BW Facebook Group

Have you got some cool BW links to tell us about? How about your own website? Let us know here!

Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One

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BW Facebook Group

Unread post by xCubicZirconia »

I madea BW group on facebook if anyone wants to join! ... 604976999/
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

Cool!!! I just joined! lol.

Incidentally, if anyone somehow figures out which name belongs to me and decides to add me as a friend on fb, you're more than welcome to, but I'm extremely choosy about adding people. I won't add you if I have no idea who you are or how I know you. I'll just delete the request. So maybe a private message would be best letting me know: "Hey I'm so and so from bwint!" Otherwise, I'll just refuse you as a friend. And if you've already tried and I didn't add you feel free to try again, but this time include a message saying how I know you. Otherwise, I'll report you to facebook for bothering me. :-P

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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RPG Characters: Maximal Aphrodite
Location: In the Atlantic ocean

Unread post by xCubicZirconia »

What was your name? If you get a request from a mermaid person named Pamela, thats just meeee.
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