Discussion: Fleshing Out Beast Wars Season 2!

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Razor One
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Discussion: Fleshing Out Beast Wars Season 2!

Unread post by Razor One »

Title says it all! This is the thread for discussing the fleshing out of season two.

All episodes have to take place "Between" the original episodes of season two, so we cant have a story that takes place right after The agenda Part 1 for obvious continuity reasons.

Season two was for the most part a season relatively bereft of standalone episodes. Most episodes worked into greater story-arcs, such as the Vok and golden disks arc.

In fact, the only episodes that I'd count as pure standalones would be Tangled Web, Bad Spark and Transmutate.

The focus, I think, for season two should be on Standalone episodes. Nice, neat self contained adventures that dont dramatically alter the balance of power.

If however you have a killer idea for a two part episode or even a story arc that we can weave throughout season two that wont upset the episodes currently there, you're more then welcome to suggest it here.

I realise many of us are going to be at botcon so I'm not expecting a great deal of replies in the next few weeks but for the few of us remaining, heres to hoping that those who went to botcon will have to play catch up with all the material we'll amass :)
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Unread post by EverBlue »

Here are some ideas for a few standalone stories:

Hunter's Moon - While journeying across the globe, Tigatron and Airazor encounter the fearsome power of the Transmetals. Will the lady and the tiger survive the triple team of TM Tarantulas, Blackarachnia, and Quickstrike?(This will be, of course, set before Other Visits)

Pride and Prejudice - After being disposed of so easily by Megatron, Rhinox's self-esteem plummets as a result of feeling out-classed by the Transmetals. Will he regain his confidence in time to save his friends from certain doom.(Set sometime after Other Visits)

P.O.W. - As Cheetor's grief over the kidnapping of Tigatron and Airazor grows, Tarantulas decides to take advantage of the young Maximal's sorrow.

Dark Alliances - Rampage strikes a deal with Tarantulas to take his spark back from Megatron. But can the rogue Predacon scientist truly be trusted?

Conscientious Objectors - With so much casualties now being inflicted on during the Beast Wars, both Maximals and Predacons must re-evaluate their priorities and what they're willing to do to win(set after Code of Hero and Transmutate but before the Agenda Trilogy).
Razor One
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Unread post by Razor One »

EverBlue wrote:Hunter's Moon - While journeying across the globe, Tigatron and Airazor encounter the fearsome power of the Transmetals. Will the lady and the tiger survive the triple team of TM Tarantulas, Blackarachnia, and Quickstrike?(This will be, of course, set before Other Visits)
I had an idea similar to this one, but not involving the predacons in any way.

Tigatron and Airrazor are of course on their world cruise and manage to find a Stasis Pod in rough territory. Unfortunately the occupants spark extinguished in the intervening period and there was nothing either of them can do. The protoform itself is apparently not even worth salvaging.

The two take a brief respite in which Tigatron helps Airrazor see the Earth as he does. Though both Tigatron and Airrazor consider Earth their birth world, she doesnt see the world the same way as Tigatron sees it. It's a touching moment between the two... until the moment is rent in two by a shattering scream.

The two run to investigate and find the stasis pod door smashed open, and the protoform missing. They are then beset by a powerful metallic monster that seems utterly intent on their destruction. Despite the creatures malevolence, it also appears confused.

The last vestiges of it's maximal programming have struggled to keep the protoform alive against all odds, even without a spark. Unfortunately, this has driven what little sentience was left within utterly insane.

There is no malice behind it's actions, no thought in it's hatred of all but itself. Just blind action and insanity fueling it's tortured being. And it's up to Tigatron and Airrazor to scrap it... before it scraps them.


After a tense fight in which the thing is forced to retreat, Tigatron and Airazor find that it will abandon all rational strategy to attack them whilst in beast mode. In addition, despite being at least partially transmetal, the thing cannot seem to transform to any major degree (or at least wont).

Tending to their wounds, the two make their way to a residual energon deposit. They lure the thing into the area and keep it busy, right up until it overloads from energon buildup and explodes.

The two finally rest as the sun rises over an otherwise slumbering world. As the dawns first rays strike the twosome, Airazor finally sees the world the way Tigatron sees it, both it's beauty and it's mystery. The two hold hands as dawn breaks over the waking world...
Last edited by Razor One on Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Hacker »

Dark Alliances - Rampage strikes a deal with Tarantulas to take his spark back from Megatron. But can the rogue Predacon scientist truly be trusted?
I really like this idea. Not sure why....those dark, dangerous characters just seem to pull my attention.

I suppose the question is, what is the deal between tarantulas and rampage. Tarantulas gets the spark back to rampage and he in turn takes out megatron for the spider? But then the spider gets the wonderful idea of why couldn't he just keep the spark for himself and wield the power that is X?

Of course then something will go wrong, he can't handle the power and is it Megatron...to the...rescue?

*shrugs* I really need to find the second season on dvd and watch it again. Anybody have any comments or additions?
Lord Skyfire
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Unread post by Lord Skyfire »

In Beast Wars I wanted more back story or some more info on what and who the Vok are. Are they the final stage of evolution of an ancient race? If so... perhapes before their 'ascended' to their current form... maybe they lived on Earth millions of years ago. So..... we could have some of the maximals/preds stumbled onto some very ancient and possibly powerful Vok ruins.

Beneath the Surface
Tarantulas could be digging around, searching for a odd power anamoly he detected from his lab. He finally makes a break threw and finds a sealed hatch deep underground. He opens it, but is rudely interrupted by Dinobot and RT who are on a simple scout mission.
DB threatens Tarantulas to reveal what this is (the hatch). Tarantulas takes out a small scannig device and learns there seems to be a series of passageways beneath the surface. Also, the spider detects large power readings. He tells RT and DB that according to these readings, these energy readings match those of the aliens. RT suggest they get out of there and take the spider back to base for questioning. Tarantulas suggest they not leave this open for Megatron to exploit the power within. He says they should get in, get the power and technology (weapons, defensive, anything) and use it against Megatron. Tarantulas offers an alliance against Megs. DB and RT are skeptical, but eventually decide to check out the passageways and determine if there is anyhing useful buried under the surface.

I think this situation could provide some very funny moments as this awkward trio venture further under ground, led by Tarantulas. I see DB and Tarantulas going at it alot, with RT acting as somewhat the 'peace keeper' which would place him in a weird, but funny, spot.

I believe eventually they find an ancient database where Tarantulas downloads some of it... this is how he is able to exactly calculate where to place those force field emitters around the Metal Hunter in 'Other Visits'. Maybe we could make a reason or use for that weapon too since it didnt seem to have any useful purpose lol Also, this download of info could have also been why he knows how to drive an alien entity out of a transformer's body--because he has info about the Vok's race and evolution.
Obviously, this underground passage way or complex would have to be destroyed. We could do that in this story... or save this mysterious ancient underground complex for another story down the road and then have it be destroyed then (Tarantulas could accidently set off the self-destruct lol). Anyway... I like this idea... has exploration, humor, and adds a new depth to the aliens.

Sorry this is kinda long... came to me last night lol... Seeya
~Lord of the Skies~



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Unread post by Razor One »

The Affliction

Cheetor and Silverbolt return to the Axalon after a considerably long patrol to find the base locked down and a particularly edgy Rhinox ordering them to stay away from the base.

A transmetal disease has struck. It's workings and origins are unknown but one thing is certain: If a solution cannot be found to reverse the damage, anyone infected will die.

Cheetor and Silverbolt, as the only uninfected maximals immediately suspect the Predacons and set out to investigate.

Unfortunately they find that the predacons, even tarantulas, are infected as well, even Rampage with his superior durability and indestructible spark cannot seem to resist the affliction. In fact, the only predacon not infected is Quickstrike.

Upon seeing a barely functional blackarachnia, silverbolt rushes to her side unable to contain himself, exposing himself to the affliction. However, despite close physical contact, silverbolt remains uninfected.

It quickly turns out that fuzors, being a hybridisation of transmetal and cyber-organic technology, are immune to this disease.

By studying how the fuzors ward off the disease, a cure is found in short order and all are saved.

But how did this disease appear? There are virtually no naturally occurring transformer related diseases, and certainly nothing this vicious has been seen since the Cosmic Rust debacle during the Great War. Was it the Vok? Was it an experiment of Tarantulas gone wrong? Or is it something deeper, and scarier then that? Perhaps some questions are better left unanswered. Perhaps they might not want to know...
Lord Skyfire
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Unread post by Lord Skyfire »

Hey RazorOne! Maybe this transmetal disease was contracted by Tarantulas and Rattrap when they went within the ancient undergound catacombs that I described in my story; Beneath the Surface. They could have been exposed to some odd radiation that is absorbed into its host body, slowly distabilizing the transformer's molecular structure. This radiation can be transmitted from bot to bot as it 'eats' away at its host body.... just brain storming...In the fics we write... id like to keep a good sense of continuality wth the actual episodes and our own add-ins. Anyway... this is an opportunity to do so.... that is... if we do infact write Beneath the Surface as a fic we're doing in this series. Anyway.. just a thought!
~Lord of the Skies~



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Unread post by Razor One »

Tides of Darkness

Tarantulas has devised his cruellest weapon yet; a fear amplifier. Utilising the weapon in the heat of battle it malfunctions, exposing everyone, maximal and predacon, to it's deliterious effects. Soon each maximal and predacon begins to see their worst fears literally coming to life before them.

Dinobot sees himself dying a forgottable dishonourable death.
Megatron sees the predacons reduced to slaves.
Tarantulas begins to see rampage around every corner, waiting to rip him to pieces. And worse.
Cheetor begins to suffer from acute claustrophobia.
Rhinox cant seem to fix anything to his satisfaction and begins to question his own continued usefulness.
Inferno feels he has failed the royalty at every turn.
Wazzzpinator begins to think Megatron might never promote him to leader of the predacons.
Quickstrike sees monsters everywhere, with no ceasters to kick, and a real eye for kicking his.
Blackarachnia begins to feel powerless.
Silverbolt begins to see a dead blackarachnia wherever he walks.
Optimus sees his dead comrades wherever he turns, and a taunting gloating megatron, congratulating him on leading the maximals to their death.
Rattrap begins to see armies of predacons "after him".
Rampage sees himself as a slave to megatron for eternity, forever having to live in servitude to the evil tyrant.

The effects of the fear amplifier wear off in time, but things must get worse before they get better, and for both the maximals and the predacons, things will get very bad indeed. Both sides find that they must rely on their comrades to support one another as never before to pull through the affair, more or less in one piece.

For the maximals, the affair ends with the entire group perhaps a little closer. For the predacons, it ends in unexpected comaradery, and all involved feeling somewhat better that they all arent the invincible predacon soldiers they all strive to appear.

And For Tarantulas, the ending is more bitter. He gets through the affair but is still haunted by the tide of the fears that got the better of him, alone and without backup in his own secret lair. Though he survives, he's just a little bit edgier, a bit more crazy, and now he cant stop looking over his shoulder even in his own lair for fear of what might be behind him there... in the darkness.
Lord Skyfire
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Unread post by Lord Skyfire »

The Corridor

What happened to Protoform X on Omicron Colony? What are the events that took place to make him into this distorted tortured soul? Corruption and the lust for immortality among Cybertron’s finest are instrumental in the creation of this tortured creature known as Protoform X.

In an attempt to learn the secrets of how Rampage gained his immortal spark, Megatron and Tarantulas pry into his memory banks, unearthing the very disturbing memories of Rampage’s creation, experimentation, and the origins of his dark and disturbing pain.

Basically, Megs and Tarantulas attach a memory recall device to X and force memories to the surface, in an attempt to learn any secrets of how he was created with this immortal spark. Megatron wants this very powerful advantage for himself and chooses to ignore the emotional pain that will be inflicted on the crab in this dangerous process. Rampage is forced to relive his foundational memories that lead him to where he is today.

Eventually, nothing of use is learned by Megs and Tarry and the memory recall device is taken off the crab, but the damage is done and Rampage has had to live through a life of torture and agony for a second time.

This is called The Corridor because on Colony Omicron, he was held in a white, sterile cell. And every time he was subjected to pain, experimentation, and suffering, it would all begin with the Maximal scientists walking down a long white corridor, which led to his cell. The corridor offered nothing but pain.
~Lord of the Skies~



Lord Skyfire
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Unread post by Lord Skyfire »

Getting back to EverBlue's idea... I do believe we HAVE to do atleast one story on Tigatron and Airazor's world cruise, but I think this story should be very delicate and simple. It needs to be a journey of emotions between the two bots. They have a pleasant relationship and we shouldn't do anything, but slowly show the formation of their feelings, whether their feelings are exchanged verbally or not, we need to be delicate and intentional in w/e story we do about them.

I like RazorOne's idea, but in my opinion, and its only my opinion, but I believe that its a little to dark of a story to tell. It would distract from the pleasant, lovely relationship that is forming between them. I mean their last moments on earth was spent as a simple holding of the hands. This is simple and romantic in its simplicity. Thats what they need. BUT we dont want it to be a cliche romance. This needs to be different somehow in the way we portray the budding romance. I challenge this group to provide a simple, yet moving, Tigatron/Airazor fic that does their last hand hold in Other Visits justice! I know we can do it, thats why we're here!

Anyway, I'll stop rambling now lol...

Btw... I attempted to do something like this in my 'Last Days' standalone fic, but it really isnt any good, writing qualit wise... but the idea is there...
~Lord of the Skies~



Razor One
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Unread post by Razor One »

Lord Skyfire wrote:I like RazorOne's idea, but in my opinion, and its only my opinion, but I believe that its a little to dark of a story to tell. It would distract from the pleasant, lovely relationship that is forming between them. I mean their last moments on earth was spent as a simple holding of the hands. This is simple and romantic in its simplicity. Thats what they need. BUT we dont want it to be a cliche romance. This needs to be different somehow in the way we portray the budding romance. I challenge this group to provide a simple, yet moving, Tigatron/Airazor fic that does their last hand hold in Other Visits justice! I know we can do it, thats why we're here!
The relationship between Tigatron and Airazor was meant to be the brunt of the story, whilst the monster they fight would help drive the action, and the couple, forward and together.

Think of it as a catalyst for the Romance ala Shylock for Bassanio and Portia in the Merchant of Venice. After all, love blossoms best in the face of adversity :)


I'll add to the idea I proposed earlier to clarify an ending and a slightly lighter sequence of events.

With regards to the TM disease and the underground ruins described in your idea, it's a nice theory but it's something I'd like to maintain as a mystery. A loose end forever to be tickling at the edge of the readers imagination :)

And I do agree, a good Tigatron/Airazor episode is an absolute must.
Lord Skyfire
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Unread post by Lord Skyfire »

"With regards to the TM disease and the underground ruins described in your idea, it's a nice theory but it's something I'd like to maintain as a mystery. A loose end forever to be tickling at the edge of the readers imagination "- RazorOne

Ok thats cool.... was just looking for opportunities for building some continuality... but thats fine. Maybe another time with some other fics! lol
~Lord of the Skies~



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Unread post by Sinead »

Razor One wrote:Tides of Darkness

Tarantulas has devised his cruellest weapon yet; a fear amplifier.
I like that list.

My other notes are that I SUPREMELY like the idea of the Tigatron/Airazor romance, and the level of difficulty it's gonna present to write. You'd have to know the characters' very being in order to present it accurately.

And I think that it would be a nice break from all the other action that's being planned out in this project. Call me a romantic, and I'll answer with a loud YES!, but I feel that while romance in the Beast Wars ususally had a bit of fighting around it, you saw points (such as with their holding hands, and the small moments that BA and SB got together), where they didn't necessarily have to fight.

So . . . Razor, I have to agree with the other side of the small debate here. Tigatron and Airazor are peaceful in nature, even if they would be pushed into fighting to save their home and friends. I honestly wish to see a small "calm within the storm," if you will, surrounding those two characters.
Uncle Iroh: I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but *cries* it's just so sad!
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