"Aftermath: Part I - New Introductions"

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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: I'm just winging it, Phoenix. It was suggested before that I find something to do with Optimus while I waited to bring him back. I liked una's idea of TC communicating with him, maybe helping him with Whitegrazer so she can find him and bring him back. Can't make any less sense than what Rhinox did in the show. :lol: It's not supposed to be a party, though. I was assuming it was only going to be OP having the honor or privilege of meeting Whitegrazer's master (not every other "lost" spark or dead bot) and learning something from him. Heh. Since it was implied in the show that Optimus was on "the other side of the Matrix" where Rhinox was still able to grab his spark, I thought I could go somewhere where I haven't before in an RPG. But I was going to take it a lot more serious and dramatic than the mood it has already developed. I also didn't have Rattrap dish out any orders for Aurora because I wanted her to have a little more time to grieve if she so choosed, and Whitegrazer could comfort her in the meantime. I'm very glad she's holding onto Primal's swords, though. :D ))
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(well, technically if you want to go by transformers afterlife stuff.. A spark only gets extingushed if it's damaged, destroyed, etc. As for meeting in space, essentially Primal is at the Allspark from what I can tell of Una's description. Though offically they put it that only a few sparks retain their personality in the afterlife, and the rest are just hiveminded like the Elder brain of the Illithid, though instead of hording knowledge into Vector Sigma or the Matrix.. I'm guessing they're recycled to bring new transformers online. http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Allspark However, I suggest just doing as you want since the fandom is rewrote so much that canon is non-existant at this point.. )
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Unread post by WorpeX »

Airazor quietly watched as the maximal's showed off their new forms. She was quite impressed with how many of them changed. She couldn't help but think Cheetor was beginning to look quite appealing - although he was still no Tigatron. She must have had a thing for cats. It didn't take long for Cheetor and the rest of the group to figure out that they had a 3rd mode - a vehicle mode - which they could use. Within moments of discovery, they were all crashing into each other and ship. Airazor laughed to herself at the chaos that was going on around her and silently slunk back into Tigatron's strong arms. They both remained unchanged.

Wordlessly watching the chaos and resting in her lovers arms, Airazor was caught off guard when she heard her name being called.
"Airazor, what's de status on the pods? Any of 'em fall nearby?"
Quickly, she straightened back up. "Umm..." She spoke, still trying to snap back into reality. "Give me a nanoclick" Walking back over to Rhinox's computer, she attempted to access the information Rattrap requested. She painstakingly examined the information on the screen, desperately looking for something about stasis pods. There were no buttons, no controls and no indication about them. Airazor panicked for a moment as she was failing to find the information her leader requested. Using the computer was different this time. Before she felt as if it all came naturally to her, but now, it was clumsy. Perhaps in the rush of the moment she had known what to do but now, when everyone was much more relaxed, she was completely dumbfounded.

Paging through a few different menus and screens, she found an 'Area map' screen and clicked on it. To her surprise, it brought up the location around their ship. This was all well and good, but it didn't give any useful information. Looking at the options carefully, she found a toggle for 'Recent Changes' and turned that on. Luckily, it began to show information about stasis pod droppings as well as environmental changes. It was likely that this wasn't the best way to get this information but it worked. With a sigh of relief, she began to relay the information back to her leader. "3 pods in sector 7 and one in sector 11. We better move quick, i'm sure megs is looking at this too!"
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Umbra wrote:"Your vistage is certainly impressive, Lord Megatron. While I realize time is of the essence, might I briefly discuss with you the terms of my contract under your servitude? It shouldn't take long and can be done while we travel if you desire.
Megatron released what sounded like an annoyed grunt as this upstart chose this as the perfect time to discuss terms. The newly reformed commander only barely managed to resist the urge to backhand Umbra out of the way for even having the nerve to distract him, but at the last possible moment he decided against such an approach. This assassin, Umbra, could potentially prove to be a useful ally.. or at the very least a beneficial tool for the time being. Perhaps he should not be so quick to dismiss him.

"Indeed," Megatron responded as he placed a large hand on Umbra's shoulder. "I appreciate your patience on this matter. We will discuss your terms as soon as its feasible to do so as I am most interested in having someone of your extraordinary talents on the team. For the time being, feel free to help yourself from our armory for any equipment you desire. However.. I have yet to have the pleasure of seeing your work first hand, so perhaps we can discuss your terms after you perform a task for me, hmm?"

He was about to continue when Terrorsaur started bragging.
Terrorsaur wrote:"I'll lead the air team, Megatron, if what my on-board computer's telling me is correct, I'm now the fastest flyer this planet has ever seen! I can easily reach any one of those pods long before any ground party could, with Waspinator and the other flyers accompanying me of course"

Nemesis could barely hold back a taunting laugh as the self-proclaimed baron of the skies boasted about his new abilities, finding his blatant egocentric bragging extremely aggravating.. at best. She attempted to ignore the smugness, hoping the situation would simply resolve itself without the need to stir up a confrontation, so she merely looked to Megatron while waiting for him to dismiss this nonsense.

Yet the tyrant remained silent, as if actually considering the red flyer's proposal.

"Although I somehow doubt your performance will be able to live up to your pompous tongue, I am not opposed to giving you the chance to form a team to recover our new comrades. Make your selection, Terrorsaur, and be on your way."

Megatron then returned his attention to Umbra, speaking in a lower voice as he addressed the assassin as not to arouse the attention of others.

"Go with them. Make sure Terrorsaur does not mess up or attempts betrayal. If he does, well, I trust you will know how to handle the situation. Return to me after and we will discuss your terms then."
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

Continuing to watch his teammates Onyx for the moment remained silent, finding no reason to really speak at the moment as they began to discuss at first attacking the Maximals before suddenly the alert of the pods distracted them from the intended mission. Though this had to be the second interruption of their plans to finish their suppose to be enemy, the first being the quantum surge that had the result in some of them being altered to some shiny, sleek upgrades and now the pods falling from what must have been the surge as well. In a way the stallion was kind of glad to have been able to avoid directly attacking the Maximals yet. He had to admit this wasn't exactly what he had expected when joining Megatron's team but there seemed little room for him to protest of how the tyrant ran his crew, some of his teammates weren't exactly an exception either in being a little ruthless but the t-rex sure knew how to make sure he was the one on tip.

If it wasn't bad enough Terrorsaur seemed to find some room to boast for his own abilities next to Megatron, though not as much as Terrorsaur was and just listening was enough to make Onyx shake his head. Quite frankly it was getting quite annoying to hear everyone boast that they could do this or dealing with their maniac attitude. The stallion,now fed up by this point, just stepped onto the hover board he fell from before and maneuvered it over to the main hall before stepping off, having really no reason to stick around and didn't plan to when he was fed up with listening to them boasting about their new forms and not making up their minds of what to do.

With a soft sigh the mech walked the halls of the Darksyde until he came into the hanger, walking towards the door that lead outside as it raised up to allow him to peer outside just for something to do. To his surprise nothing really seemed to have changed, maybe save for some of the land now shifted, melted, changed, whatever the case from the beam by the Planet Buster. It was just going to be a pain in the neck to fully realize what happened to the planet, if anything at all, and seeing what the future would hold in the war. If there was one.

((I'll post with Silverstreak later, just doing a quick post for Onyx for now))
Last edited by Wildfire94 on Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc: Happy New Year, all!

Just thought I'd slip my 2 cents in on this thought vs speech topic in our rpg posts, since I've made the mistake of assuming a character was speaking what they were in fact thinking as well. Perhaps we need a general guideline to better help others distinguish one from the other. Personally I write my character's speech in quotation marks and with whatever font color I use for that particular character. Thoughts, however, I tend to write in italics only without quotation marks. If there is something in particular I want to emphasize during a character's speech, I'll also use italics for that specific word but it remains in the specific text color and within the quotation marks.


Aurora put on a gentle smile as she brought her hand up to wave. (action)

"Please be careful out there in this weather. I want you all back in functional condition!" (speech)

I cannot lose another friend.. (thought)

If you use virtually the same font color for thoughts and put them inside quotation marks, it's very easy to miss that little detail that specifies that it's a thought and not spoken words.

/end ooc rant)
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

As Umbra observed Megatron, his took note of the annoyed grunt, as well as noticing tension in his arm. His optic ridge was then raised as he watched Megatron place his hand on his shoulder, but reframed from action as he heard Megatron's tone of voice while speaking. Perhaps the hostility he suddenly felt was just his imagination, but paranoia was a virtue to someone in his line of work.
Megatron wrote: "I appreciate your patience on this matter. We will discuss your terms as soon as its feasible to do so as I am most interested in having someone of your extraordinary talents on the team. For the time being, feel free to help yourself from our armory for any equipment you desire. However.. I have yet to have the pleasure of seeing your work first hand, so perhaps we can discuss your terms after you perform a task for me, hmm?"

So he needed to prove his worth, not a issue. If anything, it'd probably be stranger to not have to considering the demands he would be putting for his use. One of the Octopus eye's on Umbra's leg then shifted looking towards Terrorsaur as he heard him boast, while keeping the rest observing Megatron.
Phoenix wrote:"Go with them. Make sure Terrorsaur does not mess up or attempts betrayal. If he does, well, I trust you will know how to handle the situation. Return to me after and we will discuss your terms then."
Umbra gave a silent nod, then turned away walking towards Terrorsaur, the eye on his other leg seeming to watch Megatron. Umbra raised his arm to his chest and bowed politely towards Terrorsaur Your speed is certainly impressive. I would be honored to provide assistance towards your group's recovery of this stasispod. While I can not fly or move as fast as someone as great as yourself, my phsyical prowless should make it far easier to your group in the matter of manual labor,like carrying the Stasispods back to base. I can also provide a shell program to reprogram the Maximal protoform inside into a Predacon, if you so desire.

From his interactions, he could already start to paint the picture of the personalities around him. In the case of Terrorsaur, manipulating his personality type would be the easiest, as well as make him well suited to impersonate if he needed to. Out of any of them, he seemed to suffer a textbook case Starscream complex. Though this did not make Umbra look down on him, merely he knew the strengths and weaknesses of his personality type.

Megatron also showed himself well. His annoyence towards others showed his dislike of his troops, his vocabulary showed intelligence, and his orders showed his ruthlessness. For someone like him, he only saw his troops as pawns on a chessboard like a typical strategist personality type. To be so willing to backstab one of his own men, it was clear that he would have to be cautious around the tyrant, or else be backstabbed as well.
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

OOC: Though it matters very little to anyone in particular's story line since Arachnitron is the only one currently functional in the room, I made myself a post. I kind of thought the whole web scene was going to be over by now....but it's okay....I've been toying with this kind of weird idea for a while now so I'll just do it....hope it's amusing and completely creepy.

@Phoenix: Did you ever get that PM I sent you a while back? I haven't seen a response yet....just wondering if you're still interested or if you've abandoned the idea....

Also, I always try to write thoughts in italics too. It keeps it clear in my mind as well as other readers' minds. Of course, having said that....I must also mention....that I didn't in this post. At this point, the three different personalities are separate from each other. So whatever the Maximal is saying in this post is not heard by the Hybrid, so therefore, they aren't really thoughts of the Hybrid. Just one more mind blowing side effect to Arachnitron's personality problem. Well, you'll see when you read it....don't want any OOC spoilers....


The landscape was dark...so dark that Arachnitron couldn't see her own hands in front of her. She trudged on though not sure where she was or where she was heading. The path she had taken seemed endless. She was forever walking, lost and alone. Her alters were silent at the moment for some reason or another. She felt as though the silence just might drive her mad. She was also completely blind at the moment stumbling along some unknown path going who knew where.

How long had she been walking? She wasn't sure. It felt like several solar days, but something told her it felt a lot longer than it actually was. She finally stopped walking and collapsed in a heap on the ground....at least, she thought it was ground. She had to break this deafening silence!

"Hello???" she called out into the nothingness. Her voice sounded so small as it echoed back to her. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

No answer.

Panic began to set in. Where was she? Where was everyone?

"Hybrid! Predacon!" she called out to her alters fruitlessly with her fear mounting.

"Optimus? Wintersong? Frilla? Someone please answer me!!!!!"

Still no answer.

"HELP ME!! WHERE AM I???" she screamed.

But it was dark and quiet. Her voice was the only thing that broke the stillness that surrounded her. She sobbed hysterically as she realized that somehow, she was alone. Neither one of her alters was with her. One or both of them had somehow excluded her from the body they shared. She was suddenly very scared. She had no spark of her own....so she could do nothing with out the body she shared with the others. As long as they were keeping it from her, the Maximal programming would be doomed to roam the quiet nothingness of Arachnitron's mind (whichever version of her controlled the body right now)....doomed to forever exist only as these forgotten thoughts in the silent stillness that was to be her prison.....at least, not until she somehow regained control. But how could she possibly do that? And which of her alters did this to her?


Feeling much less shaky, Arachnitron stood and looked around the room. The quantum surge had knocked out the others in the room as well. She noticed Blackarachnia still on the floor un-moving. She turned her attention to Tarantulas' cell.

She walked over to the cell and gasped in surprise. Tarantulas had been pretty charred before the surge, but she distinctly remembered his coloring to be purple and green. His exo structure was still purple in some parts, but now it was also black and navy blue. Not only was his coloring completely different, but his exostructure was much less organic looking than it had been. His beast mode parts were actual spider legs before the surge, but now they were metallic and shiny. And did he have wheels?

Arachnitron was in awe of Tarantulas' new body. He looked so much more....dare she say....attractive now, but it could have been the fact that his metallic, shiny parts made him look so much more powerful than before. Yes, that must have been it. The power. She was of Predacon design, after all, so she was inherently attracted to power. His new body seemed to be seething with it. Of course, who knew if it really was or not....she'd have to wait to see him in action to see what other changes he possessed.

This new change in her comrade brought with it some new hope for Arachnitron. If the surge had changed him on the outside, then perhaps it had some other changes as well.....some changes on the inside. Perhaps this opened up some new doors for the pair where dealing with Arachnitron's personality disorder was concerned. Perhaps if he were stronger physically, perhaps the surge made him smarter as well and he'd be able to come up with some new ideas for how to help her. The Hybrid couldn't help, but be almost giddy with anticipation.

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by WorpeX »

((Great post Blackrose!!)
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: I will post for Whitegrazer when Blazemane posts since Whitegrazer jumped in front of Cheetor to stop him. I mean, she is a tall girl. :wink: But it has been five days so here is my post for TC and Blackarachnia. Sorry for making you guys wait, I just like to put all my characters posts in one. But sometimes, it can't be helped. :lol: ))

"Well, you got my attention,""Although I'll admit, I almost ran the other way,"

So his impersonation didn't work? Slag it!

He began to feel what Optimus was feeling at these few moments. After all, here he was at Death's door and Death isn't what people imagine it to be.

Depending on the person, Death is a warming experience of peace and love or a cold pit of despair and hatred. He was one of the people who was inbetween such. He brought Death, not sought it. Of course, that part of him dwindled abit. Personally, he blamed her. It was always her. Her. Her. Her.

Anyway, where was he? Oh right.

"First, let's introduce each other fully."

Despite the fact they were wandering sparks, if one concentrated carefully, the souls could see the physical manifestation that one soul took on in the other plane. Immeidately, everything turned into some type of white void. They were still in the same place. They were just seeing each other with ghostly optics. Materializing, he exposed his physical self: his crimson optics blazed through the void followed by the hardened, steel features of his face that nearly resembled that of a human skull. Colors of purple and black painted over his body that was short and slender with spikes sticking up from his shoulders.

"Don't worry, I'm not a devil. Though, many people believed I was in one lifetime."

The smirk he gave Optimus could probably rival that of Megatron's. He probably wasn't someone Optimus would want to greet first in such a plane. Taking a good look at the person his student seemed to grow attached to, he carried an unimpressed look before he realized that maybe he should try to find someone who can ease him in-

"Geez.. it really IS you. I know we were good buddies and all Optimus, but you didn't have to follow after me so soon."

Did someone...Oh crap, the welcoming committee. Maybe he shouldn't had shouted Primal's name.


"Hehehehe, you always were amusing. Unhappily, we have no more time to play!"

Appearing above her was a gigantic size Tarantulas, slobber dripping down from his mandibles onto her body. She let out a scream and struggled fiercely against the web to no avail.

"I've long suspected you looked good enough to eat my dear, now we'll find out together!"

The feeling of his fangs digging in her body shoot a pain around her form.


Her screams echoed as she was swallowed inside. Juices surged inbetween the cracks. Her body breaking from the inside out, pouring out her mechfluids.


Blackarachnia shot up from her nightmare. No, it was too real to be a nightmare. She could still feel the stench of that lunatic's drool all over her. But now, she was back online and exposed outside the hallway of the Axalon. As she forced herself up, she noticed that someone was some where else.

"Wh-what hit me?"
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: Hi everyone, before I post Terrorsaur's reply & he makes his full team selection, how many of us on the Darksyde at the moment can fly?

P.S. great posts by Una and Blackrose! :mrgreen:
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

Silverstreak was currently content to watch her newly changed teammates and those who remained unchanged, not saying much as she only observed their actions of discovering their beast forms changed and what seemed a newer vehicle form. All the forms were certainly impressive and the silver fox couldn't help watching in admiration, wondering what the full extent of their new abilities were, mostly if they were truly stronger then they once were or weaker in some places but from the looks of things they would have a lot of learning to do with their forms.

Though it seemed almost unfortunate with Cheetor as he activated what seemed to be afterburners of some kind, and at first they seemed cool as they rest until he suddenly began to fly about the room. Ducking once SIlverstreak couldn't help raising an optic ridge as he disappeared down the halls but still being able to hear his voice echo down the halls of the Axalon before returning to the room that was already in a little chaos of having to duck or move aside just to avoid the now airborne cheetah. But seeing Cheetor now heading right for her SIlverstreak was about to move before Whitegrazer got in the way instead and blocked Cheetor from crashing into her or the wall in a similar manner as Rattrap had just done,"Well a flying cat is something you don't see every day,"She said rubbing the back of her neck when things had calmed down but were soon back to being serious as Rattrap was quick to take charge and trying to find Blackarachnia who had gone missing before the surge.

Though she hadn't been the only who disappeared earlier. The larger of the Maximals Orcanier, who she had yet to actually speak to quite yet, had just returned to the bridge also changed which was a relief to see he was okay though it now seemed Aurora was off somewhere and she wondered what the ermine fuzor was going off to do.

((Finally posted with Silverstreak and Onyx's post was edited slightly.))
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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: I will be posting for Whitegrazer tonight. After a coffee or two. :lol: Caffeine!!!))

What was the saying? The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

She had blocked Silverstreak, but Cheetor's swift velocity was enough to lift her off her feet, going straight back into the wall. With Cheetor's head dig into her torso, her face was a mixture of surprise and shock, holding her breath if she were human. Soon, if from Cheetor deactivating or his thruster juices went to cool down, she was let down and gave a pained chuckle, rubbing her torso with a smile.

"Maybe we should tinker with the new toys outside."

It was then she realized that Aurora was gone and she got up real fast, gazing around the room. Where did she go? She looked like a half-crazed mother trying to find her child. She took a step to the hallway before she stopped herself. Wait a minute, she might want to be alone...but the Predacons... Over protectiveness seemed to overwhelm her abit. Really, I need to stop that. I promised myself won't do this anymore. She sighed inwardly. Could just be because of my severed link...it's been a long time since I had such a connection and lost it. It's not easy to drive away some times. But she had to. She needed to get it together.
"Feralnight, get the security cameras up for the brig," Rattrap ordered her as he stood up and rubbed his head a little. "De power-outage might've given dose spiders an escape. And find out where Blackarachnia ran off to."
Wait...of course, we have cameras.

As she waited for orders, she decided to take a peak, standing next to Feralnight. This could be a good thing and it looked like Aurora was nowhere there. That's good. If she saw that ermine peak out...Stop it, Whitegrazer. You are stronger than that. She stared back at Orcariner and smiled happy to see that he was all right.

Though, if Aurora was there, she would give a nod for initiative, but...they had cameras.

She didn't realize she took a step back like she was ready to go if anything happened. But she wasn't going to go rush out there half-cocked. Everything looked peaceful so far. After all, the Predacons would only just want to escape, not to attack.
"Airazor, what's de status on the pods? Any of 'em fall nearby?
She wondered about those too.
"3 pods in sector 7 and one in sector 11. We better move quick, i'm sure megs is looking at this too!"
Not too bad, they have a chance to get those pods before the Predacons.

((OOC: Whitegrazer seems such like a worried mother hen here. XDD ))
Last edited by una on Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by New Moon »

((Meh, sorry I'm so slow but seem to still be having issues with the site for some reason. :? Hopefully I can get this figured out soon, but could just be my connection not being the best at the moment.))

Frilla had to duck when Cheetor came flying by, shaking her head as she watched the cheetah who now was able to fly having trouble with his new upgrade, least in vehicle mode or could it be considered a flight mode? Whichever it was the frilled lizard had to admit she was kind of glad to have one that was pretty simple and would certainly give her an advantage when it came to some areas, gliding certainly seemed it might have it's up sides considering several of the places they wandered off to or the fact of how much time Frilla spent in the trees. Being a forest bound frilled lizard the gliders would serve her well at higher altitudes and going from tree to tree instead of risking long jumps that could very well be fatal before. Even if it was hopefully her tougher armor would serve to help against impact.

For now the lizard femme retracted the gliders before she transformed to robot mode, turning her attention towards the more serious actions at the moment and wondering if they would be able to take care of the Predacons and worry about the pods at the same time. Already it seemed they would be spread pretty thin when it came to the spiders, the remaining Predacons, and just going to retrieve the pods.

"On it Rattrap,"Feralnight was quick to move over to the monitors serving as the security screens, typing on a few keys to pull up those that were stationed in the brig and wasn't surprised to find the spiders showing up there. Though it didn't seem they had quite yet made their full escape which might prove in their favor if they moved fast enough, that's if Blackarachnia and Arachnitron didn't get away first. Or hopefully not even the panther as well. "It seems they're still around the brig trying to get Tarantulas now guys, I'd suggest we be quick unless they slip away."She told them but wondered if Wintersong herself would volunteer considering she had seemed to have had a growing friendship with Arachnitron not to long ago. But only time would tell what would happen now.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Phoenix wrote: Nemesis could barely hold back a taunting laugh as the self-proclaimed baron of the skies boasted about his new abilities, finding his blatant egocentric bragging extremely aggravating.. at best. She attempted to ignore the smugness, hoping the situation would simply resolve itself without the need to stir up a confrontation, so she merely looked to Megatron while waiting for him to dismiss this nonsense.

Yet the tyrant remained silent, as if actually considering the red flyer's proposal.

"Although I somehow doubt your performance will be able to live up to your pompous tongue, I am not opposed to giving you the chance to form a team to recover our new comrades. Make your selection, Terrorsaur, and be on your way."

Terrorsaur continued to smirk and forced himself to salute Megatron and replied "Thank you Megatron, I shall endeavor to surpass your expectations."

"Waspinator, Nemesis, Manterror! Front and center! Congratulations, consider yourselves drafted to Team Terrorsaur! RAWK!" Terrorsaur crowed impressively, thrusting his right fist into the air in triumph, his left held behind him in officer's fashion.

He'd chosen Nemesis and Waspinator since they, like him, had been upgraded by the Transwarp Wave, and thus while not as glorious as himself, were worthy enough to be seen flying under his command. Besides, Waspinator was perhaps the one predacon he trusted most, and with his new transmetal form he may prove more effective in battle than his original, accident prone self. As for Manterror...He was canon fodder, plain and simple, inferior to him & the others in design but easily manipulated due to his crazed & feeble mind. He was tempted to choose Venetrix instead but she could be more difficult to control than the others given her size, not that size mattered when perfection such as his was involved.

NaitoKage wrote: Umbra gave a silent nod, then turned away walking towards Terrorsaur, the eye on his other leg seeming to watch Megatron. Umbra raised his arm to his chest and bowed politely towards Terrorsaur Your speed is certainly impressive. I would be honored to provide assistance towards your group's recovery of this stasispod. While I can not fly or move as fast as someone as great as yourself, my phsyical prowless should make it far easier to your group in the matter of manual labor,like carrying the Stasispods back to base. I can also provide a shell program to reprogram the Maximal protoform inside into a Predacon, if you so desire.

Terrorsaur usually relished those rare occasions when another predacon recognized him for the brilliant and capable leader he truly was, but he'd been a back-stabber long enough, & been back-stabbed enough over the course of this war, to know he couldn't trust anyone at face value. It was strange, he felt more...Self-aware somehow, he was still himself, but for some reason he was more alert and not as quickly taken in by compliments as he used to be...Could his recent upgrade have made him stronger, faster, AND smarter? It was a delightful thought to say the least, that he could be even more ingenious than he'd ever been before, but for now there were more pressing matters to attend to...Namely what to do with the smooth talking merc Megatron had been whispering "sweet nothings" to a moment ago. If he blew Umbra off outright Megatron would probably insist on him being part of the team, or take away Terrorsaur's rank as Team Leader.

"Heh, good to know at least one of you recruits knows how to show respect to a veteran officer" Terrorsaur replied, adding "It would be a pleasure to have you tag along Umbra, but alas, a ground pounder like you wouldn't be able to keep up with us on foot, & even before his upgrade Waspinator alone was strong enough to carry a single stasis pod airborne. Though I suppose Manterror could give you a lift, he's certainly strong enough to carry you and a talented flyer in his own right...Or you could simply contribute your Shell Program for us to install ourselves?"

Terrorsaur avoided smirking as best he could, trusting that Umbra would be forced to choose between his sense of self-preservation, seeing as how psychotic & unreliable Manterror was & how he couldn't simply ask for another lift without challenging Terrorsaur's authority, or his meager loyalty to Megatron, bought & bargained though it was.

Una wrote: The feeling of his fangs digging in her body shoot a pain around her form.


Her screams echoed as she was swallowed inside. Juices surged inbetween the cracks. Her body breaking from the inside out, pouring out her mechfluids.


Blackarachnia shot up from her nightmare. No, it was too real to be a nightmare. She could still feel the stench of that lunatic's drool all over her. But now, she was back online and exposed outside the hallway of the Axalon. As she forced herself up, she noticed that someone was some where else.

"Wh-what hit me?"

"A transwarp wave, no doubt resulting from the aftermath of the alien weapon's destruction! There, now that your curiosity has been satisfied, hurry up and aid Arachnitron in retrieving my body, the maximals are likely recovering as you have as we speak. Unless you wish to experience what it means to be the fly to my spider every day for the rest of OUR lives, hhhmm?" Tarantulas threatened, eager to return to his own body inspite of the pleasure he was deriving from Blackarachnia's suffering.

Blackrose wrote: Feeling much less shaky, Arachnitron stood and looked around the room. The quantum surge had knocked out the others in the room as well. She noticed Blackarachnia still on the floor un-moving. She turned her attention to Tarantulas' cell.

She walked over to the cell and gasped in surprise. Tarantulas had been pretty charred before the surge, but she distinctly remembered his coloring to be purple and green. His exo structure was still purple in some parts, but now it was also black and navy blue. Not only was his coloring completely different, but his exostructure was much less organic looking than it had been. His beast mode parts were actual spider legs before the surge, but now they were metallic and shiny. And did he have wheels?

Arachnitron was in awe of Tarantulas' new body. He looked so much more....dare she say....attractive now, but it could have been the fact that his metallic, shiny parts made him look so much more powerful than before. Yes, that must have been it. The power. She was of Predacon design, after all, so she was inherently attracted to power. His new body seemed to be seething with it. Of course, who knew if it really was or not....she'd have to wait to see him in action to see what other changes he possessed.

This new change in her comrade brought with it some new hope for Arachnitron. If the surge had changed him on the outside, then perhaps it had some other changes as well.....some changes on the inside. Perhaps this opened up some new doors for the pair where dealing with Arachnitron's personality disorder was concerned. Perhaps if he were stronger physically, perhaps the surge made him smarter as well and he'd be able to come up with some new ideas for how to help her. The Hybrid couldn't help, but be almost giddy with anticipation.

"Arachnitron, report! What is the extend of the damage done to my shell?" Tarantulas ordered, curious to know how his body was fairing, especially in light of the transwarp wave's passing...And he could have sworn he saw his body beginning to undergo some manner of metamorphosis before he and BA had gone offline.

OOC: Sorry for the delay on my post everyone, let me know if I goofed anywhere in regards to Terrorsaur's recruitment drive, i.e. if someone would rather not join him on this mission or someone else would rather come along, etc.

P.S. would Venetrix be a better choice than Nemesis or was I correct in assuming the ex-decepticon would be even more difficult for Terry to put up with than Nemmy? XD, sorry, I don't know either character very well yet so I don't know how they feel towards Terry, i.e. if they're loyal to Megatron or would be willing go along with one of his schemes etc?
Last edited by DarkSpark on Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.