Grim Dark Dinobot

Where we talk about nothing other than that. :)

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Grim Dark Dinobot

Unread post by SilverfromOZ »

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything here, but I was musing in the midst of hectic life shenanigans.

This musing took me in the direction of reflecting on the current state of affairs for super grim-dark, depressing media and how I'm over this type of thing being touted as "realistic."

The reason why I'm posting this in the BW Talk section and not the rant section is that this thought process brought me to a revelation. In my mind, Dinobot is about the perfect level of grim-dark as TF should get. He is the tragic hero who is tormented by the difficult position he is in fighting with his identity and what is means to be himself. But it's not all doom and gloom. He has a sense of humour. He is loyal. He is willing to sacrifice for a cause he believes in. Nobility and tragedy all mixed into one.

Just a personal opinion but I'd be interested to see if anyone else has any other thoughts on the matter :mrgreen:
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

Yes dear...
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Unread post by una »

Oh, I know what you are saying and I agree. A lot of media is going through a "everything has to be serious and dark* stage where any lighthearted humor or fun is seen as "unrealistic". :roll:

You are right about Dinobot. Dinobot does sulk and be all tough, but like you said, he shows moments where he does have a sense of humor like the moment in Coming of the Fuzors. I think we all enjoy his arc story and being a tragic hero of sorts, and yet, it is these moments like when he smiles (I think that's the only time he smiles likat that? I think?) and gives a flower to Optimus Primal. Guys! He gave Optimus a flower! A flower! :lol: I think if this moment didn't happen no one would think Dinobot would do such a thing, but he did. It makes him more complex of a character. He laughs, loves, and shows respect and honor to towards who show it. It makes him a real. Similar to Megatron in a way as well since, even though Megatron is an irredeemable pomopous jerk with delusions of grandeur, he has complex motivations and emotions as well as a sense of humor about himself. A dark sense of humor, which fits his character, but still, a sense of humor regardless.
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