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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Stats are fine. Honestly, considering Whitegrazer's background and the events around Metalhunter, I'd go so far as saying Whitegrazer is probably some unique variant of Transmetal 2 to just fit her into a stat setting, as she has some things that remind me a bit of Tigerhawk, but not as extreme.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

I would have to agree with NK, so that's fine. Also, her quote is a bit long-winded. I mean, not even Optimus's quotes are that long and he's like the king of speeches. :lol: Just kidding, una, it's fine! But you do have "Weaknesses" listed twice. Need some strengths and to add her bio when you're ready.
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Unread post by una »

It is a bit long-winded, is it? :wink: :lol: Yeah, it is work-in-progress. I just posted the new abilities to see what everyone thought because that was the main reason why I wanted to reposted her bio. I will try and find some time to write her a new bio. The reason why the Weaknesses were posted twice was because I decided to place the weaknesses of each ability below them to make it easier rather than a long paragraph.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Ooooh, okay. I gotchya.
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Unread post by una »

Okay, I'm redoing Whitegrazer's profile yet again. I just realized that I'm letting this character get way over what and who I intended her to be, and if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't have made her a Vok. Not because I hate that storyline but because... I just realized I made this character, who is supposed to a teacher/mentor of sorts who is empathetic and wise, into a Vok, who are basically either, depending on your point of view, could be interpreted as the Transformers version of Cthulhu. That's a deep, dark place there. :lol: So... yeah, that's sort of hard to play in RPG. Especially, when I'm introducing powers and abilities right into the game without... permission. Yeah, my bad. On all accounts. :oops: But... I realized I have a plan now! I figured it all out! :lol: Whitegrazer has always had a certain theme attached to her that I seemed to have lost my focus on, so I'm regaining that focus about her. That's why I'm redoing her again. The last time... I was just so focused on powers! YEAH!! ELECTRICITY!! LET HER ELECTROCUTE PEOPLE! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEAH!!!!! 8) Instead of what was essential to the character and made her unique in the game. :? I always seem to get like this. Bad habits die hard, especially for me. :x
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

It's okay, una, don't beat yourself up over it. It's a great thing to recognize that you've lost your focus on an original character's characteristics and accidentally fell off of the path you had originally created for her, that way you can go back and "reformat" her, so to speak. Personally, I like the mysterious Vok origins of her, but she doesn't need "special powers" to be unique. I look forward to her more down-to-earth revisions. ^_^
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Honestly,you could of just had Whitegrazer get weapons or equipment to do the electric thing, or even learn circuit-su which was a martial art that allowed transformers to project electricity. But if you aren't happy with how things turned out, that's fine since there is a way to "reset" so to speak. If Whitegrazer has a spark, which she likely does.. she can be moved into a blank protoform to get around that Vok virus issue. This has been done not just with Optimus in the tv show, but also Cybershark went through the same thing going from a hammerhead to a greatwhite shark in the toyline techspecs. Then all you need to figure out is if you want Whitegrazer to be transmetal or normal, and what sort of equipment you want her to carry.

Also take in mind, if you want different equipment, just ask. Landslide, Rhinox, or Aurora will be happy to build things for Whitegrazer.
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Unread post by una »

It's not really about the equipment. It's about me accidentally losing focus on Whitegrazer as a character. I had thought about loads of equipment, but then I realized.... why should she? I mean... I can understand her taking equipment from the armory for special occasions or extra defensive like smoke or flash grenades, or heck, maybe a long range weapon? That's stuff she already does. But like I said, it's not about the equipment. I feel like I wanted to give her this stuff as part of her bio, but that's the thing. When I first made this character, besides the small pistol, I liked the idea of a character who was naked. And it made sense since I made her become a Vok, or at least, half, for the moment. Also, I realize now that the electricity powers.... That doesn't fit her character. At all. I guess I wanted it because It felt cool. But nope, it doesn't fit the type of character Whitegrazer is. So that's why I decided to do it over again.
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: Finally! I'm finished! I want to know what you guys think about this new and improved ( :wink: ) profile of Whitegrazer! I'm a bit iffy on her abilities still, even though, at least the fit the character better than what I had. They might be too powerful for the game, but I want to hear everyone's opinions. :D Seriously, if things I need to fix, change, or explain better, let me know. Also, I forgot how many weapons/abilities we are allowed to have, especially for a transmetal 2 or a variant of it. Maybe I should also change her function. She seems to go farther, farther away from the soldier type to a mystical type of character.))

Name: Whitegrazer
Allegiance: Maximal
Function: Soldier, Instructor
Alt. Mode: Transmetal 2 Andalusian Horse
Height: 3.05 m
Quote: "Don't kill if you can wound, don't wound if you can subdue, don't subdue if you can pacify, and don't raise your hand at all until you've first extended it. "

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 7
Speed: 6
Endurance: 9
Rank: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 4
Skill: 8


When Optimus Prime showered the pure energy of the Matrix within the Swarm, the Vok and "Whitegrazer" were born. Her Vok name is undefinable and unknowable except by the Vok themselves. To show their gratitude and begin the road of redemption and healing, they introduced protoform technology to the Cybertronian race as a way to help conserve their energy resources, but the Vok's other reason was to help downsized the titans as the Autobots and Decepticons massive size were detrimental to an universe full more with organic rather than machine-like races. This led to the creation of the Autobot and Decepticon's descendants, the Maximals and Predacons. After this, the Vok bid Optimus Prime and the others farewell. They traveled to the far reaches of the galaxy untouched and unknowable towards the sentient races of the galaxy. A powerful being called to them, leading them to a nebula, a home for the omnipotent being for which they called The One, and named it Nexus Zero. From Nexus Zero, they began, meticulously and ruthlessly, establishing sites across the galaxy, especially on the worlds like Earth and Jihax, worlds they had severely devastated when they were the Swarm, to help the races in the past better prepare for their futures. That the Vok might be able to change what they had caused.

When the Maximals and Predacons began to start a war just like their ancestors, "Whitegrazer" implored her fellow Vok in intervening and stopping the war before it could destroy everything they had hoped to accomplish. The Vok were hesitant, but they remembered Optimus Prime's selfless actions. They agreed, but there were a couple of exceptions: "Whitegrazer" wasn't to engage in any combat, and she wasn't to choose sides. That she must see both sides objectively. The other Vok would remain in contact with her as they were all connected to one another.

"Whitegrazer" went to Cybertron and was greeted by the Maximal High Council of Elders. She asked them for a blank protoform pod, so she could have a Cybertronian form as her Vok form was too powerful and fered her appearance might cause any non-Vok to suffere massive spark failure. She was unfamiliar with the new factions' ideology and people, so the Maximal High Council of Elders explained how the Maximals wished for peace and unity while the Predacons wished for war and conquest. She remembered her people's conditions for her not to choose sides, even though her heart seemed to side withe the Maximals' plight and ideals, and told the Elders that she wished to set up an assembly with some Maximal dipolomats and asked the Predacon leaders to come and establish a dialogue. The Elders disapproved, but they assigned the diplomats and called the Predacon leaders. The assembly went horribly wrong. As "Whitegrazer" and the Maximal diplomats talked with the Predacons leaders, which turned out to be decoys, a bomb went off killing all the Maximal dipolomats who were with her and severly damaged her, leaving her to look around the corpses and the surrounding devastation. Her blood boiled at the Predacons' deception and cruelty. She took the Maximal Elders' offer of joining the war efforts. They bowed in appreciation, assigning her with General Warspark and his army around the colony worlds, but also, they asked for her to not reveal her true heritage towards those without high clearance. She agreed. The Vok disapproved of her disobedience.

"Whitegrazer" fought in many battles alongside General Warspark and his Maximal troops. It was during these battles that she began to experience the side effects of her taking a Cybertronian form. She began to form connections with the Maximals she fight alongside with and the Predacons she was fighting against. Swirls of intense emotions overwhelmed her senses. Every time a comrade died, she felt it. Every time she or another Maximal killed a Predacon, she felt their deaths too. She choose to ignore what she felt from others, which she didn't realize would make things worse in the long run.

The war took its toil on "Whitegrazer". After many battles against ruthless and sadistic Predacons, after she witnessed the flaws of Maximal ideology, watching her comrades behave with the same brutality and callousness as the Predacons they fought against, "Whitegrazer" developed a seething hatred and disgust towards both sides, not being able to tell the difference between the two, despite the fact she too participated in the same behaviors. This caused her to detach herself from the Maximals who she served and who served under her. General Warspark and other Maximals began to distrust her as well as her intentions, since she was an outsider. Predacons saw her as a freak and attempted to seize her own power, which she made them pay for. The Maximal Elders pressured her for a major victory, pressuring her to engage in more and more assaults, wanting the war to end quickly. She grew wary and irritated at the increasing demands the Maximal Elders wanted of her, feeling that she wasn't gaining any ground in her true purpose. Angry at being their lapdog, when it was she who should be giving the orders. That they should be listening to her instead of vice versa. It made it all too clear to her that they viewed her as just another tool. Many Predacon generals died by her hands, and it was made clear that the Predacons were losing ground. Orders were intercepted by Maximal agents that the Tripredicus Council ordered Predacon Wraith to attack the Maximal protoform colony at Planet Gaila, which they weren't able to prevent.

So the Maximal Elders ordered her, Warspark and the rest to go to Gaila. They asked for her to help in the rebuilding efforts and wanted her to create new protoforms. She complied, creating new protoforms for the Maximals. She viewed the protoforms as her own children, expressing a motherly instinct and protectiveness towards them. When the Predacons attacked close by the colony, Warspark ordered her to abandon the protoforms and helped them. She refused, at first, but the Maximal Elders threatened the protoforms' demise if she didn't cooperate. So she joined the battle against the Predacon Wraith and his soldiers. While they were occupied, a Tripredicus Council agent infilarated and destroyed "Whitegrazer" protoforms. She felt the cries of help from her protofoms, the scotching heat, and the deadly silence after. "Whitegrazer" couldn't handle the pain anymore. Using what strength she had and the suppressed angry and resentment towards the Maximals for using her, she squeezed and squeezed the sparks indiscriminately. Every Maximal and Predacon dropped dead holding their chest areas, looking at her with horror. The Vok severed their connection with her, leaving her with the sentence of exile.

She collapsed from the stain,falling in and out of consciousness, and was picked up by the Maximal medics, who were actually Maximal scientists in disguise. They collected samples of her spark. These samples would be used to conduct experiments which led to the creation of nanotechnology. The same technology inside Nemesis and Zodiac. "Whitegrazer" wouldn't be aware of this fact until later on.

Fully recovered, "Whitegrazer" was put on trial for the deaths of General Warspark and other Maximals. She was scheduled to be terminated, but the Maximal Elders changed their minds, for a reason "Whitegrazer" wasn't sure of. They released her with the serve consequence if she talked about her origins or what transpired here.

Exiled from her people, forced to become something she despised, "Whitegrazer" , for a time, wandered aimlessly. Still dealing with the side effects. After being beaten up by a group of Predacon thugs, not bothering to defend herself, TyCross found her, extending his hand to help her deal with her problems. She only accepted to get off of the sorry state she was in. TyCross introduced her to meditation techniques as well as a fighting style known as Diffusion. H also helped her gain a position at the Maximal Military Academy as an instructor. The techniques and fighting style helped ease her pain as well as control the other overwhelming sensations she dealt with. She gained a self-induced amnesia towards her Vok origins, wanting to forget how she was abandoned and also potect their secrets and knowledge. Due to this newfound serenity, "Whitegrazer" realized the errors of her ways and decided to renew her purpose in helping the Maximals and Predacons gain a new peace. Understood the Maximal Elders used her to help gain more power over the Maximals and Predacons and realized how corrupted Cyberton was within with such dirty dealings and experiments. She was grateful towards TyCross, but it was clear he didn't share her beliefs, telling her how futile her mission was.

She spent time making friends on both sides. Staging her own fights, helping whoever she could. It was during this time that TyCross was dying over mysterious circumstances. She greived for him, but it didn't last long when he could communicate with her beyond the grave.

The Maximal Elders contacted her for the first time since her conviction for an opportunity to join an exploration crew, led by Optimus Primal, on a special exploration mission. She suspected ulterior motives for their intriguing offer, and also she didn't want to abandon he work, and she declined, which the Elders and TyCross both expressed disappointment. TyCross told her that she needed this, that she needed to remember who she was, and needed to reach out and see what she was really refusing to see. "Whitegrazer" meditated over it, feeling an sense of longing, loneliness, and something greater than she thought would come of a simple exploration mission. She contacted the Elders and accepted their offer, placing herself in a stasis pod.


Whitegrazer doesn't come with weapons. If the need arises, she will procure her weapons on site or in the Axalon's armory.


Due to her Vok origins, Whitegrazer's empathetic abilities are drawn from that, and also, due to the incident at the Metal Hunter, Whitegazer's powers have increased.

Battle Meditation - an ability to considerably boosted the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies while simultaneously reducing the opposition's combat-effectiveness by eroding their will to fight. She can't engaged in the fighting. She has to be in the Axalon itself or out of fighting range in order to be affected. Takes an amount of concentration that can be broken by external or internal means.

Clairvoyant Healing - an ability which Whitegazer uses meditation and her connections to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly, and could be used to heal the most fatal of wounds and injuries for those she has bonded with. Anyone non-bonded can still be healed but by a lesser degree. Can't heal poisoned individuals. Takes an amount of concentration that can be broken by external or internal means.

Empathy - an ability to pick up impressions of an individual's feelings and general emotional state, especially makes Whitegazer adept in picking up motivations, hidden feelings, and even deeply guarded secrets.

Stealth - an ability to mask her entire presence from others. Can fool sensors, but any ninja or stealth type of character may be able to sense or spot her.

Deflection - an ability to deflect any projectiles coming towards her as well as shield others from them, though she has to be at close proximity towards the individual she hopes to defend. Brutal force can break through.

Weaknesses: Whitegrazer is more of a defensive rather than an offensive person. She wishes to talk and end fights by using reason and cooperation before any fighting starts. Enemies can take advantage of her good-natured personality if she can't see through their deception. Also, she is more worried about the safety of others rather than her own well-being, which could leave her to making suicidal runs, and due to her protective nature, she could leave herself open if she is too busy helping her comrades who need healing or anything else on the battlefield. Bonded or not bonded to her.
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Unread post by una »

I don't mean to double post. I just wanted to hear what anyone has to say about my new bio. I talked to OOP awhile ago about this and what she has told me has been very helpful. I wanted to ask everyone else what their two cents is, especially yours, NK. :D
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

So.. from best I can tell with this profile, you forgo having weapons to have more abilities.. Some of which are rather questionable.

una wrote:
Battle Meditation - an ability to considerably boosted the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies while simultaneously reducing the opposition's combat-effectiveness by eroding their will to fight. She can't engaged in the fighting. She has to be in the Axalon itself or out of fighting range in order to be affected. Takes an amount of concentration that can be broken by external or internal means.

Stealth - an ability to mask her entire presence from others. Can fool sensors, but any ninja or stealth type of character may be able to sense or spot her.

Battle Meditation, for one seems like it's more trouble then it's worth since it requires Whitegrazer to be off the battlefield, which increases the enemy numbers all for a few boosts which.. frankly the Maximals don't need and some parts don't even make sense, as having Whitegrazer fighting alongside them would be a better morale boost. Secondly it oversteps other character's wills, basically acting as a buff and debuff at the same time. The requirement for it to have Whitegrazer not be in battle also doesn't make sense, since having other abilities like Healing and deflection make her more vital to have on the battlefield to protect her friends.

Stealth on the otherhand.. I don't understand how the ability masks her presence from others. Does she bend light or stop soundwaves or some affect on the electromagnetic spectrum? This somehow seems more convenient then even having invisibility.

Deflection on the otherhand, while being a psychic ability.. Honestly you could get the same effect from just having a folding shield or energy shield emitted from her arms and have it listed under weapons, and could even use it as a weapon. Or just go with Telekenesis since atleast then you can use the firepower stat for how hard she can push or hit with it, though that would probably inflict mental strain if she was blocking lots of attacks with a psychic bubble.

It seems to me like your trying to have Whitegrazer be a jack of all trades character, but mostly in support roles.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Thank you for your input on this, NK. I think you bring up valid points that I wouldn't have thought of.

Sorry, una. I think she needs a little more tweeking.
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Unread post by una »

Yes, thank you for your input, Nk, and after a lot of thought and musing over what has happened, I will remove those abilities. As soon as I can, I will edit it with everyone's advice in mind. Maybe, this time, I will get it right. :D
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Unread post by starshadow »

((OOC: I think she needs more work but eh...Worked on her for ages!))

NAME: Vantablade
FUNCTION: Assassin/Saboteur
ALTERNATE MODE: Transmetal Day octopus/Black Mamba

HEIGHT: 8 ft
QUOTE: "Never take eyes off a venomous femme. We bite."
"It's hard to take you mechs seriously when your screams of pain are so funny to listen."
"If deception is an art, I must be a beautiful masterpiece."

• Black armor
• Pink Optics
• Ghost white skin
• Clawed hands
• Stiletto heeled legs

[Stats excluding rank must not total over 50!]

BIO: Vantablade was one of the most prolific assassin hailing from Cybertron. Exploring from planet to planet, she has seen and learnt many things from her travels. Though one of her drive is shanix, but the satisfaction of making her victims fear her was what she lived for. During her time around the galaxy, she made powerful enemies. On the run, she was making her way back to cybertron only to be caught up in a time/space anomaly. Her ship was able to land on the water smoothly and scanned life forms around her, emerging as an octopus/snake femme due to her ship's faulty scanners. Her tools on her ship enabled her to survive on the mysterious planet she was in. On the downside, the fuel she has converted would take a very long time to give her ship the energy it needs to make her way back to Cybertron. So she headed out to explore, collecting everything that was required to feed her fuel converter to sustain herself and for the ship, only to realize she was not alone on the planet. Vantablade noticed and studied the factions, their battles, interactions, weapon systems and weaknesses.

Though it was not her time to strike yet. Soon, they'll learn to remember fear.


Her tentacles are versatile in its purpose. They can shift their shapes into weapons and tools such as blades, hooks etc. with sharpness more than enough to cut through a ship's hull.

Has normal and cybervenom mode. Each cybevenom shot the target takes, it increases the speed of the cybervenom's effects. The grips are equipped with knives.

Unlike cybervenom, liquid venom contained millions of nanobots. Although the result of the effects are the same as her cybervenom but her liquid venom is far more lethal as a large dose of it could kill a bot. It is administered from her fangs, tentacles and "saliva". Thus her signature move was called the Kiss of Death.
While her venom is dangerous, there is a tube in her tongue that could secrete a gel containing nanobots as well which hardens up to cover up any open wounds temporarily until proper medical treatment is received. If the gel is still wet and the nanobots goes inside the open wounds, it would "numb" the circuitry.

Invisibility was an upgrade Vanta had before she came to earth. She can activate her stealth mode which hides herself physically and block out her energy signatures to any sort of scanners.

Vanta's optics turns red going into this vision.

Vanta is sensitive to detect vibrations from the ground, alerting herself from any approaching target in any specific direction.

Unlike invisibility, camofladge ability comes from her beast mode which blends her in the surroundings without eating into her energy but not as effective as invisibility.

Her beast mode's skin can hardened into armor or soften up to be extremely squishy at will, allowing her to squeeze parts of herself through small spaces. It also can change its texture from smooth to rough.

•She can still be tracked by scent regardless of being camofladged or in stealth mode.

•Seismic sense is useless is the target is hovering.

•Her liquid venom can be used to make an antivenom if the enemy managed to extract it from her.

Vantablade had been observing the conflict between the Maximals and Predacons for years already and still there wasn't enough fuel for her ship to last for the trip back to Cybertron. The life forms here were small, weak and pathetic. Walking up towards a holographic display of picture and mappings of information about both factions, she sighed, swiping screen to screen. It was boring not to get into a fight, to let one of them face terror once again. While chugging down her energon cube, she noticed Maximal activity near her hunting grounds on her scanners. She set down her cube and started arming herself with her guns and walked out in the open, making her way to the location.

"I believe it's time I say...hello~" she smirked and transformed into her beast mode and slithered into the clear waters.
Last edited by starshadow on Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Okay, I've gone over this with you already, so I don't really see any major problems. There may be alot of abilities listed, but for the most part are natural abilities of the animals, so we don't usually concern ourselves on that stuff. Just remember that even while invisible you'll want to pay attention to what your character does, because there are ways of still tracking someone you can't see.
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