Second Season Canon Auditions

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Alak »

I already listed the galva conductors in his profile when I first revamped Season 2. I figured that would be ok since others were using them. The use of his 10+ strength was certainly new to me, though (creating tidals waves and such). It's American, too, but I never remembered this and I even owned the toy...




Check out Depth Charge:
A magnificent giant soars through the oceans in regal silence. Depth Charge was commissioned by Optimus Primal to act as a first line of defense against Predacon undersea aggressors. Though he would rather study military strategies than execute them, Depth Charge is a dedicated fighter and inspired leader. Nuclear cybershark drone conducts recon missions, doubles as reinforcement in battle, and fires dual proton torpedoes. Intermediate space-cruiser mode can achieve planetary orbit or withstand the deepest oceanic pressures. As a robot, he fires shrapnel grenades from his chest and can maintain a force field for five mega cycles. With unshakable nerves and Energon-cutlass in hand, Depth Charge leads his brave platoon into battle.
That's pretty boss right there!
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Unread post by Mystrea »

On the topic of Rampage, I thought I would show you a video I made a couple years back. Don't laugh lol.
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Unread post by Alak »

Nothing to laugh at, you did a very good job with the editing. I forgot how big Rampage was. I might portray him to be around Orcariner's size. Oh, and healing factor ftw. I'm gonna have a lot of fun.
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Unread post by Mystrea »

It will be a pleasure to play that role I bet.
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Unread post by Alak »

As Night-Hunter said in the Absentee topic, Inferno and Waspinator are now up for grabs. Audition away, everybody!
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Unread post by Alak »

Alas, Megatron needs a new player since Wildfire is taking a leave of absence. Given the current situation, I'd say every Predacon player is waiting on this character's next post. I would volunteer but I'm working with Orcariner, Rhinox, Scorponok, and Terrorsaur at the moment. I'll do it if no one wants to play the guy since I've played more characters in other RPGS, but I'll be honest when I say I won't enjoy it.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Heh.. Guess I should take up Megatron's reigns until Wildfire returns? Though I was never a very good Megatron.
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Unread post by starshadow »

I thought you were very good at Megs NK.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

You were fine with Megs, NK... until he was pushed aside for your OC's. :wink: I can understand that, though. However, Megs is a HUGE character and essential to this game, so until Wildfire returns, I thank you for covering him for her.
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

PLAYER NAME: Blackrosefencer
REASON FOR AUDTION: Currently, I have one OC. I thought it might be fun to try my hand at a cannon character.


The red fire ant found himself scuttling along outside the colony lost in thought. He was following a trail of his younger brothers. When they had caught sight of him, they had fled. He wasn't sure why. He was a red ant like they were. He was significantly different that was true. He was much much bigger. Is that then the reason why they ran from him? True, there were other differences. Inferno could speak a language the others couldn't understand, but he could speak their language just the same. Inferno also had the ability to transform into a robot. Perhaps this is why his brothers and sisters hid from him. Maybe he was more different than he realized. If he wasn't an ant like them, then what was he?

His thoughts brought him to the colony he had sworn to protect. Other creatures like himself, beasts one moment then robots the next, resided there with him. The others called it The Darksyde. The word Predacon lingered for a moment in his mind. This must be what he was. A creature called a Predacon. He would protect it with all his soul from creatures called the Maximals, enemies to the Queen. Yet, this didn't feel completely right either. None of the other Predacons had the same ant-ly instincts that he possessed. He felt a strong desire to do what his beast form told him to do. None of the others acted like that regarding their beast forms. It seperated him from the others. Who was he?

These questions plagued Inferno day and night, night and day. His programming had been faulty; thereby causing his beast form to have more control over the personality circuits than usual. He truly did think he was an ant, but it was clear that the alien design of his body was something his brothers and sisters could sense causing them to shun him. If he just understood more about his programming issue, then maybe he would have understood better what and who he was. But he wasn't meant to understand these things. He was meant to serve the Royalty loyally and protect the nest from harm.

He contemplated this last thought. He turned away from the tiny fire ants with almost a sad look on his face. He would never belong there and that confused him. He knew he would have to go back to the Predacons. His purple master would be expecting him to complete his duties. He would serve the only Queen he had ever known and protect the only home he had ever lived in.


Inferno paced back and forth in his beast form outside the colony. He was on sentry duty and was sworn to protect the queen who sat safely inside. He paused a moment listening to the sounds around him. Then he resumed his pacing....more like marching really. Methodically, he picked his legs up and put them down, one right after the other, each one making a soft thud as it made contact with the ground. Then he stopped again to listen to the sounds around him. He did this a few more times before a rustle in the leaves caught his attention. An intruder!

"Inferno, terrorize!" he spoke.

The leaves rustled again and a small brown rat scurried out. His scanners showed that it was of Maximal origin. Yes, he was familiar with this offender. He had seen him once or twice before. A split second later the small beast transformed confirming Inferno's suspicions that this was an enemy to the colony.

Without hesitation, Inferno pulled out his missle launcher and fired at the rat. Gracefully the Maximal avoided his missles cartwheeling away from the explosions.

"Eh, is 'dat 'da best you can do, Anty-Wanty?" the Maximal taunted chuckling. Inferno was not amused.

"I am just getting started, Maximal," Inferno answered. He fired a few more rounds from his missle launcher while the rat fired his own weapon in return. At least one made contact with its intended target, but Inferno kept firing.

Finally one of Inferno's own missles hit Rattrap and sent him flying backwards into the rocks. Now he was ready to play the game he had been so looking forward to playing!

True to his name, Inferno was eager to use his flamethrower. He pulled it out quickly and then started it up. He walked towards the Maximal shooting flames at him and laughing manically.

"The Maximals will know what happens to invaders of the colony once I finish with you! Burn, Maximal, BURN!" Before the flames made contact with the Maximal, Inferno saluted with his free hand and uttered, "FOR THE ROYALTY!!"

The flames made contact with the rat, but unfortunately, he was at the ready with one of his demolishion charges. He threw it to the ant and it stuck on his arm ready to blow.

Inferno screamed with rage and pulled off the charger, but when he turned back to the rock to resume his destruction, the Maximal had already fled.

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

XD Love it, Blackrosefencer! Very well done. Thank you so much for giving him a new home! :D I can't wait to see you in action with Inferno.
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Unread post by Big Convoy »

REASON FOR AUDITION: Felt like that controlling Waspinator would be a great way for me to start when Season 2 begins.


Waspinator had lost count on the times that he was scrapped but he remembers how he got scrapped. The latest was by being used as a shield from one of Scorponok's missiles. His parts are currently located near him, a few miles away from him and far away from the Predacon.

After finally getting his head reattached to his torso and reattaching an arm, he then crawled his way to collect his disassembled pair of legs. "Why world hatezz Wazzpinator..." He bemoaned to himself, fully knowing how bad his luck is and knowing that no one will answer. In fact, why is he with the Predacon's anyway? They've done nothing good to him and half of the faction would like to slag him or experiment him on how he's still alive. He should just give up and leave them.

Oh right, the reason why he's with the Preds is because Megatron is terrifying. No one doesn't want to anger the leader of the Predacon's who's Alt-Mode is a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Waspinator decided to ignore his thoughts after finally reattaching his legs and walking towards his other arm and attached it back into it's place. He decided to think of revenge towards the Maximals for being scrapped a thousand times. He'll have plans for them......

"Wazzpinator hazzz planzzz...." He said to himself before doing an evil giggle.


Waspinator in his Beast Mode avoided the various shots that were target upon him. There's no slagging way he's going to get scrapped again. Time for him to show how he felt, oh yes they will pay...

"Wazzpinator, TERRORIZZZE!" He roared before transforming into his robot mode....which wasn't really threatening or anything but then again, he isn't no Rampage or anything. Actually maybe he should have chosen something tough so he wouldn't have been blown up all of the time, Wasp's are a bit too fragile...

Waspinator realized that he's losing focus by thinking before shaking off the thoughts and pulling out his gun. "Wazzpinator izz zzick of being ZZCRAP! Now you can feel what Wazzpinator felt!" He mocked before laughing like an idiotic loony.

"Ahem..." A voice said far away from behind the Pred before he turned to confront the one who belonged to it. It was Rattrap holding a detonator, Waspinator then looked at his back revealing that the Maximal had attached Detpak's on him.

Then Rattrap pressed the detonator before running away. Waspinator took a few seconds to know what's going to happen.

"Aw zzla-"

He couldn't finish his sentence before he was enveloped by a comically large mushroom cloud.


Hope this works, if you've got any complaints about it. Go ahead, I won't mind.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Works fine for me, Big Convoy! Great desciptions and detail. Thank you so much! No one is controlling him right now, so if you'd like to join in the game with him at this moment, be my guest. If you're more comfortable waiting for season two (which, I hope, won't be long until it starts), then that's cool. Completely up to you. :D
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Unread post by Big Convoy »

I'll probably wait until Season 2 considering that I've been reading the Finale and he's currently in a CR Chamber.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

If NaitoKage wants to take a break from playing Megatron so he can return to his OCs, or if Megatron's original player Wildfire isn't/hasn't returned yet, I'd be more than happy to takeover the role of Megs (I'd audition for it too of course to show I can actually play him of course, Yyyyeeessss... :twisted: ).
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