"Aftermath: Part II - Resurrections"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

((Sorry you guys, been hectic again but I'll post for Silverstreak at least.))

SIlverstreak looked quite relieved to see Optimus back and Whitegrazer still holding strong despite her injuries. Deep down the young vixen looked forward to more days of when she could really get to know these Maximals, more so of during times when they weren't caught up in fighting the Predacons and worrying about being slaughtered yet again by them. For now though that seemed highly unlikely. And as she began to follow the two she noticed the kiss her new leader and the white mare exchanged, making her giggle softly as it was quite clear there was something special between the two but she said noting to ruin that special reunion between the two and simply began following back to base and joined them on the lift to come back up into the bridge.

The sight she saw made her frown, quite shocked at how many of them were damaged and how exhausted they seemed to be. Nonetheless, it was a relief to see they were all there and would make it though it might be sometime before they were fully back to full function. Walking over Silverstreak lied Tigatron's Cyro gun near him before she stepped back and sighed in relief to be back in the Axalon and alive. "Think there's quite a lot to tell Optimus, but guess we have a lot of time on our hands for a while."She said as she sat down a little near the others, sitting cross legged and was content to remain there for a while.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Aurora's optics dimmed for a moment as the light from the room overwhelmed her with its brightness once her door had fully opened. The chamber had been nearly completely dark as she woke up after she'd been unconscious for a while, leaving her a bit disoriented.

It took but a few seconds for her to acclimate to her new surroundings, however, resulting in her optics then widening at seeing all of her comrades gathering in the room. A smile next brightened her face further as she took in all of their faces.

We're still alive.. Still here..

She didn't know what had gone down but from the looks of it, the Maximals had surfaced victorious. Somehow.

It was then she noticed the tall, blue robot standing very close to the now open chambers. She did not recognize him and tilted her head to the side as she watched him. The male seemed oddly familiar, somehow, but she could not recall ever having met him. Still.. she wasn't worried. Seeing Whitegrazer stand very close to him, as if they were on extremely friendly terms, caused her smile to widen. She was just about to jump down to rush over and give the white mare a hug when a familiar voice caught her attention.
Optimus Primal wrote:"Aurora."
Aurora's large ermine ears immediately perked up as she stared back at the taller male.

It couldn't be..


Her voice was meek, nearly trembling.

A quick glance at Whitegrazer only seemed to confirm it, the warm smile that greeted her could not be mistaken.

It was all the affirmation she needed.

Aurora literally pounced at the resurrected Primal, clinging to his leg as if she expected him to fade away right in front of her. "You came back!"

There was no mistaking the joy in her voice either, her entire body shivering with exultant happiness.
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

OOC: So sorry for the wait.....I wasn't expecting my mom to come by and visit last night and stay until almost 8:00!!

"Visual impairment? Were your optics damaged in the battle? Or is there something else regarding your condition that you wish to share with me? Hm?"

Arachnitron hesitated. Well, this moment was bound to happen eventually. She knew she couldn't hide the fact that the chip was failing forever. It was time to tell the truth, but would she get into trouble for not coming forward about this before? She needed Tarantulas to fix the problem so she didn't want to anger him and she needed to let him know that there was a problem so he could fix it. Otherwise she'd be blind forever because he wouldn't think to check the chip for damage from the battle.

"I can't be sure," she fibbed deciding to act as though the degrading chip was a recent development. "It may have been the Maximal trying to protect the others. It started when we were attacking Optimus. I think I can hear her."
Wildfire94 wrote: "You are still a ways off Arachnitron but close enough I can see you here from the hanger, but give me a moment I'll help guide you back."

Frankly Arachnitron was not expecting Onyx to come all the way to her to help her back to the Darksyde. He happened to show up just as she ended her sentence to Tarantulas. (OOC: Onyx can overhear as much or as little as Wildfire chooses.)

Arachnitron's expression was one of shame for needing help, but also of surprise. Predacons didn't usually go out of their way to help others.
"No need to sound sheepish, a little help once in a while never hurts."He told her kindly.

Arachnitron frowned at Onyx.

"I think I could have found my way just fine if you had guided me over the comms...." she mumbled stubbornly.

"Just didn't want anyone to see me like this...." she added quietly suddenly feeling very small and vulnerable.

She especially didn't want Tarantulas to see her being guided back to base by Onyx. What would he say to that if he met up with them before they made it to base?

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: No worries Blackrose, family comes first! :mrgreen:

Blackrose wrote: OOC: So sorry for the wait.....I wasn't expecting my mom to come by and visit last night and stay until almost 8:00!!


"Visual impairment? Were your optics damaged in the battle? Or is there something else regarding your condition that you wish to share with me? Hm?"

Arachnitron hesitated. Well, this moment was bound to happen eventually. She knew she couldn't hide the fact that the chip was failing forever. It was time to tell the truth, but would she get into trouble for not coming forward about this before? She needed Tarantulas to fix the problem so she didn't want to anger him and she needed to let him know that there was a problem so he could fix it. Otherwise she'd be blind forever because he wouldn't think to check the chip for damage from the battle.

"I can't be sure," she fibbed deciding to act as though the degrading chip was a recent development. "It may have been the Maximal trying to protect the others. It started when we were attacking Optimus. I think I can hear her."

Tarantulas rolled his optics in annoyance at the femme's feeble attempts to cover up her condition, like an infant who'd been caught lying to its elders. There was no telling how long she'd be in deterioration, but at least now he could be sure of who was in command at the moment, the maximal and the predacon would have conceived of far better lies than that, or flat out ignored his hails.

"Spare me the excuses and just give me your coordinates so I can correct your malfunction before your condition worsens. All may not have gone according to plan thanks to Megatron's incompetence and Primal's resurrection, but our goals remain the same, and neither of us shall benefit from the return of either of your split personalities. Agreed?" Tarantulas replied curtly, all business.

As the spider sped up his pace, ignoring his injury as best he could by focusing on the task at hand as he awaited Arachnitron's reply, Terrorsaur continued his own agonizing flight back to base.

"Filthy, rotten, god moding maximal, coming back from the dead just to show me up..." Terrorsaur murmured to himself in a fashion not unlike a mental patient, wishing badly that he had someone, anyone, to take his frustrations out on...

"honk honk!" cried a flock of geese flying in formation up ahead of the predacon, the lead goose guiding the group oblivious to the cruel fate about to befall him.

"Ask, and the universe provides" Terrorsaur mused to himself as he flew headlong into the lead bird, the startled animal noticing Terrorsaur too little too late as he sank his beak and claws into his flesh, the rest of the birds scattering in panic.

OOC: sorry about the grisly post gang, needed to give Terrorsaur SOMETHING to do besides just flying and mumbling to himself some more lol.
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Unread post by una »

She saw movement within Aurora's chamber when Optimus came beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist gently. She closed her optics to take in Optimus's presence as well as enjoy the sensations of her spark.
"How is she?"
She was about to say something when Aurora's CR chamber door hissed, moving upward. Following Optimus, who still had his arm around her waist, back, she looked upon the repaired Aurora with a big smile, but even better she was wanted to see Aurora's reaction to the newly-revived Optimus Primal. The little one already saw her and headed to her confusion on who was next to her until Optimus spoke.
The look on her face filled herself with the same joy as Aurora experienced in seeing that Optimus Primal was alive. She chuckled warmly at the scene between Aurora and Optimus. Aurora had seen death and faced death. To see that one of those who she thought she had lost had returned to her would hopefully helped in relieving the trauma she had faced. But for now, Whitegrazer realized she was just making it seem Aurora was broken. The young ermine wasn't, never had been broken. She was strong and Whitegrazer knew she would become even stronger.

Since she wasn't using the CR chamber anymore, Whitegrazer looked around, "There's a CR chamber free to use now."

((OOC: Not the most flattering post I have written. Sorry about that. This week has been very tiring and distracting. XD))
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

Onyx though didn't hear much of the conversation that went on between Tarantulas and Arachnitron, he only heard her last words of the widow referring to hearing a "her" which made him wonder if she meant someone in particular or herself. This femme had been an unusual one since he had first seen her but he never pried into anyone else's business so he said nothing on the matter and merely walked beside her to give her aid, until he saw her mixed look of shame and shock about him helping her. Though he probably shouldn't have been surprised, very few Predacons were like him and helped their comrades no matter how damaged they were and often they didn't want the help because of pride or looking weak. And what Arachnitron said seemed to confirm the thought she didn't want to seem weak just because he was giving her a hand.

Looking at the spider femme thoughtfully Onyx spoke, "You know Arachnitron not all Predacons are like Tarantulas or Megatron, or even Terrorsaur. Some actually care for their comrades and their well-being, no matter how foreign it may seem a little help can go a long way sometimes." He knew she might scoff at this but what Onyx said was true and he held fast to his ways, he was actually a Predacon with morals and had a drastically different perspective on things then almost the entire team of Predacons save for Steelclaw. Sighing softly the horse mech looked forward, "Just keep going straight from here. There's no big rocks or anything in your way, just a few smaller ones that you might be able to feel for but if you want to go further alone then that is fine, you at least know where to go."He imformed her kindly before he trotted ahead before heading back in slow gallop, having a guess Arachnitron might prefer to go the rest of the way on her own instead of wanting him to stick around.

((Eh, I'm not quite sure what to post for Silverstreak guys, guess this thread is about done anyhow.))
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Unread post by New Moon »

Feralnight gave Optimus a slight nod before she glanced towards Stag, watching the Targetmaster already head out. Looking back for a moment Feralnight gave her wings a few test flaps before she finally pushed off her feet and flew up through the flight hatch, spreading her wings out fully and flew after Stag and easily catching up to the targetmaster though the likely could fly right past him with ease. As much as it might be good idea to head there quickly the raven/wolf fuzor wasn't going to leave the little cyber beetle behind since he would be an open target for Sonar if he was out there, or any other lurking Predacons and she wasn't in the greatest of conditions to begin going into a full fight again like she had with Terrorsaur.

Sniffing the air a bit and twitching her ears to listening for signs of others around Feralnight had a guess that there wasn't anyone else around to bother them but sometimes these things turned out to be a trap. So far though any scents nearby seemed to be leading away from the area. After a bit of flying the fuzor femme began to look around the area for signs of her fellow Maximal until finally a large form captured her attention near some cliffs(was it cliffs? I don't remember exactly)and causing her to zoom in and realizing that form was in fact Saber-fang. "There she is, and so far no signs of the rat with wings."She told Stag before folding her wings slightly and going into a dive before transforming mid-flight before flaring her wings to slow her decent enough she could hover above the smilodon femme and carefully picking her up.

"Wonder why you'd be taken way out here."Feralnight muttered to herself before she began to fly back up a bit.


Frilla nodded at Rhinox before she moved over to begin working on Tigatron and for the time being listening to the exchanges around her as she worked on the white tiger. Though she glanced back upon hearing Aurora sounding delighted, smiling when seeing the young femme looked quite joyful of seeing Optimus back like they all had been when he joined the fight a little while ago and was beginning to have hope they would all make it through this just fine. Setting her tools down though she finally stepped back a bit,"Maximize.'Letting out a soft hiss Frilla transformed back to robot mode with a little wince but generally ignoring her still damage frame and picking up Tigatron with relative ease now, least more so then compared to her pre-transmetal state where she might have not been able to lift Rattrap. "Time for our other tabby to get some CR time."She said as she carried the still stasis locked Tigatron to the CR chamber and carefully laid him in there before closing it before once more shifting back to beast mode to allow her form to continue internal repairs.

Turning to look at the others she smiled, "So, who's next in line to see the doctor?"
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong sat nearby the others, for now letting her body relax once more and fully letting her repairs take over as she could fair just fine for a while without needing the CR chambers since she was still functioning fine. Though she glanced back when feeling Ironclaw's hand run down her back which caused her to smile a bit wondering if she should tell him about her recent feelings towards the badger but seeing him heading for the corridor leading out of the bridge she decided this might not be the best time. After today it might be best to wait till everyone had got some rest and was not so tired and in pain, something she was fine with for the time being.

Looking forward once more the transmetal white tigress flicker her tail as Optimus mentioned there would be a debriefing, "That's going to be a long debriefing." She commented lightly, knowing a lot had happened in the fight and she knew she would at least have a chance to properly thank Silverbolt for giving her a hand to head back to the team but had ultimately failed to be able to mention to the others what was going on. Not that they had needed her warning when it have become plainly obvious the Predacons hadn't planned to retreat nor leave until they were a pile of molten slag. Glancing towards the second bird/wolf fuzor of their crew the white tigress smiled, "By the way Silverbolt, I never got to really thank you for helping me back to the Axalon earlier, that was really kind of you and very risky."She thanked him before also adding, "And I'm glad to see your back on your feet."
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: So... we've been missing half our cast for a long while now. Why are NK and Dark Spark the only male players keeping up here? Do we have anyone to cover Cheetor and Dinobot since it seems unlikely that Blazemane will be able to post before I close this topic and this was supposed to be his last episode? I will be opening the next episode soon (hopefully tonight or Tuesday).
Eh, I'm not quite sure what to post for Silverstreak guys, guess this thread is about done anyhow.
You just posted for her and no one else had a chance to respond yet. :wink:

Hey, NK, you're not Dark Spark. :P

P.S. Holy crap! I'm finally able to post! Been trying to since last night... :evil: ))

The currently primarily orangish, maroonish and silver leader smiled warmly at Aurora before she latched onto his leg. Chuckling lightly, he knelt down on one knee and gave her a proper hug, wrapping his new arms around her petite body. Small pain jolted down his leg from his wound when he stretched it to kneel, as well as his shoulder for the hug, but they were easily ignored in this moment of a reunion.
"You came back!"
"I told you I would," Optimus said softly into her audio receptor in their embrace. Glancing up at Whitegrazer, he added, "With a little help, of course." Releasing the ermine/butterfly Fuzor, he looked into her optics and said, "I heard how brave you were, Aurora, and I'm proud of you. I saw what you and Silverbolt had done and what you went through... I'm just glad you're all right." Smiling, he gently stroked her chin. "Remember that gift you gave me? I can't tell you how much it helped me cope, Aurora... I'm so grateful to have you on this team."
"Think there's quite a lot to tell Optimus, but guess we have a lot of time on our hands for a while."
"That's going to be a long debriefing."
"I had a feeling that would be the case," Primal told Silverstreak and Wintersong when he looked over at them from the CR's, smiling lightly. He never had the time to get to know Silverstreak since she had shown up right before their darkest hour, but it was a relief to see her still with them after everything that had happened already. He hoped it would be a similar outcome for Aerostriker. He avoided talking about his own experience, unless someone asked, he didn't want to hear himself talk. After everything he went through, being alone in that pod before it ended, he wanted to hear his Maximals' voices and feel their emotions.
Sentinel, Flight hatch open.
Primal watched Feralnight and Stag exit the base, hoping they'd return with a functional Saber-Fang. Perhaps she was still battling the beast within her. There had to be a way to help her with it besides always resorting to Sonar's methods.
"There's a CR chamber free to use now."
"Time for our other tabby to get some CR time."
"So, who's next in line to see the doctor?"
Watching Frilla carry Tigatron to the CR, Rhinox motioned to the mare to come over. "You need a CR just as badly, Whitegrazer... but until one is vacant... we can at least start patching you up," he offered. "It could offer some good training... and experience for Aurora as well. If you're interested," he smiled softly at the young Fuzor before continuing his repairs on Rattrap who was just about done with all Rhinox could do for him. He would need a CR soon.

"I'm assuming these upgraded bodies are the result of the explosion?" Optimus inquired while he stood up and watched Frilla maximize and looked at Rattrap in his robot mode laying lifelessly there, and recalled Cheetor, Orcariner, Wintersong and Ironclaw being TransMetal as well as briefly as he saw them, and some of the Predacons he encountered. But it was peculiar how only some of them had changed and others hadn't. "Do they withstand raw energon build up?" Primal presumed so but without knowing how long he had been gone and what the others had already been through with their bodies, it would be good for him to catch up. Speaking of, he added, "Is there still raw energon left?"
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Optimal Optimus Primal wrote: Why are NK and Dark Spark the only male players keeping up here?
Even if busy, I'm an insomniac, I can find the time between staring at the ceiling in the dark with bloodshot eyes. Cheetor and Dinobot I believe we were going to let the girls take, so I suppose if they've settled on who takes who, they can start if they want.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:Hey, NK, you're not Dark Spark.

Nope, I'm certainly not Dark spark, though my character could pretend to be him. :P Terrorsaur is a static cannon character, even with some growth, his personality is still predetermined allowing some predictability in his actions. )

Stag followed Feralnight, watching her lift up Saberfang. He scanned the environment for predacon activity, but only could detect faint scents in the air. As Feralnight turned and flew off with Saberfang, Stag followed behind.
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

((Well if it eases some concerns I just put up my audition for Cheetor at least, so hopefully he can be around more often and since we aren't quite sure if Blazemane will post anytime soon or at all in the near future seemed time to attempt another canon. I am still considering whether or not to take Dinobot but not yet sure.))
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber hurt all over and she couldn't quite remember why, she coughed up river water and growled a little in pain. Her ear twitched when she heard something but she couldn't make out what it was.

She had no idea if it was Maximal or Predacon, if it was a threat she was in no shape to defend herself. She stiffened a little when she felt claws sink into her fur.

Nothing I can do about it really. She thought with an inward sigh.

She closed her tired eyes to resign to what ever fate awaited her.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOP wrote: You just posted for her and no one else had a chance to respond yet. :wink:

Hey, NK, you're not Dark Spark. :P

P.S. Holy crap! I'm finally able to post! Been trying to since last night... :evil: ))

Of course NK isn't me...We're both merely two of the five combiners who come together to form....DEVASTATOR!!!! :twisted: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z852eRLDfto

Good luck figuring out who else here is a Constructicon in disguise Primal! :lol:
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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc : lol.. Couldn't you have decided on a better role model than Devastator? He got owned by all the other combiners. :p

I have a theory that Alak and Warwulf both have gotten lost in GTA5..)
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(The more obvious choice would of been Predaking, but we already know Warwulf would be Tantrum. Constructicons probably make more sense for me since I'm always stuck fixing something.. but Predaking wise, probably Razorclaw.. sit still for hours on end waiting to strike while everyone assumes your just lazy? Yeah.. that works. Rampage is too hyper and Divebomb is too cheery. Headstrong is too.. headstrong. *L* )