“Marshal 9 reporting turbulence, over.”
“Marshal 4 to Marshal 9, I’m picking up the same thing.”
“Pull yourselves together. A little wind is nothing compared to what we’re flying into.”
“Copy that, Marshal Actual.”
“Marshal 21 to Marshal Actual, unidentified bogey five klicks at 160 degrees west.”
“Leave him to the Aerialbots, Marshal 21, he’s not our objective.”
“Wilco, Marshal Actual.”
Through the heavy beating of his rotary blades, Orcariner continued to listen in on the radio’s nonstop chatter. The sounds of his wingmen’s voices were actually comforting given the current situation. The airborne Maximal’s optics gazed over the burning orange skies of Cybertron which were polluted by dark clouds from the war. Flashes of light followed by booms of thunder threatened to unnerve the flyer, but the radio constantly reminded him that he was not flying into this alone. Thirty-six helicopters of varying designs pushed forward in a tight formation. Powering towards the clouds, the squadron was embarking on a resupply mission for the front lines of the Maximal army. Anchor Nine and Polyhex had already fallen to the Predacon uprising. The current battle that Orcariner and his team were flying into was several kilometers south of Simfur. Maximal infantries were literally laying down their lives to ensure that not another city would fall under enemy control. The problem, however, was that defending against the tireless hordes of Predacons had quickly diminished their provisions. It was a problem that the orca was assigned to alleviate.
“Marshal Actual to Marshal Team,” Orcariner radioed, “Prepare to enter the clouds and maintain formation. Just because they can’t see us doesn’t mean we’re safe. ‘Con radars upgrade for every stronghold they take, so be on the lookout for bogies.”
The team proceeded to enter the voluminous cloud. Orange lighting turned to black, and the Maximal leader no longer used his optics to see. Paying close attention to his radar, Orcariner noted the thirty-five blips flying close to his signature. Every one of their scanners was just as powerful as his, which enabled the Maximal to even consider planning this approach in the first place.
“Enjoying the weather?” Orcariner asked his gunners.
Two smaller Maximals rested on the lateral wings with light machine guns in their arms. Their presence was necessary for helping the flyers clear the landing zone from any potential attackers. Should the enemy succeed in destroying the larger helicopters, the cargo would never make it to the defenders of Simfur. An even worse scenario would be for the Predacons to take the ammunition and energon for themselves.
“Could be better,” came the reply from one of the gunners, “I can’t see a thing and the smog is clogging up my pipes.”
Orcariner nodded as he continued to push on. His thoughts began to drift as usual, and perhaps it was the overwhelming darkness that made it easier to remove the orca’s mind away from this war-torn Cybertron. How did it come to this? The Autobot transport had left Earth with such definitive closure that it seemed nothing could lead to the events that unfolded shortly after. Orcariner tried to piece everything together in his mind but it was difficult due to the sheer improbability of it all.
Megatron was always a strong-willed individual. The Maximals knew that and took much precaution even to the point of bolting the Predacon leader down to the outside hull of the ship. Even still, their greatest nemesis had mustered the courage and strength to break free in the middle of a transwarp jump. Optimus Primal, the acting commander at the time, quickly shut down the ship’s engines. It was a smart but futile action as seconds could mean years during transwarp travel. By the time the ship re-entered Cybertron airspace, the Predacon faction had been unified through the political manipulations of Megatron. From what Orcariner was briefed upon, Megatron had first struck the planet’s largest munitions factory in order to properly militarize his growing forces. Maximal politics were on shaky grounds, resulting in a daunting future for both lower-class transformers from both factions. Swarms of revolutionists joined the new, charismatic figure who boasted a body hybridized from the current generation of Predacons as well as the older, more infamous lineage of Decepticons. Stories resonated throughout the underworld of how this former street criminal had joined his spark with that of the greatest Decepticon to ever live, thus, cementing the name of Megatron with his image.
Like the other Maximals returning from Earth, Orcariner was shocked to learn of this. Megatron was intelligent, but within the span of a year he had succeeded in bringing together every Predacon and sympathetic Maximal. Within this small window of time, Megatron created a military force whose numbers would rival the infamous Decepticon army. City after city fell, and the Predacons grew stronger with every base that was taken. Cybertron had not experienced war in many centuries, and so the council was slow to react in the face the imminent danger. This was the reason why Optimus Primal’s crew was hastily given authority the minute they were debriefed. The Beast Wars had hardened this team of explorers. No other individuals had more experience fighting Megatron than these Maximals. Orcariner was never a leader but he had no say in the matter once the promotion was authorized. The war was here, and he was going to fight in it.
The second gunner was in the middle of saying something before an unseen force rocked the orca’s body, snapping him out of those memories.
“What was that?” the gunner yelled.
Another series of booms erupted all around the team.
“Anti-air guns,” Orcariner reported, “Their radar tower must have picked us up. Preds are going to spray the entire sky with artillery fire to try to bring us down.”
He continued to stay on course without letting the bombardment deter his objective. Orcariner knew evasion would be futile. The enemy had no visual on their team, so any attempt to veer away from the incoming fire may only increase the chance of flying straight into an anti-material shell.
“Marshal 7, stay in line,” he ordered.
“Sorry, sir, I’m taking a lot of heat.”
“You have armor for a reason. Now keep flying straight.”
A scream was heard as Orcariner felt a round shoot right past him. Looking to his left, the leader found himself with one less gunner. Another grunt was heard as one of his wingmen was pounded by several shots from below.
“Close that gap, Marshal 9. You’re drifting.”
“My fuselage undercarriage is ruptured! I’m not going to b-“
In flash of light, the wingman spiraled out of control with flames enveloping his body. The large package that was attached to his body was simultaneously released as well as its parachute. Orcariner looked in the forward direction once again trying not to dwell on what had just happened. The only thought that mattered was that his fellow Maximal did all he could to save those infantries even as he plummeted to his death. With any luck, that package would survive the fall so that the Maximals could recover it.
“Sir,” yelled the gunner, “Marshal 9 went down!”
“I saw,” replied Orcariner, grimly.
“Marshal 4 to Marshal Actual,” cracked the radio, “LZ is less than a klick ahead of us.”
“Acknowledged, Marshal 4, let’s descend.”
The anti-air guns were peppering the group with a higher concentration of fire now that they were emerging from the black clouds. The granted visibility of the task force gave the Predacons more than just a general idea of where they were headed.
“Have your gunners warm up,” Orcariner warned, “LZ is hot and danger close. I repeat: the LZ is hot and danger close. If they send Seekers, I want you to shoot them out of the sky!”
Every commanding officer in a war will have to be mentally prepared for death. Not just his own, but the death of the soldiers serving under him. Orcariner’s former captain taught him that during the Beast Wars. It was a memory he would never forget, and while it haunted the back of his mind, the Maximal would have never been prepared for this war without that experience. Another scream was heard as yet another flyer went down in blazes with his gunners having no way to escape.
Even the usually loud sounds of their rotary blades were muffled by the stream of artillery fire from the distant Predacon lines. Orcariner continued to descend towards the Maximal defense forces, even as he felt one or two shells graze the side of his hull. Movement was visible below by the foot soldiers who were well aware of the arrival of their provisions. Friendly mortar fire erupted from their lines in attempt deter the Predacon anti-air gunners. While the bombardment did abate, Orcariner picked up motion in his radar.
“We’ve got an interception squad,” he reported.
Opening a channel to the ground commander below, he relayed the message.
“Marshal Actual to Commander Actual, we’re picking up inbound tangos approaching the LZ in delta form. They’re flying low altitude to avoid your AAs.”
There was a pause.
“Acknowledged Marshal Actual,” came the reply, “Defense perimeter is being deployed. You have gunners?”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ve alerted them of danger close protocol.”
“Wilco, over and out.”
The LMG sprang to life as the remaining gunner unleashed 800 rounds per minute at the approaching enemy. The Predacons were not easily stopped, however, as they jetted through the barrage of fire. Several of the enemy vehicles were put down by the combined efforts of Marshal Team, but their evasive tactics were too effective for the gunners to compensate for. The return fire came from the enemy vehicles, but was directed at the ground troops instead. Orcariner knew that if the infantry was pushed back, there would be no way for them to safely receive the provisions.
“LZ is taking fire, Commander Actual,” yelled Orcariner over the loud machine gun, “Without a response team our packages are vulnerable! I’m not dropping supplies in the middle of a kill zone!”
Something caught his eye. A missile emerged from below with a familiar trail of white crystalline residue. The warhead arced and chased down a Predacon jet who had failed to out-maneuver the lock. The resulting explosion was not of fire, but rather a beautiful eruption of ice that instantly engulfed the plane. Several more frost missiles were fired from the ground, incapacitating their helpless victims and sending them tumbling to Cybertron’s terrain. Orcariner’s radio sprang to life.
“A little birdy told he could help you,” said the female voice belonging to Commander Actual, “I believe your LZ is now effectively chilled.”
Orcariner could not help but grin as he descended. Disregarding how silly the pun sounded, at least the ground commander still had a sense of humor amidst this terrible war.
“Copy that, Commander Actual. Deliverance is in process now.”
The landing was smooth and as the packages were being transported by ground units, Orcariner walked by each and every one of his remaining flyers to congratulate them on another successful mission. This would be the fifty-sixth run that they have made during the past month. The number of original flyers was a bit higher when they had all started out, but the high council refused to reinforce the team unless if they were too handicapped to complete a mission.
“Good flying up there!”
Orcariner turned and was greeted by another Beast Wars veteran, Icebreaker. He had known that the transforming penguin was among the Maximal infantry lines as soon as the first frost missile was launched. The orca had always considered Icebreaker to be his closest companion, and it was heart-warming to see that the latter would still look after him on Cybertron.
“Thanks for the save,” Orcariner said, “I had no idea they stationed you with the 127th brigade.”
Icebreaker shrugged with a grin.
“No problem,” he replied, “I’ve had quite the experience down here. At first I told them I was best at search and rescue, but then they found out I had medical experience so I became the go-to doctor around here. Then, after pushing back a Seeker strike, my CO found out I had a rocket launcher so they moved me to AA duty. They then found out I had a pretty tough shield to go with the big gun, so they transferred me to front lines.”
Orcariner was impressed.
“Wow,” the larger Maximal said, “I guess they’re putting their jack-of-all-trades to good use.”
“All in a month, too.”
Orcariner realized he was not the only one being transferred around this past month. At the beginning of his inclusion in the civil war, the orca was assigned to front line duty due to his bulk and protective capabilities. However, so many events had been set in motion lately that the high council started to restructure their military in hopes of protecting the remaining cities from Megatron. The Predacon leader was growing more aggressive on multiple fronts, and the inexperienced Maximal army struggled to keep up.
Orcariner asked, “Wait, but if you’re stationed at the front then what are you doing here at the drop zone? Isn’t this a few hundred meters away from your position?”
“Funny you asked,” said Icebreaker, “Even though I’m transferred everywhere, the commander still lets me step into whichever role I’m needed most at. With your drop coming in today, she let me move back to AA in case Predacon flyers give you guys trouble.”
Orcariner could tell that Icebreaker was busy around these parts. No soldier was expected to hold more than one job since it would rarely work out efficiently. Yet, the smaller Maximal was in a bright mood. That was a trait that Orcariner admired about his friend. Regardless of the hardships and workload, Icebreaker would always accept the responsibility with full enthusiasm.
“By the way,” the orca added, “Who’s in charge here? Her voice sounds familiar.”
Coincidentally, that same voice replied not far away from the conversing Maximals. It was intermingled with the sounds of heavy, confident footsteps.
“It better or else I’d be pretty offended.”
Orcariner turned and found himself facing another old friend from the Axalon.
“Whitegrazer,” he said with a big smile, “Fancy meeting you here.”
The Maximal outpost was simple in design but still sturdy enough to provide protection for officers against falling debris and stray munitions fire. Orcariner admired the base’s large interior as he followed Icebreaker and Whitegrazer through the door. Officers and soldiers of varying sizes, a few even larger than the orca, were busy at work and paid no attention to the newcomer. Those who did turn their heads only did so to salute their ground commander as she passed by. Orcariner recognized the central console placed in the middle of the room. Whitegrazer descended the steps towards it and beckoned the other two to follow her.
“We’ve been caught in a stalemate for a while now,” she began, pointing at the map that the other officers were observing.
Orcariner could see a noticeable gap between Maximal and Predacon lines. It was a dead zone that seemed to span nearly a full kilometer.
“AA turrets shoot down anything we fly past our own lines. We can’t even send anything close enough to the midline with getting ripped apart by their mortars and artillery cannons.”
She looked at Orcariner.
“Megatron picked his generals well. I don’t know where he found them, but they certainly know what they’re doing.”
Icebreaker chipped in, “On the other hand, they haven’t made it very far against us either. ‘Grazer here’s been doing a pretty good job keeping them out of our territory.”
Looking at the commander, Orcariner nodded in acknowledgement of her leadership capabilities.
“Thanks,” she replied to the penguin, “but frankly I’m getting tired of sitting around and playing a reactive role in this war. That’s exactly how Megatron managed to get this far, because no one amongst our ranks is willing to go on the offensive.”
Orcariner pointed at the holo-map.
“Why don’t you send a night crew at sector bravo twelve?” he asked, “Their line looks a bit weak there.”
“I’m aware of that, but my hands are tied. Every counterstrike operation ends up sacrificing a lot of lives. Once we grab hold, our lines are stretched thin and it takes time to send in provisions and reinforcements. That leads to the Preds kicking us out and patching up the hole. They’re own forces are limited, so a new weak point is created due to the rearrangement of their forces and the whole cycle starts all over again. In the end, it’s just a waste of money and resources. High council won’t give the go ahead unless if they’re confident success is ensured. Politics is a huge slagfest right now and I wish I could speak my mind in front of those tin heads. War requires risk, every Academy graduate knows that. I didn’t accept this job just so sit still.”
She had a point. Icebreaker looked up at Orcariner and gave him a slight “what can we do?” shrug. It was evident that he too had accepted the way things have been running around here.
“What’s worse,” Whitegrazer added with a heavy sigh, pointing at the enemy-held sectors, “Is that Megatron is working on something behind those lines. Predacons hold a minor part of the outer city that used to be manufacturing plants that would develop and transport supplies straight into Simfur. While we’re sitting here waiting for them to make a move, they’re busy using those factories to develop weapons. It’s happening within every occupied city, as well. That’s how Megatron is supplying his armies with enough tech to go toe to toe with us.”
Orcariner now had a better understanding of the turmoil that plagued Cybertron. Megatron grew stronger by the second while the Maximals were unable to even hinder him due to the economical and political chains that bound them. The giant Maximal had once placed his full faith in the higher command. The war was beginning to change that.
“Listen,” he said, “We got a team of armored transports over thirty strong. High council’s been using us for nothing but transporting goods lately, but we’re built to travel fast while withstanding heavy arms fire. Why not use us to break through Predacon lines and… you know… take the offensive for a change.”
Whitegrazer was about to deny him, but Orcariner interrupted her.
“Look, we just finished a mission so our hands are free for the time being. We’re already here so the council won’t be spending any money or supplies transferring us. You guys have a brand new stock of energon and ammunition. I’m serious here, maybe we can work something out.”
The commander stared back at the larger Maximal for a while. He could tell that she was contemplating over the matter because the offer was incredibly tempting for someone of her caliber. Turning to her aide, she spoke up.
“Did you get all that while you were eavesdropping, kid?”
The private turned and stuttered.
“Um, are you talking to me, ma’am?”
Whitegrazer stared him down with a stern expression.
“Don’t play dumb with me, just answer yes or no.”
“Good, send a request to high command for an offensive strike.”
She turned to Orcariner.
“In the meantime, get your flyers rested and fueled while I draft something up.”
The orca smiled, “Yes, ma’am.”
He turned to leave, but before he even reached the steps, Orcariner glanced back at her and asked.
“By the way, I lost a gunner.”
“Take him.”
The astoundingly quick response made both marine Maximals grin, fist bumping as they left the base. Orcariner could not recall the last time that he and Icebreaker had partnered up for a mission. It would be nice to fly with someone he genuinely trusted.
Nightfall consumed the region as the Maximal army prepared to move out. Orcariner knew their enemy would still be aware of their attack, but at least the flyers had a better chance of evading anti-air fire. Whitegrazer had told his team that she would do her best to distract the Predacon artillery forces, but there were no promises in war. Orcariner lost two friends to anti-air fire while they were completely obscured in smog. The squadron’s chances of survival were even less despite the lack of sunlight due to the small lights from their bodies.
Transforming into his vehicular mode, Orcariner felt his gravity lifts hum to life as his body slightly hovered over the ground. He bobbled a little bit as Icebreaker and the other gunner attached their seats to his pectoral fins.
“All set,” said Icebreaker.
Orcariner’s rotary blades picked up in speed as they proceeded to propel the trio up into the air. The other flyers followed suite and the sounds of Maximals yelling orders were soon deafened by the propellers and repulsor lifts. Reaching a low, but suitable altitude off the ground, Orcariner opened his tail to reveal his primary engine which roared to life, sending him in the direction of the Predacon lines.
He radioed, “Commander Actual, this is Marshal Actual. We’re on route to bravo twelve.”
“Good,” replied Whitegrazer, “Remember what I told you. Our mortar team will do its best but you still have to maintain a low altitude if you want to get there with enough bots to make this work.”
Thunderous booms were heard behind the flying Maximal as streams of brilliantly lit mortars arced into the sky. The Predacons would surely take heed of those more so than the more obscured squadron of flyers.
“Keep me updated as soon as you land,” she continued, “No need to play hero, Marshal Actual. Once you grab hold, keep that sector secured until I can send more reinforcements. Nothing fancy, ok?”
Orcariner replied, “Wilco.”
A series of crackles and pops were heard ahead of them as they left Maximal territory. The mortars were now beginning to land behind Predacon lines. Orcariner hoped that some of the anti-air turrets were taken out, as well. He continued to push ahead at full speed. The entire team maintained radio silence while out in the dead zone out of fear that the Predacons’ communications team would pick up their signal in the midst of the bombardment. Orcariner recalled one particular Predacon on Earth who was exceptional with radio detection and interference. It was a scary thought that more transformers like him were among Megatron’s forces.
“Incoming!” yelled one of the flyers.
Orcariner’s optics darted to his right where several shots from an anti-air gun were fired in their direction. Stealth was out of the question now. Trying to move more than thirty flyers at their sizes was impossible to disguise once they had crossed the midline of the battlefield. With radio silence having been broken, Orcariner began to shout commands to his teammates.
“Spread out!” he said, “They have us in their sights, so if we bunch together they can take us out in groups.”
“No signs of aerial interceptors, Marshal Actual,” reported Marshal 4, who had the most powerful radar of them all.
“Copy that,” Orcariner replied, “We should reach the LZ before they can send a response team to our arrival.”
Sector bravo twelve was quickly within reach and Orcariner was surprised that none of his flyers were destroyed by the incoming fire. Obviously, he did not wish for any of them to die, but the statistics brought about a more pessimistic expectation. Trying not to waste any time, Orcariner ordered his gunners.
“We’re about to breach their lines,” he said, “Weapons free for any target in sight, but priority goes to larger soldier types. Got it?”
Both gunners replied in confirmation as they readied their weapons. Marshal Team continued to fly over the makeshift wall that the Predacons had built to defend themselves from artillery fire. Yelling was heard below as infantry scrambled to defend the line from the Maximal attackers. Vibrations ran throughout Orcariner’s body as both Icebreaker and the other gunner opened fire at the Predacons below. Scattering about, the flyer found space for him to land.
“I’m going to need you guys to unhinge your seats so that I can transform,” he told them.
Without hesitation, Icebreaker immediately disengaged his chair and dropped down below as Orcariner proceeded to descend. The second gunner seemed alarmed at the rash decision.
“What’s he doing?!”
“Don’t worry,” Orcariner told him, “Icebreaker does things like that all the time. He’ll be alright, just focus on shooting for now.”
The sounds of frost missiles being launched confirmed what the orca had said. As he approached the ground, Orcariner’s gunner jumped off and detached the seat. Being liberated from obstruction, the larger Maximal transformed into his robot mode. Several projectiles bounced off his plates as he rose to his full height. Ignoring the enemy fire, Orcariner quickly scanned his surroundings, allowing his tactical headset to feed him with information. Every friendly soldier became outlined in green while the Predacons were outlined in red. Orcariner adjusted the setting so that Icebreaker was outlined with blue instead, due to him being what the orca liked to call a “battle buddy”. Compressing the information with his radar scans, Orcariner sent out the data to all of the Maximals within range.
“Watch the alarms,” he said.
Icebreaker threw a grenade over a nearby wall, using the streamed data from Orcariner as way to take out his unseen targets. The explosion was followed by a few screams from the Predacons attempting to activate the sirens.
“Triggers are gone,” replied the smaller Maximal, “That should give us more time.”
More flyers began to land, dropping off their cargo and gunners. With the Beacon 2.0 program uploaded into their interfaces by the team leader, the foot soldiers quickly ran out to hunt down the Predacons in hiding.
“Don’t go too far,” Orcariner reminded them over the radio, “Our priority is to secure this area for friendly arrivals. We don’t have the numbers to begin a full-fledged assault yet.”
Turning to the transforming Marshal team, he watched as they began to open the equipment boxes.
“It only takes eight of you to set up the turrets; one per gun. The rest of you should go provide support for our infantry in case they need back-up. If anything raises a red flag, I want you to radio back to me ASAP.”
The team broke off and Orcariner turned to find his battle buddy. The glowing blue figure seen through his HUD stood on top of a wall about a hundred meters away from the landing zone. It appeared that Icebreaker had performed well as no enemy was within sight of him.
“My team’s setting up the ground equipment,” the orca said as he approached his companion, “We’ll have to buy them time until they can lock this place down.”
Both Maximals noticed movement on their radar. The Predacon response team was now arriving.
Icebreaker said, “Looks like they’re trying to take the west approach. We’re lucky we have these buildings and walls to funnel them.”
Orcariner motioned the penguin soldier to follow him as they walked down the path that lead to the area Icebreaker was talking about. The constructs around them were smaller than the traditional skyscrapers found in large cities such as Simfur. The region that the Predacons held were a bit less urban, only used as an alternate means of living for transformers who worked in the outskirts factories. Being outside of the city, this development did not have the means to properly defend itself from the Predacon invasion. Regions similar to this were always the first to fall to the enemy. Orcariner understood what Whitegrazer meant when she said that the high council was hesitant to go on the offensive. Major cities had more priority. Stretching the supply line out this far was dangerous, especially since it was difficult to defend and it drew soldiers away from the primary defense lines. Regardless, Orcariner would do his best to reclaim this sector. How they would maintain control was a question that would be addressed at a later time.
“We’ll hold them off here,” he said, “As soon as the guns are prepped and ready, we’ll have our guys place them at all the approach points around sector bravo twelve. Eight guns should be enough to fortify our defenses until back-up arrives.”
Activating his radio, Orcariner reached out to Whitegrazer.
“Commander Actual, come in.”
It only took two seconds for a reply.
“Commander Actual here. What’s your sitrep?”
“Marshal arrived with zero casualties. We didn’t even get a scratch. Tangos put up a resistance but we’re in good shape. The luggage is being prepped so if you leave now, bravo twelve is as good as ours.”
“Copy that, Marshal Actual. Remember what I said…”
“Yeah, yeah,” replied Orcariner, “We’ll stay put.”
The sounds of tires screeching were heard in the distance. The Predacons were getting closer. Icebreaker stood directly in front of Orcariner, lowering his visor so that it covered his optics. A faint whine was heard as it was powering up. It did not take long before several vehicles were seen drifting around the corner, accelerating down the long street towards the duo. It did not even take long before they came to a halt, afraid to come much closer due to Orcariner’s daunting height over them. The first wave began to transform, drawing their rifles out to gun down the larger mech. As soon as the first trigger was pulled, Orcariner threw both his hand up in an open position.
Flashes of light littered the dark street. The large Maximal’s bubble shield sprang to life just in time to deflect the incoming fire. More and more Predacons poured into view as they contributed to the attack. Despite the numbers on his radar, Orcariner had to remind himself that this was but a small fragment of the army invading Simfur. Meanwhile, Icebreaker was quick to work as soon as the deflector shield was generated.
“I got locks on the front twelve,” he said, turning the dial on his gun.
Orcariner curiously looked down, which was the most he could do during his state of immobilization.
“What’s that? I don’t think I’ve seen you use it on Earth.”
Icebreaker replied with a grin, “Cluster missile. Part of the perks of being in the military now. I can adjust the warhead’s deployment setting with my gun. It has a variable split and can separate into up to twelve missiles. The more separation it undergoes, the weaker each of them get.”
“Three seconds.”
“But luckily.”
“It’s a crazy powerful…”
“… missile to begin with.”
The shield collapsed from exhaustion, running up its twenty second time limit. Not wasting any time, Icebreaker launched the warhead towards the enemy forces. The projectile quickly burst into a swarm of smaller missiles. More light and sparks illuminated the street, but this time it was on the opposing end. Despite only selecting twelve targets, Icebreaker’s cluster missile was still able to push back the entire front of the Predacon attack force effectively halting their fire. Grabbing the smaller Maximal, Orcariner ignited his body’s engines and jetted forward towards the enemy. Stunned by Icebreaker’s surprise attack, the Predacons were unprepared to go on the defensive as soon as the duo reached them.
Dropping Icebreaker off, Orcariner extended his right arm forward and unsheathed the energo-sword from his arm. The blue blade immediately speared the two Predacons in his path. Twisting around, the giant tore his sword from their bodies and knocked away several more opponents, creating a luminescent arc with each swing. Even though the scene of battle was aesthetically beautiful, Orcariner hated it. He had never killed anyone in the Beast Wars, or at least any Cybertronian. Even before his time on Earth, the Maximal had no experience with extinguishing another transformer’s spark. This war changed that. In fact, his first kill was not difficult at all. Orcariner himself was surprised at how quick it had happened, but then again there was no such thing as a slow death when facing against an energo-sword that size.
He always reflected upon this after every battle, but never in the heat of it. Orcariner was a soldier. Living with a crew of explorers and scientists could not change that. This war that Megatron waged was just another reminder. He often wondered if taking another life had darkened his spark. Granted, it was war but even so it failed to deter his ponderings on the morality of killing. The orca could not afford to dwell on the rights and wrongs of his actions in the middle of a fight. Even as he brought his sword down upon the opposing Predacons on that street, Orcariner did not ask himself why he hated it all. He only knew that he did, but the questions and reflections would have to wait because he was, first and foremost, a soldier.
“Look at them run!” yelled Icebreaker, victoriously waving his gun.
The Predacons were transforming back into their alternate modes in order to quickly escape Icebreaker’s launcher and Orcariner’s sword.
“We still have some coming our way,” said Orcariner, “Those are probably the bigger ones.”
“Right up your alley. This should be easy for you.”
The orca looked down at his battle buddy, “It wouldn’t hurt to have some help.”
“I know. I’m just messing with ya.”
Rumbling was audible and Orcariner recognized the sound of treads. Three light tanks turned the corner where the smaller Predacons were fleeing, but the trio continued to approach the Maximals without any fear. Orcariner was tempted to call for back-up, but judging by his radar, the others had a lot on their own hands. The only comforting thought was that both he and Icebreaker were more experienced than these Predacons. With his energy levels returning to normal from the usage of the bubble shield, Orcariner activated the energy shield on his left arm. It was easy to sweep aside the smaller foes, but taking on not one, but three Predacons his size was a whole different task.
The flanking tanks opened fire, allowing the point tank to transform and start running towards the duo. Orcariner raised his shield and deflected the shots he could not avoid. Icebreaker broke off to the left with his own Break Shield held up. The enemy leader drew a sword of his own and was about to initiate the first strike before he awkwardly stopped and struggled to maintain balance. Looking down, Orcariner saw that the Predacon’s legs were frozen to the ground. Grinning at Icebreaker’s assist, he quickly sprinted towards his handicapped foe and bashed him with the flat side of his energy shield. Bending backwards, the Predacon’s exposed torso was quickly impaled by the Maximal’s energo-sword. Orcariner swung outward, cutting through the enemy’s midsection which only held together by several bands of metal and wires. As the body fell to the ground, the orca turned to his partner and nodded in thanks.
Icebreaker smiled and was about to say something before a boom was heard ahead. The other two tanks were firing once more now that their leader was down. Raising his Break Shield, Icebreaker protected himself from a direct hit by a shell. Being relatively smaller, however, the Maximal’s body was sent flying from the impact. Orcariner called out as Icebreaker flew past him, but the orca did not give chase. Instead, he continued to focus on the tanks ahead of him. Both remaining Predacons had realized the danger Orcariner posed in close quarters combat, and so they instead decided it was best to remain in vehicle form and bombard the Maximal from a safe distance. The change in coloration of his energy shield indicated that it was going to soon dissipate from exhaustion. Pushing forward, Orcariner analyzed both enemies. The tactical headset brought up transparent schematics indicating weak points in their treads.
The shield finally collapsed from absorbing too much kinetic energy, but Orcariner no longer needed it. Igniting his boosters, the soldier jumped into the air and transformed into his helicopter mode. The rotary blades were slow to start, but the tail engine provided the kick that he desperately needed to close the distance between him and the Predacons. The tanks’ other weakness was exploited as they found themselves unable to raise their cannons at a high enough angle to reach the flying killer whale. Transforming once more, Orcariner dropped with a loud rumble in between both of the Predacons. Grabbing the one to his left, the orca punched his energo sword straight through the treads and into the main body. He could hear the second tank transforming behind him now. Turning to greet his final opponent, Orcariner was too slow to prepare himself for a direct hit to the face. Stumbling backwards, the Maximal brought his sword up to block the second punch, but the sheer power of the blow forced him to take a few more steps back. The Predacon drew both of his guns, but before either trigger could be pulled, a swarm of missiles arced around Orcariner’s body and struck the enemy. Not questioning what had just happened, the giant Maximal charged forward and ran his blade into his screaming foe’s neck effectively silencing him.
“Did you get hit?” asked Icebreaker far back.
Turning, Orcariner saw that the smaller Maximal was holding the smoking missile launcher in his hands. He shook his head.
“I’m good. That was a neat trick you pulled, though.”
Icebreaker replied, “Thanks, I didn’t know if it would work with you in the way and everything. I’m glad I got the lock before he decked you. That’s how I got it to work in the first place.”
Orcariner’s radio cracked to life.
“Marshal Actual, this is Marshal 17. Weapon placements are prepped and installed.”
Orcariner exhaled and smiled. Their hard work paid off. The two of them returned to the main area which was now much safer than before due to the heavy gun turrets placed at critical points across the sector. Their lines were fortified with both standard infantry as well as the more massive Marshal team members. Orcariner had reported the success of taking sector bravo twelve from Predacon control.
“Reinforcements should be arriving shortly,” said Whitegrazer, now a hologram on the console a makeshift command post.
“I see them on my radar. For someone who seemed hesitant of expending a lot of resources, you’ve sent quite a lot of Maximals to help us.”
Whitegrazer chuckled.
“Like I said before, I’m tired of sitting around. They’re just infantry to help you maintain control. We’re sending whatever flyers we have left to provide energon and munitions for your company before you set out on the offensive. I’m just waiting for those AA guns to stop shooting.”
Orcariner looked off into the distance where the guns were firing from before.
“I don’t think you’ll have to wait very long.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Orcariner smiled.
“I may have taken the liberty of having a penguin lead a strike team to disable them.”
She put her hands on her hips, “What did I say about staying put?”
“I am staying put. It’s him who’s going out and about sabotaging enemy artillery.”
Whitegrazer replied, “You know what I meant.”
She paused, but eventually gave way to a small grin.
“But at least we’ll have air superiority for a while. I’m not going to deny that you guys know how to get things done.”
Orcariner reported, “We found some factories not far from our held sector. I’m thinking those could be our first targets. Cut the supplies and drain the Predacon army into submission. Want to join? It’ll be like the good old days back on Earth.”
Whitegrazer shook her head, “I’m fine where I am with the main body of Simfur’s army. Someone has to stay here make sure everything plays out smoothly. High command gets pretty influential when it’s angry.”
“Understandable,” he replied, “Just know that the invitation is always open. Who knows, it might be more fun than staying in the same room all day long.”
The equine Maximal laughed out loud.
“What? You don’t think you’d like being a general?” she asked, “I think you could take a break from front line combat with how much time you spend in a CR chamber.”
Orcariner looked back towards the Predacon lines. The anti-air guns have stopped firing. More sounds of vehicles approaching from the east indicated that Maximal reinforcements had arrived. He looked back at the hologram and shrugged.
“Nah,” he said, “I’m a soldier.”
Thanks for reading. All original characters were used with permission from their respective owners.
Orcariner belongs to Alak
Icebreaker belongs to NaitoKage
Whitegrazer belongs to Una
Civil War Ch. 1
Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One
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I liked how concise and logical your descriptions of battlefield strategy were.
It kinda took me by surprise to see Orcariner and Whitegrazer barking their orders and Whitegrazer acting generally stern, but it made sense given the leadership positions they had to take up. And the camaraderie between the three characters from our role play was well written.
It kinda took me by surprise to see Orcariner and Whitegrazer barking their orders and Whitegrazer acting generally stern, but it made sense given the leadership positions they had to take up. And the camaraderie between the three characters from our role play was well written.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
[img][/img] [img][/img]
[img][/img] [img][/img]
- starshadow
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Thanks! I tried my best to portray the OCs as if they were burdened by war. It's kind of like the transition from Season 1 to Season 3 where the jokes severely dropped and everything gradually became more serious. I was a bit worried that Whitegrazer would be too rigid, but based on Una's feedback I guess I transitioned well. From what she tells me, we might be seeing a more serious Whitegrazer in Season 2.Blazemane wrote:I liked how concise and logical your descriptions of battlefield strategy were.
It kinda took me by surprise to see Orcariner and Whitegrazer barking their orders and Whitegrazer acting generally stern, but it made sense given the leadership positions they had to take up. And the camaraderie between the three characters from our role play was well written.
No worries, I've already started writing chapter two.starshadow wrote:I WANTZ MOAR! OR YOU DON'T GET CHEEZEBURGUR! XD
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
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Yay! Can't wait to read Chapter two
I only said that with the position you had her in the story, Whitegrazer would have acted like that since she was in a command position. That's all I said.
It's okay though. I think I should have used better words in my post. XD
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
I think you misinterpreted my message.From what she tells me, we might be seeing a more serious Whitegrazer in Season 2.
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
It's okay though. I think I should have used better words in my post. XD
Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: Her Master's theme:
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Whoop! My bad, I'll retract that statement.
Whitegrazer will not be going super serious in Season 2.
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Whitegrazer will not be going super serious in Season 2.
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
- NaitoKage
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Very nice, and I see you took advantage of Icebreaker's rediculous advantages with his gun. He really is kinda a multi role jack of all trades in the BW rp, and if he started using 12 shot lockons with cluster missiles he'd probably reach One man army status like Big Convoy..
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Thanks! This fanfic series is also a way for me to experiment with TM Orcariner before we hit Season 2. The Icebreaker combo seems to work well so far since the little penguin can do almost anything with prep time.