocking the cheetah back a few feet. Though not severely damaged, the young cheetah found himself dazed and stunned, systems trying to recover from the sudden surprise attack.

So far, so good.

Spineback’s shield held against Cheetor’s constant attacks, noting the young cheetah seemed quite eager for a scuffle. His anger would be his downfall one day, and she had to admit she was rather amused how quickly some of the Maximals seemed quick to resort to retaliation. Perhaps the few years of war was wearing them down and their ideals shifting as survival became more desperate and a priority. Perhaps in the case for more than one of them. “For once good timing.” The medic muttered to herself as Waspinator gave them cover fire, forcing most of the Maximals to get low to avoid being struck and giving her a chance to take out the young cheetah temporarily.

With him otherwise preoccupied, Spineback aimed her Plasma Cannon, firing a shot in front of the young Maximal and knocking him backwards when he was least expecting it. Barrel smoking and expecting little resistance for a minute or so, Spineback finally could take in the situation with the pod and its occupant. Much to her annoyance, Chen’s allegiance was already clear as he rushed to help the injured Maximal nearby who was on his feet soon enough. “Nemesis, Lord Megatron, it appears the pod’s occupant is already active and appears to be Maximal affiliated.” Spineback reported.

Tigerhawk growled softly from the pain, managing to lift his head to peer at his side which had a gapping hole in it, wires sparking, energon leaking, and several layers of armor torn through. “I am alright Optimus, just need a moment.” The large fuzor managed to com back.‘Well, that’s going to take time to heal later.’ He thought to himself, hissing as he shifted his aching body to try moving to his paws but paused when he heard someone approaching.

Turning his gaze, he at first regarded Chen’s approach with wariness, unsure what to expect from the approaching bot until he transformed and not only introduced himself, but offered his aid. Tigerhawk’s gaze scanned over the newly awakened medic finally spotting the telltale sign that Chen was an ally, causing him to relax slightly, “Pleasure to meet you Chen, and thank you.” He greeted and expressed his gratitude, keeping his wing lifted to allow Chen full access to the wound and forcing himself to remain still as he felt an odd substance patch up the area that had been torn open. Though not fully repaired, the wound already felt significantly better and less exposed, albeit still sore.

Curious as he was, the fuzor knew he couldn’t afford a lengthy explanation at the present, once again forcing himself to stand, “I can handle things from here, thank you again.” The larger mech assured the medic, shifting to his robot mode that gave a real view of just how tall he really was.

Giving his wings a few strong flaps, the large fuzor took to the skies, being mindful to avoid the shots sent towards Waspinator by his leader and got to a height of where he could survey the area. But, barely in the sky and an explosion soon sounded nearby, alerting them to the fact some of the other Predacons were arriving a bit late and giving Tigerhawk a target to zero in on. “Coming in to give you some cover fire, Rattrap. Way to make a statement!” Tigerhawk commed, focusing his shoulder-mounted machine guns towards the smoldering remains of the transport vehicle and firing in the general direction where he could just make out the outline of a large frame. No doubt that had to be the new Predacon from the last battle.

Wintersong turned towards where the unrecognizable voice had come from, spotting Chen helping the downed fuzor before he was taking to the skies. It seemed they were in luck this time around as the new Cybertronian was on their side without needing convincing, “Matter of perspective newbie. Ain’t a party if it doesn’t get a little rowdy.” Wintersong responded, wondering if their newcomer was a fighter at all or not.

But, she would have to worry about that later as familiar green blasts whizzed by, forcing her to block a few with her sword, deflecting them elsewhere as Quickstrike came charging through the trees, “You may wanna find some cover if you’re not a fighter pal, these Predacons aren’t exactly merciful.” Wintersong warned, shifting her stance to fire a few blasts back towards the smaller male fuzor.

In the forest, Rampage lazily watched, finding his “comrades” had the situation under control. The battle wasn’t entirely out of their favor he was needed yet, so he bid his time until the moment was right. A decision he was about to have changed for him when a presence captured his attention.

But, he was far too slow to realize where they were coming from before two shots rang out and struck the already livid crusteacean.

Frilla’s attack made its mark as Rampage’s internal HUD flashed warnings of system failure and his navigational and equilibrium circuits no longer functioning properly. “Raaagggghhh! Blasted Maximal! I’ll have your spark on a silver platter for this!” The massive crab snarled, getting reports of his transformation functionalities being down, his weapon systems offline, and his navigation scrambled, causing him to turn erratically than where he wanted to go, slamming into the trees around him from such an enclosed space.
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RPG Characters: Nemesis,Aurora,Zodiac

Unread post by Phoenix »

Zodiac had glanced up at the tall fuzor through the gap between his unruly dreadlock bangs that he almost seemed to be hiding his face behind nowadays. If he had chosen to wear his battle armor, it wouldn't even be an issue since the full armor covered all of that and added a bit more bulk to his frame, certainly giving him a more threatening appearance as well as helped conceal his age and emotional state, but ever since he had come to in the medical bay he hadn't been seen with the full armor set even once. Granted, his weapon systems had been deactivated for the safety of everyone aboard the Axalon and without it his battle armor was good for little more than showing off. Of course there was always the likely possibility he simply didn't know he had access to such things. So until he figured it out, he would simply sport a less intimidating look that did little to hide the more vulnerable aspects of his persona.

Still, even though he looked a far cry from the intimidating menace he had proved himself capable of being when he first arrived intent on murdering everyone, most of the others continued to look at him like he was a disease that needed to be carved out. And as much as he wanted to deny the notion their rejection bothered him, there was always that small part of him that welcomed any contact they were willing to give him. Although he found an odd comfort in being left alone, he also dreaded it, like he craved approval from those around him.

He nodded and followed the fuzor with his gaze as the other male, also relatively new to this team as he was, prepared to depart. But he didn't say anything more until the other male spoke up again, this time answering the renegade's somewhat unusual request.
“I can tell you the basics Zodiac, but not everything. Even I do not know all the details, but I will give you what insight I can to shed some light on the situation.”
Zodiac's gaze briefly drifted to the floor and he let out a sigh since it had become evident the others were going off to pursue this new pod.. whatever that had been about. Truthfully the dragon didn't really know what the deal was with these 'pods' although he obviously realized it was important to the Maximals, even though the new memories he had accumulated since awakening didn't include much information about stasis pods and the remaining still sleeping members of this crew.

"Primal told me I attempted to kill him. Twice even. I'm just trying to make sense of it all," the young male muttered as the group proceeded to leave without him. This was a very different version of the renegade who had launched his attack on them all only a few months prior, even though his sense of remorse was distinctly different from that of the Maximals. While he was certainly capable of feeling such emotions, the rigorous training he he had undergone in Cryotek's service had in part helped suppress such emotional turmoil. So even though he understood the difference between 'right' and 'wrong', the layers between them were faded as far as the renegade was concerned.

Although it was something of a relief to hear the large fuzor planned to share his own insight on the events that had taken place, since the amnesiac shape shifter struggled to remember most of the details from his life. He didn't know what his motivations could possibly have been to commit such a terrible act against the only leader figure he could remember, but he also had no clue what lengths he was capable of going to in order to get what he wanted.

And that bothered him perhaps more than anything.

Fortunately Rhinox helped to keep his mind from racing by assigning him some tasks to do while the others were gone. It did help keep the dragon's mind from wandering too much, at least until he found himself questioning how come he seemed almost familiar with the computer system aboard the Axalon. Clearly he had some experience with it, a suspicion that had only grown when they had installed monitor bracelets around his wrists to prevent him from accessing the computers in the first place. And while they were a bit annoying, he hadn't really made much of an effort to remove them until now.
Zodiac nodded while merely keeping his arms still so Rhinox could remove the inhibitors. He didn't say anything, although he did feel quite grateful the chief engineer was willing to trust him enough to take him off his leash, so to speak. He might not remember his past, but certain fleeting emotions seemed familiar to him, such as the strict security measures.
"Good job, Zodiac," "Thank you."
"It was no big deal," the renegade replied with a slight shrug of the shoulders, while secretly sucking up the compliment much like a sponge would do to water. However simple the words may have seemed, they almost felt unfamiliar to the dragon as if he had rarely received recognition for his accomplishments however small or big. "I'm just happy to be able to help. It might actually be the first time anyone's asked me to since I first activated here," he admitted. It was a difficult confession of sorts since he didn't want to come across as whiny or unable to cope. But knowing as little about himself as he did had left him in a peculiar predicament. And it was wearing him down.

Rhinox appeared otherwise preoccupied for a moment, leaving the renegade with the opportunity to investigate certain aspects of the bridge a bit more closely. Which is when the strange weapon caught his optics, curiosity getting the better of him.

Moments later he stood there, grasping his hand, in awe over what had just transpired when his hand touched the rifle. Oddly enough Rhinox merely looked at him, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the fact Zodiac's hand had just seemingly melted part of the weapon's handle. Zodiac stood there with a look of complete shock on his face, his hand almost trembling from the force he was applying to it to prevent.. whatever it was that had just occurred.. from spreading up the rest of his arm. Little did he know the technology responsible was already a part of him.. and always had been.
"It's alright,"
Alright?? Zodiac forced himself to look over at the bulkier male, doing absolutely nothing to hide the shock on his face. Something had to be wrong with him, there was no other explanation for what had just happened.. Or maybe he had imagined it..? But how could that be when he could still see the evidence laying there, and he felt this odd tingling sensation in his arm.

"I really didn't mean to..,"
he started, but Rhinox' calming explanation stopped him from continuing.
"There's nothing wrong with you, Zodiac,"
Nothing wrong..? So this was.. normal.. then? It sure didn't seem normal, at least not to him. Although Rhinox remained a rock, ever calm, resolute, impossible to anger or shock. And his calmness soon helped the confused youth to settle down as well.
"You have a gift. We weren't sure if and when it might've surfaced again, but it seems to have reawakened now. Go ahead and touch the rifle again. Slowly,"
Zodiac hesitated for a moment before begrudgingly reaching his arm out to touch the rifle again. At first it felt absolutely normal, with contours and edges much like a regular weapon aside from the misshapen part that had resulted from his earlier attempt at touching it. He felt it gently, letting his fingers trace over it, only this time it didn't seem to provoke the kind of reaction he had just had.

"It's like I was dreaming..," the dragon then said with a soft sigh, relieved he hadn't suddenly turned into some metal melting monster. A gift huh? That was a very peculiar description to something so.. frightening. "It feels.. normal now," he then added after fondling the weapon in his hand for a few more moments.
"Tell me what you see and what you're feeling. Take your time, and just let go of it if it becomes overwhelming."
Working hard to relax himself, to see if he could recreate whatever had caused such an intense reaction the first time, Zodiac eventually dimmed his optics and looked away so that his senses could take over without getting distracted by what his vision saw. But at first nothing happened, the rifle just felt like a regular piece of metal in his hand. Then gradually, as his focus on the task at hand grew, his hand started tingling a bit again. Then some more, with his nanomachines rushing to investigate the object in his hand.

"It feels.. warm," he told the other male while trying to concentrate more. "And it tickles a bit.. Like I can feel the atoms of the rifle merging with my own..," he continued before pausing for a moment.

"It's as if I'm studying the weapon's schematics on an atomic level. I can feel each component and how they all work together to make the weapon work. Like it's merging with me. I think I can control it.. change its form to what I need.. Or duplicate it if needs be. It's.. hard to explain," he then said. "Like I can use the individual structures within the weapon to create new ones, thus changing its form.. it's functions. It feels so.. weird.. And somehow completely natural at the same time."

His optics flickered back on and he glanced down to the weapon, watching it alter its shape at the mere touch of his hand. No, what used to be his hand.. At the moment it seemed to be glowing, having merged with the weapon he was holding onto. And to demonstrate, Zodiac did manage to change the shape of the rifle, before letting out a slight gasp as he decided that was enough and the weapon suddenly seemed to slip from his grasp, physically detaching itself from his arm. It was actually a little painful when it did that, but only for a moment.

He was a lot calmer when he turned his head to look at the engineer again, the rifle now having resumed its regular shape and was laying on the table once more. "That was.. creepy," Zodiac said as he watched the blue hue fade from his arm again. "A gift, you say? Quite the strange one at that.."

On the inside his thoughts were in a bit of a turmoil though, despite his seemingly calmer exterior. If he was able to manipulate metallic substances like that on a molecular level, what else could he possibly do with this so-called gift of his? And how had he come to receive this gift at that?
“I do not see the need to present myself in foolish manner Nemesis; I went through that time of my life long ago, the time for petty squabbling is long gone.”
The female tilted her head a bit at hearing Terrabite's words. True as they may be in the case of the few, her experience with the existing Predacon team was a bit less ideal. Squabbling seemed to be their undoing in a majority of cases, despite her own best efforts to guide their way. Well, until she too ended caught up in the endless squabbles.. But in her case she only picked Waspinator as a target to save her own head from Megatron's wrath. It wasn't ideal, no, but what choice did she have?

"I'm pleased to hear that, Terrabite, and I do welcome you to the team. Now it's time to prove your words with actions, however, since we have a new protoform to secure."

“Admittedly, it is still an adjustment period for me since it has been sometime since I have had to rely on a group.”
As was the case for most of them.. Nemesis, too, had been alone and only had to rely on herself for much of her lifetime. Still there was something liberating about this new recruit. He seemed wise enough to know his place, yet smart enough to offer insight. When they had the time to do so, she would have to discuss Terrabite's agenda with him some more.

"Don't rely too much on them," she offered some advice, "Most Predacons will sell you out if it benefits them. Stay loyal to Megatron and the cause, and everything else seems to just fall into place."
“I have a feeling there is much I have yet to see Miss.”
Indeed.. And perhaps she'd fill him in on a few of those things later. But for now they needed to get going so they too could partake in the battle.

Aurora shot Megatron a glare that lingered even as he powered down his weapon while deciding what to do with her. Of course she wasn't about to reveal who her master was, of course she didn't have to wait long before the spider arrived and shared that tidbit of information on his own accord. Aurora merely stood back, allowing the two egoistical males to talk. But part of her felt some relief Tarantulas was there, mostly since she had spent almost every waking moment with him since her activation in his lair.
"Assistant, or pet?"
Her glare intensified a bit as she heard Megatron's comment, her hand clutching ever more tightly on the EMP device although she clearly couldn't throw it now that Tarantulas would be within its blast radius.

The spider, however, merely chuckled at the tyrant's words, as if he would some amusement in them. Then the chuckle faded, leaving an awkward silence between the three of them for a short moment before the scientist spoke.

"Her classification hardly makes a difference as long as she remains obedient," the spider then replied. Loyalty to any cause was less important than the obedience factor, since Tarantulas reveled in knowing his every word could just as well have come out of Primus' mouth himself as far as the little fuzor was concerned. She was his.. in body, mind and spark.
"It would seem you haven't learned from Terrorsaur's incompetent mistake with his 'lieutenant',"
The spider scoffed a bit at that before the insane chuckle reared itself again. "Come now, Megatron, surely you don't plan to compare my genius to the incompetent ramblings of Terrorsaur," he said, almost sounding as if he was spitting on the very name.
"nor my misfortune with Rhinox,"
Ah yes. The spider had actually enjoyed watching the heavyset Maximal wreck havoc among the Predacons.. Well, as far as the other Preds were concerned that is. His own experiences excluded of course, and there was no reason to dwell on that now.

"Ah, but I took certain.. precautions, if you will. So I wouldn't worry about it. Hehehe."

The tyrant then proceeded to try to compliment the spider, a fact the mad scientist relished in. Of course he wasn't dumb enough to be so easily swayed by flattery alone, but there were few things Megatron could say that would please the spider more. Other than grovelling for his life, of course.
"Then again, you must possess the calculative intellect and skills to create a much more successful subject,"
"It's about time you learned to appreciate my talents," the spider retorted with glee. Aurora, meanwhile, silently rolled her optics at the egos at play at the moment. Ugh.
"I trust you are aware of the recent stasis pod activation. Why not tag along with your 'assistant' and put her to good use?"
Why not indeed? Tarantulas was actually quite amused by the idea of using his new assistant against her former comrades. It would certainly be a sight to behold, and with any luck the spider might actually secure a Maximal meal from it. After all, it was highly unlikely the Maximals would ever do anything to harm their little furry friend so that would provide the spider with a tactical advantage.

But he didn't respond, instead he just watched the tyrant depart in a rush to get there. Aurora's gaze followed Megatron's departure too until he disappeared from sight and only then did she turn to look at her master. Tarantulas was grinning as he addressed his new assistant again.

"Well then, let's not keep them waiting!," he told her before the two of them headed out.

Meanwhile, high up in the sky near the escalating confrontation between the two factions, Nemesis hovered while enjoying the sight of her weapon fire destroying the Maximal bird's missiles. At least her aim hadn't suffered the same way her reputation did after the fiasco at the Axalon. Unfortunately Airazor made a quick getaway to lower grounds, prompting the avian Predacon to ponder if she should bother pursuing the other female. Ultimately she decided not to bother, especially since that would take her much closer to Primal's location.. And frankly she didn't know what she'd even say to the Maximal commander should they come face to face again. He had made his opinions of her quite clear the last time they saw each other, so the avian decided it would be best to keep her distance.

While she remained where she was, surveying the area for signs of the fallen pod and its occupant, the voice of the other female on the team chimed in.
“Nemesis, Lord Megatron, it appears the pod’s occupant is already active and appears to be Maximal affiliated.”
A Maximal by activation huh. Not that it mattered in the slightest.

"I trust your recent upgrade hasn't diminished your medical expertise any," Nemesis responded back with a channel open to both Spineback and Megatron himself. "We'll just have the new Maximal reprogrammed should your observation hold correct."

This was not the time to play a gentle game. She still had to prove herself to Megatron, to show him she hadn't gone soft and that her sympathies did not reside with the Maximals..

It was then what first appeared as a random shot pulled Nemesis' attention away from the solitude in her air fortress. Then another shot, this one coming dangerously close to hitting her and had she been lower to the ground it likely would have.

Growing at whoever had the nerve to challenge her up in her element, her gaze drifted downwards, only to catch a glimpse of Primal himself targeting her. And it didn't seem like he was deliberately aiming to miss her this time. Deciding the best approach would be to avoid another confrontation with Primal so soon, especially with the other Predacons watching her every move, she quickly changed her course and lowered her altitude so she could disappear among the treetops. Of course Primal had no way of knowing what had happened upon her return to the Darksyde, or that the creepy spider now held the nanogel sample in his possession. Somehow the avian doubted Primal would even believe her if she was to tell him.

(ooc: I hate my job sometimes.. Shift ended up lasting from 6:45 am to 10 pm yesterday..So again my apologies for my tardiness!)
New Moon
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Unread post by New Moon »

The initial sweep Waspinator did around the clearing forced Dinobot and Tigatron to take cover behind the nearest tree to them, having to keep themselves pressed close to the tree trunks as pieces splintered off from the assault. Once it ceased thanks to Optimus’ intervention only then did the two mechs remotely make their move.

Dinobot cautiously peered out from his cover, optics scanning the skies to spot the transmetal insect having to dive away to avoid the Maximal commander’s plasma turret. Further observation told him the fliers were all otherwise busy, Airazor once again failed by Terrorsaur, Nemesis being likewise distracted by Optimus, and for the time being no further signs of Inferno getting up or Megatron being present. The latter’s absence though didn’t exactly bode well with the raptor. Megatron was rarely not involved with a big skirmish such as this, making him rather uneasy and expecting an ambush.

Or, perhaps the tyrant was otherwise engaged, which still didn’t settle well.

Cheetor’s sudden surprise yell drew the raptor’s attention back to the crash site, spotting the young cheetah having been blown back by Spineback’s plasma cannon. From here he could better take in her upgraded form, somehow a transmetal like most of the Predacons at this rate. Yet, that didn’t mean she wasn’t invulnerable and would just have to play this strategy a little more wisely. Target chosen, Dinobot silently crept along the tree line, optics focused on the Predacon medic as his eyes glowed, building up the power of his optic lasers and getting close enough to faintly hear Spineback giving her report. He would have to act fast if their newcomer didn’t want to end up ambushed.

With a low growl, Dinobot rushes into action, firing a constant, focused laser at her back while the former Decepticon was distracted, “You should keep your focus on the battle old hag! That fancy “upgrade” doesn’t make you any more powerful than you were before.” Dinobot snorted, raising his rotator shield on the off chance she might turn her full attention to him.

Tigatron likewise carefully emerged from his cover, sighing in relief to have the insect for the time being distracted. But no sooner had he stepped out did the transmetal ape contact him, mentioning that Tigerhawk was still down which concerned the white tiger, “I’ll check on him as quickly as I can.” Tigatron answered, scanning the area before he spotted the large fuzor along with who he presumed was the new protoform.

Sprinting over to the two, Tigatron arrived in time enough to see Chen tending to the downed fuzor, watching curiously as he closed up the wound in a way he had never seen before. “It appears Tigerhawk is already in good hands Optimus, I think it’s safe to say the protoform is on our side.” The white tiger reported, watching as not only was Tigerhawk fixed enough to move but also to take part in the battle properly much to his relief. Then his attention turned to Chen, “You must have quite the medical skill to get one of our fliers back on his feet so quickly.” Tigatron remarked as he covered the distance between himself and the chimp, “My name is Tigatron, member of the Axalon crew, pleasure to see you...” The white and green mech’s words trailed off as a familiar buzzing soon returned too soon for his liking.

Whipping around, one of the oldest among the felines turned to spot Waspinator making a beeline towards them, “You may want to duck or find cover my friend.” Tigatron warned Chen, “ Wintersong, keep an optic on your back too!” Tigatron called towards his fellow white tiger, seeing her otherwise engaged with Quickstrike as before and firing towards the wasp, trying to keep him at bay. Though his head briefly turned when he heard the explosion, worried if any of their teammates were hurt, “I am fine, just otherwise busy with a pest.” Tigatron answered.

Waspinator helped as a few of Optimus’ shots struck his transmetal hide, forcing him to back off his sweep of the area and to dodge around the rest until the ape’s attention had turned elsewhere. By then, he had been forced to fly some distance away from the battle to avoid being blown to bits once again, which didn’t happen nearly as often since his upgrade but it certainly wasn’t any less painful when he faced the Maximals.

Hissing softly as he checked the damage, he found his armor burned and scorched, having a couple punctures on the surface but nothing he couldn’t manage. “Waspinator hate Maximals.” He grumbled softly, arching back around in a wider area to avoid another potential round of plasma blasts, optics zooming in to locate a single target this time, zeroing in on where Tigerhawk had just flown from. There he spotted Tigatron and Chen, plus the recently returned tigress who seemed distracted in her battle with Quickstrike.

All were ripe for the picking!

Sneering slightly, the transmetal wasp dove towards the two males, raising his Stinger Gun once again to begin firing on their location while dodging some of Tigatron’s shots, “Maximals won’t be so lucky with Waspinator this time.

Quickstrike took a few of the shots from Wintersong before he decided to take some cover, annoyed yet excited at the same time. Not exactly the sort of battle he was hoping for, especially the white tigress. Something about her lately made his armor crawl seeing those green lines, but a challenge was a challenge and the fuzor was more than eager for round two! “Ya lost to me once before Maxie! You’ll lose again!” Quickstrike cackled, briefly emerging in the open to fire a few more shots of Cybervenom, aiming for her leg to weaken her if he could before ducking behind more cover.

Though his attention turned back towards the transport, a part of him wondering if the newbie had been caught up in the blast.

Frilla had figured Rampage might be furious, but his sudden thrashing about in tank mode somewhat caught her by surprise.

Her first reaction was to cling to the tree for dear life, pressing herself against the tree trunk and keep some balance, though with such close proximity to the far more massive Predacon her grip wouldn’t last. The area was far too enclosed and the areas to go to keep her advantage few in number. She wanted to keep the king crab’s attention away from the main battle and focused on her despite her instincts telling her to otherwise flee. Maybe she was better off taking a direct approach against the crab, even if it meant being right on top of him.

Gulping slightly, Frilla had to force down her fear at such a thought, “Come on Frilla, you can do this. No insane crustacean is going to stop you.” She told herself, carefully inching her way along the branch after putting her Electro-Scrambler away, shifting to her beast mode as she stared down at the angered Rampage. “This is insane.” Drawing on what courage she had, the frilled lizard allowed herself to drop, landing squarely on Rampage’s back and digging her claws into the closest seams, further securing herself where her magnetizing might fail on their own. “Whoa! You’re thrashing around worse than a bull in a china shop!” She quipped before perking up when hearing the explosion behind them, worriedly glancing to the location hoping Rattrap was alright, “I’m alright as well...for now. Just keeping crab cakes distracted!

While Quickstrike was a bit more noisy in his approach, Terrabite decided to break off from the fuzor, intending to catch the Maximals by surprise with his Chaos-Rift Combustor at the ready. Despite his larger mass, the crocodilian mech moved with some stealth from years of practice, optics narrowed in focus as he maneuvered in a direction his fellow Predacons wouldn’t face nearly the same damage.

But he hadn’t gone far before the explosion of the transport vehicle had him ducking to the ground, feeling the small shockwave given off by the explosion and feeling bits of metal raining down around and on him. Once things had settled a little, Terrabite turned over on his back, visor lowering down to zoom in on the area. Someone was as explosive happy as he was at the moment it appeared, and what should have been a look of annoyance or rage was a gleeful grin, expecting a real challenge after all this time. “Not bad Maximal, not bad at all.” He quietly commended under his breath, pushing himself to his feet creeping back towards the smoldering remains of the transport, adjusting his weapon’s trajectory, “But, let’s see how you handle this shall we?

Though subtle, Terrabite’s slight insanity showed in that moment, settling himself in a spot to avoid his own attack as he focused the Chaos-Rift in the area surrounding remains before firing off a couple of the flak grenades, which exploded upon contact and releasing shrapnel in all directions. Terrabite chuckled darkly as he heard the steel buckshot embed into the tree he had taken cover, expecting an opportunity to further ruin the Maximal’s day only for the sound of machine gun fire to snap his attention the the sky, snarling softly as Tigerhawk flew in to give Rattrap coverfire. Annoyed, Terrabite backed away further into the trees once again, keeping himself as close to the trees as possible to avoid being in the fuzor’s sights too often.
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Unread post by FortuitousFour »

“Pleasure to meet you Chen, and thank you.”
Chen merely gave a reassuring nod as he helped the fuzor to his feet. While he had been a doctor for most of his career, he had trained to be medic. Though he never thought he would be putting those skills to use. Some of the advancements he had made in medicine would really have a chance to shine despite of the fact that he did not want to be caught up with whatever this was.

The initial assessment of Tigerhawk's size was correct, once he was on his feet he transformed truly showing his height. It was only a temporary repair but it should allow him to continue fighting. If it were up to Chen, he would have ordered the bot to fall back and rest but the chimp was almost completely unaware of what was going on, or what the command structure was.
“It appears Tigerhawk is already in good hands Optimus, I think it’s safe to say the protoform is on our side.”
With rather fortuitous timing another one of the felines approached, who was communicating with, Chen assumed, their commanding officer. Optimus Primal. Optimus IS here then, we have much to discuss
“It appears Tigerhawk is already in good hands Optimus, I think it’s safe to say the protoform is on our side.”
Looking over at the white tiger, the medic was about to say something when Tigerhawk suddenly leapt upwards. Chen observed him take off with surprising grace to engage in the arial combat still taking place. As a doctor, he had been thanked many times for mending the sick or wounded. It used to be all the satisfaction he required.
“You must have quite the medical skill to get one of our fliers back on his feet so quickly.”
The chimp met eyes with the male tiger only to realise that he was paying him a compliment about his medical skills. Again this is something he was very much use to.
That's why I was picked for the cr-
“My name is Tigatron, member of the Axalon crew, pleasure to see you...”
Chen narrowed his eyes when thought got interrupted by Tigertron. He did not know this Tigertron from the crew manifest, the doctor had studied it in quite some detail so this surprised him. The crew was not only Optimus' responsibility but Chen's too, he was their go to when it came to health care. More importantly Chen was relieved that he was with Axalon crew in whatever capacity this was. Snapping back to the scenario at hand.

"This isn't quite the time to be acquainting one another" Chen said sternly but calmly noticing that the fighting was about to get worse.
“Matter of perspective newbie. Ain’t a party if it doesn’t get a little rowdy.”
The chimp glanced over to the female tiger. "Lives are at risk, I don't take these situations lightly Chen rebuked the females banter.
“You may wanna find some cover if you’re not a fighter pal, these Predacons aren’t exactly merciful.”
“You may want to duck or find cover my friend."
"Understood" The medic/doctor complied with there advice. He took a few steps backwards behind Tigertron and Wintersong but kept his focus forward. He wanted see what what was coming, including barrage from a flyer in this distance. What he wasn't expecting was to hear huge explosion which made the chimp flinch.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
Location: Pennsylvania

Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"Her classification hardly makes a difference as long as she remains obedient,"
Megatron had studied both of them quietly for a moment before commenting, "We shall see."
"Come now, Megatron, surely you don't plan to compare my genius to the incompetent ramblings of Terrorsaur,"
A smirk had appeared on the dictator's face before it diminished to a more neutral or emotionless expression. It was true that Terrorsaur's attempt with the Maximal spy had been incredibly weak and not very well thought out. Tarantulas' intelligence was far more superior to the treacherous 'dactyl's, but Megatron was certain that he was more cunning than the spider. Still, using a Maximal against their own would prove interesting, and very likely make Tarantulas their number one target instead of him. How advantageous for old Megs.
"Ah, but I took certain.. precautions, if you will. So I wouldn't worry about it. Hehehe."
"Though far and few between as they may be, there are certain instances when our minds think alike, Tarantulas," the leader had commented rather casually although Tarantulas was smart enough not to read too much into it. Besides, he probably thought Megatron was still more inferior to him. Let him think that. His underestimation of others may yet be his downfall.
"It's about time you learned to appreciate my talents,"
Yes, 'talents'... I can't imagine what kept me so blinded all this time, Megatron sarcastically thought to himself, but all he offered to the spider scientist was a smile. With that, he had turned and left him and Aurora in hopes of them following him to the battle.

"It was no big deal,"
"Regardless, it was helpful to me," Rhinox reiterated to enforce Zodiac's reliability and usefulness among the Maximals despite the majority of them giving him the cold shoulder and treating him like an outcast. Of course, it wasn't without good reason, but it also wasn't helping their unique opportunity to turn him around and have a positive influence on him. The engineer began to feel as though Optimus should grab the situation by the horns and be more firm with the crew and more honest with the renegade.
"I'm just happy to be able to help. It might actually be the first time anyone's asked me to since I first activated here,"
Rhinox offered him a soft smile in response since he was glad to hear him say that. It was reassuring, and it only continued to allow any trust toward Zodiac to grow.
"I really didn't mean to..,"
"I know," he assured him again, but judging by Zodiac's wide optics and mouth agape, it was much easier from the rhino's perspective to remain so calm about it than it was from the shape shifter's.
"It's like I was dreaming..,"
Rhinox almost thought that Zodiac might be regaining some of his memories now the way he said that, but he merely continued watching and listening, especially as he went to reach for the unusual weapon again, one that had been created to specifically harm the very bot who was toying with it by using his nanotech. How ironic.
"It feels.. normal now,"
The Maximal standing beside him nodded lightly. "It's something unique that you can control. ...With time, patience and practice," he added a little more explanation for the occurrence. But Zodiac was obviously reluctant to hold the rifle again. To Rhinox, that was a good sign because it would be an ability that Zodiac should fear until he could learn to respect it and use it responsibly. He grew quiet while he watched him dim his optic sensors and concentrate to begin his training with the weapon back in his hand. The more he focused, the more things started to happen. His hand illuminated again as the tiny robots activated and started reacting to the gun's metal.
"It feels.. warm," "And it tickles a bit.. Like I can feel the atoms of the rifle merging with my own..,"
For the scientist next to him, he was intrigued and excited to learn about this alien phenomenon with such close contact. Rhinox's crimson optics watched curiously and with wonder.
"It's as if I'm studying the weapon's schematics on an atomic level. I can feel each component and how they all work together to make the weapon work. Like it's merging with me. I think I can control it.. change its form to what I need.. Or duplicate it if needs be. It's.. hard to explain," "Like I can use the individual structures within the weapon to create new ones, thus changing its form.. it's functions. It feels so.. weird.. And somehow completely natural at the same time."
Well, that was certainly interesting, and it helped Rhinox understand a little more how the nanobots worked. But only a little. It was very tricky and rare technology to "tame", let alone administer so successfully like it had been with Zodiac and Nemesis, especially if it was on a molecular level. The nanogel on Optimus was nothing like the regeneration and shape-shifting that the other two could effortlessly utilize since it was only an advancement in healing that Aurora had invented. Aurora... Where was she? Was she alright? How would she be reacting to all of this? Would she still be mad at Optimus for breaking his promise to her? Breaking away from those dire thoughts about his missing apprentice, Rhinox watched as the rifle began changing, but it wasn't long when Zodiac let out a gasp, opted to stop what he or his nanotech was doing and dropped it onto the table in its original form.
"That was.. creepy,"
"Creepy" was an interesting way to describe it. Others might refer to it as "dangerous", but Rhinox didn't interpret it negatively or even give that impression to Zodiac. They both watched as the glow dissolved on his arm.
"A gift, you say? Quite the strange one at that.."
"Personally, that's how I would perceive it," he suggested wisely. "There's a lot more you can do with this ability, but one step at a time. As for the way you were able to obtain it...," Rhinox hesitated to say more as he considered his words, and if it was a good idea to keep talking. He casually picked up the rifle off of the table and propped it up against the side of a console closer to him and out of Zodiac's reach just as a precaution. He recalled what he heard him say to Tigerhawk just before the large Fuzor had left to help retrieve their new Maximal comrade which was right when Rhinox had entered the bridge:
"Primal told me I attempted to kill him. Twice even. I'm just trying to make sense of it all,"
"Zodiac, this technology was integrated into your body a long time ago... against your will," he began as simply as he could while he took the history lesson into his own hands instead of waiting for his friend to do it. "Optimus had played a part in that behind the scenes. You attempted to murder him for what you were put through with his involvement. And you tried to kill all of us to make him suffer." Had he said too much now? It was only to help him understand why the others shunned him so much, but he was also risking triggering any memories that his data tracks might recover and release after whatever Tarantulas had injected him with. Unless, of course, his memory had been permanently erased. "Extending his hand to help you with your memory loss, providing you shelter, and practicing compassion toward you is his way to seek redemption from his mistakes that he deeply regrets." Rhinox's gaze lingered on him intensely to see his reaction on the matter.

“Least your dry humor hasn’t left you, Optimus.”
How could it? Despite everything that had happened in the Beast Wars so far, and how much he had changed, Primal remained optimistic and knew he had to keep up the moral of his team. He appreciated Airazor's comment, but truth be told, he was glad her sense of humor was still in tact as well. She often used it to taunt the Predacons, like Terrorsaur, enough to irk them so they would make mistakes.
“I’ll check on him as quickly as I can.”
While Primal waited for Tigatron's report on Tigerhawk, he halted his assault from the ground on Waspinator and Nemesis as they seemed to back off or at least change their targets. Disengaging his turret system, it retracted and returned to rest on his back.
“It appears Tigerhawk is already in good hands Optimus, I think it’s safe to say the protoform is on our side.”
What a relief. In that case, there was no reason to hang around here longer than they needed to.
“I’m alright as well...for now. Just keeping crab cakes distracted!”
Frilla was attacking Rampage? That was rather courageous of her, but she did have the weaponry that would have some effect on him. Still, Optimus worried for her safety. She couldn't have been alone though. Rattrap wasn't far from her, right?
“I am fine, just otherwise busy with a pest.”
As his Maximals reported in after their demolition expert's explosion, Optimus felt better about their situation despite some injuries. Overall, they seemed to be fairing well, but that didn't mean that they had to endure this battle until they or the Predacons won. He was on the verge of calling a retreat...

In the mean time, Inferno had regained consciousness and had taken advantage of the ruckus from the Maximal leader's plasma guns, quietly rising to his knees as he crouched behind his unsuspecting victim. He had a headache, some damage to his chest, and a couple of his propellers were bent, but otherwise the ant was functioning rather well. His large gun had landed some distance away from them, so it was out of his reach, however, he was still a formidable combatant even without his weapon. He merely waited for the right moment to attack...

While he took a moment to hear back from Cheetor, Optimus looked up through the fairly small opening of the forest canopy to see how Airazor was fairing with Terrorsaur. She still had the skills and maneuvers to outwit the cocky, hot-headed Predacon, which he was proud to see, not that he doubted her abilities in the slightest. It was more the matter of his ammunition against her non-TransMetal armor. Still, he didn't think it would be wise to leave her alone when so many Predacons were fliers and had now taken themselves out of his line of sight.
“Looks like he’s tending to Tigerhawk Optimus, the protoform is a Maximal confirmed.”
"Cheetor?! Cheetor?!" Optimus called out to him over his comm. link since the last thing he heard was the young Maximal crying out from what sounded like a very close hit. It was then when he suddenly felt an arm wrap around his throat from behind and pull him backwards, but he managed to plant his feet on the ground to keep himself from falling over. It was very tight and made him gag a little with his chin now resting on Inferno's elbow. Primal avoided panicking and instead used his left hand to grab the Predacon's forearm around his neck and try to pull it off while attempting to elbow his assailant on the side of his chest as hard as he could with the intention of shattering the insect's beast mode eye where it was located.

Inferno was ready for such a maneuver though, and quickly slipped his other arm underneath the Maximal's bringing his hand up over Primal's shoulder and behind his neck for a very tight lock. "You are mine, Optimus Primal!" the pyro taunted in his audio receptor while maintaining his tight restraint on him. "Now, about that meal...," Inferno hissed through his sharp teeth grinning deviously over his shoulder.

Remaining calm, Optimus wiggled his shoulders a little to test Inferno's grip. His flexibility was limited now as his arm ached from the lock that his opponent had it in, so he relaxed his body a little bit to avoid adding more strain. Caught off-guard, a foolish mistake he had to admit to himself and work with, he wouldn't be able to easily break away from Inferno's wrestling maneuvers given his height and long limbs. Primal may have been stronger, but he didn't have the right footing or mobility for leverage.

Arriving to the scene, Megatron kept his altitude high so as not to be noticed as easily above the tree tops when Spineback's voice rang over his communication link.
“Nemesis, Lord Megatron, it appears the pod’s occupant is already active and appears to be Maximal affiliated.”
Well, that was rather unfortunate, but it certainly wasn't the end of the world. Before he bothered to respond, he waited to hear what Nemesis might say. Speaking of the Decepticon-turned-Predacon, she seemed to have nearly dropped out of his view upon his arrival. Was she on the ground? Surely, she wasn't hiding or avoiding conflict. Where would the fun be in that? Perhaps she merely needed a push in the right direction. His pink optics searched for such an opportunity when he spotted Inferno in a small clearing wrestling with Optimus Primal.
"I trust your recent upgrade hasn't diminished your medical expertise any," "We'll just have the new Maximal reprogrammed should your observation hold correct."
Recent upgrade? To what was Nemesis referring? Her words puzzled Megatron, but he opted not to dwell on it when there was so much to be done. "There may be an easier way to handle this," he mused to them over their shared transmission, and at the same time alerting them that their leader was now present. "Reinforcements are en route who are sure to disrupt the Maximals' traction," he added. "Do you intend on participating in today's activities, Nemesis?" he called her out on her loitering. "I believe Inferno could use your assistance. Do keep Primal busy while I give his new Maximal... an ultimatum," he grinned to himself as he flew across the sky and headed for the stasis pod's location. "You are aware of what little patience I have for interruptions," he reminded her. Yes, it was a test. Possibly one of many. But this particular moment he didn't have to be present to witness it with his own optics, because his most loyal subject would report everything that transpired truthfully to him in the end. If he was lucky, Nemesis wouldn't see it as a test for that very reason of his absence, and her "true colors" might shine through her black, nanotech armor to show how merciful she could be toward the Maximal's commander.

"Inferno, well done with our plan thus far," he commended him over radio transmission. Always so reliable, that ant. "Nemesis is on her way to lend you a hand."

Where was Rampage? Despite his hatred toward him, his artillery and ability to regenerate were quite useful to the Predacons. There was an area of strange goings on that grabbed his attention, and as his eyes zoomed in, he saw the crab suffering from some kind of electrocution. Had it been from that new weapon Nemesis had told him about? No. Of course. He should recognized it immediately. It was Frilla, that little traitor. Taking on Rampage? He nearly laughed and hoped for her demise. "Rampage, quit stalling and advance on the Maximals!" he sent over his comm. link to the temporarily scrambled tank to which Megatron saw as no excuse.

Gunfire and explosions lit up the forest below. Everyone seemed occupied battling with someone, which gave the tyrant the perfect time to strike. The flying t-rex sped downward toward the pod and terrorized to his robot mode in mid air with his signature, loud roar, breaking through the trees effectively and effortlessly snapping branches while doing so which didn't seem to phase him at all. He immediately wielded his tail cannon and fired a couple plasma shots at Cheetor, then one at Wintersong's back that was facing him while she was distracted with Quickstrike, and then another shot at Tigatron whom Waspinator was already engaging in order to keep all of the Maximals who were in close proximity away from him but still in his line of sight. "Keep firing on them!" he demanded from his Predacon troops. A quick glance at Dinobot and... Spineback? So, that's what Nemesis had been talking about. She was a TransMetal now. How did she accomplish such an impressive feat without a transwarp cell explosion? Megatron was incredibly intrigued by this. She looked menacing and powerful, an excellent combination in his opinion. One more advantage to their band of misfits, yesss. But time for the details on this revelation later. Whatever she had discovered, perhaps it could be applied to Terrabite and Inferno as well. The more TransMetals on their team, the better.

Landing on his sharp, purple toes between the new Maximal and his pod, cutting the power to his twin turbine engines attached to his back, Megatron tilted his head a little and offered the chimpanzee Cybertronian an ominous smile on his purple face with his carnivorous optic sensors as if it were some obscure greeting purposely done to make the Maximal uncomfortable and hopefully frightened before straightening himself and standing tall. His chest and stomach were decorated with a couple scars that cryo repair tanks found impossible to mend. "What a glorious morning, is it not?" he faked the small-talk with a cocky attitude over the sound of gunfire that was surrounding them. Then he targeted his charged cannon at the new bot and offered in his deep voice, "I come bearing two options, Maximal. Join the Predacons, or perish. What say you?" The commanding officer's weapon hummed and was very steady in his hand ready to slay the Maximal if he so much as uttered the wrong answer or made any attempt to harm the tyrant.

As an attempt to use his footing or legs as leverage against the hold Inferno had Optimus in, the Predacon retaliated by pulling back more and then kicking the back of the knee that always made the Maximal limp permanently in robot mode from an injury he had sustained some time ago. Grunting, it forced him to fall to both knees while Inferno was nearly hanging him by his neck and shoulder causing some pain with his arm bent back the way it was. Primal couldn't speak with the pressure on his voice mechanism, but he tried to pry his fingers on his free arm between his throat and Inferno's elbow while he beginning to feel light-headed.

"Yes, Royalty," Inferno happily acknowledged his Queen's praise and waited for Nemesis's arrival.

Overhearing Inferno's comment, Primal's orange optics scanned for Megatron, but he didn't visually see him. If he was coming, then he might be in for some trouble, but he still kept himself calm and glanced around for other objects he could use to either get someone's attention or to use against his opponent. Granted, he could hardly turn his head, so his vision was limited. What about his body? Unfortunately, most of his reflective armor was in his beast mode, so flashing it in the morning sunlight wasn't really an option to get one of his Maximals' attention. If he could just reach his gun... Slowly lowering his left hand from Inferno's grip, he subtly moved it across his torso and toward right side hoping it was out of Inferno's sight...

After Rattrap's "fireworks", he eased back into the forest and was about to head toward Frilla to give her backup against Rampage, when his audio sensors thought he picked up someone approaching him. His best guess would have been a Predacon, but which one? The stalker's scent was foreign to his sensitive sense of smell, which told him it was probably the new guy. Great. He knew next to nothing about him, but the unfamiliar Pred probably didn't know everything about Rattrap either. The small Maximal stayed low when he picked up a couple projectiles that had been quietly fired off in his general direction and not specifically targeting him. Either the new, reptilian Pred was just toying with him and showing off his own tricks, or he wasn't entirely sure of the rodent's position. Whatever the case, catching a glimpse through the thick brush of the grenades, Rattrap gave a light gasp and quickly reached for one of his hub caps from over his shoulder to use as a shield. He heard and felt the shrapnel ping off of his petite shield that covered his head and upper chest in his crouched pose, as well as the rest that cut and sliced into the trees nearby, shredding leaves and projecting splinters everywhere. Impressive grenades, and the espionage expert couldn't help but admire them, but he had to stay focused no matter how dire his situation was beginning to look, like a black, ominous storm cloud quickly racing toward his direction to bring devastation. His PTSD made it worse as he found himself frozen instead of slinking away to a safer location, until he heard Tigerhawk's voice over his personal radio which seemed to snap him out of it.
“Coming in to give you some cover fire, Rattrap. Way to make a statement!”
Immediately followed by his gunfire, the Spy took advantage of the distraction and glanced at his cap to see that there was actually a couple shards of steel lodged into it, which suggested to him just how powerful those grenades were. Putting the shield back, he sprung another demo charge and tossed it on the ground which was easily covered up by the foliage. He intended for it to be a mine if the new guy was willing to follow Rattrap, and it would explode according to the amount of vibration near it or by simply being stepped on. Whether this guy would notice it or not before it went off would give the rodent a sense of who he was dealing with. Judging by his customized grenades, he might have been an expert in weaponry or explosives. An future adversary of his own? Terrific... if that was the case. He really didn't need anymore targets on his back.

Rattrap got to his feet and started to run back toward the clearing at the edge of the rain forest where he had blown up the transport vehicle. "Boy, am I glad ta see you, 'Hawk!" he radioed back to him in his sprint as he leaped over some roots that protruded from the ground, carrying his gun in his hand. As he ran, he peered over his shoulder while he fired back in the Predacon's direction to try and lure him away from the others that were gathering around the pod and its newly hatched occupant and get him into the open to see who they were dealing with. Assuming his mine wouldn't delay him.

"How're you holdin' up, Frilla? You need backup?" he asked over a transmission to her.
"Well, that's just prime!"
Ultra Poster!
Ultra Poster!
Posts: 938
Joined: Sat May 09, 2009 11:46 pm
RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

((Sorry OOP, this time of year is extremely busy for these days, and sometimes I have to put things off or have no time to get to them. I have to work around a lot of things family wise at the moment, holidays we’re always doing something, and I just started a new job after six months of looking so I’ve been heavily having to work around a lot of things. But things should settle down in the next couple of days for me at least and shouldn’t be an issue from there.))

Airazor disappeared beneath the thick canopy, causing Terrorsaur to stop abruptly as he lost sight of the falcon. His optics scanned at what little open area the trees offered, straining his audio sensors for the sound of rustling of leaves or branches. With her lack of shiny armor like his own, she was far harder to find and more silent.

Even if her form was more for open-area flying, she still held the advantage. “You can’t hide from me forever Airazor, I’ll shoot you out of the sky yet!” Terrorsaur would one day, and clip her wings permanently even if that meant just crippling her to lessen the aerial forces the Maximals had.

Sticking close to the thickest of foliage among the branches, Airazor prepped some more of her mini-missiles as she peered out through some of the branches. But she quickly flew back as the red flier began to fire potshots into the rain forest, not aiming anywhere in particular but simply trying to draw her out for a better advantage. Shaking her head slightly, the falcon femme briefly flew from the trees, firing a volley of her missiles before diving back down into the trees, intentionally catching the mech’s attention as he turned to fire one of his own shoulder-mounted missiles, being ready for her what he assumed was becoming all-too-predictable tactics and causing an explosion some distance away from the main battle. But, Terrorsaur didn’t stop there, growling under his breath as he dove through the smoke intending to give chase once again, this time into the forest below where he was met by emptiness around him, “Come out and fight like a warrior Maximal!” He snarled, voice echoing off the trees.

With pleasure, but maybe someone who knows how to use their processor once in a while.” The sound of Airazor’s taunting voice made Terrorsaur stiffen, more so with feeling Airazor’s claw gun against his back. But, the falcon gave him no time to react, firing her blaster against his thrusters and causing Terrorsaur to squawk as he was blasted from the sky, crashing to the ground with a pained groan. Sighing with relief, Airazor finally took back to the skies above the trees, making her way back towards the others with the intention to give proper cover, especially when she heard the audio-splitting roar of Megatron, “Alright Maximals, I’m on my way back now! Terrorsaur is temporarily down.” The femme commed, unaware of her leader’s present predicament.

The first time he heard someone calling over the coms, he didn’t realize it was his own name...

Cheetor was still processing what had just happened, vision blurry and audios ringing from the explosion the plasma blast had given off. Honestly, he hadn’t even seen it coming. Slowly but surely though, he was regaining his senses and the second time he heard the voice, Optimus’ voice, he realized the blue ape was yelling out to him, worry evident over his still open coms. He had been knocked so silly he had forgotten they were still active, causing him to jolt back to reality, attention fully returning to the battle despite the ache in his back from Spineback’s surprise attack. As much as he wanted to give the dinosaur femme a piece of his mind, Dinobot was already engaging her now, allowing him a moment of reprieve to perhaps help elsewhere, “I’m alright Big Bot, Spineback just knocked me for a loop for a moment. I’ll survive.” The transmetal cheetah finally answered, getting to his feet just in time to hear the snapping of branches followed by the ear-splitting roar and familiar VTOL engines.

Megatron had arrived, late but nevertheless had joined the latest battle.

Optics widening, Cheetor dove head first behind Chen’s pod for cover, this time avoiding Megatron’s Tail Gun and hearing the tree behind him getting blown to splinters, collapsing to the forest floor. Slowly peering over the crashes pod, his green optics narrowed as he found at least one of his fellow felines down, albeit struggling to still fight on, and giving Chen a rather unfortunate choice. Either way he would be dead as far as Cheetor was concerned.

But seeing a golden opportunity of Megatron’s back to those behind him, the young mech slowly and quietly reached for his tail sword coiled at his hip, straightening it out with a low rumble in his chest. He had failed to take down Megatron when he captured their friends a couple weeks ago, now was his redemption moment, slowly creeping himself around the pod until he was but a few feet away to where he could leap, reaching out to hook the end of his tail sword into a shoulder seam, “How about you slag off instead Megabutt!

Spineback rolled her optics slightly at Nemesis’ remark, “I think I’d be more concerned about that nanomachine armor of yours giving you an invicibility complex as of late, Nemesis.” The medic quipped in response, referencing her recent choices as of late that had resulted in her misfortunes the past couple of weeks. It was by no means a jeer or mockery, more so a scolding that the avian wasn’t one to be making such remarks. “If it comes down to it, pick any Maximal of your choosing, it will make no difference.” She added, tone matter-of-fact.

Truthfully, she would be quite curious if such a process could be successful coincided with the use of her recent cracking of the transmetalization process. It wasn’t a perfect process, but nevertheless she would be lying if she didn’t want to try it. Some day.

Her train of thought was broken however as searing, burning sensation struck her spinal strut, causing her to whip around with her shield up and finding the traitorous raptor standing before her. A new, more skilled adversary. “Hahaha, this “old hag” has some fight left in her traitor.” Spineback was more amused by the remark than insulted, having gotten use to such insults and enjoyed the frustration her enemies and opponents showed when she reacted differently than they expected. But with a low growl, she threw her weight forward, ramming her larger shield against his turning one, having her plasma cannon at the ready, only giving the briefest of side glances as Megatron made himself known in more ways than one.

Not a chance.” Wintersong muttered at Quickstrike’s loud proclamation. He had gotten the advantage in their last fight, she didn’t intend for him to get it again. But no sooner had she thought this did Tigatron’s warning about Waspinator pull her gaze away from the fuzor, causing her to warily watch the transmetal wasp for a moment to watch where he was going.

A mistake she soon regretted as one of Quickstrike’s venom blasts struck her right leg, causing her to snarl in pain and nearly collapse, but catching herself with her sword while she shifted her weight to her right side. Well, that’s what she got for being distracted.

Annoyed, the white tigress began to fire back towards the scorpion/cobra fuzor, trying to keep him pinned down behind his cover and keep him somewhat out of the fight. Unfortunately her assault didn’t last long once Megatron arrived. The Predacon leader wasted little time in attempting to take out the three felines, Wintersong yelling as she was shot in the back, landing face first in the dirt a few feet away, growling softly in pain as smoke rose from a puncture wound in her back. Despite the pain and her internal computer warning of the damage, the tigress tried to force herself to move, her clawed hands digging into the dirt, but as usual the Vok voice growling at the back of her mind, ‘You’re unfocused, all over the place. You should have stuck to the mission.’ She heard it growl, but this time the presence feeling stronger than the norm.

This is the mission!

This is a distraction.

And you can do better?

We can make you better, stronger.’ The voice snarled in response, progressively growing stronger, causing Wintersong to gasp in slight pain and the strange lines decorating her left side flashing in unison with her spark pulse. The being that should have been the transmetal tigress was soon replaced by an other worldly presence, Wintersong’s furious protests trapped in her mental scape, taking over her body and focusing in on their target. Still hindered by the pain their vessel was in, the Vok presence put their focus on their available weaponry, popping open Wintersong’s wrist launchers to fire a few missiles at the tree’s base, aiming to trap the fuzor beneath to lessen the Predacons’ numbers.

If Rampage wasn’t already furious enough, Frilla’s rare act of bravery and Megatron’s taunting were pushing him on the edge of insane fury. In fact, it took all his will power to stop himself from thrashing about and trying to get the frilled lizard off his back. It wasn’t doing him any good and his self-repair systems had to be at work by now, which he quickly focused on rather than the parasite on his back. “System repairs nearly complete.” Hm, it wasn’t nearly to where he wanted it, but the results showed he was capable of some normal function.

Deciding to ignore Megatron’s taunting, the king crab forced his transformation sequence to work, managing to convert from tank mode to beast mode. Without warning though, Rampage snapped his pincer towards the lizard, moving surprisingly fast for his size and clamping down on her much smaller, weaker frame, bringing her eye level to his beast mode eyes, “Well, well, so glad you could make yourself such an easy capture, Maximal scum.” Rampage cackled maniacally, giving his pincer more pressure, “But where is the fun in taking your life now? A little torment to your friends would make this so much sweeter.” He sneered, once more deciding to disobey the transmetal t-rex, slowly skulking along the edges of the clearing to keep an eye on the battle and keeping a tight grip on his prize.

Always happy to help.” Tigerhawk responded towards the rodent, relieved to hear he hadn’t been caught in Terrabite’s own explosives. The transmetal rat had been through more than enough lately and he was more than happy to take some heat off his back. “Go see if you can help the others Rattrap, I’ll handle our new Predacon guest.” Tigerhawk added, deciding to dive lower towards the trees, switching to his heat vision to find the nearest heat signatures.

He caught sight of a smaller shape moving about, recognizing the shape immediately as Rattrap before scanning the rest of the nearby wreckage until he spotted the large shape he had never seen before. This had to be him. “I got your number now Pred.” Tigerhawk growled, switching his machine guns to fire on the Predacon, maneuvering to where he could be between Terrabite and the path leading towards Rattrap and the rest of the main battle.
Last edited by Wintersong on Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RPG Characters: Nemesis,Aurora,Zodiac

Unread post by Phoenix »

Zodiac kept an ever watchful optic on Rhinox' actions while the two of them were making repairs to the mainframe of the bridge, both out of a sense of genuine curiosity of the other male who seemed so knowledgeable in just about everything he got involved in, as well as a building sense of admiration towards this bot. The amnesiac renegade felt he could learn a lot from the bulkier engineer, although he clearly only recently started taking this into consideration. It was strange how his perspective on those around him and especially himself was ever changing, evolving.. and adapting into something new entirely.

Zodiac wasn't like the Maximals around him, he knew that, he felt it. It wasn't just their obvious hatred and distrust towards him for actions he couldn't remember having done, but the way he reasoned differently than they did.. like his core programming wasn't anything like theirs. Sure, he was capable of feeling regret and even, to some extent, compassion. Yet how he responded to those emotions was quite different from the Maximals. But he was learning. And Rhinox among a few others had taken it upon himself to serve as a teacher of sorts to the young dragon, someone willing to show him the way without placing unbearable expectations on him in return. It was a new experience for the hybrid.
"Regardless, it was helpful to me,"
The dragon in robot form had smiled ever so slightly at the compliment he had just received, although he didn't quite know why gaining some semblance of recognition even mattered to him. Somehow it did, however, and part of him appreciated the kind words greatly.

In truthfulness there was a part of the renegade who looked forward to these little interactions with the few members of the crew who seemed able to stand him. He spent much of his time alone, thinking, trying to remember a past that had been hidden from him, or exploring what his skills were. If nothing else it could give him a clue about what his past self had been like, what he had done, and perhaps even give him a small bit of insight into the secrets that were being kept from him. Of course he often contemplated what little information Optimus had been willing to indulge him with as well, finding himself pondering what reasons he could have had to attack the Maximal commander so openly and why the leader had seemingly forgiven his actions. He wasn't apologetic for what he had presumably done to the leader either, yet he certainly wasn't proud of it either.

Surely Primal had been speaking the truth.. He wouldn't lie about this, why would he? But without more information it was difficult accept the little information he had as truth, even though it would explain much of the Maximals' hatred towards him.. And if Primal had indeed been truthful with him, then the truth was far uglier than any explanation the renegade had conjured up in his mind.

He caught the soft smile the rhinoceros gave him to show gratitude and for a brief moment the two of them smiled at each other before Zodiac's gaze shifted away to the computer monitor to check his progress. After that he turned his attention to the peculiar weapon, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"I know,"
Somehow Rhinox' reaction was by far less surprised than his own. Zodiac had remained as if frozen for a moment, merely staring at peculiar reaction his own hand seemed to have on the weapon. Would it happen again? Had he been imagining it..?

What is it you know?, he wanted to know from the rhinoceros as his optics searched for answers he so desperately needed. "I've done this before..?," he then muttered, still in a mix of awe and pure shock. He must have since the bulkier male didn't seem surprised. Not at all, really.
"It's something unique that you can control. ...With time, patience and practice,"
So it was something he had been able to control.. And not just a fluke that could happen at any moment, without warning, thus posing a huge threat to anyone around him. Well, that was a relief.. of sorts.

"Do others possess this ability as well?," Zodiac inquired as he attempted to repeat the experience like Rhinox had just instructed him to, only this time focusing on the task at hand. Although he was fairly certain the Maximals had no such.. gifts.. or surely he would have noticed something by now.. Or they would have used it against him, to destroy him for what he had done to them.

His second attempt seemed to be more successful, allowing him not only to temporarily alter the shape of the weapon but to learn its schematics as well should he need to recreate it later. It was a most peculiar sensation, especially in combination with the blue hue that seemed to overwhelm his hand at that moment. He was even able to return the weapon to its regular shape before dislodging it from his grasp.

Oddly enough there was a sense of familiarity to his newfound ability to manipulate metallic matter in this sense. Our of curiosity the renegade did touch another tool, this one made of a plastic material, to see if he could replicate the process. He couldn't. So the ability, strange and somewhat disturbing as it was, had its limits, which still didn't take away from his fascination.. Yet he seemed proficient at using this skill so clearly this was something he had done before.

"It seems a little.. odd.. to have been designed with such an unusual capability. What purpose did it serve?," he pondered out loud, in part hoping for some additional insight from the other male. It was a valid question after all.
"Personally, that's how I would perceive it," he suggested wisely. "There's a lot more you can do with this ability, but one step at a time. As for the way you were able to obtain it...,"
A gift.. Zodiac could only imagine what damage he must have caused when first receiving this 'gift' as Rhinox described it as, before he learned to wield it and control it. But he neglected to voice such concerns to the other male, not wanting to give him cause to fear him. He was Maximal after all, right? In Zodiac's mind he had to be since he had no recollection of the Vok, Predacons, or anything that took place back on Cybertron or its colonies.

The renegade watched as the bluish glow faded from his arm as it took on its normal appearance again, his expression somewhat neutral despite the hundreds of thoughts simultaneously running through his mind at this very moment. Although he might not have looked like he was paying attention to what Rhinox was trying to explain to him, in truth he very much so was taking in every word. When the engineer mentioned there was more he could do with this ability, he almost jumped at the chance to give the other male the third degree about it. But he stopped himself at the last moment, merely giving an acknowledging nod.
"Zodiac, this technology was integrated into your body a long time ago... against your will,"
And with that one sentence, Rhinox had answered more of Zodiac's questions than he may have realized. His attention now solely on the engineer, the dragon had turned his gaze to meet his, his head tilted ever so slightly as he took in this new information. So he was unique in having this ability.. And it had been integrated into his circuits when he was very young, most likely, given his age now was close to that of Cheetor. But more importantly.. it had been done to him against his will, perhaps even by the individuals he now surrounded himself with.

Ugh.. his desire to remember any of this was now getting so strong it was starting to give him a headache.

"By whom?," the renegade demanded to know, the smile having faded from his features.
"Optimus had played a part in that behind the scenes. You attempted to murder him for what you were put through with his involvement. And you tried to kill all of us to make him suffer."
Still nothing could have prepared him for the harsh reality of what he could only presume was the truth. And it seemed to back up the little tidbits of information he had gathered thus far. Zodiac couldn't hold back the flinch, his facade crumbling a bit as he faced the other male. "Optimus.. did this to me.. and I attempted to kill him.. to kill you all.. in return..?," he asked after a moment of silence, his mind struggling to cope with such a harsh revelation. Yet the newfound answer only wielded more questions, prompting the dragon to ask them immediately after the initial shock had started to settle.

"But why would they do that to me..? What were they trying to accomplish?" His voice then grew more quiet. "What did I do to Optimus.. and the rest of you? Surely I must have been.. irrational.. You told me this was a gift, and then that I tried to kill those who gave it to me?" By now his knees felt a bit shaky, so he grabbed the table to help support himself. A few flashes of memories managed to break through whatever barrier had been put in place, revealing glimpses into a past Zodiac both feared and so desperately wanted to remember.

He could visualize himself strapped down to a table, some unknown faces of a few scientists hovering over him.. talking about him as if he wasn't even there to hear them.. ignoring him.. his pleas.. his.. pain.. Oh the pain! It was completely overwhelming in that one brief instance, causing Zodiac to grimace as he gripped the table harder to hold himself up.

And then the memories ended, fading away like they had been nothing but a bad dream. A child's nightmare. Zodiac drew a silent sigh of relief, forcing himself to straighten out.
"Extending his hand to help you with your memory loss, providing you shelter, and practicing compassion toward you is his way to seek redemption from his mistakes that he deeply regrets."
"It doesn't seem like Optimus' nature to allow experimentation to be done on anyone, let alone a member of his crew..," Zodiac finally said after a longer pause. "But I wasn't a member of the crew, was I? I sought him out to extract my revenge, and the rest of you were caught in the crosshairs.. "

It was almost strange how little emotion Zodiac revealed on his face as he made his assumption about what had happened. Yet he didn't seem angry or even resentful. "Did I kill anyone?," he then asked, wanting to know how far this quest for revenge of his had gone.

At the site of the ongoing battle, Nemesis felt a certain sense of relief when Primal seemed to turn his attention away from her. This mainly due to the fact she really didn't want to engage the Maximal leader in combat, nor did she want her own commanding officer to suspect her of such, so any distraction on Primal's part was a welcome one. Of course she didn't have much time to dwell on this turn of events due to the ongoing discussion between herself, Megatron, and Spineback.
"There may be an easier way to handle this,"
So Megatron had finally joined them and had apparently managed to survey the situation already. She had wondered what had kept him, of course now that he was there she would have to watch herself very carefully given the tyrant's obvious doubts about her true loyalties.
"Reinforcements are en route who are sure to disrupt the Maximals' traction,"
Now what reinforcements could this be? Nemesis hadn't witnessed the little fuzor at the base so she remained oblivious to what the tyrant could be talking about. As far as she was concerned a majority of their troops were already present and the few that weren't, well, it was doubtful they could turn the tide much.

"Care to clarify?," she asked their leader briefly, slightly annoyed that she hadn't been filled in on these plans of his.. Not that he made a habit of keeping her in the loop as was. Of course, she was no better herself with her secrets. She landed a short distance away from where the main fighting was going on, hopefully without dragging too much attention to herself.
“I think I’d be more concerned about that nanomachine armor of yours giving you an invicibility complex as of late, Nemesis.”
The avian female grimaced a bit at that remark, not exactly appreciating the medic's attitude.

"No need to worry about me," she informed the other female, "Mind you I'm not the one sneaking behind everyone's backs to get an upgrade," she then added before quickly slipping in; "I was merely pointing out we could use your assistance in reprogramming the new protoform."
"Do you intend on participating in today's activities, Nemesis?"
And of course the tyrant had taken note of her slipping away.. Well, she shouldn't be surprised. Shaking her head from her position behind some trees, well out of sight from her Maximal targets, Nemesis pulled out her weapon and took aim at Tigatron. Obtaining the new protoform would prove much easier if his newfound friends could be taken out of the equation after all.

"Target locked. The new Maximal will be vulnerable in 3..2..," she started the countdown while keeping their mutual channel still open, clearly confident she'd be able to take out the white tiger. But Megatron's next response quickly distracted her.
"I believe Inferno could use your assistance. Do keep Primal busy while I give his new Maximal... an ultimatum,"
Of course.. Of course he would put her on the spot like this. Nemesis sighed under her breath as she lowered her weapon as not to give away her position, instead turning her attention to where Primal was presently engaged in battle with Inferno. Well, it wasn't like she was being given much choice on this matter. At least she could use the opportunity to void any suspicions against her.. while still having the freedom to use a less lethal approach against Optimus while remaining hidden. She hoped..

"As you command," she replied to Megatron's order in a slightly quieter voice since she didn't want to reveal her presence to the Maximals nearby. She then took aim with her weapon at a position on the ground near where Optimus was at. The worst she could hit right now was the back of the Maximal leader's knee. Not pleasant, for sure, but still not lethal.. After hesitating for a moment, she took a few shots at Primal, hoping her aim wouldn't be too far off yet still good enough to seem authentic.
"You are aware of what little patience I have for interruptions,"
It was Megatron's next message that made her reconsider this approach since it dawned on her that the shots pummeling the ground next to Primal would likely not be enough to persuade anyone, let alone Megatron. After all it was the skidplate kissing ant who was engaged in battle with Primal, so she had no doubt the tyrant would communicate his intentions to him. It really didn't seem like she had much option other than to get close and personal with her target. Well, their friendship was essentially over now anyway after her attack on Rattrap.. Primal had already made his feelings about her actions clear, even though she hadn't been able to explain herself to him properly. So was there really anything left there to salvage? Could she really jeopardize her own safety and position for a dying friendship?

It really wasn't a question she wanted to know the answer to.. Yet here she was, stuck between a rock and a hard place. No, she'd have to leave her own feelings out of this one and allow her survival instincts to take charge. Clearly her spark wouldn't be able to make the right decision, so hopefully her head could do it for her. She would have to let Primal go for the sake of her own future. Undoubtedly, Optimus already thought the worst of her. So would proving him right really do that much more harm?

Maybe. Not like she had much of an opportunity to deal with her conflicting emotions right now. So she did the only thing she could. Using the trees for cover as best she knew how, she moved as swiftly and quietly as she could to get around Primal so she could commence the attack like she had been ordered to. With any luck she'd be able to subdue him without inflicting too many injuries. She waited until Primal seemed otherwise distracted before making her move, then quickly darted towards him and placing a hard kick against the maximal leader's arm as soon as she was close enough to try to discourage him from using his weapon.

Due to his own lack of flight mode and perhaps also partially since he had a passenger with him, however small statured she was, but it took Tarantulas a little while longer to reach the battlefield. The battle was indeed well on the way when the motorcycle mode of the spider made his approach, but it wasn't as if he minded his tardiness one bit. If anything he took his time, surveying the situation while his smaller assistant climbed off.
"Though far and few between as they may be, there are certain instances when our minds think alike, Tarantulas,"
Megatron's words still clear in his mind, Tarantulas hadn't bothered responding to the tyrant when he first said them. To some extent the words held true, but that wasn't something the spider would ever admit to. He held himself in far too high regards for that and in the end Megatron was little more than a nuisance he had to endure in order to accomplish his own ultimate goals.

"I'm ready," the little female next to him told him with confidence as he himself transformed back to his robot form. Whether she truly was or not was of no consequence for him since the end result would remain the same regardless. Yes, he was well aware he was making himself a bigger target by bringing her here.. But it was a necessity if he wanted to gain an additional advantage in this conflict.

"Then put on your best performance," he told her in return, a certain sense of glee present in his voice. Aurora gave a quick nod, then roughed up the fur on her head to complete the desperate look she was going for. For the occasion her fur had temporarily been dyed back to its normal white color since the spider didn't want to give away his game just yet. Aurora was just about to step out to where the Maximals could see her, when Tarantulas stopped her in her tracks. "We just need a few final details," he told her with a smug grin. The fuzor barely had time to prepare herself before the first blow across her face nearly knocked her off her feet, quickly followed by another, then by a hard punch to the chest that made her hunch over in pain. Tarantulas kept at it for a few more blows, ones she was more than willing to accept for the sake of the spider being her leader. After the last punch sent her crashing to the ground, the now very much so defeated Aurora forced herself back on her feet while the scientist admired his work.

Indeed, she was ready.

"Drop your weapons, Maximals!," Tarantulas called out to them as the two of them emerged from their hiding spot.

Stepping behind her and pushing her quite roughly in front of himself, much like a meat shield, Tarantulas and Aurora entered the field of vision of the Maximals.. Her former comrades. She looked quite the dreadful mess, dirty, a bit of mech fluid dropping from her jawline, and her furry locks tangled and even wilder looking than normal. Her green optics looked frightened and saddened, and she whimpered in pain as the spider pushed her to the ground and placed his weapon to her temple while awaiting a response from the Maximals..
New Moon
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Unread post by New Moon »

Tigatron knew all too well Chen was right, but the white and green feline gave the doctor/medic a saddened glance, “Unfortunately, we don’t always have time for proper formalities I’m afraid when new comrades join our ranks. It is in the midst of combat we have learned most of our crew.” Tigatron admitted to Chen, giving a quick rundown of their predicament further hinting that this was quite commonplace. Sadly, more than they would have liked.

Perhaps more evident than most among them, Tigatron did not hide his disdain for the fighting in that moment, casting a disapproving glance at their present situation.

Though he too noted Wintersong’s eagerness for the battle, something not exactly out of the ordinary. He still would never understand how any of his fellow Maximals could feel any thrill for combat such as this, having no love for himself despite his warrior instincts that Dinobot had pointed out for what felt like a lifetime ago. Not that Tigatron had time to dwell on the thought before he was drawn towards the returning Waspinator, growling softly as he fired towards the transmetal wasp, aware his armament would do little against his transmetal hide but it could certainly do some damage, especially perhaps make it a little more brittle if he switched to cryo shots.

Waspinator gave an annoyed growl as Tigatron stepped in, forcing the metal insect to focus on the feline and drawing attention away from Wintersong and Chen.

For once the insect wished he could focus on his own target without interference, or without being blasted out of the sky early on in the battle. But he was lucky to ever get that. And this time he found himself facing the older, more experienced Tigatron one-on-one, using his flight to his advantage to dodge around the attacks and forcing the feline to have to back away towards some tree cover. Though he had barely gotten the feline on the ropes before Megatron’s signature roar broke through the sound of the battle going on around them, drawing Waspinator’s attention away from his brief skirmish with the white tiger, spotting the Predacon commander as he landed near the site.

Smirking, Waspinator backed off long enough to draw the older feline from his cover, confusion clear on his face before Megatron surprised Tigatron with a blast of his own, causing the mech to snarl as he was blasted away.

Spineback’s reaction was immediate, causing Dinobot to brace himself with his left foot behind him as his larger, physically stronger opponent rammed against him. He was use to fighting such individuals, especially considering how often he had faced Megatron or others back on Cybertron. He was trained extensively to take on opponents of all sizes, shapes, and skills, and this would be no different as far as he would expect. As their shields collided, he merely snarled, his rotary shield scrapping against Spineback’s collapsible one to create sparks that lit up between the two, “So it would seem.

Dinobot’s tone suggested he was less than impressed by her efforts, but he eyed her plasma cannon, ever aware of the hum it gave off and pressing his own weight against his shield. It was a battle of wills now, occasionally brandishing his sword against the femme where he could reach, trying to throw off her aim until an unexpected arrival threw off his focus...

Emerging into the clearing was none other than the treacherous spider, Aurora in tow. Dinobot’s optics flashed with fury at seeing her appearance, the fear, the pain...what had he done? Such a thought was enough to give his current opponent the edge she needed snarling as he felt himself lose much of his leverage and forced to one knee, barely maintaining it enough to be crushed to the ground, giving a side eye towards the transmittal spider, “!

It took all of Tigatron’s will to force himself to move, abdomen and chest by this time sparking, sensors alight with pain. Sometimes he wondered if it wouldn’t be worth being one of these transmetals, to lessen the chance of being torn apart and ending up in the CR chambers so often. The weapons certainly made his own armor look like nothing. At least before the quantum detonation he had had a chance. felt like he barely made a dent.

Growling softly as he barely managed to force himself to move, the white and green warrior was just getting back to taking in what was happening now. Much to his dismay, Cheetor was attacking Megatron causing once again as before! “Little Cat...” He muttered, wishing the young cheetah would listen to reason for once unaware of his own misfortune in the form of Nemesis if not for Megatron’s orders for her. But any such thoughts to tell him to back off we’re quickly set aside once he noticed movement elsewhere, gasping in shock when seeing Aurora, who had otherwise been missing, and her current appearance, “Aurora!

Curiously, Waspinator turned to look towards Tarantulas and Aurora, not aware of the present plan either but somewhat intrigued he had the young fuzor. To what end had he even gotten her? Or why? Though he wanted to know, it appeared he would have most of the Maximals covered and so would Megatron and Spineback. Instead, he turned his eyes back to the sky, realizing that Terrorsaur had otherwise disappeared and the remaining Maximal flier was making her way towards them, “Waspinator handle Bird-bot this time!” Eager for action still, the transmittal insect took off from the clearing, heading to meet Airazor head on instead.

Drawn back to the concern at hand, Quickstrike grumbled under his breathe at the fact Wintersong refused to go down. Sparing a glance through the bushes, he spotted that she had been crippled by one of his blasts but not enough to take her out of the fight. Stubborn fleabag! He had been lucky with their last fight perhaps, or had caught her by surprise given his determination not to be on Megatron’s bad side more than he had been before. Whatever the case, she was giving him more trouble than he had bargained for.

As luck would have it however, the welcoming sound of Boss Bot broke through everything else, giving Quickstrike some hope the tide of the battle could yet be turned. He kept himself low, waiting for the familiar sound before hearing Wintersong’s pained yell, grinning to himself at realizing his adversary was down for the count. Or so he thought at least. Feeling safe, the small male pushed himself to his feet, cackling slightly to himself, “Dat’s showin’ ‘em boss!” He cheered, raising his leg-hand in a fist pump, failing to notice Wintersong’s unusual behavior until the last moment in which case his optics widened comically as her mini-missiles blew apart the tree he stood beside, “Oh no...” Scrambling to move, the scorpion/cobra fuzor only accomplished moving enough to be half-crushed beneath the massive tree, grunting as he struggled to move.

Unexpectedly, Rampage became eerily calm in his movements. Moments ago he was thrashing about in a fury, seemingly ready to tear half the forest if he could. Realistically that would be impossible of course, but given the reputation the crab had she wouldn’t doubt he would try. But why suddenly go so calm? It gave her a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, causing her to eye the transmetal crab, tense and ready for a second round of thrashing.

But in that moment of pause Rattrap decided to contact her, bringing her back to the reality that there was still her fellow smaller Maximal about. She now wondered how he was fairing, but from the sounds of it the battle hadn’t hindered him thus far. That she knew of anyway. “I think I’m-” Frilla was cut off abruptly by sharp gasp followed by a pained gagging, the lightning fast reflex of Rampage in his transformation shocking even the more agile lizard. Despite her efforts, his self-repairs were still formidable and perhaps she had not considered that she should have given him a bigger dose of the electricity than anticipated. “R-Ratt...rap...” Frilla spoke between breathes as Rampage’s grip became dangerously close to nearly crushing her in half.

She was amazed at how strong Rampage truly was, having never seen his true size, but just his beast mode alone was enough to threaten to crush her much more fragile form. Stress fractures had began to appear along her mid-section, chest, and legs, just enough that it pained her but not enough to threaten her life...yet. She managed to give the crab a dirty glare in response before she was carried off, only able to peer around the battlefield helplessly until her optics were drawn to Tarantulas...and Aurora, optics widening in shock and concern.

Before Tigehawk’s arrival, Terrabite had expected to hear a cry of pain or a thud, anything to indicate his target had been struck. But there was nothing. Perhaps he had miscalculated his range, or his adversary was lucky enough to have cover or defenses of some kind, causing the sense of satisfaction to dwindle a little and bring about some disappointment. Nevertheless, it did bring back the thrill of knowing he had a hunt on his hands and that he wasn’t dealing with an amateur as he had been for sometime now. It was about time he shook off that rust and got back into the thing he loved most.

Carefully, Terrabite has stepped out from his cover, his Chaos-Rift Combuster at the ready and optics peeled behind his visor as he stepped carefully along the trees. Seeming as he was dealing with someone else with knowledgeable with explosives the last thing he wanted was to go in recklessly, as much as every fiber of his being was telling him to. But doing so could risk taking him out of the fight as it was. Best to test the perimeter., He thought to himself, having initially reached for a piece of smoldering remains of the transport vehicle before Tigerhawk had rained down some support from above, forcing the crocodilian to throw himself back against the nearest tree to avoid being turned into Swiss cheese himself, growling to himself at the Maximal aerial support followed by the sound of someone sprinting off further away.

Looks like he found his target.

Though as he inched his way around the base of the tree to alter his route, Terrabite had to be ever aware of Tigerhawk’s location before he made a break to follow the rodent. But he had barely made it more than a few feet into the trees before the machine gun fire was pelting his armor, “You are really beginning to become a thorn in my side Maximal!” Terrabite snarled softly, deciding he would have to get a little more creative as he ducked behind another tree and deploying his sparrow drone take to the skies to distract his foe, just long enough to switch out his weaponry. In the meantime, the little drone was almost hard to see among the trees should Tigerhawk get a little too close, darting from among the branches to peck at whatever it could reach of the fuzor, acting more of a nuisance than a true threat.
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Unread post by FortuitousFour »

“Unfortunately, we don’t always have time for proper formalities I’m afraid when new comrades join our ranks. It is in the midst of combat we have learned most of our crew.”
As all manner of weapons fire was whizzing by each of their heads, the Tigatron began to speak about the social constraints of the current situation. Chen's optics were focussed forward and was barely paying attention to what the tiger was saying. Not only was it some what irrelevant to the present problem, the chimp had spotted a Predacon who was targeting the white tigress. She got distracted by something in the skies which gave the Predacon his opportunity to strike.

Chen stepped past Tigatron to try and warn the female but was too late. She took a hit to her right leg and almost buckled to whatever debilitating affects it had. The medic/doctor got up close and personal with this overly brave warrior. Lifting her right arm up and over his shoulders to take her weight, he steadied her before looking down at her wound. Chen placed his hand on the point of impact which was smeared in shifting green colour, he didn't care what would happen to him if anything. His hand started to glow blue as he shut also shut his optics. He quickly assessed damage. Some sort of... Cybervenom?

The chimp opened his optics about to apply a restorative solution to his current patient but took pause taking in everything that was happening around in one quick moment. Ahead he could see that Predacon who had shot the venom had received swift vengeance and was out of the fight for now. In the corner of Chen's optics, he could make out that the young feline had gone down but was seemingly okay. In the distance the medic/doctor could see the velociraptor engaging in melee combat with the large Predacon who was equipped with the plasma weaponry. I hope that goes well...

Then a pink energy blast passed close by to Chen but still Tigatron to was just behind him. The chimp stumbled almost reaching back towards the white tiger, his face in shock when he saw har far he went. Tigatron...

A loud thud shook the ground and forced a sort of lull in fight which made Chen slowly close his optics. With much anticipation the medic/doctor gradually turned back around to face evil it self. This one hadn't amassed quite the fame that his ancestor had, yet, but it did not require a scholar to know it was. The affect of his presence on those who were around echoed that sentiment. The chimp opened his blue optics. Megatron... He was every bit as intimidating as the holo vids had conveyed. His sized dwarfed all of those around him and even the stasis he had arrived in. That wasn't the worst of it though. This Megatron donned the same enhancement that some others had. The chimp noticed the flight capability. Well thats just...

Chen's optics met Megatron's, he knew this was intentional and to some degree it did make the primate lose his nerve. Why am I here...? he stared vacantly into the deep pinkness of Megatron's. Eventually the chimps expression changed to that of a scowl and he slapped his right hand back onto the white tigers right leg. His hand landed right on top of the wound and started to glow again. The doctor's hand began to vibrate as the Cybervenom was drained from the leg and to the underside of his hand. The vibrations intensified until the venom was gone and Chen jerked his arm away, clenching his fist. His optics never having left Megatron's. He tyrant had sort to scare the newcomer. That he did. But it wouldn't stop Chen.
"What a glorious morning, is it not?"

More poor descriptions of the current situationChen's didn't take that kindly to those reveling in all this fighting. HIs face showed that disdain.
"I come bearing two options, Maximal. Join the Predacons, or perish. What say you?"
Chen stepped away from his former patient and bravely closed the gap between him and the new Megatron. Fear not the friend to be slain... I am the undoer of pain

Megatron clearly had an advantage in this battle and the chimp would not allow any more violence to take place. No more pain and suffering.

"If it stops the fighting I -"
"Drop your weapons, Maximals!,"

Chen's response was interrupted when another one of them came out brush and with a hostage. Judging by some of the reactions, a very much cared for young fembot. The chimp looked over in distress realising that there was even more weight upon his following actions. Doing the right thing wasn't normally difficult for the doctor but his life had been turned upside down.

"I'll do as you request... Chen gave in to the demands forced upon him.
“How about you slag off instead Megabutt!”
"NO!" the chimp exclaimed as he reached out but was no where near close enough to intervene.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"I've done this before..?," "Do others possess this ability as well?,"
"One other... that we know of," Rhinox freely admitted to him as he briefly thought about Nemesis. Would he remember her on his own? "But not to the same extent of your capabilities."
"It seems a little.. odd.. to have been designed with such an unusual capability. What purpose did it serve?,"
"Well..." The engineer hesitated to answer that question as his voice trailed off in thought. Should he deny any knowledge about that part of his past? He supposed it would be inconsistent of him to do so since he already told him why everyone seemed to hate him and why he tried to kill Optimus.
"By whom?,"
Rhinox could tell Zodiac was growing more and more inquisitive now. And why shouldn't he? This was his past. Rhinox was offering him more answers than Optimus seemed to, but he wondered if it was too much too soon. At least this question made the previous one a little easier to answer... Sort of. They tied in together, anyway, but he still waited to answer that part. "The Maximal Elders," he told him, where it had started with them at least. He probably didn't remember who they were either. "They oversee Cybertron, our home world," he explained as simply as he could.
"Optimus.. did this to me.. and I attempted to kill him.. to kill you all.. in return..?,"
The large Maximal nodded. "You were angry. Optimus didn't blame you since he felt... still feels responsible," he corrected himself. "However, he couldn't allow you to harm us, his crew, who had nothing to do with your suffering. Zodiac, too much has happened between then and now to explain it to you at this moment," Rhinox added with sincerity.
"But why would they do that to me..? What were they trying to accomplish?"
"Your 'purpose' was to be the ultimate weapon at the Elders' disposal." It wasn't that the Chief medical officer wanted to smear the Maximal High Council and influence Zodiac's opinion on them, but he still wanted to be honest about all of it, or whatever he chose to share at that time. "Your emotions, your opinions, your pain, none of it wasn't taken into consideration at all. You were merely an experiment designed to serve them and protect Cybertron... if you were able to survive the integration."
"What did I do to Optimus.. and the rest of you? Surely I must have been.. irrational.. You told me this was a gift, and then that I tried to kill those who gave it to me?"
Obviously, he was putting more and more of it together, placing all of the puzzle pieces in the right spots even if he had just begun a 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle or a very complicated Rubik's cube. Primus, what did I start? he asked himself as the questions kept coming. "If you could remember the pain you were in, Zodiac, you would understand why you lashed out. I'm sure it was immeasurable and unbearable, but I can't say because I didn't experience it. No one wants to be someone else's lab rat. Optimus witnessed some of the torture you endured..." He shook his head slightly since he was empathetic to only what he could imagine Zodiac went through. "I'm sure he could answer some of these questions better than I can. But... it is a gift, Zodiac," he reiterated. "As a scientist, it's miraculous to me. It's complicating, and it was once thought impossible to achieve." Then, to even mention the Vok... That was a whole other part of the story that would probably send Zodiac's thoughts into a whirl-wind, so he opted to avoid that topic for now. "What you endured to acquire it is unacceptable, but since you have it, you can put it to some good use. ...Once you have a better handle on it."

Judging by his voice and gripping the table seemingly to stable himself, Rhinox grew worried about what might be happening with the shape shifter. Was he remembering something? "Zodiac?" he verbally reached out to him. "Are you alright? Is something coming back to you?" He observed his fingers tightening around the console's edges and frowned. He almost reached for the rifle that he had just set aside, but he remained calm. Not long after, the dragon looked like he was relaxing and even straightened himself out. Rhinox sighed to himself in relief, but he couldn't help but wonder what had just happened. At least his nanobots hadn't started to devour the console.
"It doesn't seem like Optimus' nature to allow experimentation to be done on anyone, let alone a member of his crew..," "But I wasn't a member of the crew, was I? I sought him out to extract my revenge, and the rest of you were caught in the crosshairs.. "
The engineer nodded again to his correct presumptions about not initially being a crew member of the Axalon and that he had been seeking revenge. And then he further explained to him, "It's not in his nature anymore. Optimus advocates against it now and regrets ever being involved with your experimentation as well as one other he had been promoted to oversee. But at the time, he was much younger and eager to please higher-ranking officers, including the Elders. At the time, he was a brilliant scientist, although perhaps a bit naive, but he has learned and changed a lot." In more ways than one, like all of them had because of the Beast Wars.
"Did I kill anyone?,"
Rhinox studied him closely now as their optics met each other. He seemed more curious than upset or proud of the past actions that he couldn't remember doing, or so the Maximal thought. At first, he wasn't quite sure how to answer that. Keep it brief or add the details? No doubt it would shock anyone to learn that they killed someone let alone a lot of Cybertronians as was in Zodiac's case, which could very well be overbearing. So he decided to stick to one word for his answer to keep it as simple as possible, and if he wanted to know more, than he could ask him. "Yes." After all, that's what he was designed to do, especially when he was under Cryotek's influence. Ugh, Cryotek, another aspect of Zodiac's life that would require an extensive explanation like the Vok. There just wasn't enough time to cover all of it.

"Care to clarify?,"
Megatron didn't bother to answer Nemesis. Despite her successes in weeks prior to this battle, due to his suspicions of her now he was in control this time, and he often operated on a need-to-know basis. Which basically meant that no one needed to know except for him. She would see soon enough.
"Target locked. The new Maximal will be vulnerable in 3..2..," "As you command,"
Good. She had better obey him before she risked angering him. He wanted to trust Nemesis, he really did, but there were too many variables in question from the previous battle with the Maximals. While she ventured off to keep Primal distracted, Megatron made his way to the newly-arrived protoform...
“I’m alright Big Bot, Spineback just knocked me for a loop for a moment. I’ll survive.”
That was all Optimus really needed to know; that Cheetor was alright considering what he had heard over their transmission just before it had been cut off. He still hoped though that the younger Maximal was being more cautious rather than aggressive with his actions and decisions. While he couldn't respond to the cheetah's communication or any Maximals' for that matter, he was beginning to lose consciousness under Inferno's tight hold. His left hand was slowly moving toward the gun on his right hip so as not to draw any attention to it, but since he couldn't see Nemesis approaching until it was too late, he suddenly felt a nasty kick to his arm that knocked his upper body backwards into Inferno prompting the ant to loosen his grip for a moment before quickly tightening it again so the Maximal couldn't escape.

An exasperated gasp left Primal's mouth from the blow, and he had immediately retracted his arm from reaching his gun. Even though his opponent had given him a little wiggle room for a mere few seconds, Optimus was too slow to react and take advantage of the situation. With Nemesis's kick, it almost felt as though his other arm had been dislodged from his body. He growled to cope with the pain and tried struggling harder to free himself, but it was to no avail as Inferno's arms tightened again. So, this was who was coming. Nemesis, not Megatron. Then where had the tyrant ended up? Most likely at the location of the stasis pod, the new Maximal protoform, and the main battle, all of which were a little bit away from them in a thicker part of the rain forest. He needed to get himself out of this situation. ...But he needed help. He didn't know where Airazor had gone to, or if she was even still airborne until her voice rang through on all of the Maximal frequencies:
“Alright Maximals, I’m on my way back now! Terrorsaur is temporarily down.”
Optimus silently applauded her abilities which seemed to win over Terrorsaur once again. That was a relief. Unfortunately, it sounded like she had already moved out of the area to give the others a hand, which left him on his own. Primal's orange optics landed on Nemesis in front of him as he struggled against Inferno's head- and shoulder-locks.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" the pyro laughed over the Maximal's shoulder from behind. "You are pinned and outnumbered, Maximal. Surrender, or burrrrrn!" he offered him.

Although he was practically choking from Inferno's arm around his throat while he was on his knees and the arsonist was standing, Optimus nearly rolled his optics at his threat but instead they narrowed slightly at Nemesis. From Inferno's perspective behind him, the ant couldn't see his expressions or anything he might silently mouth to her with his scarred lips, but his jaw didn't have any space to move with Inferno's elbow lodged underneath it. He wanted to send her an expression with a plea for help, but she would likely rather do what she could to save her own hide against Megatron's wrath instead of helping him after their fall-out. Of course, despite everything that had happened a couple weeks ago, Optimus still wanted to make their "partnership" work even if it was no longer a friendship, but it had proven very dangerous to uphold, and she was probably very lucky to still be alive. He couldn't blame her self-preservation considering the iron fist that was constantly looming over her head and every decision she made. Although her actions were ruthless with Rattrap, he knew that she had still shown him some mercy by not taking his life. Maybe Rattrap couldn't accept that, but Primal wasn't one to hold grudges. He was forgiving and compassionate. ...And now he was facing Nemesis with no idea how she felt about it. Regardless, if she didn't really want to harm him, she'd still have to put on an act with Inferno present. If only she had let him reach his gun...

"Is that all you've got, Second-in-Command?" Inferno taunted her with emphasis on her title that he felt should have been stripped from her. "The Royalty demands that we keep him occupied." Personally, he would love to kill the gorilla and bring his head to Megatron, but that hadn't been included in his Queen's orders. If anyone was going to kill the Maximal leader, it would be Megatron himself.

While the two Predacons figured out what to do with him, Primal's gaze shifted toward Wintersong's position since he thought he had heard some whispers from the Vok again. What were they saying to her? What did they want her to do? He couldn't make out the conversation, and it started to give him a headache as though the aliens knew he could hear them and they were retaliating by causing him some pain to keep him distracted. Leave her alone! he shouted at the Vok, and whether they could hear him or not, it didn't matter. There was nothing he could do to help Wintersong, or so he thought. He coughed through his sharp, clenched teeth when Inferno squeezed his neck tighter which brought his mind back to his own problem.
“Dat’s showin’ ‘em boss!” “Oh no...”
Quickstrike's jeering had only vaguely captured Megatron's attention who merely shook his head with disappointment and even a little embarrassment when he saw the tree fall onto the small Predacon Fuzor.
"If it stops the fighting I -"
Having observed closely what this new Maximal was doing with the female tigress, effectively healing her within nano-klicks, which he had to admit was impressive and would benefit his own troops during battle, Megatron surmised that he was a medic. And since he hadn't even drawn a weapon yet, he was probably unarmed. Even better. His expression was stoic at first, especially when this bot decided to courageously step toward the Predacon commander as if in defiance, but then a devious smile crept onto his purple face as they maintained eye contact. Was he really going to surrender that easily? Megatron was almost taken aback by his response. Nevertheless, he remained vigilant to his surroundings. It might have been a trick. Little did this new Maximal know that his treachery to the Maximals would not cease the fighting. Not by a long shot. The Predacons were having too much fun! But the medic didn't need to know that. Megatron was full of empty promises, lies and deceit.
"Drop your weapons, Maximals!,"
"I'll do as you request...
With Tarantulas and Aurora's arrival, the grin of success and gratification was apparent on the dictator's face now as it drew the other Maximals' attention to her plight. Megatron wasn't entirely sure of the spider's angle on this scheme of his, but he decided to play along. Although he refrained himself from firing at the chimp, the tyrant kept his cannon charged since there were many still battling in the area. No matter. As soon as word got out among their enemy that Tarantulas was using Aurora as a "hostage", the Maximals would no doubt surrender. With Optimus unable to guide them to victory, nothing could stop the Predacons this time.
“How about you slag off instead Megabutt!”
Distracted as he was at the moment, the Predacon warlord was certain that he had heard something behind him; a growl or rumble that was almost inaudible. He didn't want to take his attention off of what was unfolding before him, but he couldn't ignore his instincts either which warned him to look over his shoulder. After all, he recalled in their first encounter on this planet when the cheetah had blasted him square in the head while he had been distracted. A very underhanded display of ignorance and inexperience. Because of that vivid memory, Megatron gradually rotated his head to peer at the noise without having to completely turn his attention away from those in front of him, the corner of his optic sensor catching the TransMetal cheetah leaping at him with his immature comment.
The Maximals' new medic's outburst came with the spike on the end of Cheetor's tail whip that hooked into Megatron's shoulder near his collar. But the Predacon leader didn't even cry out in pain despite the small sparks it caused. It did hurt, though. He merely growled in his throat to cope with the anguish, immediately reached up for the feline's tail weapon with his free hand and dislodged it from his shoulder with or without Cheetor's hand still attached on the other end while lifting his plasma cannon and whipping it backhandedly toward Cheetor's abdomen with enough force to knock him away through the air, immediately followed by two shots being fired at him. "Your personal vendetta against me will be your undoing, kitten!" Megatron rubbed it in to deliberately anger the young Maximal to see just how far the fool was willing to go. "Surely, Optimus has taught you better," he implied condescendingly in his deep voice both toward his attack and not seeking revenge on others as such actions went against most Maximals' idiotic, moral programming. Speaking of Primal, it could have been obvious to anyone who might have noticed what little concern Megatron seemed to have about his mortal enemy. After all, Optimus didn't seem to be involved with the main battle any where. Megatron hoped, though, that no one would notice in the chaos and connect the dots, especially now that Aurora had taken center stage.

Attempting to continue his "invincible" appearance even with the apparent scars on his chest and neck, he had to swap his tail cannon weapon from one hand to the other with the shoulder that wasn't injured so that the one that was - because of Cheetor - didn't have to be burdened by the weight and kickback of his powerful weapon which might otherwise compromise his targeting. "Now, surrender, or seal your youngest comrade's fate!" he growled with a sneer while making Aurora his new target with his powerful weapon. He only winced once or twice when his injury sparked a couple more times and inhaled deeply to suppress his rage.
“Always happy to help.”
Yeah, dat probably won't last, he thought to himself considering how new Tigerhawk was to this endless war of survival. Of course, he shouldn't underestimate the Fuzor's personality and desire or "happiness" to assist his comrades, but let's face it, how much longer could they maintain this optimism battle after battle with these slimy Predacons? It was probably just Rattrap's negative attitude that thought that way.
“Go see if you can help the others Rattrap, I’ll handle our new Predacon guest.”
Was he sure? The Spy didn't want to leave Tigerhawk alone, especially with the new Pred who they knew almost nothing about, but Frilla might have needed help with ol' Crab-cakes. Not that Rattrap was eager to face that maniac. "Watch yer back, 'Hawk," he told him before reverting to his vehicle mode and driving off in the frilled lizard's direction along the perimeter of the rain forest.
“I think I’m-”
"Frilla?!" Rattrap called her name over their radio transmission. He heard her gasp over the roar of his engine and some gagging. Of course he couldn't but think the worst with her small body being pinned under one of Rampage's tank treads when in fact it was one of his giant pincers that was wrapped around her and crushing her.
"Hang on, Frillz, I'm comin'!" It was the only reassurance he could give her when he spotted them up ahead. Panic and adrenaline was pumping inside of him while he sped through the tall grass that nearly disguised him except with the flames spewing out of his exhaust pipes indicating how much power and energon he was using for full acceleration. He didn't know if the new croc Pred was still following him, or if Tigerhawk had him distracted; his mind was purely on helping the smaller, female lizard before the crab snapped her in half or ate her. Either outcome was entirely unpleasant, but he wasn't going to let her down! At that moment, he had forgotten about his PTSD.

Approaching them swiftly, he came across a fallen tree that was angled upward perfectly as a ramp for him. Rattrap mounted it and adjusted his speed so that his trajectory would put him right on top of the crustacean since firing at Rampage or using an explosive would likely result in harming Frilla as well. He wanted to avoid that, so instead, he did the unthinkable. Well, unthinkable for him, anyway, since he didn't want to be anywhere near the cannibal. Launching off of the tree's decaying trunk while tearing up bark in his wheels' wakes, Rattrap landed squarely on Rampage's back with a loud clank where it was difficult for him to reach with his other huge pincer and a little bit in his blind spot. "Let 'er go, ya sea food freak, or I'll rip yer armor off one plate atta time an' den we'll see just how fast you can regenerate!" he threatened him while he kept himself steady in one place and began peeling out with his rear wheels, digging them into Rampage's back with the friction setting off sparks and scratching his paint. The rodent tried to keep low, so if the crab reached back with his pincer, he would probably miss at least the first time. Rattrap hoped. It would be the only chance the Spy had before he'd have to roll off or he'd be captured as well.

(( OOC: Phoenix, don't beat up Optimus too badly. :lol: I want him to join the rest soon (hopefully in my next post) and help fight off the Preds. Maybe she can help him escape Inferno without making her intentions obvious to the ant...? :mrgreen: ))
"Well, that's just prime!"
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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
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Unread post by Wintersong »

The skies felt eerily empty compared to to mere minutes before.

Airazor couldn’t help stopping her approach towards the main battle, realizing Optimus had yet to return to the skies, or had even said anything about joining back up. And what of Tigerhawk or Cheetor? It seemed all the fliers had been grounded it felt like which was concerning as she shifted her optic sensors to their telescopic sight. With it she could make out the many recognizable shapes of friend and foe alike, and she finally spotted the movement of the larger fuzor, presently engaged with someone further off in the distance. But no Optimus. Where was he? Surprise attack maybe?

Before she could try to contact him to confirm his position though, her sharp optics quickly spotted movement heading her way. Squinting slightly, she realized it was the transmetal wasp, causing her to narrow her optics, “Just keep sending them out of the assembly at this point.” Her best hope was to lead the wasp away, or distract him. The less air support the Predacons had, the better the chances her friends might have. “You want to play with the big fliers now Waspinator? Let’s see if you can keep up.” Transforming to beast mode, Airazor let out her distinctive cry before taking off.

The newly upgraded medic tried to maintain her attention between the shared com. channel she had initiated and her struggle with Dinobot. But that was becoming increasingly difficult seeming as the raptor was still stronger than he appeared despite lacking a transmetal form of his own. But she kept enough focus to hear the Predacon leader mention reinforcements.

In what form? The only forces she could imagine would be joining them was Tarantulas and maybe the king crab if he actually decided to quit being idle. Guess they would soon find out.

Next, Nemesis was quick to throw back her own remark, only causing Spineback to mutter something inaudible but clearly growing fed up with the avian’s grasping at straws. “Focus on your task avian.” The older femme rebuked in response, switching off her channel to put her focus on Dinobot fully. She was getting no where when her attention was divided, static now only heard over the shared channel from her end. Their battle quickly turned to one of a constant back and forth, her trying to find the right angle to aim her upgraded plasma weapon and having to shift to avoid the spinning sword getting a good hit, feeling it merely scrape her armor at best. Much to her surprise, the sound of Tarantulas soon followed Megatron’s arrival, perhaps the reinforcements he had spoken of, and something or someone had distracted the raptor. Now was her chance. Showing her weapon away, Spineback rammed her full weight forward, shoving the raptor to one knee before raising her shield one last time, “And you’ve become too sentimental.” She remarked as she slammed her shield down to beat the raptor down further.

Once she figured Dinobot had more than taken a beating from her shield, Spineback turned towards where she had heard the twisted spider, raising a metallic brow upon seeing him with the young fuzor. When had he acquired the young ermine as a prisoner? Being as young as she was and the trouble she tended to attract, Spineback hardly saw much logic in the Maximals letting her be alone. Then again, knowing Tarantulas there was usually more to the situation than they were seeing, the soldier-turned-medic only able to be at the ready for anything to happen.

By the time Tigatron had seen him moving towards Megatron or Chen had a chance to make his exclamation, Cheetor was already moving. His body reacted, aiming to tear some wires, a joint, anything to at least cripple the Predacon commander to some extent no matter how minor. Even if it was a fixable injury later, if it could mean lessening the chance of hurting more of his friends, then the young cheetah would take the chance.

Leaving the sword lodged where it was, Cheetor’s feet had barely touched the ground before Megatron retaliated. With an “Oof!”, the young cheetah was sent flying from the tyrant’s backhand, slamming into the ground near Tigatron on his chest with a pained growl. Those words infuriated Cheetor, that much was true, and it only fueled the fire in the cheetah to take the Predacon Commander down. But they couldn’t keep this up alone, not without their air support. So while he was down...”Big Bot, Airazor, Tigerhawk, we could use some air support, double time. If you can spare it.” Where were they anyway? Cheetor hadn’t seen them since they had split up and since Tigerhawk had been damaged. It did bring some concern to the cheetah, making him wonder if he would have to rethink his tactics.

Maybe he really should pull something from Optimus’ book.

No you won’t, you wouldn’t keep her alive this long if she wasn’t worth something.” Cheetor retorted, spitting out some energon as he forced himself to stand, wincing slightly in pain as he stood to face Megatron. Though he was equally concerned for her safety, he had to make a gamble that Aurora’s life was worth something given her intelligence and talent. “Tarantulas risked too much to drag her away so close to our base a couple weeks ago, suggests you obviously need Aurora for something.” Cheetor pointed out, his tone still harsh, but forcibly calmer. “And these bozos won’t leave even if you did surrender. They’d still blast us in the back, whether you complied or not.” He informed Chen, once again calling out Megatron on his typical sales pitch.

But how long could be keep them stalled before they could recover or get proper support?

Wintersong couldn’t have felt more fortunate enough that their side had the numbers to make it possible for Waspinator to be drawn away elsewhere. It gave her the chance she needed to focus on the annoying Quickstrike. Or so she had expected.

She accomplished in making sure the fuzor stayed low despite her now limp leg, not until the cybervenom ran its course but that only seemed the start of her troubles. No sooner had she gotten the best of her opponent did Megatron had her down in the dirt, pain in her back making her stunned and trying to get her bearings. But of course, it wasn’t good enough for the Vok, her momentary weakness giving them the opportunity to snag control over her form. Not completely, but enough she almost seemed to be a different person, taking out the trigger-happy cowboy...until he realized he probably wasn’t nearly that helpless as he expected. They just needed enough time to recover, until help came in the form of the newcomer, Chen.

The side in control merely nodded at the chimp for his help while the true Wintersong wanted nothing more than to actually thank him. But, the Vok seemed to care not for the help, nor the conflict around them. Their lack of caring for anything beyond this “Project” of theirs frustrated and angered her, but she had no control, no say, and any attempts to engage a mental struggle were blocked by their presence.

Until a sudden familiar voice spoke through a link Wintersong often forgot to mention to them...

Startled, the Vok presence seemed to glance around with confusion, for a moment drawn from the intimidating presence Megatron held towards those that had remained functioning and aware. This not helped by Chen’s action to remove the cyber venom from Wintersong’s leg, enabling to move normally again once she regain her awareness. Though small, Wintersong mentally tore through some of their hold, ‘I’m still fighting Optimus, don’t worry.’ She assured him over their unusual link, but it was all she could afford to do as she gained some semblance of awareness of the shift in the battle, realizing her friends were either falling or surrendering. But why?

Shifting her optics, they soon widened when seeing Aurora, her guilt for not getting to her in time racing back full force. Though not blaming herself for Aurora’s capture, she still felt she could have done more. “Just need the right moment.” She muttered, having closed her wrist launchers and remaining a step or two away from her weapons that had been dropped due to Megatron’s attack.

Hehehe, Predacon it’s what I do.” Tigerhawk mused, keeping Terrabite separated from his new comrades more than anything. If this mech favored explosives as he had heard just shortly before coming to aid Rattrap then it was worth keeping the distance. From the sounds of it the main battle was already a struggle, and the less ground forces they had to deal with the better.

Much to his surprise however, a small drone soon darted from the trees, attacking the fuzor and causing him to smack it away multiple times. What exactly was this drone? Regardless of its purpose, he was quick to try and fly back trying to keep an optic on the trees below, firing more machine gun fire into the trees and using a sword to smack the sparrow drone away long enough to try and get a clearer shot.

I’ll be there soon as I can Cheetor, I’m otherwise engaged.” Tigerhawk answered.

Rampage ignored any struggling Frilla did, knowing it would be useless. She was smaller and weaker, his grip like a vice on her smaller frame. The occasional squeeze was applied to quickly remind her that she wasn’t going anywhere without some help, not realizing her plea was heard as he eyed the battle which seemed to be boring anyway. “How droll...Maybe I’ll enjoy a snack while I watch instead. Usually the best part of boring shows.” Cackling, Rampage brought Frilla back to his eye level, mouth watering at the thought of having a live Cybertronian in his clutches after all these years until the sound of an engine made him pause.

A new weight then landed on him, causing him to snarl in irritation, growling in pain as Rattrap began to peel out, scratching his pain and burning away some of the metal. “That does it!” Fury returning anew, Rampage dropped the frilled lizard before throwing the smaller Rattrap from his form as he transformed to robot mode, scowling in fury with his Rocket Launcher in hand, “How about I just take all of you to the Pit with me? I hear it’s nice there.” The king crab cackled madly, firing off each rocket at random, no target really in mind just releasing them into the forest and clearing in his rage-induced insanity.

Who knows, maybe he’d take someone out in all his madness.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

"One other... that we know of,"
So this odd ability of his was shared by someone else.. Zodiac interest was peaked by this little tidbit of information, but he still couldn't remember anything. Did he know this other individual? Were they still alive? Had the two of them been close if they did indeed know each other? Honestly the likely answer was that he had indeed known this bot given the information he had been given thus far about how he got the ability from an experiment, a realization that prompted many more questions than it answered.

"Was Optimus overseeing this other individual's experimentation as well?," the dragon asked in a surprisingly calm voice. Albeit he certainly was taking all this information in and processing it, nothing he had been told thus far seemed to anger him in any way. Perhaps he was still in a bit of a state of shock. Or maybe he simply respected Primal and the Maximals too much now to want to show any aggressive behaviors towards them.
"But not to the same extent of your capabilities."
Same extent.. Zodiac really took his new adviser's words to spark, reading into every tidbit of information, any sign of emotion in the bulkier male's words, as well as any changes to his body language which might reveal something more.. So there really was more to Zodiac's own powers than he knew thus far, since he didn't quite get how these metal consuming abilities worked. Every self diagnostic scan he'd done showed the same thing.. that he was operating within his normal limits. But what the extent of those limits were was a bit more.. diffuse.. to him all things considering. How could you tell what was normal when it was all you'd ever known?

"I think I'd like to meet this other individual at some point if at all possible," he then stated with a smile tracing on his face. Someone of his own kin.. someone he might feel a link to, someone who knew what it was like to be an outcast and to be 'different'. What could possibly go wrong?

He then proceeded to ask a small tirade of questions, which Rhinox oddly enough seemed willing to answer for the most part.
"The Maximal Elders," "They oversee Cybertron, our home world,"
Ah, clearly the engineer was catching up on how inquisitive the amnesiac dragon was being about anything and everything involving his past.

"So the old geezers picked me to do their experimentation on. That's quaint," he muttered in response with a slight, short-lived grimace. His past seemed to be complicated and growing more so with every bit of information he could gather. Fortunately he still didn't know about Cryotek and his involvement in all of this, nor how his protoform had originally been stolen from a Maximal holding area, leaving his 'mother' as it were thinking they had all perished.
"You were angry. Optimus didn't blame you since he felt... still feels responsible," he corrected himself. "However, he couldn't allow you to harm us, his crew, who had nothing to do with your suffering. Zodiac, too much has happened between then and now to explain it to you at this moment,"
"I understand..," the young specialist said after a brief pause as he tried to digest everything he'd been given so far. "And I apologize for asking so many questions. But more importantly I wish to thank you for actually talking to me and telling me all this. I do appreciate it more than you can imagine."

The words came more easily to him than he could have imagined, but that didn't take away from their authenticity. He did feel a sense of gratefulness, even though he still felt the other male was holding back. At least now the dragon was starting to be able to put the pieces together. Yet as contrite as he seemed at this moment, he also didn't apologize specifically for the harm he had inflicted upon the Maximals. In that sense he remained emotionally detached from the actions of his past self. Denial, perhaps, or an innate ability to separate himself from the terrible deeds he had done to avoid the guilt of those deeds distracting him from reaching his goals.

"I find it incredible Optimus could bring himself to forgive and even try to help me given the severity of my actions," Zodiac then added in a quieter voice, letting the words linger in the air as he lowered his gaze to the floor.
"Your 'purpose' was to be the ultimate weapon at the Elders' disposal."
He was designed to be a weapon.. A weapon.. Why did those words feel so familiar? Clearly it wasn't the first time someone had referred to him as such.

"Interesting choice. Making living weapons out of their own citizens."

It seemed valid enough though, especially since the very mention of these Elders seemed to trigger a strange mixture of hatred and fear in him. He may not be able to remember, but he could feel some familiarity in what he was being told.
"Your emotions, your opinions, your pain, none of it wasn't taken into consideration at all. You were merely an experiment designed to serve them and protect Cybertron... if you were able to survive the integration."
"But shouldn't I have had the same rights as the others on this Cybertron.. our home world as you put it..?," Zodiac suddenly demanded, his tone growing more irritated with every word. Not that he was angry with Rhinox, no, he was merely starting to realize how unfairly he had been treated by his creators, the ones who should have helped guide him but instead turned him into a weapon as the engineer had claimed. And the dragon saw no reason not to trust his words. Although his own lack of maturity did shine through his words and actions on occasion. "These Elders sound like horrible leaders. I don't understand why their socalled people didn't rebel against them," he continued before abruptly pausing. His gaze then met Rhinox' again, his optics narrowing ever so slightly as his head tilted a bit to the side.

"A weapon against whom?"

It was a rhetorical question he didn't really expect the other male to answer. But since he had not yet been told of the Predacons or any other enemy forces, it was a most valid question as well. Why would they go through so much trouble and resources to design a weapon unless they planned to use it against someone.. or something. And since he was clearly meant to be this weapon, along with this unknown other individuals with a similar set of powers, it suddenly got very relevant to him.

He did visibly seem to calm down a bit as he contemplated Rhinox' next description of him being an experiment to serve and protect their home world. There was a big difference between being a weapon to be used against some unknown enemy and a protector against potential threats. Somehow this Cybertron.. this world he couldn't remember and felt no loyalty towards.. was getting more complicated by the minute.

"I apologize for my outburst, it was uncalled for..," he sighed next. "This is all just a lot to take in. Admittedly I don't quite understand how they were planning to use me, but it seems unreasonable of me to expect you to be able to answer all my questions about it. You didn't take part in it, after all."

But Optimus did. Something told the amnesiac renegade he would need to follow up with the commander after he got back to try to get the rest of the answers he so craved.
"If you could remember the pain you were in, Zodiac, you would understand why you lashed out. I'm sure it was immeasurable and unbearable, but I can't say because I didn't experience it. No one wants to be someone else's lab rat. Optimus witnessed some of the torture you endured..."
The Optimus the engineer was describing seemed vastly different now from who he must have been back then..

"The burden of leadership really changes a bot, I reckon," Zodiac commented, the anger having faded away, "Since I can't imagine our Optimus partaking in such heinous experiments." It just wasn't like him. Although the renegade could relate to someone people young and impressionable, he was still in that stage after all. These tortures that were supposedly inflicted upon him wasn't something Zodiac cared to focus on too much right now, so perhaps Rhinox was right. It probably was a blessing that he couldn't remember what he had gone through right now.
"I'm sure he could answer some of these questions better than I can. But... it is a gift, Zodiac,"
A gift the engineer called it. Yet all he had witnessed himself do was rearrange the molecular structure in a weapon. It almost seemed impractical to develop a weapon, or protector as he had been referred to next, with such peculiar skills. Why even bother, unless this hadn't actually been what they intended him to be capable of. Almost on impulse the renegade's gaze drifted to his hand which was now its normal shape and color. When he could find some time for himself he'd have to try to figure out what his true purpose was, but he didn't want to do it in front of the engineer for a couple of reasons. For one he had no idea what else he was capable of doing so he didn't want to put his new friend and mentor at risk, but more importantly he wanted to discover the truth for himself without any interruptions. If the Maximals were keeping secrets from him, they clearly didn't want him to figure out what they were.
"As a scientist, it's miraculous to me. It's complicating, and it was once thought impossible to achieve."
Really? Surely he was exaggerating a bit now. This.. substance.. whatever they had implemented into his circuits that supposedly had been a grueling painful and dangerous affair.. enabled him to do what? A few parlor tricks? Or at least that was it as far as he knew. As he stared at his hand, wondering if it would do anything else that was unusual, he suddenly thought he saw parts of the armor shifting a bit, changing shape to become something else. His optics widened in surprise and he shook his head in disbelief, only for his hand to look normal again when he returned his gaze upon it. Was he seeing things now?

Quickly averting his gaze and returning it to Rhinox yet again, the changeling forced a slight smile despite how unsettling these new revelations about himself truly were. "Well, if you ever need a test subject I apparently have some experience with that," he said with a hint of humor.
"What you endured to acquire it is unacceptable, but since you have it, you can put it to some good use. ...Once you have a better handle on it."
Would he? Hopefully those words would hold true.. and soon. Because during these last short few moments everything the dragon thought he knew had turned out to be a lie.

"I'll be careful," the renegade promised. "I certainly don't want to rearrange anyone the way I did the weapon."

Of course as he said those words, his mind was racing. What, exactly, was he capable of doing with these powers of his? And judging by what information he had been given, he knew he had raged war on Primal and the other Maximals for their involvement in the experimentation that had been done to him. It all seemed so strange to him now. So.. distant. Of all the Maximals Primal had been one of only a select few that had treated him with a sense of compassion.. Him, Tigerhawk, and Rhinox of course. How long ago had these attempted murders taken place? And did this have anything to do with the fact he now couldn't remember anything? Had the Maximals caused his amnesia?

Although his suspicions were growing a bit, he decided not to press the engineer for any answers right now. There was still time.

The flashes of memories that followed was like hitting a brick wall at high speeds, which of course pulled the attention of the engineer.
Although the specialist could hear his name, the voice got muffled and entangled with the sudden influx of memories. While grimacing, his head pounding as his memories fought to escape this prison they had been locked into, Zodiac held up a dismissive hand to tell the other male to wait for a moment. And then the images in his mind faded, slowly allowing the dragon to relax a bit again.
"Are you alright? Is something coming back to you?"
Zodiac took a moment to respond as he tried to process what he had just witnessed in his own mind. Those memories.. or whatever they were.. left a bit of a bitter taste in his mouth. Had they indeed been accurate, those statements about painful experiments being performed on him must be true. Yet how could Optimus have been responsible for such a thing..?

"I.. I'm not sure," the dragon sighed while his head cleared. "I think I remembered.. something.. But it was short lived and didn't really seem familiar."

Why was it so hard for him to remember anyway? It was as if something within him was working against his memories resurfacing again, only allowing a small glimpse into the life he used to have. Of course what little he had just seen seemed quite painful and perhaps not remembering was a blessing. Still.. that didn't change his determination to figure out who he truly was.
"It's not in his nature anymore. Optimus advocates against it now and regrets ever being involved with your experimentation as well as one other he had been promoted to oversee. But at the time, he was much younger and eager to please higher-ranking officers, including the Elders. At the time, he was a brilliant scientist, although perhaps a bit naive, but he has learned and changed a lot."
One other.. "This other individual Primal oversaw the experimentation on, was it the same bot you mentioned earlier? The one with similar abilities to my own?," Zodiac asked, genuinely curious.

Yet as Rhinox confirmed his own suspicions that he had indeed committed murder, Zodiac's gaze seemed to drop to the floor. It wasn't that he was surprised or even that he felt truly terrible about having taken someone's life, but more so the implications this bit of truth would no doubt have on his future. Of course he realized the Maximals didn't take kindly to killing, so it likely wasn't something the others would be able to forgive him for. So no matter how he must have changed, they would always be divided.

"I see..,"
Zodiac then acknowledged with a sigh. "I don't suppose you'll be willing to tell me who it was. Or if there were more than one?"

"You are pinned and outnumbered, Maximal. Surrender, or burrrrrn!"
Nemesis certainly hoped that the fire ant's words would keep Primal distracted so she could at least pretend to be doing as she was ordered to by her leader, but unfortunately Optimus seemed more focused on her presence than the pyromaniac Predacon behind him. Perhaps she didn't use as much force in her move against Primal as she could have, but truth be told she wanted to be anywhere else than here right now. Yet she couldn't, since Megatron was no doubt watching her every move due to his suspicions of her that had been implanted by the annoying wasp a few weeks prior.

The ant seemed to take notice of the lack of enthusiasm in her attack as well, making a comment on it.
"Is that all you've got, Second-in-Command?"
Attempting to ignore the glare Optimus had sent her, the female sent one of her own at the ant. "Unless you want me to shove that flamethrower down your throat and pull the trigger, you better watch your mouth," she hissed back at him before redirecting her attention back to Primal.
"The Royalty demands that we keep him occupied."
Ugh.. By now Nemesis was growing tired of anyone with an insect alternative mode. They all seemed to be idiots. "You don't have to remind me," she growled under her breath while directing another kick across Primal's face, hoping to leave him dazed. Or not. All in all the best outcome she could hope for was if Primal managed to overpower the two of them and make his escape. Sure, such a defeat would certainly hurt her dignity some, but at least she'd be able to rest knowing she hadn't been responsible for the death of someone she genuinely cared for and respected.

Oh if only things were different.. Deep down a part of her knew Optimus to be the better leader figure, she had seen as much on multiple occasions. But his priority would obviously always be with his Maximals, not her kin that she so desperately wanted to help. So her hands were tied.

She followed up with a knee to the gut of the Maximal before grabbing for his weapon to keep it out of his reach. All the while she avoided looking directly at him, not wanting him to see how conflicted she truly was about what she had to do to preserve her own life. Why wasn't he fighting back? A part of her wished he would.. At least then she could have a chance to persuade herself this was necessary and that she was fighting an enemy. But Primal seemed otherwise distracted.

For a moment, just a moment, the fighting seemed to slow down and perhaps even stop as the participants took in the sight of the teary eyed and very much so traumatized appearance of the little fuzor who had just emerged on the battlefield. Tarantulas had to hold back a low chuckle as not to give his game plan away, but he certainly enjoyed the attention that had been focused on him and his pint sized prisoner. Well, most of their attentions' at least. Optimus seemed to be otherwise preoccupied at the moment.
"Brave words from a traitor who couldn't honor his Predacon heritage," the spider called back to their former comrade. "Only a fool refuses to use his assets to his advantage," he then added before shooting a single blast from one of his leg cannons, the shot hitting Aurora in the back of the shoulder and forcing her to stumble forward with a pained grimace on her face before the force knocked her down on her hands and knees. Although she was loyal, she could certainly feel the pain.

"Hehehehe," came the spider's cackle behind her before he whispered, in a low voice for only her to overhear, "You're holding up better than expected. However the real fun is just starting."

Aurora didn't respond and remained facing the battlefield where the Maximals were starting to take notice of her presence. She knew them, of course, well.. most of them anyway. The new guy she hadn't met yet was foreign to her, but his lack of fighting seemed to imply he had picked his allegiance already. But since her programming had been altered, she just didn't care what happened to any of her former comrades.
She heard a few gasps from the ones close enough to her location, and the rest seemed to have rather shocked expressions on their faces. Aurora, having taken to apply pressure to the shoulder that was hit mere moments ago, felt a bit disgusted by how they seemed to be gushing over her. But alas, the Maximals were sentimental fools.
"Now, surrender, or seal your youngest comrade's fate!"
Megatron's bellow echoed across the area, all the way to where Aurora was standing, seemingly cowering, with Tarantulas' weapon aimed at her. She was putting on a pretty good impression of someone who was fearing for her life, just like the spider had instructed her to, but as things were she knew nothing but loyalty towards the mad scientist. And if he told her to do something, she would risk her life to please him.

Megatron, however, would not receive any such devotion from her. Tarantulas had made sure of that. Fortunately the grape faced tyrant seemed to have distractions of his own to worry about right now, although the spider and his assistant were both too far away to hear what Cheetor was saying to him.
New Moon
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Unread post by New Moon »

Frilla was ready for this battle to be over with.

Stuck in the clutches of a psychopath wasn’t exactly what she had had in mind, wincing each time Rampage’s pincer clamped down on her body. Any more pressure and he would easily crush her in half, ending yet another Maximal life in an instant. Her position also left her helpless to aid her friends, watching from her trapped position as Megatron nearly took out three of their fighters and eventually threatened Aurora’s life to keep them at bay. Some things never changed, that was for sure.

The welcoming, urgent tone of Rattrap though made her have some hope, grunting softly as Rampage brought her back to eye level, “No way.” She spat back, trying to keep a strong front, but deep down she was quivering in fear being dangerously close to those mandiables...until Rattrap’s engine made her perk up as he landed in Rampage’s blind spot, relief washing over her and replacing that fear. Despite the rodent’s initial misgivings for coming to the battle he managed to push through, watching with anticipation as he peeled out and a few moments later the frilled lizard grunted as she was dropped to the ground. “Thanks Rattrap...I one.” She called before scrambling towards the nearest cover to avoid being in Rampage’s reach once again.

No sooner had she cleared him however did the crab seem to snap. What had the Predacons been doing to the tortured soul? A million scenarios crossed her mind, but her immediate thought was to warn the others as the crab seemed in a mode to tear through the whole forest, “Heads up Maximals, Rampage is on a rampage, missiles incoming!” She commed, hoping they might have some early warning.

Optics widening as he watched Cheetor get backhanded and shot, Tigatron forced his battered body to move towards the younger feline’s side, “Cheetor, don’t keep pressing your luck like this! Next time you may not be so lucky.” Tigatron implored in a quiet, scolding tone, wanting the young cheetah to see he was really pressing his luck as of late. If he wasn’t careful...Tigatron didn’t really want to think of the consequences, all because the transmetal feline couldn’t let go of everything Megatron and the Predacons had done.

Could he blame him? Of course not. But this wasn’t the answer. Much to his dismay, Cheetor seemed unrelenting, but wisely called for some aerial support, if they could get there. Airazor seemed once again engaged in aerial combat with Waspinator, Tigerhawk was drawn elsewhere, and there was no signs of Optimus. Somehow, things weren’t looking up for them in this moment, the older feline only able to watch warily as Cheetor tried a more diplomatic approach. Was Megatron really bluffing? True as it might be that Aurora was a talented and skilled young femme, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t eventually serve her purpose.

For now, he could only hang back a little, ready to recollect his weapon at any moment as he watched with bated breath to what would happen. Until Frilla’s call about the missiles snapped his gaze towards the sky, “Everyone duck!” Tigatron called, his immediate thought being to clear the area and tackling Cheetor towards the trees.

Seeing Airazor transform and take off instead of facing him irritated the wasp a little. Up until the quantum surge she had been one of the fastest fliers among the factions, especially her diving speed but now that many of them had since been upgraded, Waspinator was looking forward to shooting her out of the sky where his usual partner-in-crime had failed. “Bird-bot not get away from Waspinator this time.” Confidence rising, Waspinator transformed to his jet mode and took off after the falcon, firing his cannons in attempt to clip her wings.

To an extent, Tarantulas was correct. Dinobot has rejected much of his Predacon heritage as of late since coming to prehistoric Earth, and most of all joining and becoming close to the Maximals. But what other choice did he have shortly after they had arrived? Though Megatron has been proven true in his assessment to the planet in which they had been seeking, that didn’t change the fact the tyrant was an incompetent leader and a fool. Brilliant he would admit, yet still a fool. And the Maximals had taught him a thing or two about what “honor” should represent, which he felt had long since been lost among the Predacons.

But he didn’t get to dwell on these thoughts, snarling as Spineback to advantage of his distraction, beating him down to a dazed state and knocking his shield from his hand a few feet away where it gave a few spins before deactivating. He heard the femme, but his helm aching too much to care for her words, growling as he rubbed the dented area and optics focusing in on where the others were attempting...something. Of all bots, it was Chen, who had yet to raise a weapon and had the raptor suspicious it was yet another reluctant fighter, and Cheetor, who were attempting some negotiation or attempts to alleviate further problems for their side. He was also certain he heard a faint scuffle on the opposite side of the battle field, wondering what else could be going on.

Shaking his head, Dinobot glared at Spineback’s back, wanting to make a move but knew it might risk Aurora’s life. Well, until he heard Frilla’s warning and his optics focused on the haphazardly aimed missiles. “Have to act quickly.” He muttered under his breath, reaching out to grab his rotating sword ignoring the throbbing in his helm as he acted in what felt like slow motion. “Enjoy eating molten slag!” Dinobot snarled, thrusting his sword through Spineback’s back through her side before kicking the upgraded medic away, hearing something drop to the ground in the process.

He didn’t have too much time to really examine the object, only long enough to spot the case from he could assume was Spineback’s and scoop into his hand before he was diving for cover. He didn’t know where the missiles would strike, only that he had to react.

Quickstrike couldn’t be in a worse predicament, and his pride was probably the most bruised at the moment. Somehow he had allowed a cat to one up him, crush half his body beneath one of the rain forest’s large trees. He had gotten a little too trigger-happy, again. While everyone else was handling the situation with the captive ermine or tangling in another battle somewhere, he was stuck and struggling, trying to get free from being crushed. How do ah always git myself into these messes?, He thought to himself, once again denying his own inadequacies and lack of rational thought.

He had barely moved a few inches with all his squirming and struggling, causing him to let out a frustrated huff. “Maybe ah jus’ need to suck it up an’ blast this thing.” His cobra head was more than flexible enough to do so, but he risked possibly poisoning himself for a short time in the process too. Oh well, it was a risk he had to take. Bending his cobra head as far as he could see, the fuzor began concentrating a cybervenom blast, powering up to blast the tree and oblivious to the on-coming missile.

Terrabite inhaled sharply as some of the bullets peppered his shoulder and arm, stopping himself from making too much noise. Despite his drone being a massive pain towards Tigerhawk, it didn’t stop the large fuzor from making divebombs to try and lure him out or take him out. Most likely whichever came first.

Ignoring the small trails of energon seeping down his arm, Terrabite lifted his Bomb Blaster and inched himself from his cover. His drone by then sent feedback of imminent damage, causing him to order for it to back off as he took a moment to aim, “Alright flier, let me give you my proper introduction.” the crocodile mech chuckled darkly, firing one grenade then two, making sure to it was just enough to knock the fuzor down a few pegs. Literally. His primary goal was to get to the main battle and give some aid, ordering his drone to return to him as he took his chance to sprint through the trees, reverting to beast mode to move a bit more nimble through the thickly grown vegetation.
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Unread post by FortuitousFour »

As Chen had feared, the young felines rash attempt at a surprise attack yielded little to no benefit. Megatron very much swatted Cheetor aside and remained in control of the situation. The cat look injured but it was not life threatening.
"Your personal vendetta against me will be your undoing, kitten!"
"Surely, Optimus has taught you better,"
Words merely designed to rile up the young Maximal - this tactic was not at all surprising for them to be using. This would not work on Chen however the hostage being threatened was having a much greater affect.
"Now, surrender, or seal your youngest comrade's fate!"
The chimp stepped forward, putting his hands up in a gesture of surrender. He would not let anymore get hurt if he could help it, after all that is his sole purpose.
“No you won’t, you wouldn’t keep her alive this long if she wasn’t worth something.”
Interesting. Megatron was clearly in command of these Predacon criminals but Cheetor's words were directed at this arachnid which had just joined the fray. Was he another brain within the inner workings of the these villains. Giving him a quick glance, Chen took note of this individual.
“Tarantulas risked too much to drag her away so close to our base a couple weeks ago, suggests you obviously need Aurora for something.”
So it's Turantulas then... Cheetor inadvertently informed Chen of the spider's name.
“And these bozos won’t leave even if you did surrender. They’d still blast us in the back, whether you complied or not.”
This was already quite obvious and that was the chimp's intention. The only thing he cared about was buying some time or just stopping the pain for as long as he could.

"I surrender. Just please stop hurting these Maximals" Chen finally got the words out and surrendered. He felt this was his best option given the circumstances. His optics fell on the young hostage they had, poor thing. Innocents getting hurt was always a result of violence between the factions, whether it be Autobots and Decepticons or Maximals and Preadcons.
"Brave words from a traitor who couldn't honor his Predacon heritage,"
So there was some complexity to this Dinobot character which was clearly worth knowing. Despite the dire situation, Chen was still trying to take in everything that was happening in order to improve his present challenge and any future ones.
“Everyone duck!”
Chen desperately looked around to assess what the new threat was until he scanned the skies. This was too late to help himself though. A missile exploded not to far away from this side which sent him flying into his stasis pod with a mighty thump.
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