"More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Sonar rolled his optics and shook his head, though he was pleased to know that now had less competition in reguards to Saber-Fang.

"Yes, I'm sure. Go knock yourself out."
Perhaps you two are in the mood for talking then... Because I believe you two have alot to answer for.
If Sonar was startled by the new commers sudden approach he did not show it. However, he growled at Starshadow in annoyance at her representation of him.

"I don't who you are, stranger, but I will answer to Megatron. Not his latest punching bag, I'm on my way there now."
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

starshadow wrote:"Umbra..not surprising to see you here. Did Megatron sent you for a bounty hunting trip? Hmmm...oh, and this is Sonar. The Predacon's most useless flying bag of fur and happiness who let himself disappear for months. Tsk tsk tsk...such...disappointment...that I almost cried.." "I don't have to answer for anything. Blame Megatron for being such a paranoid leader, not me for being...me. But if you really want information, what can you offer me?"

Sonar wrote:"I don't who you are, stranger, but I will answer to Megatron. Not his latest punching bag, I'm on my way there now."

Well, it's nice to see your alive professor..You've been unaccounted for so long I was assuming the Maximals had destroyed you. Pardon my lack of introduction, My name is Umbra. Umbra said with a warm smile, then looked towards Starshadow Ah no, I didn't get orders for a hit on you yet..If I did, well.. you know. As for paranoid.. Honestly I think the crew is more paranoid then Lord Megatron.. after all, you did make a meal out of two of the arthropods.

Umbra then reaches to his hip compartment as it opens, pulling out a container and holds it up.
When I first came upon your group, I happened to read through the crew and enemy data recorded by your former colleague.. Though your profile had certain things that didn't add up.. So, rather then ask what you are miss Starshadow, I want to know what your objective is because everyone has a motive. As for the reward.. prolonging your life and a canteen of energon seems like a fair bargain.. Don't you agree? I'm not sure how long a vampire can live on this stuff, but the average cybertronian being frugal could last 3 weeks..Probably enough time to make a headstone for Lady Cecaelia.

Umbra then lowers his arm Alternatively, if you don't wish to speak.. then I'll just haul you in. Those are your options.
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! :D Oh I just realized it actually hasn't been three days yet. Oops, sorry if I posted a few hours earlier. :oops: My Thanksgiving doesn't start until evening really, so I decided to post because I thought I wouldn't have the time. ))
You still don't know what happened. And what I did had nothing to do with their capture, Dinobot didn't have the bearings to get the job done" Ironclaw took a few paces towards the old fool. "I was trying to pursue the Predacon that put you on your ass or have you already forgotten that. The real reason that Aurora is in this state is sat right there!" "Don't worry I will speak with him. However I don't think he will listen since you're pretty much in bed with each other. This is the second time, isn't it Whitegrazer? Playing all nice with the Preds'. And now two more have just slipped away. You don't get it, do you. The less of them there are, the less likely this will happen.
Whitegrazer just shook her head at Ironclaw's attitude. She understood his anger towards her, but she felt it was disrespectful towards their comrades, towards Optimus, to say such things. Did Ironclaw really think that, because of her relationship with Optimus, her opinion held higher than him or anyone else? Despite how intimate Optimus and her were, they knew their relationship and feelings shouldn't affect their duty. They both understood that greatly.

What led to Cheetor and Banshee's capture... Rhinox knew more than her. And she knew Rhinox wouldn't just say things unless they were true. Maybe Ironclaw should take responsibility for his own actions. After all, they were Maximals what happened to one, happened to them all. They were a team. They were together in this.

She didn't want to leave, waiting for Nemesis to return as well as keep an optic on Aurora but Landslide insisted. Hopefully, it won't be too long. She gave one last look at Aurora, giving a slight prayer and hope she would recover swiftly. She gave Rhinox a smile. She knew Aurora was in good hands.
NaitoKage wrote:Landslide looked towards Whitegrazer I don't know much about you and yer hippy arts an' powers, but what I saw out there wasn't the thinking of a soldier.. or even someone with common sense. It was someone playin' the martyr. You didn't think fer a moment that Aurora or Cheetor would go after you after you made yourself a target? You knew the enemy was comin' and even if you were the one shot, did you not think that wouldn't destroy Optimus when he came home?! Did you think the Predacons would just stop fer you?!
No, they wont. You need to start thinkin' about survival and using better tactics lass.. If not fer you, then do it fer those that care about you.
Martyr? Is that what he believed she was doing there? She wanted to help Nemesis. As well as met this shapeshifter. She smiled sadly, "You have made some good points, Landslide. It is the talk I'm having with myself. " She looked at the riot shield that Landslide had handed to her. It is true. She had been thinking about how this war was changing so fast. They all have to up their game as it seems the Predacons were now. To avoid more situations like Cheetor and Banshee's capture, Optimus' torture, and Aurora being shot. She took responsibility for that. All of it. She needed time. She needed time to meditate and to contemplate the situation. The entire picture of what was happening. The greater good... She knew she frustrated her comrades sometimes for her beliefs. As Landslide seemed to say it, they didn't much about what she could do. Misinformation could lead to misunderstanding, "But I'm different than you."

She placed the riot shield back to where Landslide got it from and stood with her optics completely on Landslide's. She spoke with as she always did with a calm and solemn tone, "I wasn't trying to be a martyr. I was there to help someone who asked for it. I would not insult everything my comrades stood for just for a one single act of revenge to satisfy my own guilt. Nor would I want my comrades to use my own death to spill more fluid on the ground. I take responsibility for what happened to Aurora. I made a mistake, misjudged the enemy. I made a choice. If my choice leads to harm of one, I will give myself up to whatever punishment my team decides to fit the severity of the crime. For I'm truly sorry for the pain she is going through. "

Though, it did show her how the shapeshifter operated. Instead of shooting her, he shot Aurora. She knew he knew of her feelings towards the little one and her connection with Optimus. He probably thought of how devastated they both would be if he did kill Aurora. And he almost did. He wanted to give them pain. Sadistic. Opportunistic. But there was something else, the Predacons... they never took advantage of such. No one fired at her. They hesitated. Retreated. It showed something else. The shapeshifter, Darkwind or whoever he was, was here for a different purpose. What purpose? That would be a question she needed answered. Quickly. Too bad the opportunity was thrown away though to capture him.
"That's true. Ironclaw, if you keep this immature attitude up, I will make sure I'll throw you in the brig myself and you can't protest because you lost the right to. It's basic military protocols," her yellow optics narrowed , her expression turning grim like a war veteran, "we're in the middle of a war soldier. Your petty complaints and unecessary tantrums won't get us anywhere or Optimus back. If you want to help, Sit down, be silent and calm yourself!"
She was so much in thought that she didn't notice Banshee entering the hangar. She was glad to see that she was all right. She looked at Ironclaw. Despite everything, she wanted to help him understand. She held no malice towards him. She just wanted him to talk to her. If he had boiled such intense emotions towards her, because of what he saw, she needed to help him. But she can't help him if he didn't talk.

"Ironclaw, I know you disagree with me and Optimus, but I know you want him back here out of Predacons' hands. All I ask is for you put aside your feelings towards me. We can't get anything done if we fight each other. If you don't wish to do it for my sake or his, do it for Aurora's, Wintersong's, and our other comrades." She closed her optics and took a breath, "After all this is over with, after Optimus is back, I promise I will explain everything to you. "

((OOC: I will not post for BA until OOP has posted for Optimus. I just posted to respond to Naitokage and Starshadow mostly. I hope this is all right. I don't want to overload anyone. ))
Last edited by una on Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc: Happy thanksgiving everyone! I already celebrated since our family left a month ago and I have to work today. But.. gobble gobble to everyone else!)

Nemesis did not bother to pursue when Darkwind sped away. It wasn't so much that she wasn't able to keep up, but that there was no point in doing so. There was only one place he could be going and that was back to the Darksyde. Somewhere Nemesis was not able to return just yet. Not until she had a bargaining chip to appease Megatron and soothe tempers. And that golden disk the Maximals had been discussing could very well serve that purpose, provided the Maximals weren't simply going to hand it over for Optimus' return..

Dirt whirled up as the avian female landed somewhat abruptly on the ground, her gaze briefly settling on the annoying tracking device Rattrap had put around her ankle earlier.

Of course that thing would have to come off, preferably without setting off the alarms. It would seem that she'd have to tolerate the annoying presence of the Maximals for a little while longer. She let out a soft sigh as she turned to look back at the Axalon in the distance, then a faint, dissatisfied grunt as she started walking in that direction. She didn't hurry, exactly, merely taking her time. From the look of the commotion outside of the base, the Maximals had their own concerns to deal with at the moment anyway.

Aurora had lost consciousness due to the excessive loss of fluids as well as pure exhaustion, yet even so parts of Whitegrazer's reassuring words did register. During one of her more cognizant moments she did register one of their newer members, the large male she'd come to know as Landslide, approaching her. As did the soft rocking motion when she was carried inside. The pain had subsided quite a bit after the application of the nanogel, but unfortunately the tiny nanomachines had been unable to repair all of the damage done to her before they started shutting down. For that there had simply not been enough gel left, most of it she had used on Optimus earlier and she'd never gotten the chance to replicate the process to make more with everything that had been going on. The nanotechnology simply didn't function as well outside of their host, even if she had made every effort to expand their life cycle by adding the conducting gel.

And then a brief moment of darkness, where she just rested seemingly without a care in the world. It was short lived, however, and she started coming to again when she heard familiar voices talking. The first one she recognized was Whitegrazer's, who as usual was concerned about everyone other than herself. And she also recognized the ever stoic voice of Rhinox, ever the voice of reason. And the last one belonged to.. Ironclaw.. ever hostile and suspicious, alienating himself from his peers.
"I'm sorry Aurora but I think your faith in Optimus is misplaced."
What..? Aurora managed to bring out enough strength to turn her head towards the badger, her optics flickering on for a moment. His words made no sense to her, she had every reason to place her faith in Optimus.. and at least most of the rest of them too. No, she didn't always agree with their leader's selfless acts of self-sacrifice, since they went against her own desire to preserve his life. Without Optimus to lead them, even under Rattrap's watchful eye, the Maximals tended to crumble. And more importantly she cared deeplyabout the big ape.

She wanted to correct Ironclaw on his statement, but she was too weak to speak still. And it wasn't long before the badger stepped away again, like always distancing himself from his friends.. Did he really not care about them at all..?

The fuzor did not have long to ponder the answer to that question before Rhinox questioned the badger, trying to make him see the truth about himself that become so clear to the other Maximals. It was an attempt doomed to fail.
"As far as I'm concerned, we're in this mess because you failed to obey Dinobot's orders that caused Cheetor and Banshee's capture. And now you've failed to protect Aurora and offer any assistance to the Maximals facing the Predacons outside. If she should lose her faith in anyone, it should be with you. You're walking on thin ice, Ironclaw," Rhinox warned him in his deep voice. "I don't need your aggression in here while I'm trying to concentrate on Aurora's injury. Report to Rattrap in the command center,"
"Ironclaw, I believe if you wish to discuss Optimus' leadership choices, you should talk to him when he returns and has fully recovered. Not when he is fighting for his life in enemy hands."
"I was trying to pursue the Predacon that put you on your ass or have you already forgotten that. The real reason that Aurora is in this state is sat right there!"
Oh how badly she wanted to speak up, to tell them to stop arguing about this. There was so much anger present, a layer of rage so thick it bordered on hatred, which certainly wouldn't help them move past this point and learn to work together.. But she was too weak, barely even able to stay awake to register what the others were saying. And then Ironclaw left, retreating to wherever it was he went when he needed to be alone.
"She may not have faith in me, but.... This is what happens when you have faith in Optimus Pimal"
Wait.. Don't go like this, not in anger..

She weakly reached out her arm after the badger but it was too late. He'd already punched the wall in a fit of rage and left the room. Aurora cringed slightly at the notion, letting her eyes linger in the badger's direction for a moment longer before Rhinox' voice demanded her attention once more.
"Can you feel that?"
She shook her head very briefly, whispering a faint "No.."

Her strength was coming back to her, ever so slowly, but she still felt utterly exhausted. She wasn't quite sure what Rhinox was doing, exactly, but whatever it was had a part of her feeling numb. She trusted him, though, so she didn't protest as he went about trying to repair her. Instead she attempted to lay perfectly still, not wanting to make the already delicate surgery even more difficult for the large handed medic.
"All is forgiven, I eagerly await your next performance, yyyyesssssss"
Zodiac grinned inwardly as Megatron's response came through. Indeed, he was nowhere near done with his performance, even though he knew Megatron might not be as approving of his final act. That was still a little ways off though, so for the time being he intended to give the tyrant exactly what he asked for.

"It will be my pleasure, my Lord Megatron. I do, however, wish to inquire about Primal's behavior a short while ago. Did you notice any sudden change, an outburst perhaps?"

Indeed. Had such a change occurred, it would serve as proof that his suspicions were correct. That Whitegrazer was capable of transmitting such thoughts and emotions to the captive Optimus.

Up ahead the the Darksyde came into view, Zodiac's speeds being unmatched. He angled himself, slowing his speed considerably, while retracting part of his large, dragon like wings in the process so that he could fit through the opening. On his way inside, he almost knocked over some of Megatron's lackeys, but he paid them no heed. He had more important things to tend to at the moment. With a roar, the chrome black and silver dragon came to an abrupt halt, his talons leaving scratch marks on the floor as he slowed to a stop.

The dragon began changing his shape as he walked but waited until he had gotten into a secluded hallway before he completely took on the desired form. It took mere seconds before Nexus' form emerged, detailed down to the wounds he had received earlier. Then he opened a channel to Megatron.

"I believe my presence was requested."
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Happy Thanksgiving! ))

Optimus groaned and coughed from the kick that "Blackarachnia" gave to his side. Why was he still being beaten to death? Why did these Predacons have to be so cruel? Why didn't any of them value life? Doubling in the pain a little bit, he missed the widow's facial expression of disgust since it had not been in her control to kick him, his optic closed and his face turned away, but his audio sensors picked up the desperation and intolerance in her scream. He laid there quietly as she tried composing herself again.
"Why do you care?"
Primal wasn't sure that he did anymore after everything they had put him through. Why should he care? They sure didn't. She didn't. However, it would go against everything he was if he could fool himself for thinking he didn't. Why have pity on her? It was a mess she got herself into. It was her problem, not his. Of course, whoever it was that had some kind of physical or mental control over her also reflected on him since they could make her harm him against her will. So neither of them wanted any part of it.
"I rather be dead."
"It do... It doesn't have... to be... that way," the Commander said softly without looking at her, just letting her know that she had a choice. "It shouldn't... be that way..."

WARNING: Systems are stabilizing at 12% but energon levels are critically low, his internal computer alerted him.

"Energon... I need... I need energon," Primal told her. He had lost a great deal of it, after all. The proof was everywhere, on the walls and the bars of the cell and especially all over the floor where most it had splattered and pooled from the abuse he had taken.

How were his Maximals doing? He did not know. He could barely hold on to Whitegrazer who seemed pretty distracted anyway. He was so tired, so exhausted. He started to succumb to his fatigue. Maybe if he just slept, it would all go away. The pain, the numbness, the smell of his own fluid and wounds, Blackarachnia's spiteful voice and hurtful words, all of it would just go away. At least temporarily. Yes, sleep sounded pleasant at this point as his mind drifted toward darkness.

"Rattrap, I just wanted to let you know that Aurora is stable and Rhinox is working on her now. She will be fine."
Rattrap let out a huge sigh of relief. Still, there was something he knew that had to be done; confronting those who were involved with the situation and find out what exactly happened. He was angry and annoyed that no one was heeding his leadership. Maybe he wasn't the greatest choice to be put in charge, he'd rather Rhinox do it any time, but as it turned out, Big Green was too busy and he was left to be the next in line. However, this didn't give anyone the excuse or reason to ignore him or disobey him, so while he waited for Megatron to call back he programmed it to alert him and activate his comm. link before he stood up, glanced at Nemesis's signal on another monitor, and hurried out of the command center. Having seen most of the Maximal signatures that had returned from outside congregating in the hanger, that was exactly where he headed.

Barging into the hangar, he walked right up to everyone who seemed to have been ganging up Ironclaw and glared at them, obviously upset. "What de heck happened out there?" Rattrap asked angrily. "Nobody was supposed ta be outside except Nemesis, 'Grazer, Ironclaw and Cheetor. And you were supposed to be on alert! Don't you think I know anythin' about traps and snipers? I need all de manpower I can get when we finally go get Optimus back. And just because he ain't here ta boss everybody around doesn't mean dat this is a free-fer-all and nobody has ta listen ta me. You follow my orders!" he yelled at all of them. "What was Aurora doin' out there? And you, Landslide? And you, Banshee? Nobody thought ta stick around with Rhinox when he was left alone with Sonar? You all ran off outside to look for Predacons who weren't even in range yet, but that don't mean any weapons can't reach you! There's a shapeshifter out there who could be anybody if he can be Nexus Prime, Optimus and Aurora, and nobody's takin' it seriously! How're we supposed ta rescue Optimus with all the other Preds around if half of you get yerselves injured or killed?" He finally fell silent, waiting for answers.

"The Nanogel,"
Rhinox had merely glanced at Whitegrazer's answer expecting an elaboration. He didn't know of this "nanogel" that Aurora had created or any of its side effects, if it had any.
"I had no choice. I had to use it in order to stabilize her enough to get her here."
"Alright," he said, hoping it wasn't something they would have to deal with a later time.
"You still don't know what happened. And what I did had nothing to do with their capture, Dinobot didn't have the bearings to get the job done" "I was trying to pursue the Predacon that put you on your ass or have you already forgotten that. The real reason that Aurora is in this state is sat right there!"
Rhinox said nothing. He felt that if he tried putting some sense into Ironclaw's head that he might explode and literally throw his head against the wall in order to accomplish it. Sonar wasn't really much of a threat, especially since he hadn't harmed Rhinox too badly in order to escape and that he had been cured of the virus, so chasing him down would have been a waste of time and resources that Rattrap was soon going to need.
"Ironclaw, I believe if you wish to discuss Optimus' leadership choices, you should talk to him when he returns and has fully recovered. Not when he is fighting for his life in enemy hands."
The engineer was surprised that Optimus had let Ironclaw's insubordinate behavior and poor attitude go on for long as it had now. Maybe his old friend was being too nice or too optimistic, or had just been too occupied with balancing everything else on his shoulders. Whatever the case, when he would come back, things were going to need to change. His old friend may not be the same after his ordeal with the Predacons and that may either help or make the tension worse between them. By now, the badger's insults and disobedience had long since gotten under Rhinox's paint and it took a lot of for him to hold back on disciplining Ironclaw himself.
Alright.. I'm done with yer squabble.. Both of you out an' follow me to the bridge.. This gets settled now. Cheetor, assist Rhinox.
Landslide hadn't even been with them for very long and even he was already fed up with certain attitudes. Rhinox didn't think it was the beetle's place to try and gain control over the matter but right now both superior officers, himself and Rattrap, were too busy to do deal with it. He hoped it would calm some of the tension and not make matters worse but he doubted that Ironclaw would listen. For a while now Rhinox had noticed something rather negative developing between the badger and the mare. He didn't know why but it was something different than from the way Ironclaw treated the others. He was always very short with her and skeptical or suspicious. In any case, maybe Landslide would be able to get to the bottom of it.
"She may not have faith in me, but.... This is what happens when you have faith in Optimus Primal"
It was clear that Ironclaw had no idea what it meant to be a leader in a war like this against such a powerful and power-hungry Predacon rogue. He had not been with them since the beginning and didn't appreciate anything Optimus had done and sacrificed for them so far. For someone who was only a scientist with very little military experience and a Captain of his own ship for the first time, Optimus had come a very long way in this war. Rhinox had watched his friend grow from a young, inexperienced leader to a wiser, selfless and scarred Commander. Maybe that meant nothing to Ironclaw and his stubbornness and tunnel vision, but it made the rhinoceros proud of Optimus and confident in their ability to overthrow Megatron. Everyone there had every right and proof to put their faith into Optimus Primal, but none of them would have any for Ironclaw, who didn't even try to get along with anyone unless it was a femme he fell for which often distracted him more than Optimus and Whitegrazer ever allowed their relationship to do on duty, and never obeyed orders and was unreliable. Who would everyone trust their lives with; Optimus or Ironclaw? History has shown them that Primal would die for them without hesitation.
Wow, that Nanogel is really something.
Big Green didn't bother looking at Cheetor as he approached or the others that exited the medical bay. He kept his focus on Aurora as he tried suppressing his anger and irritation with Ironclaw. Noticing her arm moving somewhat toward Ironclaw's direction in her weakened state, Rhinox gently put his hand on her forearm and helped lower it back to the table to remind her to lay still. He was uncertain of how much she was registering in her condition but it appeared that she was comprehending enough to understand the tension in the room as her optics lingered at the doorway in the badger's wake. It was better for Ironclaw to have left.
"Good," he smiled briefly at the Fuzor. "I'm going to have to extract the bullet, alright? So lay still and just relax. Cheetor is here and he'll hold your hand in comfort," Rhinox explained before he glanced at the TransMetal cheetah to enforce the action that he just mentioned. Having a friend nearby and holding their hand in a tough situation was a great way to keep the patient calm and let them know that someone was right there with them in physical contact. Reaching next to him on a mobile table, he grabbed a helmet and placed it on his head. The helmet had special goggles with several magnification settings as well as a small visor that gave him a magnified digital view with wireless tools that connected to its software that he could use with his hands. The tools were narrow and fragile, their working ends delicate and very small. Looming over Aurora's body, he carefully placed his hands above her wound and then extended the tools downward toward her exposed spark. The tools' cameras allowed him to see inside her injury with a high magnification that fed to the visor so he could see exactly what he was doing and guide his steady hands which was far more reliable than his own optics' magnifying abilities especially if he were to be suddenly interrupted by something or someone. Spying the bullet with her spark illuminating it with every pulse making it glisten, Rhinox cautiously and very carefully moved the tools toward it, one of which had tiny claws to grab tiny objects along with its microscopic camera.

"Cheetor, keep an eye on her vitals," he said as his concentration remained entirely on Aurora, unwavering from his task. The engineer-turned-medic seemed to hold his breath as he got closer and closer to her spark and the bullet. Closer now... Closer... The tool was right next to it now. His thumb hit a small button to open the claws and he moved it closer to grab the bullet. Releasing the button made the claws close and grip the object, and then Rhinox slowly began to pull it out of her spark chamber's casing. One slip and he'd penetrate her spark. Silence surrounded him in his own little world as he focused. Almost there... But surrounding the area where he was retrieving the bullet were fragments from the impact where it pierced through everything and dispersed. He saw them as he was puling the bullet out of her and they sparkled a little like stars as Aurora's life source continued to pulsate. Lifting the tools out of her, Rhinox moved them over to a metal tray and dropped the bullet in it, creating a ding-like sound as metal hit metal. Finally, he breathed again.

"That was the easy part," he said to both the Fuzor and Cheetor. "There are fragments scattered inside, dangerously close to your spark, Aurora. I'll have to retrieve those as well so hang in there with me." With that, he slowly moved the tools back inside her wound.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: Yeah, Whitegrazer went when she wasn't supposed to. She did plan to stay despite reservations but when Nemesis actually changed her mind and wanted Whitegrazer to come, Whitegrazer decided to go. She just couldn't say no. :wink: But it was also combination of things. Also, Whitegrazer decided to meditate for reasons... *whistles* But yeah, she takes full responsibility for everything. I will post her explanation soon. Actually, it would be more of an apology I think. Right now, I will post for Blackarachnia. :D ))
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"It do... It doesn't have... to be... that way," the Commander said softly without looking at her, just letting her know that she had a choice. "It shouldn't... be that way..."
"Doesn't it, though?"

She had no memory of her past life, especially what ever life she had as a Maximal. No pieces. No fragments. She woke up as Tarantulas' creation. That was all she has ever known. All the information she had on Cybertron was due to what her Predacon companions told her through stories and what she read on the files here in the Darksyde. From what she read, it seemed just as described from the Predacons: broken. If the Maximals thought of it differently, it is just the fact that they benefited from it better than Predacons. But she wondered... "What do you see Cybertron as? Is it as peaceful as you thought it was or has your perception changed?"

She didn't know why she asked such questions. Especially towards someone she didn't care for and showed her contempt by beating him up several moments ago.
DarkSpark wrote:"Blackarachnia, I trust your patient is doing well?"
"Energon... I need... I need energon,"
Blackarachnia glanced at the Maximal leader then towards the medkit. She did it once more before she sighed and scavenged up an energon tube which she attached to Optimus' arm, "Enough energon to make sure you don't die on me." She realized how her sentence sounded and gave the Maximal a glare, "Don't take that that the wrong way, Maximal."

She hit her comlink and responded to Megatron, "With a little energon, he would be stable enough."

It pained her that she had to do this. But she had to keep her act up. She had to do what she had to to keep herself alive.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: @Phoenix: You wouldn't be saying that if you knew how great my mom's pumpkin & cinnamon bread is, or the mashed potatoes my sis and brother in law brought over! NOM NOM NOM! :mrgreen:

Phoenix wrote: Zodiac grinned inwardly as Megatron's response came through. Indeed, he was nowhere near done with his performance, even though he knew Megatron might not be as approving of his final act. That was still a little ways off though, so for the time being he intended to give the tyrant exactly what he asked for.

"It will be my pleasure, my Lord Megatron. I do, however, wish to inquire about Primal's behavior a short while ago. Did you notice any sudden change, an outburst perhaps?"

Indeed. Had such a change occurred, it would serve as proof that his suspicions were correct. That Whitegrazer was capable of transmitting such thoughts and emotions to the captive Optimus.

"You may ask Blackarachnia once you return, she's been licking his wounds for him" Megatron retorted, understanding Zodiac's lust for Primal's pain better than most, but for now he had more pressing matters to attend to than his rival's suffering, namely the recovery of the golden disks!

Tending to Primal's injuries to any degree was distasteful for the transmetal tyrant, but sometimes such evils had to be committed for the greater good of Predacon kind, future generations would understand his burdens, all for the sake of their freedom and the maximal's subjugation!
Phoenix wrote: Up ahead the the Darksyde came into view, Zodiac's speeds being unmatched. He angled himself, slowing his speed considerably, while retracting part of his large, dragon like wings in the process so that he could fit through the opening. On his way inside, he almost knocked over some of Megatron's lackeys, but he paid them no heed. He had more important things to tend to at the moment. With a roar, the chrome black and silver dragon came to an abrupt halt, his talons leaving scratch marks on the floor as he slowed to a stop.

The dragon began changing his shape as he walked but waited until he had gotten into a secluded hallway before he completely took on the desired form. It took mere seconds before Nexus' form emerged, detailed down to the wounds he had received earlier. Then he opened a channel to Megatron.

"I believe my presence was requested."

"Indeed it was, the vermin requested live audio so for now that is what we shall give him, we'll only resort to live feed if the situation demands it. Have your team escort you to the brig, no doubt Primal will be delighted to see his old friend again, I'm sure I don't need to tell you to remain in character, we shall be contacting the maximals again soon and all must go well if I am to recover what is rightfully mine" Megatron explained, before having a thought and adding "Delay that order a moment...I don't suppose your little jaunt into maximal territory succeeded in severing Primal's link with Whitegrazer now did it? If so I could have you play the roles of both Primal and Nexus to make things go even smoother for us, otherwise I suspect the psychic would see through such deception almost immediately and the disks would be at even greater risk. Well, Zodiac?"

Megatron would exploit any advantage he could take, as anyone truly serious about victory should, but no point in exploiting an advantage that would just blow up in his face almost immediately should the maximals prove smart enough to notice even the tiniest of flaws said advantage.

Una wrote: Blackarachnia glanced at the Maximal leader then towards the medkit. She did it once more before she sighed and scavenged up an energon tube which she attached to Optimus' arm, "Enough energon to make sure you don't die on me." She realized how her sentence sounded and gave the Maximal a glare, "Don't take that that the wrong way, Maximal."

She hit her comlink and responded to Megatron, "With a little energon, he would be stable enough."

It pained her that she had to do this. But she had to keep her act up. She had to do what she had to to keep herself alive.

"Good, keep at it, we may require him shortly" Megatron replied to the spider as he awaited Zodiac's answer to his inquiry before reopening communications with the maximals, the vermin Rattrap was more underhanded than the average maximal and displayed far greater disdain for his kind than Primal, he would already be suspicious about everything so nothing could be left up to chance.

"Ugh, what is taking him so long? Why not just get it over with and call up those wretched maximals already?" Terrorsaur grumbled as he watched his monitor for signs of enemy activity, a task that could be quite dull at times alas especially when more exciting was going on.

"The disks are more valuable than all the energon on this planet put together Terrorsaur, Megatron would be wise not to risk losing their tactical advantages forever, this could be our only chance to reclaim them. They ARE what brought us here if you can remember" Tarantulas replied, more in the hopes of silencing the pterosaur rather than caring about whether he understood the gravity of the situation or not.

"By the Pit, don't remind me, rawk!" Terrorsaur squawked, suddenly missing not for the first time the comforts of home, Cybertron may have been crawling with stuck up maximal creeps but at least energon bars were plentiful there...They should be fighting for control of Cybertron rather than some useless fleshling world in the middle of nowhere.

"Then be silent and do your jobs, ALL OF YOU!" Megatron menaced at absolutely EVERYONE in the room, each predacon redoubling their efforts at their stations to ease their leader's wrath and avoid his attention.

"You did well my dear, we'll investigate Starshadow together more later" Tarantulas whispered as quietly as possibly to Arachnitron, hiding the true, unaltered data for himself for later study.
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Unread post by Mystrea »

Ironclaw was about to leave the medical bay when both Landslide and Banshee stopped him just before he got to the hanger. Although they were spread out, the badger was aware that he now had an audience. Landslide was first to open his mouth, spouting his disapproval over the way both himself and Whitegrazer were acting. When did he all of a sudden wise up and be so insightful?he thought to himself. The beetle was only thinking of the present but Ironclaw was already steps ahead of him and thought things needed to change. As Landslide moved into the medical bay to have a go at Whitegrazer, Ironclaw walked in beside Banshee who he was sceptical of because she had yet to say anything. The solider walked into the centre of the room only to be surrounded by a lot of Maximals who were not very fond of him at that moment, no matter.

"You've been here five microns Landslide. And you are no solider nor leader" Ironclaw said to the heap with a piercing stare. He did no underestimate the beetle's uses, his size and functionality would come into play in the future. He slowly walked over to him keeping his gaze on his optics. His size was not imposing to Ironclaw, big or small he would handle with everyone the same. "This isn't about what we want Nobody wants to be here! Nobody wants this war! I -" Ironclaw was about to continue when behind him the rat with wings decided to speak up. That same stare led him around until it fell on Banshee, leaning against the wall looking so smug. Once he taken the time to give her a good look over he smirked, "Try it". Ironclaw made his way to the centre of the room again. "Don't lecture me... Doctor" he mocked her, cocking his head slightly at the end of his sentence. She had no authority here, but she was quite a feisty one which could prove useful.

Ironclaw still did not trust a thing Whitegrazer said, he wasn't sure if she was a traitor or just a pacifist. But she did mention Wintersong, he had only seen her briefly recently, he had almost forgotten about her. He was angered that no one could truly see what was happening. The badger calmed slightly, he gingerly made his way to Aurora and stood next to Whitegrazer. He observed Rhinox at work, piecing her together. He should comfort her, any normal bot would but he didn't. He refused to show weakness at this pivotal point. As he was deep in thought about their predicament Rattrap had entered the room and started his catch up. Ironclaw had not listened to much of what the rat or the rhinoceros had said but he had made up his mind.

"I'll do it because he's a Maximal" he started quietly, almost to saying it to himself. He looked up from Aurora's injuries and then turned to face Rattrap. "I'll help you get Optimus back. But we do it my way"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Whitegrazer wrote:"You have made some good points, Landslide. It is the talk I'm having with myself. ""But I'm different than you."

Whitegrazer wrote: "I wasn't trying to be a martyr. I was there to help someone who asked for it. I would not insult everything my comrades stood for just for a one single act of revenge to satisfy my own guilt. Nor would I want my comrades to use my own death to spill more fluid on the ground. I take responsibility for what happened to Aurora. I made a mistake, misjudged the enemy. I made a choice. If my choice leads to harm of one, I will give myself up to whatever punishment my team decides to fit the severity of the crime. For I'm truly sorry for the pain she is going through. "
Landslide simply shook his head. He couldn't see how sitting on her duff waiting to be shot would help anyone. Aye.. I'd say we are different..
Whitegrazer wrote:"Ironclaw, I know you disagree with me and Optimus, but I know you want him back here out of Predacons' hands. All I ask is for you put aside your feelings towards me. We can't get anything done if we fight each other. If you don't wish to do it for my sake or his, do it for Aurora's, Wintersong's, and our other comrades." She closed her optics and took a breath, "After all this is over with, after Optimus is back, I promise I will explain everything to you. "

Ironclaw wrote:"You've been here five microns Landslide. And you are no solider nor leader"

Doesn't take alot of time to smell trouble lad. Though it was true Landslide wasn't a leader or a soldier, he didn't have ambition for either role.
Ironclaw wrote: "This isn't about what we want Nobody wants to be here! Nobody wants this war! I -"

Landslide was about to respond, when Banshee then interjected.
Banshee wrote: "That's true. Ironclaw, if you keep this immature attitude up, I will make sure I'll throw you in the brig myself and you can't protest because you lost the right to. It's basic military protocols," "we're in the middle of a war soldier. Your petty complaints and unnecessary tantrums won't get us anywhere or Optimus back. If you want to help, Sit down, be silent and calm yourself!"

Ironclaw wrote:"Try it".
Ironclaw wrote:"Don't lecture me... Doctor"
Landslide held his arm out infront of Banshee Easy there.. Save that for the Preds.
Rattrap wrote:. "What de heck happened out there?" "Nobody was supposed ta be outside except Nemesis, 'Grazer, Ironclaw and Cheetor. And you were supposed to be on alert! Don't you think I know anythin' about traps and snipers? I need all de manpower I can get when we finally go get Optimus back. And just because he ain't here ta boss everybody around doesn't mean dat this is a free-fer-all and nobody has ta listen ta me. You follow my orders!" "What was Aurora doin' out there? And you, Landslide? And you, Banshee? Nobody thought ta stick around with Rhinox when he was left alone with Sonar? You all ran off outside to look for Predacons who weren't even in range yet, but that don't mean any weapons can't reach you! There's a shapeshifter out there who could be anybody if he can be Nexus Prime, Optimus and Aurora, and nobody's takin' it seriously! How're we supposed ta rescue Optimus with all the other Preds around if half of you get yerselves injured or killed?"
Before you said "get ready for combat" to all of us, Banshee and I headed out to do that until you popped out with new orders unless my audios are goin'. To be honest, I don't exactly know what "get ready for combat" means.. As fer Rhinox.. I didn't even know he was even with Sonar since I was told earlier to avoid being around the infected so I stayed outside the Medical bay. If you wanted me to guard im' then you should of told me that earlier.

An Aurora.. I assume the lass went out to stop Grazer.. Then next thing we know Grazer is sittin out defenseless far from base an' the kid takes a fragment round to the gut. I flew in to lay cover and patched her up so she wouldn't bleed out before she could get treatment an' Grazer used that experimental stuff Aurora was showing off earlier on her..

Rhinox wrote: "I'm going to have to extract the bullet, alright? So lay still and just relax. Cheetor is here and he'll hold your hand in comfort,""Cheetor, keep an eye on her vitals,"

Cheetor nodded holding Aurora's hand looking towards her with a smile, then looked towards the monitor Copy that.

Cheetor observed the computer readout Everything is steady so far.
Rhinox wrote:"That was the easy part,""There are fragments scattered inside, dangerously close to your spark, Aurora. I'll have to retrieve those as well so hang in there with me."

Cheetor gave a nod towards Rhinox Whatever else you need, just ask.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

"You may ask Blackarachnia once you return, she's been licking his wounds for him"
Megatron's words lingered in Zodiac's mind as he proceeded down the hallway in Nexus' form. Fortunately this area of the base was as good as abandoned, its occupants busy with one task or another, giving him ample opportunity to satisfy his curiosity.

"Computer, what is the current whereabouts of BlackArachnia?," the shapeshifter inquired, easily shifting between voices even though his form stayed the same.

"BlackArachnia is presently in the brig," came the computer's monotone response.

Very well..

He decided against calling the black widow spider away from her task for a report, so instead he merely made his way over to the nearest console. There he brought up a live feed from the brig on the screen, immediately taking notice of Primal and the widow. The Maximal leader was in bad shape, much worse than he had been when Nexus was dragged out of the cell a few cycles earlier. Pieces of his armor were missing, other parts dented and twisted to the almost unrecognizable, one of his hands had been rendered utterly useless with damage so severe it didn't look like it would ever be functional again.. But most telling of all was the large puddle of mech fluid on the floor witnessing of the traumatic experience Primal had endured.

Oh, it was a beautiful sight indeed. Zodiac's only regret was that he had been unable to inflict the damage himself. Still.. all in good time.

With the flick of a switch, the shapeshifter brought up the recording from the brig at the time he had put a bullet in the little fuzor's spark. With keen interest he watched Primal for any signs of a reaction, anything to prove that the events he had set into motion had been powerful enough to break any barrier and get through to Primal.

And sure enough..
The shapeshifter's optics widened in surprise and glee as he watched Primal's bursting out his deepest fears, his innermost secret out on display for that short moment. So he was right! Up until now everything that lead him to believe Whitegrazer had such an ability had been circumstancial at best. He'd acted on a hunch and little more, and now he had proof! Zodiac's excitement soared as he watched the short sequence of events play out.
Such anguish.. It truly was a sight to behold, one that brought a genuine smile to the pretender's face. Much could be said about Megatron's methods, but they shared a similar taste in causing suffering to their foes.
"Indeed it was, the vermin requested live audio so for now that is what we shall give him, we'll only resort to live feed if the situation demands it. Have your team escort you to the brig, no doubt Primal will be delighted to see his old friend again, I'm sure I don't need to tell you to remain in character, we shall be contacting the maximals again soon and all must go well if I am to recover what is rightfully mine" Megatron explained, before having a thought and adding "Delay that order a moment...I don't suppose your little jaunt into maximal territory succeeded in severing Primal's link with Whitegrazer now did it? If so I could have you play the roles of both Primal and Nexus to make things go even smoother for us, otherwise I suspect the psychic would see through such deception almost immediately and the disks would be at even greater risk. Well, Zodiac?"
The Predacon leader's voice appeared in his audioreceptor once again. Such impeccable timing..

"Although I have no doubt that I'd be able to impersonate both simultaneously, it is a little difficult to predict psychic links. My little trip out there was able to prove such a link existed, but from what I've seen during my time with those cretins this Whitegrazer shares a unique bond with Primal. He is more likely to block the bond than she is, since he will want to protect her from the pains he feels. Also in case the Maximals are to request a video feed to go along with the audio, I would obviously only be able to maintain the shape of one of them at the time."

And finally.. Granting Optimus this final opportunity to say his farewells could very well be the catalyst they were looking for.

He then opened a channel to Night Terror.

"I'll be requiring an escort to the brig. Grab one of the regular crew to go with you."
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Unread post by starshadow »

Ah no, I didn't get orders for a hit on you yet..If I did, well.. you know. As for paranoid.. Honestly I think the crew is more paranoid then Lord Megatron.. after all, you did make a meal out of two of the arthropods.
Starshadow rolled her optics at that, "hmm...good to know.." she replied sarcastically.
When I first came upon your group, I happened to read through the crew and enemy data recorded by your former colleague.. Though your profile had certain things that didn't add up.. So, rather then ask what you are miss Starshadow, I want to know what your objective is because everyone has a motive. As for the reward.. prolonging your life and a canteen of energon seems like a fair bargain.. Don't you agree? I'm not sure how long a vampire can live on this stuff, but the average cybertronian being frugal could last 3 weeks..Probably enough time to make a headstone for Lady Cecaelia. Alternatively, if you don't wish to speak.. then I'll just haul you in. Those are your options.
She simply just smiled at him. There was no way she would tell anyone her motives and missions. The secrets she kept are far too valuable. If Umbra manages to capture her, she would be dead in seconds without any of her ex-comrades killing her. Starshadow ran into the forest as fast as she could. "Internal systems, encrypt every data in my datatrax. Language set, Netherzari. Please hurry up..."


"Try it. Don't lecture me... Doctor"
As Banshee lost a little control of her anger, Landslide stopped her.
Easy there.. Save that for the Preds.
Banshee looked up at Landslide and smiled. Thankfully he was there to remind her that fighting right now won't get the team anywhere and there were more important things to do than bickering. She put a hand on his arm and spoke, "thank you, Landslide.

"What de heck happened out there? "Nobody was supposed ta be outside except Nemesis, 'Grazer, Ironclaw and Cheetor. And you were supposed to be on alert! Don't you think I know anythin' about traps and snipers? I need all de manpower I can get when we finally go get Optimus back. And just because he ain't here ta boss everybody around doesn't mean dat this is a free-fer-all and nobody has ta listen ta me. You follow my orders! What was Aurora doin' out there? And you, Landslide? And you, Banshee? Nobody thought ta stick around with Rhinox when he was left alone with Sonar? You all ran off outside to look for Predacons who weren't even in range yet, but that don't mean any weapons can't reach you! There's a shapeshifter out there who could be anybody if he can be Nexus Prime, Optimus and Aurora, and nobody's takin' it seriously! How're we supposed ta rescue Optimus with all the other Preds around if half of you get yerselves injured or killed?"

As Banshee was about the explain herself, Landslide covered it up for her. That made her smile..again, "thanks again."

((OOC: I hate my assignments. Makes me kinda slow these days....))
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

starshadow wrote:"hmm...good to know.."

Umbra observed as Starshadow then started to run. Six of his tentacles pushed into the ground as he jumped up, then grabbed onto some tree branches, swinging from tree rather swiftly as he made chase after her. It was easier for him to move through the trees then try to get through forest debris and vegetation, allowing him to catch up to her.
starshadow wrote: "Internal systems, encrypt every data in my datatrax. Language set, Netherzari. Please hurry up..."

As he started to close in on the distance between them, at the full fulcrum of his swing, he released the branches and activated his jump jet, launching down in a propelled dropkick to Starshadow's backside sending her to the ground very hard, and then hopping off her back landing behind her, one of his tentacles drawing his Gauss rifle and bringing it to his right hand. Why does no one ever take the easy way? he muttered to himself.
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Following Zodiac to base, Night Terror thought over the recent events. Zodiac was a sadistic killer. That is what made him an excellent operative. There were times though, Night Terror thought his comrade's methods were extreme. Like this time. He understood why. He just did not like it. There was no honor or glory in such regrettable, but necessary measures. But to make matters worse, the Renegade General, blamed him for the botched assignment. This would make things difficult.

Zodiac moved faster than he could and was already walking out of the control Room when Night Terror entered. He looked around the room. They seemed to be waiting for the Maximal's response. He sighed as walked he walked over towards the command chair were Megatron sat. Night Terror had to admit, he did seem like a commander that demanded respect. He had all the appearance of a good Predacon general. Now he had to do something he absolutely despised, but got use to doing while working for Tripredacus Council. Groveling.

"My Lord Megatron." he said as he knelt before the tyrant.

"I am Night Terror. I would like to ask for your forgiveness. I am still only a recent recruit to your cohort and on my first mission, I nearly bungled your negotiations. I apologize." He said keeping his head bowed. For once he actually meant it. Night Terror did feel like he failed his mission. He did not like it. Even if it was a mission for a rouge Predacon whom he did not truly serve.

"I pledge my service as strategic officer and adviser to you, my lord. I hope I can make up for my recent failure." he said. He remained knelt. He knew bot like Megatron. He was a bot like Megatron. Bots like them like to see others kneel before them.
Zodiac said: "I'll be requiring an escort to the brig. Grab one of the regular crew to go with you."
"If I may, my lord?" Night Terror said looking up from his position.
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Unread post by Mystrea »

After the minor battle with the Maximals not too far away from their base. The sound attack that came from the had merely rippled across his armour and had very little affect. Dirge had slowly made his way back to the Darksyde. He crawled/slid around, lumbering his large beast form close by to his master. He awaited his orders.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Phoenix wrote: The Predacon leader's voice appeared in his audioreceptor once again. Such impeccable timing..

"Although I have no doubt that I'd be able to impersonate both simultaneously, it is a little difficult to predict psychic links. My little trip out there was able to prove such a link existed, but from what I've seen during my time with those cretins this Whitegrazer shares a unique bond with Primal. He is more likely to block the bond than she is, since he will want to protect her from the pains he feels. Also in case the Maximals are to request a video feed to go along with the audio, I would obviously only be able to maintain the shape of one of them at the time."

And finally.. Granting Optimus this final opportunity to say his farewells could very well be the catalyst they were looking for.

"Very well, best to keep things simple, continue on your way to the brig, I shall be reestablishing communications with the maximals now, they're probably besides themselves wondering if they made a mistake cutting me off earlier, mahahaha!" Megatron laughed as he turned off communications with Zodiac.

The shapeshifter truly was proving himself useful, at least in this particular situation, he continued to doubt he could trust him in the long run and that he would have to be sure to be on the look out for the dragon's inevitable betrayal, and counter it. For now at least, they were on the same page, though Megatron intended to be the one left standing by the end of this chapter in the Beast Wars.
AdmiralGrim wrote:
Zodiac moved faster than he could and was already walking out of the control Room when Night Terror entered. He looked around the room. They seemed to be waiting for the Maximal's response. He sighed as walked he walked over towards the command chair were Megatron sat. Night Terror had to admit, he did seem like a commander that demanded respect. He had all the appearance of a good Predacon general. Now he had to do something he absolutely despised, but got use to doing while working for Tripredacus Council. Groveling.

"My Lord Megatron." he said as he knelt before the tyrant.

"I am Night Terror. I would like to ask for your forgiveness. I am still only a recent recruit to your cohort and on my first mission, I nearly bungled your negotiations. I apologize." He said keeping his head bowed. For once he actually meant it. Night Terror did feel like he failed his mission. He did not like it. Even if it was a mission for a rouge Predacon whom he did not truly serve.

"I pledge my service as strategic officer and adviser to you, my lord. I hope I can make up for my recent failure." he said. He remained knelt. He knew bot like Megatron. He was a bot like Megatron. Bots like them like to see others kneel before them.
Tarantulas chuckled as he watched Night Terror grovel, wondering what the newcomer was really all about, he seemed quite cultured in his mannerisms, implying there could be more to him than merely being a new stooge for Megatron.

Terrorsaur meanwhile merely shook his head in disgust at Night Terror, as if his suspicions concerning the bot he'd beaten personally earlier had all been confirmed as he muttered "Suck up."

Megatron scowled at Night Terror, the fool who had nearly cost him everything, and likely the weakest of the three new recruits under his roof, lacking the brute strength of the insect Dirge and the advanced technological abilities of Zodiac...Though he did have a way with words, he'd give him that, even if such pleasantries were likely meant only to spare the little failure his wrath. He would have none of that.

Megatron delivered a swift, strong kick to Night Terror's face, enough to send him reeling, but not enough to toss him straight into the lava pit or into any important equipment, provoking even more laughter from the rest of the crew, one and all amused by how the silver tongued newcomer had learned the hard way that pretty speeches were not enough to alleviate Megatron's hatred of failure and incompetence.

"There, all is forgiven, Night Terror. You will have opportunities to redeem yourself, but for now I think it a tad too soon for you to consider yourself my strategic officer, let alone advisor, nnnooooo. Prove yourself a loyal and competent soldier first and then we'll discuss ranks and titles, yessss" Megatron proclaimed, looking down on new recruit coldly.
AdmiralGrim wrote:
"If I may, my lord?" Night Terror said looking up from his position.
With a wave of his hand and not so much as a parting glance, Megatron said "Off with you then, and do not forget our discussion. No. More. Failure. Clear? Good" before he motioned at Tarantulas to reestablish communications with the maximals again, trusting that Zodiac was with Primal by now and in character.

Once the maximals were on the screen once more, Megatron jovially greeted them and said "Ah, neighbors! Glad to see you're still at home, I was worried something had gone amiss with your communications array when we were tragically cut off from each other earlier. I do hope nothing of importance was lost, I think maximals and predacons alike can all attest to how bitter that feeling can be, yyyesssss."

Megatron trusted even creatures as foolish as maximals could read the true meaning behind his words, and that there would be trouble if his disks had been damaged.