Yes, add a bio of your original character including a short sample post so that we can see your writing and get an idea of the character's personality. We're not accepting anymore feline beast modes or Fuzors that share felines because we have too many of those already, and I'm trying to encourage creativity.
No worries about Depth Charge. Playing a canon character can be intimidating, but you can also write him any way you want; it doesn't have to be completely accurate. You can do an audition if you'd like. We used to hold auditions, but players kept coming and going for long periods of time that we ended up just covering them by whoever was interested when we needed them involved. We do have Rampage in play already, so there's always the potential to have that rivalry between them that they had in the show. Think about it. No rush. I've changed Primal's past a little to make things more interesting for him, and I think several of us have changed some of the other canon characters in one way or another. We do what we want! ...Within reason.
As for a list of characters currently in play:
Optimus Primal (TransMetal)
Rattrap (TransMetal)
Cheetor (TransMetal)
Wintersong (TransMetal, white tigress)
Whitegrazer (TransMetal 2 Andalusian horse/half Vok)
Aurora (ermine/butterfly Fuzor)
Frilla (TransMetal, frilled lizard)
Tigerhawk (TransMetal Fuzor)
Megatron (TransMetal)
Nemesis (TransMetal, stealth jet/bird of prey)
Terrorsaur (TransMetal)
Tarantulas (TransMetal)
Quickstrike (TransMetal Fuzor)
Rampage (TransMetal)
Waspinator (TransMetal... I think. I can't remember anymore.)
Spineback (spinosaurus)
Terrabite (kaprosuchus)
Zodiac is kind of caught between factions at the moment. Did I miss anyone else? I apologize if I did, or have some info incorrect. It's a lot of characters to keep track of.
So, we could use more Preds, but let's see who you have created first.