The Art Thread

Post any artwork here, whether it be BW related or not.

Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One

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The Art Thread

Unread post by Alak »

This is basically just a way to share pieces of art that we find on the internet. Art inspires more art, and since there's a lot of artists in this community, it's always nice to spread inspirational artwork. :D

- Don't post anything you have made.
- Provide a link to artist's webpage or simply credit the artist if possible.
- Only PG-13 images allowed.
- Try and limit the number of images per post to prevent spam.
- If the image stretches the board, then just post a hyperlink to the picture.

I'll start with something from my favorite's folder on DA.


by Leon Jo
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Unread post by Alak »


Meet Artgem, an artist from Singapore who does a lot of cover artwork for DC Comics. He also did other trademark commissions which are mindblowing. I can only hope to aspire to draw and color as well as him someday.
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Unread post by WorpeX »

I am a huge Mass Effect fan, if you can't tell by the characters (besides airazor) on my signature! With that said, one of the members on the Mass Effect RP I frequent commissioned some art from some very talented people! One was for her character, Executor Greywalker (first) and the other another members character - Bal'Falan Hasati (second). Both are from the Asari species, but equally fantastic drawings!


Bigger Version
Artist - Stevegoad


Artist - Metal-Dragon-Kiryu
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Unread post by Alak »

Wow that Steve Goad guy's really good! ME3 is already in the middle of development, but if BioWare makes a spin-off they should look to this guy as a concept artist.
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Unread post by Alak »

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