The New Character Lounge

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by starshadow »

Cecaelia smirked and rubbed her chin. "Hmm...then again, it could be fun." one of her tentacles took off the batcat's helmet with two more tentacles tieing up her hair cables into pig tails. Then, two other tentacles removed her breast plate revealing an extra layer of black alien armor. "Eh? I didn't know she wears two layers."

Starshadow smirked and chuckled. "Extra precaution for pervs like this guy..."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

NS suddenly appeared visable crouching, revealed to be taking pictures of Cecaelia and StarShadow. Hm.. THEN I might need to use my sword to get that off you. Oh well.

A voice was then heard on intercom from the Leviathan. Could you two not molest her on top of my ship? People might be watching....

Dark sighed crawling up onto the ship Why do you keep doing things like this? she then said, seeming to be blushing from embarrassment.

NightShadow stood up Fine, let us in and just lock yourself in the bridge. I need some sort of reward for this sort of thing.

Glowstick disliked the idea, but decided he may as well comply. He extended his arm hitting a button to the bridge door, then hit a button on the arm of his chair.

The turret hatch opened, NS walked over picking up StarShadow, then walked to the turret hatch climbing inside and lowering into the hall. He then walked towards the quarters opening the door, noticing Sonar on the bed with the female bat inside Oh, is this room occupied? he said with a grin.
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Unread post by starshadow »

((I am bored. :P))

Starshadow sighed as she cannot escape from the gold bot or anyone in the transport. "Put me down and untie me..."

Her optics widen then twitched when she saw Sonar with another female. ".....lucky slagtard."
She could feel the emotion of jealousy rising in her spark and that was the emotion she did not want to feel at all.
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Unread post by starshadow »

((OOC: This is probably the deadest thread in the section. My sista Scaleblade and I were bored and suggested we should use this thread to get to know each others OCs by rping of course. could join us if you want. Afterall this thread is open for all characters. I shall start a new since the previous thing stopped.))

Starshadow kicked the door opened as soon as she had beaten up a few sleazeballs outside the bar, "mechs should learn something about what not to do to cat femmes." she pushed some of her cable hair to the back and grabbed one of the mech's head to the bar counter, "give me your strongest energon you have here."

"Here ya go! the bartender gave her a large magenta energon cube. The catbot took a big gulp and let out a loud burp which disgusted a few mechs around her.
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Unread post by Scaleblade »

Crimson optics watched the newcomer femme from across the bar and narrowed slightly. Scaleblade sat at one end of the bar alone, no one daring to come near here after her last hostile display. She grasped her drink and brought it to her lips, before hissing and throwing it back behind the counter. "I told you. No high grade," she growled lowly at the bartender.

The small mech in front of her started slightly before fumbling for a fresh cube. Upon completing his task he held out the new drink cautiously before Scaleblade snatched it out of his hands roughly. "Don't make that mistake again," she warned in a low voice.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow looked at the cobra femme for a moment and pulled out the unconcious mech's wallet, "keep the change." she said as she paid her drink and walked towards the cobrabot, "new around here? I didn't see you before."
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Unread post by Scaleblade »

Scaleblade seemed perturbed that someone would approach her and glared at the femme. She gave the femme a cold look up and down before grimacing. Without saying a word she turned her back to the feline and continued to sip her drink.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow narrowed her optics when the femme didn't respond. She seemed to be worse than Sonar in terms of continuing a banter, "I assume your voicebox got a little sore from drinking too much high grade?" the catbot looked at her silver nails. When was the last time she sharpened it?

The atmosphere of the room was rather depressing. The techno music and disco lights did not help much in lightening the mood. The pantherbot finished her cube and looked at at, "life is so dull, isn't it?" she closed her optics for a moment and held the cube tighter, slightly cracking it before continuing, "So why don't we make things a little more EXCITING?!" in a flash, the cube she was holding on was thrown on the cobrabot's head. Oh how she love starting bar fights.
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Unread post by Scaleblade »

Scaleblade was almost stunned that someone could do something so outlandishly stupid. She dragged her clawed fingers along the bar table top, delighting in the screech that ensued. "Mmm," she rumbled quietly. "High grade is for imbecilic morons, as you have so made a fine example of." Scaleblade continued to sit and traced the rim of her glass with a claw. "I suggest you leave before you start something you cannot finish."
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Unread post by starshadow »

Oooo I like where this is going. Starshadow thought with a smirk. She couldn't help but let out a dark chuckle.

"Is that so?" she raised an optic ridge while smiling as she sat on the bar table, "mmm..." she put her index finger on her lips, thinking for a moment.

The femme was calm. Not really a common predacon quality. She might have create other ways to see what makes her tick.

"A fight I can't finish? I find that hard to believe...can you prove me wrong~?"
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Unread post by Scaleblade »

"Why yes, I can," Scaleblade stated in a matter of fact tone. In a single move she swiftly rose from her seat and grabbed the back of the feline femme's head before smashing it down on the bar in front of her. Scaleblade straightened herself and dissmissingly threw a few credits on the counter to pay for her drink before walking out as though nothing had happened.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow just laughed at Scaleblade. She was starting to like it when things escalated. She transformed into her robot mode and caught up to her, clenching her jaws as hard as she could after pouncing on the scaley reptilian femme.

((This is most probably my most terrible post of all time. :? )
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Unread post by Scaleblade »

Scaleblade grimaced before rolling slightly and punching Starshadow square in the jaw. She growled and shoved the femme's weight off of her. "Get off of me you idiot," Scaleblade seethed, her anger and annoiance steadily rising.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow growled as she was punched, deciding to release the femme, stepping away from the cobra, "you do know how to control your anger. Not many bots know how to control their temper." the panther was circling her like a vulture while watching her with eyes of a hawk. Transforming into her robot mode, she licked her fangs, knowing that fighting a calm and probably skilled opponent would be so much fun. Her dual blades were unsheathed with a sound of a drawn sword.

"Ready or not.." she snarled and slashed her face.
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Unread post by Scaleblade »

Scaleblade growled again and ducked and rolled out of the way, the anger rising in her circuits. The cobra femme slowly rose to her feet, sliding into a sturdy battle stance. Scaleblade grasped the handles at her hips, pulling out a pair of bladed tonfa and narrowed her optics at the other femme. "You will live to regret any move you make from here on out, feline."
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