Dreaming about BW

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Dreaming about BW

Unread post by xCubicZirconia »

I had a dream that Depth Charge was a human and was the father of cat woman... But then Cat Woman turned into a guy and was secretly Rampage so Depth Charge cut it's head off... All in my backyard was where this happened before we cooked cheese fries and made smores... >.>

...Anyone else have any off the wall BW dreams? ...Part of that one was prolly to blame on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol from earlier xD
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

I just told you about my dream, but I'll post it anyways. I had a dream that I believe I got jumped in some strange alleyway, and then woke up in a hospital and Rampage was there! So sort of like the Grim Reaper himself was standing right next to me!
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Unread post by Beastbot »

I very rarely dream, and when I do it's usually fairly mundane stuff. Like, I go to a store and find the TF(s) I was looking for.
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

I never really dream about mundane or even happy things. Most of the time my dreams are very vivid and episodic (that is they happen in a logical order and seem to play out like a tv show or a movie). They almost always make sense and are almost always nightmares.

The only BW related dream I remember right now off the top of my head was a dream I had a while back. I dreamt that I was my OC and Megatron was chasing me. When he finally caught me he began torturing me to try to cure the multiple programming issue that affects my OC. Optimus Primal was there and he kind of looked on indifferently as if to say "I have no idea what you want me to do about this." If it had been anyone else this would definitely have been quite a disturbing nightmare, but it was Megatron. That big purple dinosaur probably wouldn't scare me in real life.

I usually dream about things like that....something is happening to me (whether I'm being chased, attacked, tortured, or whatever) and someone is watching it all happen and not helping me. I probably have some sort of unresolved psychological issue related to someone not helping me one time or something. Probably should get that checked out. :-P

I definitely had a dream about Mass Effect and BW once. I was throwing grenades at the reapers and they wouldn't freakin' die. Everything I tried didn't work even Dinobot's eye lasers! The whole of humanity was in a state of disarray and I was one of the few humans still alive towards the end which was a terrifying thought! And towards the end, I was escaping from Cerberus troops in a flying golf cart with a BW character of some sort in the cart with me. I couldn't tell you who it was because I definitely don't remember. I wanna say it was Depth Charge or Rattrap, but I don't remember. That one was definitely a nightmare I hope to not have to repeat. It was terrifying to be the only human still alive!

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(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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