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Hi there

Unread post by FortuitousFour »

Hi there I’m new to the site (obviously). Just wanted to introduce myself I guess.

Big fan of Beast wars although I’m sure everyone is lol. I’ve rp’d before but not for Beast wars. Looking forward to joining if I can. :D

Oh and btw I know my name is kinda long so you can just refer to me as FF.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Hey, FF! Welcome to the board! :wave: We're always happy to see fans discover this crazy Beasties place. Let us know if there's anything you need help with in regards to the RPG. It has been running for many years now, so most of us who have been involved are veterans. :lol:

Who are your favorite characters from the show?
"Well, that's just prime!"
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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

Welcome FF!

Can’t wait for you to join us in the RPG story if you decide to, gets pretty crazy! But we always welcome crazy because it works! :wink:

(Also watch out for the flying waffles and angry penguins!)
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Unread post by FortuitousFour »

Hey Optimal Optimus Primal I guess I will start with how do I get into the RPG? I see you’re doing episodes so I guess we follow that structure. I do have an idea for a character already.
And my favourite character is probably Depthcharge.

Hi Wintersong! Looking forward to it too, thanks!

(I’ll keep a keen eye spare for flying waffles and angry penguins) 😊
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"OOP" is fine, if you want to abbreviate my handle, FF. :wink: As for the RPG, it depends. If you want to play a character from the show, just let us know which one and he or she might be available to play. Most of them are covered at the moment but only because we need them in a battle, so a lot of them are just being played by temporary owners. Depth Charge hasn't been introduced yet, but if you'd like to play him, then we can reserve him for you come the time we bring him in either in the third season or sooner. If you want to play your own original character, then you'll need to make a bio/profile for him or her which will need to be approved before you start role playing them in the game.

We go by episodes mostly to keep the RPG organized and moving forward. It makes it easier to look back on certain events and re-read what happened (if you have the time :lol: ). Sometimes we loosely follow an episode from the show, or we make our own episodes from scratch; introducing characters or exploring other happenings with the Vok or for character development.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

The RPG here is hugely flexible with what canons that can be brought in if you do decide to go that route. Heck, I was able to make a version of Tigerhawk that works! Can’t wait to see you in the story! :D
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Unread post by FortuitousFour »

Depth charge sounds tempting but I don’t know if I’m worth ha. Maybe there could be like an audition or something to see if I’m suited.
I would like to create my own character. So post a bio in the Character bios thread? Can I do that straight away? Is there a list of characters which are in the game? I just don’t want to make something too similar to anyone else and it’s just helpful information.

That’s awesome Wintersong! And Tigerhawk is cool, he would be cool to interact with.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Yes, add a bio of your original character including a short sample post so that we can see your writing and get an idea of the character's personality. We're not accepting anymore feline beast modes or Fuzors that share felines because we have too many of those already, and I'm trying to encourage creativity.

No worries about Depth Charge. Playing a canon character can be intimidating, but you can also write him any way you want; it doesn't have to be completely accurate. You can do an audition if you'd like. We used to hold auditions, but players kept coming and going for long periods of time that we ended up just covering them by whoever was interested when we needed them involved. We do have Rampage in play already, so there's always the potential to have that rivalry between them that they had in the show. Think about it. No rush. I've changed Primal's past a little to make things more interesting for him, and I think several of us have changed some of the other canon characters in one way or another. We do what we want! ...Within reason. :lol:

As for a list of characters currently in play:
Optimus Primal (TransMetal)
Rattrap (TransMetal)
Cheetor (TransMetal)
Wintersong (TransMetal, white tigress)
Whitegrazer (TransMetal 2 Andalusian horse/half Vok)
Aurora (ermine/butterfly Fuzor)
Frilla (TransMetal, frilled lizard)
Tigerhawk (TransMetal Fuzor)

Megatron (TransMetal)
Nemesis (TransMetal, stealth jet/bird of prey)
Terrorsaur (TransMetal)
Tarantulas (TransMetal)
Quickstrike (TransMetal Fuzor)
Rampage (TransMetal)
Waspinator (TransMetal... I think. I can't remember anymore.)
Spineback (spinosaurus)
Terrabite (kaprosuchus)

Zodiac is kind of caught between factions at the moment. Did I miss anyone else? I apologize if I did, or have some info incorrect. It's a lot of characters to keep track of. :shock:

So, we could use more Preds, but let's see who you have created first. :D
"Well, that's just prime!"
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